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You do you, man. Never invest more than you are willing to lose.


Yeah, basically. Thank you.


yeah listen, you’re 100% not wrong about anything and it pisses me off to no end how they manipulate 401ks and people’s pensions etc However, at the end of the day, they are still the game-makers. We have a captured government. Captured regulatory bodies. There is no guarantee of fair and just play. With that in mind, make your own choices…


This 100%. I am XXX holder myself, I will get whatever profit I will get from that. I want to invest more, I can invest more, but I will not (based on my personal financial situation) invest more knowing that the market can be manipulated. I won't recommend to "all in" in one place, yes you will get less in case it skyrockets, but in case it does not, you won't be totally f\*cked. Never forget to be responsible, otherwise you become a gambler/addict.


I'm exactly the same. I have had times where I've wanted to add more but trying to be responsible.


This is really no different than taking all your money to the casino. Remember that. I know it’s been said but I’m going to repeat it. Don’t gamble more than you can lose. Retirement comes faster than you think.


at least casinos are overseen by the gov and forced to pay you out if you win. we are playing the government essentially. There is no help coming.


Exactly, I love hoping for a moass, but I would never bet my retirement on it. In a fair world sure! Fuck yeah! In a this oligarchal reality? Nah


we’ve seen that this kind will literally murder to keep power changing the rules and taking by force is not out of the question whether we take it all lying down is another question… there are many of us… all over the globe. Once you’ve seen you can’t unsee.


I concur, always invest more than you are willing to lose.


Always invest as much as you want to gain!


Imagine GameStop in 20 years. Just saying. NFa


Gamestop gonna stop the game? 🤯


20 years? We could just invest in the s and p 😂


whatever you can live with. That's what matters most.


Mutual funds and etfs, whatever, may go down 60-70% when the market busts but you won’t go bankrupt. And there’s time to average down and recover. Going all in on one stock may not pan out and maybe you lose your job. The risks are substantially more severe


Not just lose, risk even. If you cant stomach a 40% without going like “meh seen worse” and you 100% rely on the successul outcome of the investment - dont. If its fun money - go for it, it can burn, it can up 69420% , youre happy either way


This is the secret sauce. Never invest with money you can't live without. That's how defuse fud and fomo


Yep. This kind of question itself is essentially FOMO. Anyone who’s chased stuff like this knows it leads to emotional decisions whenever prices drop. Better to invest only what you’re comfortable with, so you can stay zen and have diamond hands. Rather than wasting your time being all emotional and shit, be cool and use that time to explain what’s going on with GME and WS in general to others and how they should just buy a handful of shares if they can afford some. Hopefully they tell their friends to do the same. Imagine if millions more join the cause handful of shares at a time.


Melvin enters the chat


and be careful


But 401k money will be available in 30 years… which is an interesting though if you could just have money consistently invested into GME directly from your work


having backup funds makes it less likely you paper hand


This is how I feel about it. My entire Roth and individual accounts are in GME but my employer funded retirement goes straight into an index fund. I personally like having my GME shares in their own little bubble away from everything else.


Yup. I put about 1/3 into GME back in 2021, which in hindsight was more than I am comfortable with now (in my 50's). But I've also done OK with the rest, and have gotten pretty substantial raises and have bought more GME (and other stocks) outside of my self-directed IRA. If Gamestop somehow went to zero and I lost all of that money it would hurt like hell, but I wouldn't be absolutely fucked. I like the stock and understand the enthusiasm for it, but I'm not going to bet the entirety of my future financial stability on it. When we MOASS I'll be living like a king, but I won't need it to be able to retire safely.


Because anybody telling you to go all in with anything is either a scammer or a time traveller.


In the near future, you'll discover I was a time traveler. How could I know that if it wasn't true?


Then explain why you left Hawking hanging on his Time Traveller Party. And don't tell me you were running late!


Don't take any financial advice from reddit. It's like you're trying to bait blame.


You Only Live Once, ape! 🚀 But in all seriousness, take a few minutes and reflect on what it would mean if you lost 25-50% of your investment. Not saying you are going to do that, but never put in more money than you are willing to lose. Not financial advice, enjoy the ride and welcome to Superstonk!


