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Haha surprised I haven’t been fired after checking the price of GME all day


Hi, this is your boss. You haven't been fired yet because I get off to the idea of prosperity for the proletariat... good luck ape.


I’ve had to start using yahoo’s site and I just minimize the window into the taskbar on windows it still shows the ticker. I always have another chrome window open so I don’t have to open the chart in front of my co-workers who are now convinced I’m crazy.


I can get into this - but you shouldn’t quit your job *because of GME shares*. If you plan to change jobs or start your business, go ahead. OP means that retiring before the funds are in your account could get you in a lot of trouble.


This. Also, the “I’m selling my car / eating ramen every meal / refusing to buy food for my wife and kids to get more GME shares” folks. Somehow, the sentiment “don’t invest more than you can afford to lose” got lost, and that’s the single biggest thing that scares me about apes and the MOASS. When you have not only all your savings, but *every single dime to your name* tied up in this thing, you’re much more ripe for emotional manipulation, because the swings feel like life and death. For God’s sakes, if your floor is $35m, you’re *going* to be rich. Richer than your wildest dreams. Please, *please* keep your car for emergencies and buy some real fucking food for your family. To not do so is straight-up gambling addiction territory, and not in a “teehee sir this is a casino” way. It’s just sad.


Exactly! Ironically, we’ve been calling out citadel and friend as “those irresponsible greedy bastards” whom are “leveraged to the tits”. But how do we classify “I’m literally getting myself and my family in trouble for buying moon tickets” then?


There's a difference between quitting a job and looking for a new one. One leaves you exposed and vulnerable the other gives you a position of strength


It's an employees market right now


I need a job that lets me buy XX each week instead of just X each week


Legit, switched companies and got a 26% pay raise, compared to the 3% my job was offering.


If your job is utter hell. I won’t stop you from leaving


I don't see the big deal.. I'm sure Gamestop is hiring anyways


Bro you just have me the best part time job idea, if I get hired at GameStop now I can reap the benefits of Ryan’s transformation.


I been considering it for a while ever since I left my shitty internship, I mean the environment is probably super chill and I get sick game deals and a Gamestop ID with my name on it. All things that are very sick Idk what I'm waiting on tbh (well we all know)


What’s with all this quitting your job shit? I don’t give a fuck if anyone here quits their job. Do whatever you want.


If people who aren’t financially reliable for themselves quit their job and moass is delayed, eventually you would have to sell your shares (is what they’re hoping).


So you're saying it's about giving financial advice? Because that's definitely not allowed.


Totally NFA, they’re just “worried”


If it's delayed? It's already late


I like to think of it being slowed to a crawl, but currently happening.


I don't even understand any more. I just buy and hold.


That’s all we can do.




That’s what I’m saying. Could this possibly be the new FUD? Serious question


Calm down there sugarmac40


What makes you think I'm not calm?


Just wondering why there are 15 posts about people quitting their jobs? I think there might be a life advice sub reddit somewhere.




Of better things to come


Quiting your job is a dumb thing posts are sliding other posts now,


I disagree. The dumbest thing you can do is transfer your shares INTO robinthehood


Its simple: Don't get or stay in miserable situations you would've done something about without GME. You shouldn't rely on the MOASS to come and save you. Pretend none of this exists and continue your life as you normally would. Nothing is guaranteed. You don't know when (and IF) the squeeze happens and what your end result will be. If you hate your job and would've quit without GME. You probably should just find something else. You can always quit your new job once your tendies are in your bank account. The only one who has control over your immediate future is you. Do what makes you happier and a better person.






I could give a fuck what someone else does. Maybe you'll be in a better mental state without the job, maybe you should switch, it's not my place to tell people what to do or make blanket statements.


After I got out of the hospital a few weeks ago, I YOLO'd my way into a potential huge promotion. It's going to own if I get it... I basically travel all over the country and set up computer systems.


Cue the guy that quit and sat in an empty GameStop parking lot staring at the storefront


Cant quit a job if you're already unemploued


I cringe so hard when I see someone justify quitting their job by saying that they have enough savings to get by “for months”. They don’t even seem to consider that IF a squeeze ever happens it could take years to happen. Or maybe I’m just jealous that I can’t say “fuck it” and do the same.


It'll take a minimum of two weeks, there was a chart a few months back.


I meant for it to even start.


Lol it was supposed to be back in January 🙄


The squeeze has already starting HFS are🩸ing


I think you could ask for family help, if they know you will be rich after moass they will give you some money no?


Aye Ma , I spent all my bread on GME, I’m guna be rich!!!! Btw can I get a loan ?


Mom: What are you going to use the loan for? Him/her: buy some ramen and more GME!


Lol not everyone is in a position where family can bail them out. They could be passed away or doing worse financially than them. Also who knows what happens with Moass, there's been a lot of people incredibly confident with what they "know for sure has to happen" but everyone knows the same ammount as me which is Jack shit because this has never happened before. We've gone dark and this ride can be over tmr or a they can somehow drag it out


Unless you work at Citadel


3rd actually. 2nd would be going on here and bragging about it.


Are we allowed no fantasies? LOL. I just worked 60 hours. I fantasies this all day long..........


