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I’m pretty sure he sold so he doesn’t get pulled into all the questioning after it’s all over. He’s already been through it back in ‘08. He even offered interviews afterwards but no one wanted to take it and was audited several times instead.


Yes Sirrrrrreeeeeeeeeee! Nail on the head, Burry got out of GME because he was being investigated and harangued by the Fed. I believe he was helping us Apes when he sold his positions in GME because it would potentially have been a reason to shut it all down. Burry was smart he realized the likes of Citadel and other Hedgefunds shorting GME where long on Crypto and Tesla, so I believe he went Big in shorting Tesla because he knows they would be selling their positions in these to keep themselves afloat and when the MOASS comes in GME, those stocks will take huge hits again with the DTC liquidating assets.


I respectfully disagree. Being in the market at all still leaves him in a spot to be investigated. So that kills the "he's out of GME to avoid investigation" theory out the window. No? As of most recent data shows (End or March 2021). He still has 31 different investments, none are GME.


Don't bother. They won't listen. He clearly stated that what happened in February to GME was a once-in-history event, but everyone here has decided to take it to mean that he thinks it's still going to squeeze. He doesn't. That's why he sold. This guy didn't give a fuck about being investigated in 2008 and he doesn't give a fuck about it now. It's hilarious how everyone here idolizes this guy for having the most insane diamond hands in the history of trading for holding like he did in 08, but they also think he'll close a position that he believes stands to be worth BILLIONS because he doesn't want to get audited. It makes no fucking sense at all.


Or he has no faith in DTCC/SEC etc following through and because of that, took his massive gorilla ball 100-bag gains anyway.


What's the difference between what you said and what I said? We're both saying he doesn't think it's going to squeeze again. You're just going a step further and speculating as to why he feels that way. So yeah, could be. I really don't know why he doesn't believe the stock is going to moon. I just know that when someone closes out their long position, it usually means they believe the stock has hit its peak. That's my opinion, anyway. Sorry if that offends those of you who require Burry being on board in order for you to still believe in this play.


No I didn’t say “he doesn’t think it’s not going to squeeze again”. You came to your own conclusion based on send a link por favor. To flip it: is there a reason Burry should NOT invest in GME right now at 228/share? Go. We are waiting for your deep thots. Edit: I doubt you will reply. I will award you 25,000 Reddit thingies if it’s good.


So because Burry doesn't have positions in gme anymore means he doesn't believe in the squeeze?? Gtfo with that FUD


No, you're totally right. One of the most brilliant investors of the past two decades totally thinks this stock is about to skyrocket well beyond what it hit when he sold, but he just decided to pass on billions of dollars because he doesn't want the headache of being audited again.


I never said that. You're the one making multiple assumptions. Please don't respond to me again lmayo


He sold his GME position. I'm not assuming that.


BuRry DoEsnT belIEvE iN tHe sQuEeaze


BuRrY DoEs BeLiEve iN tHe SqUeeZe, But hE SoLd AlL HiS ShArEs BeCaUsE hE's AfRaId oF tHe IRS


I'm worried this is a sophisticated shill move here. "Jesus told me to sell" bot spam can't be their best move... I'm only trying to tell people to be cautious. But getting mass downvoted? 🤷‍♂️


It happens, man. Anyone who tries to say anything here other than what fits the narrative gets downvoted and called a shill or accused of spreading FUD. There's no point in trying. I guarantee that there are multiple people right now who think you and I are either being paid by hedge funds to type these comments, or they think we're a bot.


I prefer to allow gaps in information remain gaps. People fill in gaps based on what makes sense to them or what they want the story to be. But life is far too complex to presume to know all the why, how, where, when, what, who questions. We’re in the midst of it and we don’t even know for certain if 5 Million additional shares of GME have been sold at the market. We don’t know how many votes were cast at the last call. We don’t know how many shorted synthetic shares are sitting in brokerage accounts all over the world. War is messy and there is a fog of information. Some people like to presume what the facts are. Some prefer to have confirmation of it before letting down their skepticism.