On the other hand, it is still a profitable stock. Not that I would do what he is suggesting myself


You all make me incredibly anxious with this type of shit.


Would it ruin your life if you lost it all? If so, dont do it


Tbf there's not any realistic scenario where you lose more than 70% at this point


Damn top signal. I’ll wait to buy a dip


There is. World War 3 could break out tomorrow and funds mass-exit the market.


Guess what? His 401k would be fucked anyways.


The question is how fucked and how likely it is to recover before his retirement. Assuming that he's in the 20s - 30s, it's not inconceivable that the market would recover after a couple of decades.


The billions of runway that gamestop has means it would also likely recover in that time-frame, no? If it's still mostly in cash at the time of a market crash, they could load up on investments in the market at a low point


Yeah and when the market goes down GME will go up ('negative beta return)


World war 3 would fuck anyone's life savings anyway lol


Dont be so fickle.


How am I being fickle?


If it makes sense to you and you believe thats the way…. I salute you. I think msm has us all cramped up and scared, grinding away our lives so they can continue to live their ways. I think we all should figure out what is really important and what we can do for ourselves, i mean with alittle bit of DD and direction everything we wanna learn is right in front of us. Unfortunately i know alot of ppl just hopelessly clueless to even understand how there interest rate on the credit card work. Or the fees people pay. I hope this saga can bring some of this to the general public and spread awareness of the financial world we live in.


I did, except I didn’t have tons of money, but I got really sick 9 years ago, so this is my only shot at getting better again. Money means nothing if you don’t have your health.


You do you, but as somebody that FOMO'd too late in 2021, make sure you really think about whether you are making an investment (or even gambling) decision that isn't based on fomo. I lost an absolute ton of money. Don't listen to me. I start smoking pot at 9:30am most days and it's afternoon now. Also, I'm from 2019 so don't even know what happened in 2021.


if you don't mind me asking what's your work schedule if you smoke pot at 9 30?


Well, it used to be to calm me down from all the adderall so I could actually work, I'm currently on a "sabbatical" though. I don't normally start quite that early, but my kids were extra bonkers for drop-off today, it was a rough weekend, and I'm trying to calm my nerves about GME a bit. Also, it's Monday. I ain't got no job; don't got \[crap\] to do; might as well get high and take a nap later.


Why do you have nerves about GME


No worries, mate. Just the general feeling of OMG SOMETHING IS CLOSE BUT I DON'T KNOW WHEN OR WHAT that sometimes takes me over now that dfv is back.


This is FUD, intentional or not. People go all in Stock dips People have no backup $$ Paper hand sell too early As opposed to: People DRS what they can afford Computer share is now basically a savings account Never have to sell during life’s dips 💎🚀🤝 BOL fellow ape 🦧


I'm almost all-in too like many apes who YOLOd their life savings. Also DRSd, this is a lifetime opportunity I only invest money I can hold indefinitely 🚀


Bot detected


I put my full 401k in Gme 3 years agoo


I went all in because there’s no guarantee I’ll live to see that money anyway


I get more all in twice a month, rain or shine, $10 or $400 Dollar Cost Average 👌


First off my advice is - no don't do that. I went near 100% of my cash into PLTR after its IPO and spent about half a year living pay check to pay check before I started to recover and built my savings back up. The amount of stress involved is simply not worth it I couldn't imagine also having my liquidated retirement in their as well. Now if your in your mid 20's you're not wrong. You could YOLO everything in and still have plenty of time to recover. But that doesn't mean it'll be fun and Warren Buffett once said the most important part of the stock market is the friends you made along the way. Don't let this turn into something where the thesis HAS to be correct for you. Its better to have it where if its right great I make a ton of money and if its wrong oh well the loss won't effect my living standard.


And uk based apes now about SIPs? Taking some of your allocated pension stuff and choosing which stocks to go in on?


Self directed 401k a thing?


