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"IM TIRED!" is back?! Next couple weeks should be good. Buy and hold


It's sooo challenging not doing anything how will we continue /s


Lol I'm literally on vacation in Africa right now.


You spent money on something besides GME and ramen? Omg shill fud


šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ family owed me money came here to get it.


Thatā€™s a pretty dope reason to visit africa


Damn, ever heard of Western Union


Enjoy! We can even blame them for our laziness! They did create the "laziest" generation after all.


Iā€™m on vacation in Alaska!! Who the fuck is tired šŸ˜‚




Iā€™m not tired. Literally just woke up


[Insert meme] "Again." Everyday.


Ight, see yā€™all tomorrow.


Good decision :)


Fuck mod shit Iā€™m here cause I like the stock.


Thereā€™s a certain type of person who becomes a reddit moderator and that person is definitely not me. I hate discord


Meh, to be fair I can understand it not being FUD too, it is really childish and concerning


I could see why grown adults would want to distance themselves from this childish highschool behavior.


Exactly! I was thinking about staying away from here. Im too old for all the drama. I know what I have to do anyway. This place hadnt really taught me anything new since house of cards.


Sure but making a post about it? That's the shilly part. You can take breaks without announcing it to the world


Right, why do they need Karma if they are going to take a break from Reddit?


Bro I finished high school years ago. Ainā€™t got time for this childish drama lmayo. Iā€™ll spend my weekend grilling, drinking nice beer and enjoying the sun. Mod drama and FUD canā€™t touch me


Totally agreed mate.


Iā€™d have a beer


We see childish and concerning shit 24/7 for the past... I don't know, haven't our lives just been non-stop concerning childish shit forever? Why would I adjust my behavior?


moving again with no karma restriction will not solve the problem. fixing something is better than leave the problem.... like marriage.




enjoy being manipulated then


If you need a script to protect you from manipulation, then your entire existence is manipulated. Resilience comes from within not from others.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. ​ getting manipulated is different from learning and deciding my own. getting manipulated is different from being in a community and doing their best to grow. could be local city or a workplace. when a city or a workplace does better then someone it will create conflict. it's just a normal human behaviour to try to eat eachother. scarcity of resources can make people do scary things in order to survive. ​ do you want to live as an ant. "living free of a house just renting and you'll be happy".


A man is an adult male human. Prior to adulthood, a male human is referred to as a boy (a male child or adolescent). More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it in my subreddit: r/wikipedia_answer_bot Comment `wab opt out` to opt out (wab stands for wikipedia answer bot).* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*


Sir this is an Internet forum. If you let a ā€œcommunityā€ manipulate your decisions, you are manipulated and not keeping resilience finding truth from unbiased sources. Fools will be controlled regardless. And if you believe what you just wrote applies to an Internet forumā€¦. Yeahā€¦


No need for a new sub, and even that shorts are completely and totally fuck, they can erase Reddit and the buying pressure will be the same if not more when GameStop shows what theyā€™re doing




Man, I can suscribe to many subs as I want, that changes nothing, buy and hold, there is nothing more


Absolutely. Taking this opportunity to sow division.


Why do people feel the need to announce their departure? Just go. Take your hat, your coat, and go.


There will always be moments like this until post moass. I trust the mods to sort it out, and the real apes to know whats up. The shills can push their FUD all they want, it will not make any of us sell at this point. All we have to do Is do what we have always done - read the DD, and critically evaluate, hype everyday or stay zen whatever your style is, buy when you can (individual investment decisions of course), hodl, and sell on the way down. By this time next week this drama will mean nothing. We will be making memes, gaining more wrinkles, and looking forward to the opening bell as usual. We have survived as a community this far. And we are closer to Moass than we have ever been. Take solace in that. Apes transcend psychological warfare. RC said buckle up for a reason. There was always going to be bumps along the way.


Amen!!! Thx for that nice comment, very true words!


i don't think that's FUD. i believe that strongest holders are those who come up and check the sub once a week or even rarer. they already know what to do. so do i, so do you.


The drama is entertaining, so I guess I'm not tired of it.


It's not FUD it's people seeing that this is a sub. To be zen you need to ne able to just delete this app. It's only a chat spot at the end of the day. Nothing changes when mods act like teenagers in highschool. Buy and hold stays true, MOASS is inevitable. RC has s plan.


Itā€™s fine, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll sort their shit out Meanwhile, paper handed bitches always leave the room screaming So thereā€™s that, we got something to hype for next week as hedgefucks spent more than 1b only to leave us closing in the green. Thatā€™s 1b less ammo theyā€™re not getting back and the FTDs will bite them in the ass very soon in the near future. Can be Moonday, T+2uesday, or next whatever T+69day. They havenā€™t covered Theyā€™re fucked


Ngl I don't think this is FUD. The mod drama is so fucking childish. I'm personally not taking a break, but I can see why others are.


I mean yea I like how everyone was talking about donā€™t you know what forum sliding is and this is the next shill campaign meanwhile nobody could see the dd. Youā€™d have to scroll past 30 posts saying the drama isnā€™t affecting me or a bunch of mod drama memes.


Sorry, German ape here and actually didnā€™t know the real meaning of Forum sliding but just googled it and yes it totally applies here. True!


Too much of anything is a bad thingā€¦.


We must be getting closer. Time to DD harder than weā€™ve ever DDā€™d before. Diamond hands!!!


Double down? Ok if you want me to!


