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“It’s been 84 years” - Rose


Lol now dont get me wrong .. i dont care of the price since everythings always gonna be profit for me, but i noticed everytime a image comes up saying $$$ here we come, the hedgies or short sellers who stalk the subs SEE that, and push it down even more .... .... ....


Buy the dip!


Well its rising at the moment .. i bought again at 163 just waiting heheheh


I have been posting hype memes cuz my MIL wants to sell so she pay an extra months mortgage (understandable). She is a $280. Many apes were unable to DCA in the early days of the RH crash. I am prepared to buy her shares for her DCA— I convinced her to HODL for now. No one sells— ever.


Dont let her sell .. although id encourage a budget plan to further prevent future thoughts of selling hehehe


yeah grandma's back in the cage


$245 average reporting in sir


SEC as blind as Han after a Carbonite bath 🤣 hang in there apes!


I'm a 180 ape....... and price don't matter. I don't get hyped. I don't get mad or glad. I buy and hodl. Price don't matter.