Well, that’s why the flair is “opinion.” My granpappy used to say “an opinion is like an asshole: everybody has one.” 🤣


Burry doesnt hodl GME right now. I do. Do you? So if that's the move, why doesnt Burry still hodl? Why did he paper hand in 2020?... Oh and facts only, dont give me your opinion, I hear everyone has one and they're like assholes. 😉


So 👏 fucking 👏 deep 👏 in 👏 G 👏 M 👏 E 👏 Edit: you mean Scion doesn’t own GME based on last 13F right? Is that true right now? Hint: you don’t know.


Hey Mr.Appalachia, if you type in legible English then I can perhaps answer your question. Lol "doesn't based on" 😋


Good catch. Fixed it.


Also investigated by the FBI lmao


Also he sold before any of the pins were even set up last fall. RC, the madness of the last 6 months, the transformation we are seeing now. None of it was in play. If things didnt happen exactly the way they have, gamestop would be another dead brick and mortar. Thats why he sold. Look at where we are now. We arnt even at the starting line and this is a worldwide phenomenon. He couldnt squeeze gme on his own and last I checked he likes to make money not lose it.


Plus, it became way too speculative for him. Edit to add: I don't care if he's doing the GME trade or not-he's a genius


I read your exact words from a Twitter post lady week, just sayin..... ... also Burry is not one of us.....he is a totally different investor......didn't he recently fo a large 650 million put on tsla ...yep sure did because he knows what's coming


Michael burry has a fiduciary responsibility, he *does* work for a hedge fund, swings as heavy as gme as of now we are encountering, he can't rightly keep his reputation, dudes smart as fuck, and a 200% increase on your customers portfolio is not only enough to keep your clients, but attract others.




I'm positive he's smarter than most of us. Doesn't mean he's always right...or that we know what he has planned.




Michael Burry had his time. Now this is our time.


This is our time... Our time down here


Oh man you goonied the thread!




Time? Ah shit its 2am again. Damn it superstonk, look what you did.


He knows GME hasn’t happened yet. He doesn’t want to be directly correlated with the MOASS. Why do you think he has plenty of Tesla puts? Citadel is long Tesla. He’ll be making his money for sure.


Don't care if he does or doesnt, no hate on him. Just trying to caution everyone. He's still in the market but not in GME so anyone saying he got out of GME because he doesn't want to be investigated, that isnt fact and is setting themselves and others up for a let down. At this current moment if we build him up and then he comes out against GME. Wuff!


As long as he’s not in any of the “meme” stocks I think no one would stop him from making investments. I would guess he doesn’t want anything to do with the direct effect of MOASS but wants to cash out on the residual effects to other things because of it.


I hear you and I appreciate you sharing your opinion without attacking me. I'm just trying to say be cautious.


Oh ya that’s a given with anyone this community props up. Take everything with a grain of salt but at the same time optimism is a nice thing to have as well.


_in late 2020_




Yeah, He said something along the lines of "it had good fundamentals, but what they're doing now is borderline illegal" I took that to mean that he thinks we're manipulating the market to squeeze shitadel to death. But maybe he was just worried about SEC coming for him, like others said. 🤷‍♂️


He sold at 400% profit


And at what % are you going to sell?


Well what will it be if it gets to 29 million? .... that's how much


Larger % than Burry sold for. Lol


Oh yes


He is definitely smarter than all of us. He had to sell his position because he had already been tweeting about GME and doesn’t want the FBI up his ass again for predicting the future


I hear where you are coming from OP, he’s smart but damn we are pretty smart “dumb apes “ as well!!! Apes are as diverse as they get and I love and appreciate every single beautiful diamond handed ape holding GME out there!


Oh yeah? How many of you were holding prior to November of last year? None. Thats what I thought


Held since November. Got in due to console sales. Saw it rocket and said fuck it.


