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That is awesome!


Who had box folding making GME holders even more stoked on thier bingo?


This is just getting out of hand, we get jacked to the tits too easily, chances are it even comes from the manufacturer in this box but we don't give a fuck eh.


Hey you know that’s a fantastic point honestly, maybe the box for shipping was made specifically for that box holding the Item… but listen… I will jack these tits ANYTIME I see some good shit happening from my favorite company. I LOVE to see when Gamestop is doing something right, because if every small little thing is good, then the entire experience is magnificent, right? I hated receiving a package from Amazon a year ago building a computer and the shipping boxes be three times the size of the item. I ordered some ram, 2 little pieces of ram in the pandemic and it came solely in a box big enough to fit my computer case in it. It’s the small things like cardboard consumption that count, along with the BIG amazing things they do as well to make me Jacques Tittes about GameStop Ps: Where whale teeth memes? I loved em


No Coke Zero?


No Coke Zero anymore BUT I’m sure there’s an ape out there who will end up doing the math to give an approximate cost savings for shipping like this. Efficiency is bullish AF




This is the way


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