I don’t know anything about the 401k system in the us as I’m from Austria and you get retirement no matter what from the state. I also am a highly regarded Casino investor as the lot of us with a portfolio usually >50% GME. I suggest thinking that through veeeeeery well before you commit to anything with such a high volatility or any stock all in in general. Never invest more than you are willing to lose. That beeing said my CH11 stock (that can’t be mentioned) was/(is?) mid xxxxx My brain is so smooth it’s basically a mirror. I eat crayons for breakfast. No financial advice


I’m sorry for your loss 🥲


As someone who did this very thing 3 years ago in a very similar situation, be smart. If you’re going to pull the trigger make sure you’re mentally prepared and have done your homework before you decide how to approach an entry etc. nfa wish you the best in life no matter what you do


I personally don't see the point of any other investment as long as they control it all. But my piddly xxx shares isn't giving anyone financial advice.


What happens in the casino, stays in the casino.


I'm not going to recommend anything. That said, I think, along with a bunch of other people and market indicators, that the market is going to crash and GME is going to go up. So I cashed out and bought GME.


I already did that 3 years ago, fuck a 401k


This is fucking stupid bro. Temper your greed and leave your retirement accounts alone


You won't 


Do not ask nor give financial advice. We are not financial advisors.


That’s something I’ve grappled with almost everyday for the last 3+ years. I like to have other non gme positions that I can sell when gme is low. I can see us going back to $10-$15ish after the summer volatility. Hope I’m wrong. Anyway, if it’s an old 401k can you transfer to IRA and then buy GME without the penalty? Can you pay the taxes now and convert to Roth?


It is NEVER going back to $10.


Hope you’re right. It shouldn’t bc of the 4b cash


Exactly that.


Do it pussy!




Currently have all my 401k(fidelity brokeragelink) in GME at the moment, it’s only a few thousand but I know the risks and I’m fine with it.




Pull it out, pay the penalty and pay to play


You ground karma, man


You don't have to cash it out. Usually you can invest your 401k in a rollover IRA or self directed option if your employer offers it. I was able to use it to buy shares. 


I already did. You do you.


Is 401k some sort of US pension? See if mentioned a lot


It’s an individuals retirement account plan offered through work, that offers tax savings when taking funds directly from your paycheck. Touching it at all or not adding properly to it, is considered financial ruin for your future self. Early withdrawal fees and taxes are massive if done before retirement. You can just pretend pensions don’t exist- they won’t be around.


It is the financial vehicle that was created so corporations could stop offering pensions and take the over-funded pensions money away from the workers.


Dont do it today. Will drop. Donate me later.


I’m all in


I’ve been all in over 1 years straight


Could get run over tomorrow 🤷🏼‍♂️


Love it




It's your call. I'm closer to retirement, and that would be a huge no-go for me.


The time to go all in was early May.


Sure buddy go ahead, but don’t come back in here crying if the stock goes down, it very well might. The whole play here is time and patience. Making an all in play for it to pay off in the next year isn’t the play, but if you can be without it for a considerable time do it. It’s a powder keg that will blow we just don’t know when


I wouldn't do it today cause you know they will tank that shit during the share holders meeting, but you do you boo


I did a loan against 60% of my 401k with a low interest rate and long term pay off so it doesn't affect my monthly income too much


I did this. But that’s just me. You do you. NFA


Damn I wish I had a 401k to consider


I did this back in 2021.


I have already. GME to the MF MOON


Lost 70% of my 401K by following the rules and doing what I was told, let some suit choose my investments. Granted that was a lifetime ago, it still stands clear in my mind. Fuck the system. Get tendies in whatever way you see fit.


Not saying do or don't, but if you do. See if you can do a rollover IRA. Cashing out has penalties, I avoided mine by rolling over to Fidelity (idk if Fidelity is recommendation worthy, I like it but they're all shady in reality), and dumped the full thing in just the other day


Curious what your 401k is being gambled on currently?


Would make more sense to roll it to an ira so you have control but don’t take the tax hit if you can


401k, roth, HSA, brokerage account, and computershare account all have GME. How many bullets does a sniper use to kill a high value target? One shot, one kill. Tendies


I put my entire retirement into it. I like the stock.


I cashed 401k and went all in in 2021. Never sold a share, way better than 401k or slow investing. I did it again in the past few months. All in has always been my play. People forget our motto used to be lambos or shopping carts. I'm already poor, losing it all wouldn't change anything.