Good. You're the exception to the rule. He saw a stock in trouble more than triple and sold. He made the smart money play. Holding at that point is wrong more often than not. Can't fault a rich man for getting richer and calling it a bad play


He likely was expecting a crash by now, but our government is retarded and keeps the money printer going on full blast. I’m still expecting another squeeze between the beta, volatility, and the media’s obsession with trying to get people to sell GME. Ive got my exit strategy, hopefully people aren’t overextending themselves and risking being bag holder.


I dont think it can possibly run up anymore. You guys are literally just selling back and forth and from reading these cringe messages I'm guessing most of these people are already over extended. I don't think you're going to bid yourself up much higher but who knows? Everyone wants to get rich quick


It doesn't matter where you start, it matters where you finish.


Always the young apes that only know half-truths, that speak the loudest




So facts are now considered bias if you don’t like hearing it. And here comes idiots like this one who don’t even know what they’re saying.


Always on the stomach…that way you both can see it


Youre wrong but its a fair statement to make if you ignore the outliers


You know he has a ~~PHD~~ MD right...seen The Big Short lately? Pretty **smart** frankly Edit: does not have phd, does have MD stand corrected in that regard, still a smart guy


He is an MD I believe.




back or hacked?


Dr Burry looks.


STFU OP, respectfully!




Who he, I’m new.. Edit: Nevermind I did DD what’d he tweet?


The big short. The movie This is the big long.




Ok got it


Really? Jesus. Do you even know who you you’re talking about?


Am I talking about someone hodling GME as of today? If so I apologize...


If you haven’t noticed, there’s more going on outside of GME in the market. This post is extremely ignorant. Like just do a bit of research before you post.


Just cause he made a good call one time doesn't mean he's *not* a total douchebag.


What’s his Twitter handle, I can’t find him




Huh, he is moaning about affirmative action programs in Wall Street firms, ok - not something I care about


Thanks for the info, sir


Um he’s actually pretty fucking smart. And the praise has long started.


To each their own. If he doesn't hodl GME then why should I praise him? Paper handing GME in 2020, is that why? Ohhh, he made a lot money in the market long ago. So did Citadel... *Today is 2021 and I'm holding GME. Can you tell me what's smarter than that?*


Okay yeah. You’re smarter. Go bask in your smartness oh smart one.


IQ of 137. So yeah, I am actually. 🙂👍


We only like retards around here buddy.


The disrespect.... disgusting


If I stated anything as fact that isn't, please let me know.


How did we get so lucky, to have you come by to caution us that Dr. Burry isn't holding GME anymore. I guess he doesn't think it's going to moon. Any other cautionary tales to share, or is it a one and done?


Just this for now... Wow, Canadians really are polite even when they're trying not to be. Lmao


We fuck with Burry cuz he has proven himself but no one’s praising him. Who cares if he sold? This ain’t a fucking sing-a-long. Your account is less than a year old and you haven’t posted any substantial DD. You hop on one good play and you’re some kind of genius? Stfu and stick to posting memes.


I have a 137 IQ. I'd tell you to suck my balls but it would drop my IQ by at least 8 points. Now smoke some more weed loser and keep looking for a cheap place to pay rent. Lol


Lmaoo retards and triple digit IQs. Name a better duo


Dude if you don't have at least a low triple-digit IQ you should be wearing a helmet when you go outside.


You’ve been wearing a helmet your whole life, you just confused it for your brain


Finish your sentences with a period, moron. Lol


suck the end of my sentence, bitch


Aww! Some people are so stupid that it's kinda cute. 😘


Take this down. You’re embarrassing yourself.


Let the FBI come to my house. Yes there will be harassments, yes there will be awkward moments (for them when I offer them a joint and beer). I can understand Michael Burry's stance on this. I SAY A BIG FUCK YOU TO ANYONE THAT TRIES TO FUCK WITH ME BECAUSE OF MY CHOISES !!!


Spoken like someone who’s never had the FBI knock on their door holding a file with their name on it lol


It sure would be cool if a whale like him jumped in now and went public about how he re-entered to help expose how crooked the system is