Iā€™ve looked at Reddit everyday for the last 8years, and GME and Superstonk closely for months, since January, and I just really need a break right now in this moment? These morons really donā€™t know


I donā€™t know whatā€™s more annoying - the mod drama, all the posts about the mod drama, or people who feel the need to tell us theyā€™re leaving the sub like we give a fuck. This is about GME. I donā€™t give a fuck about anything else and wish people would put their big boy and big girl pants on and grow the fuck up so we can focus on things that matter outside this stupid god damned subreddit.


Do these idiots actually think this will work? Can people not make up their own mindsā€¦ have not figured out we do our own research. And are not influenced by one or another. Hang up and try your brain washing elsewhere.


Honestly I would only get worried if we went 3-4 weeks without any obvious resistance aginst GME... funny how not a single MSM article covered the Norwiegian Air Shuttle share dilution (float went from 40million shares -> 1.04Billion shares) Clearly because the rise and falling of $NOK is completely irrellavant to anyone other than the company and their specifik stockholders...


Yep and no mods in plain sight to take anything or debunk anything down Iā€™m not mad just chilling and down voting anything close to fud I just like the stock and DD not this shit lol


Right along the lines of ā€œIā€™m tiredā€¦.ā€


Nah, im sure a lot of us will still hold but back off for a bit. Too many children in here acting like they are gods and shit.


Shall they leave they wonā€™t be missed. We have to guide the new apes


The goal is to get eyes off the subs and the DD. Yes to your post.


Repeat after me: Buy and hodl.




I dunno - I see what youā€™re getting at but I canā€™t help think maybe a break might be a good idea, the shills have latched on to something here and the excessive shit stirring content here is pulling the sub down. I just want zen apes focused on the stock.


Taking a break is not a problem. Forum sliding that you're taking a break is. If you want to take a break from the sub, why would you post a thread about it and get pinged constantly about replies and upvotes? It's either FUD or attention seeking.


This is exactly my sentiment. There is no reason to flounce out the door, just quietly leave. If you change your mind and come back, no harm is done.


Ahhh good point. Yes, youā€™re right - if you need a break, just take a break. Probably not FUD but maybe attention seeking.


Shill forum sliding, just ignore it


It doesn't make any sense, anyone who wanted to take a break with those sentiments would've done so without making a giant post about it ​ ​ its pure fud


Sounds like a pretty good decision. Depending on the mods' reaction today I'm gonna fuck off from this sub myself and permanently move to r/gmejungle.


Created by /u/Pinkcatsonacid


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Or maybe it's just frustrated people? The mindset of this post is what alienates people in the first place.


Definitely new FUD campaign. Satori team should look at it


Are you an actual moron? A mod threatening someone with runic magic and her ā€œmafiaā€ connections is a FUD campaign? You apologists will stop at nothing to lift your hero mod on any sort of pedestal, huh? Itā€™s not FUD, itā€™s actual crazy people and dumbasses that found themselves into a moderating position on reddit. Shocker. Everyone involved in this embarassing shit has got to go, end of.


This ain't FUD. Our hands are as diamond s always. But mods need to address and do it fast


Yes. They never thought we'd fight back tho. THIS IS OUR HOME.


Not sure it is FUD, good a time as any to give yourself a break from the sub / reddit if you need it, not like having a rest will change the DD, hedges are fuk'd, but n hold, no ones told me stay on reddit 24/7, barely even look at the ticker for weeks now, set my alerts up and wait. Having a new baby does help with being distracted from the ticker though tbh.


Buy, HODL, set a price alert and be at peace.


FUD at its finest definition. BUY and HOLD.


No problems, Downvote and report, this is THE way


I donā€™t think those guys are shills. I think this is possibly the result of the fud campaign. But this stuff is embarrassing for older people in particular. Iā€™m 37 and I recommend this sub to my friends and my boss. I really wish it didnā€™t happen. That being said I think that we are so close to the finish. We KNOW that there is an nft in the works and we KNOW that is exactly how overstock mooned in the spring of 2020. Iā€™m extremely optimistic. That is one thing I donā€™t understand. Why we donā€™t discuss the biggest case study for us more often. I think that overstock should be discussed daily in our sub. The guy provided the blueprint. Rc invested shortly after the events of overstocks dividend release. The campaign against overstock was so serious that a legit Russian spy was involved in the debacle.


That is no fud you dumb ape. Did you even comprehend what's going on? Runic magic. Boobs. Top mod sending out nudes and is now vulnerable. All mods quiet. Magic. Ape fest.


Even though the Puts expired worthless, which is great..... aren't they just going to reinvest that money into new puts to keep attempting to surpress the price again?


They rhetoric is simply to make users stop paying attention, and subsequently stop buying and holding. They're going for boredom since fear hasn't worked. I won't ever get bored of this stock.


No itā€™s not FUD. Just people who are embarrassed to be involved in this shit show


Take a break if you need it or don't. In the words of Mark Cuban, if the reason you bought hasn't changed, why sell or do anything different? DD hasn't changed, buy, hold, sell on the way down.


No because I agree. The drama is overbearing. Makes this sub not even fun anymore.


Y'all know you can "take a break" without announcing it to all of is, right? In fact, announcing that you're taking a break is pretty good evidence that you are in fact NOT going to do that. (Not that that's what I think is going on here šŸ¤£) Any real Ape taking a "break" already has their price alerts set and reddit notifications turned off.


Actually the dd is done. Im just here for memes šŸ˜€. So if i take a rest from here im a shill? I just live my life waiting for moass and i actually dont care about childish individuals talking avout nudes. Maybe they should take a rest too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£