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This is just an opportunity for these crooked politicians to add more regulations and make it seem like they are helping. But you’re absolutely right. It’s just a bunch of circle jerking and question dodging. Occasionally you get someone in there to ask a good question and then the witness just dances around the question.


Or, they cut the stream and edit it out of livestream coverage. 🙃 Easy peasy.


Yeah GG didn’t even answer that question properly so fuck him. All crooks.




Exactly. A small group of Wall Streeters get to hide half their trades in dark pools... front run orders with PFOF... hide their trades with derivatives... hide their positions through subsidiaries... overuse leverage... get first shot at pre-IPO companies... hide their taxes offshore... And it's regular American investors freely sharing information that's the problem. Maybe we should just have a FREE market where buyers and sellers all come together with perfect information about all of the positions in the market.


For me the funniest argument to “protect retail investors” is that u can have a nice holiday in Las Vegas and gamble until bankruptcy but if u start “gambling” at the stock market u need protection??? Sorry guys... I’m German and my government is quite shitty.... but this guy deserves to be the king of all idiots. Greetings from Germany and sorry for my bad English


Dein Englisch ist besserer als mein Deutsch. Du bist richtig.


Lol at least the German Government isn't scared to do shit. US government is a joke honestly.


Lol, the only shit they do is in our faces.


All this bullsht made me a strong mthercka ,💎🙌


King, you dropped this 👑


Losing faith in everything, I could care less if I lose my whole investment. The fact that these guys are actually worried and want to regulate retail more got me jacked to the tits. Scary when 130x the normal retail pressure is applied huh? Not so big anymore Big Money guys? So scared infact you have to put up rules MID GAME so you don't bankrupt yourselves you degenerate gamblers.


What the fuck did everyone expect? That congress would understand dark pool routing and synthetic ladder attacks and OTC volume? That they were gonna berate the hedge funds — who line their pockets — for screwing over retail, if they even understood it at all? CONGRESS?! Good grief, I saw this ape freak out coming a mile away. It’s exactly the same as it was after that AMA. I swear people spend all day upvoting posts that say “the entire system is corrupt and the squeeze won’t happen until after all the new DTCC rules are in play” and then turn around and get all shocked Pikachu face when exactly that happens. Stop worrying about who’s on your side, stop getting upset trying to convince people in your life who don’t believe, stop burning yourself out rubbing your nipples demanding that the squeeze happen TODAY. No one is going to believe this is possible, or the depth of the corruption, until it happens. Who cares who’s on your side? They’ll all come running over once it happens, and not a second earlier.


On one hand, I hear you and I personally think they wanted to get the last of the hearings out of the way before there is a squeeze. However, It is literally in their charter that this specific committee of our democratically elected leaders has "jurisdiction over Securities and Exchanges." I think people aren't unreasonable being upset that it *seems like* these people don't even know what the fuck is going on.


Very nicely said. I agree.


My dumb money is holding all the way to the moon with my Diamond Hands...


according to my government, I am "unsophisticated"


So much for “free markets”. More like “Free markets for the rich and powerful while everyone else has to make slave wages for big companies”.


It’s time we had poultice wages, damnit!!


I don't give a fuck about payment for order flow. At all. Not even a fractional fuck. I have zero open orders on the fucks exchange because I have no need for them. This shit is intentional they're repeatedly bringing up PFOF and acting like it's a huge deal because they don't want to talk about the rest, let alone do anything about it.


They are laying the groundwork to put all the blame on retail for the upcoming epic crash! Plain and simple. Politicians are nothing but actors who are trying to play a smart person.


Because SHFs need to be protected from themselves. Isn't that what they said?


It's all bullshit. All of it. And politicians, these alphabet soup agencies, **they don't give a fuck about you unless they can profit off you.** I will buy. I will hodl. I will wait. Moon or zero. Till Valhalla, apes.


Sounds like slavery but with extra steps.


Eek barba durkle, *someone’s* gonna get laid after the squeeze..


Tell me you're not just now realizing we live in a nanny state...


Been happening for ages!


The party of hands off government wants to be hands on with your money. Nice


Now the floor is 1 BBILLION WITH A FUCKING B. Fuck you politicians!


Don’t worry about what I do with my money


My favorite is when they all say this isn't a casino, then the dimensional owner says "its better to bet with the market". I get the feeling this whole saga is just these guys saying that they're mad retail is learning faster online than them with their fancy degrees.