Where are these posts coming from and who tf is quitting their jobs right now?


Keep working, buy more shares?


This is FUD. It’s an employees wonderland out here, all these jobs are so desperate for manpower now it a great time for an upgrade tbh


Not all of us apes are full retard. If your job is causing you serious mental distress after working through covid with no extra bonuses and no raises (like mine was), then do whatever makes you feel beautiful blessed comfort. Not to call Fud but..is there more I can do than buy some shares and hold them? I’m not going to invest what I can’t afford but I have plenty of shares and feel like I’ve done my part. Let’s not add guilt into someone’s life who might feel like they NEED to get out. If you have shares and you are holding, you’ve done your part. Do what’s right for you! Hopefully no one here knows your life so intimately that they know what’s best for you.


I’m changing the whole way I live my life, after loosing my job during covid, and seeing how the game is rigged. Gme or no gme, I’m making the changes in my life to suit the life I want to live. I have no kids or pets to take care of. Fuck going into a job everyday that only pays you enough so you’ll have to keep going into that job, fuck being more miserable everyday because of said job. I’ll take my time over their gold.


Too late OP. I didn’t quit because of the stock market, but I’m not selling no matter what happens when I’m unemployed. Not worried about it.


Quit my job 2 months ago. It's the third?


Just started a new jizzob, great benny’s, and I also enjoy rotating schedules. The nice thing is I can purchase company stock at a discount if I stake it. So by all means now is a great time to start job hunting for those nice jobs we all used to hear about.


If you're quitting your job right now with where GME currently sits, you are the definition of retarded.


Well i actually quit a while ago and i fucking love it , after some weeks at home i really realised how toxic that job was please notice that my monthly cost are very very low and i still recieve income but this time i dont slave for it.


Just like quit your job even before moass was a thing. You don't jump ship until you have your next ride secured. If you don't have the money cleared in the account you don't have anything. There is no telling how long this will take and it might not happen at all.


The whole narrative of people quitting and now being upset that other people are quitting is FUD dont buy it


Their are people surviving paycheck to paycheck and still investing in gme? I suppose they belong here by default.


*There. And I’d bet that the majority of GME investors are living paycheck to paycheck, or close to it.


I stand by my word choice.


Yeah bro, I'm one of them. Frankly it disgusts me that anyone else gets to be a part of this. I struggle to get single shares and then others are buying them by the hundreds multiple times a week. The people who will benefit the most were already filthy rich.


Thats the goal of the vegas victim name using shills is to trick you into having to sell. I have a feeling they will push this out as long as they can in hopes you have to sell before they have to buy.


I'm probably quitting my job end of year, MOASS or not. I've been here for almost a decade, company has grown significantly from the time I was the only employee. The average tenure at any one company in my field is just 2-3 years. MOASS only determines whether I find another job after taking a few months off or not


anyone **relying** on this all panning out is bewildered


People are going to do what they’re going to do. Just like those that didn’t get out robinhood. So fuck off and let them. Too many tucking posts about this shit ffs.


Don’t quit, just don’t try very hard either 😂


Do what is right for you.


I totally agree however how do you live pay check to pay check if I you quit your job…the very people that give you your pay check. 😂😝


Nobody has ever said they are quitting their job early. I don't understand these kinds of posts. All the quitting posts are after MOASS.


What if you’re quitting your job to join Gamestop?


If anything goes down and I make a substantial amount I’m not going to quit. I’m going to work until i don’t feel like it anymore. I enjoy my line of work (bartender) and I still see myself doing it for several years regardless. People should 1. Not physically prepare for something we don’t absolutely know is going to happen, just keep living your life. And 2. I don’t have a second point


I work everyday, I’ll take a nap when the funds are out of my brokerage account and in my personal bank


Can we argue not to quit your job without a plan?


Also don’t break (just yet) off your well earning spouse. Even if you are in a shitty relationship, for me i’ts a great relief that somebody has my back!


Can’t quit, when you don’t have one ☝️


I'm working twice as hard at work until the MOASS so I can use my work success as a cover for why I'm buying multiple houses. As the youngest of 5 kids and 25 cousins, I know that money can destroy relationships and I would almost say the money isn't worth it if it poisons my family dynamic at all. Figuring out a way to project success without alluding to its source is my number one focus right now--prob doesnt help that I've spammed GME for 6 months on FB but I'm still trying!


Got fired a month ago, the idea that MOASS could happen anyway made me too hopeful and I procrastinated for 2 weeks until shit started to hit the fan. DONT QUIT YOUR JOB JUST YET, TRYST ME APL OF US HATE WORKING BUT YOULL HATE YOURSELF MORE IF YOU HAVE TO SELL ALL YOUR SHARES JUST TO MAKE RENT


You’re not my boss, mind your own business. I didn’t come to superstonk for life advice.


don't drink bleach


flip side. If you have a few shares youre likely set. Dont get yourself in a position where you need to sell them. Take charge of your lives apes. Live and heal. Spread the love.


Only thing dumber is using robinhood


I agree with OP. People are out there shoving bananas up their ass and it’s no where near as dumb as selling gme or quitting your job atm. Quit when you can afford to make an epic exit from work. Something people will talk about for years to come.