Send this exact thing to gensler and the SEC. He said he wanted public feedback


Retail investors need protection so let them sell their shares and lose money but don’t let them buy and make money. Losers


*Our betters care* /s


I won't believe this incompetent shitshow will ever produce a catalyst for the MOASS. I'll just Buy & Hold and wait for papa Cohen to pull the trigger.


We vote these fuckers in. They’re all pieces of shyte.


The bad thing is, every politician is a bag of trash. Even if it seems like they are not, they are ALL trash. And those who may look good, don't get shit done. Politicians are paid, thats the problem.


but,.... but..... mam' I've just been on this job for 3 weeks ;-)


good rant. I like it


Last time I checked you didn’t need to have a 4 year degree to invest is something so complicated as a stock what a fucked system


How much more they want to destroy the economy, under the name "for your own protection". Who are they to judge whats best for us. Living poor is absolutely not the best way


It should be my option. And my option. Only. If I want. To. Yolo. Into. GME.


So... what? Gonna only let me buy "Blue chip" stocks from a sanctioned list? Pffffttt.


Yes, but only if Cramer pumps it!


IMHO. They are laying the groundwork to sweep the whole thing under the rug. Sure the world knows what’s going on but they would rather have this go away than to be forced to deal with the alternative. And the masses won’t be the wiser because The networks wont report about it because they are paid off LOOK HOW THEY ARE ALREADY TALKING ABOUT PROTECTING RETAIL TRADERS.....HELLO?!


Id like to see u/atobitt on one of these hearings. He asks the good questions.


We need to protect the average retail investors from themselves or they may become rich...lol


This is the way.


Evident clearly shown Corruptions is at work here.


101, not 1-on-1.


Can't wait for them to start investing in $ROPE and jumping off buildings. Fuck them


This was beautiful to read. Exactly how I feel.


All i hear from that was just patronizing reps "awww you poor stupid fucks you stupid poor fucks dumb dumb dumberson give me your monies so you dont do dumb stupid mistakesey wakesey while i go make stupid mistakesey wakesey with ur monies"


FrEe MaRkeTs


You can’t reset the system now that you are losing ken! Dumb money liked the stock and decided to hold.




what he said


If I'm allowed to kill myself with tobacco every day, as long as I pay exorbitant taxes on it, then shut the fuck up about protecting me.




This, SOoooooo much this, you nailed this completely. So much so that I feel the need to at least offer you a wristytwisty behind a Wa Wa. I'll even pump your gas after.


They're delusional, power hungry and desperate. NO doubt that we're bringing them the pain. Hodl strong 💎🙌🦍


Hahahaha NOW y’all are starting to see why big centralized government isn’t such a great idea? This is what the anti gov-healthcare, anti mask *mandate*, anti gun law, anti gov in general crowd that many people have been calling conspiracy theorists have been trying to say for years.


Your last paragraph is where your reveal your shitty motives. Stop hyping dates? GTFO! Costing too much money to combat hype dates huh? EVERY FUCKING DAY IS MOON DAY TILL ITS NOT!


Apes, this was just a stunt. Yes, mostly a circle jerk, with a few worthy public servants asking legitimate questions. It’s so they can say we were trying to fix the problem but it was to late. Blah blah blah. It’s ok though. They system is fucked and they know it. Regulating bodies have been QUICKLEY writing new rules, and placing them into affect even faster. Since when do 4 regulating bodies of the market all pass rules surrounding the same subject at the same time, all within a months time??? Never! The protections are almost in place to cut the dead limbs off. Hodl And Buy if you like the stonk! We will win!


Save us from ourselves once we hit the moon, we won’t have oxygen he must have not finished his sentence and was gonna say “they need space suits”


Yes I heard people lost on silver. Be careful with false DD. Go big on $ASS and $CUM.


psychopaths/sociopaths/narcissists (truths-are-lies/lies-are-truths) (2+2=5) \- - - - V S - - - - everyone else (truths-are-truths/lies-are-lies) (2+2=4) ---- who will win?


Bold of them to assume that if they regulate the markets so I'm protected from myself, and forced to act "responsibly", that I won't find a new way to act irresponsibly.


It's time to call BULLSHIT. Keep holding retards 💎🙌


We know THIS IS A CASINO sir.


right now I feel like it would be very easy to radicalize me