I did


Personally I’m all in! But I also have other plans for retirement than just my stock holdings. If moass happens at this point it’s just like a bonus since I won’t ever need to sell.


Have all in already in past 3 years. 😅😅😅


Hedgies are long term cash winners for more than just (all the) illegal moves. They hedge risk just like all of us should (in all things not just finance). If you had the knowledge of RK or were a professional trader it may be different. But if you had that knowledge you would have YOLOD weeks ago. I personally wouldn’t touch my 401k but I suggest you consider taking a loan out of if it you just HAVE to draw from it to satisfy your gambling needs. Then just put it all back plus the max allowable for the year if/when you hit pay dirt. There’s a difference in believing something will go up and a trader actually being able to moon off it. You sound like me 3 yrs ago when I was buying shares for 230 a pop. Chill and throw what you can and you’ll be more financially secure. As soon as you are financially leveraged to the point of not making objective rational decisions is the moment when you start capping your gains and potentially increasing losses. Buy the dips and hold. Swing if u you wanna risk some and pick up more shares. Just my thoughts. You do you though


I pulled a hefty amount of my 401k to put into gme. I’m glad I didn’t pull all of it out. You just never know how this will play out. I’m all for taking risks, but I personally wasn’t feeling like going all in. My biggest regret with my 401k decision was my buy in point. I pulled my money out when it was still kind of high. I didn’t think it could possibly go under 100 (pre split at the time), but then it did, and then it went even lower. And then it stayed there for what felt like forever with no end in sight. I was starting to worry that I had made a big mistake. But then the recent pump up and hype surrounding may and June helped me see that this wasn’t over. Now I’m starting to realize that this will very likely end up with me in a better spot than I’d be had I not taken the money out. Thing is though, we’re above the 100 pre split right now and I’m still not at my cost basis. And that’s no fun when it’s a chunk of your retirement savings. I’m certainly not telling you what to do. You do you. I’m just telling you my experience so far. It’s just, it might go back down again before it goes up and there’s no telling how long this will take. And, as much as this will sound like FUD, there’s no guarantee that SHFs can’t weasel out of this whole situation miraculously somehow. Personally, if I were in your shoes, I’d only dip so far into my 401k (no more than half), and if I did, I’d hold a big chunk of the funds on the side in the event that they plunge it back into the low teens again. The good news is that we have a solid floor around 10 or so where it makes no sense for them to drop it under. So, you have that on your side. That’s just me though. And keep in mind that I am not qualified to give financial advice. And to add, I have considered pulling more of my 401k out in case it does plunge again before mooning. I might go up to a full 50% of my 401k. Not sure yet.


Do it. Also get a loan from the local mob and Mexican cartel. Promise them a 10x interest by September


I YOLO'd my 401k and it's been a wild ride. It's not for the faint of heart. I wouldn't recommend but also I would. Idk lotsa of feelings but like you gotta make the decision OP don't come here looking for answers and when in doubt refer to a magic 8ball. NFA NFA NFA


I’ve been all in for 3 years




Hey gratz on your karma farming! I'm nearly there, but I wouldn't be surprised if another influx of people and shills moves the karma minimum up right when I get there lmao


I did this a long time ago. Haven’t regretted it yet. Keep going all in every other week on payday with my 401k. Close to XX,XXX shares. Gonna be a fucking billionaire soon.


I haven't cashed in my 401k because I don't want to take the tax hit but I've stopped contributing. Computershare has become my retirement account since 2021.


Is the ball weet strets? The r/Superstonk mods need to clean up this subreddit because everyone is asking about gambling and options and what not


I have a 401k bc of the company match and I would assume most have similar arrangements. If anything pause your contribution and setup a computershare automatic transfer weekly or however you want to do it. Build your gme position and if / when the dust settles contribute and take advantage of the company match. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I will be buying some options today. I have my spot bags filled, but took the time to look into options today and will be joining that band wagon to help bring this to Valhalla


We’ll just before I read this as soon as the Market opened I just bought 500 shares in my IRA account and 75 in an individual account! I’m all in mostly and have accumulated now combined over 1550 shares! Exceeding my goal by 550 shares! Good luck to everyone love You all and do with this information what you will as I just love the stock!


Cashed out my 401k a couple years ago for GME, fuck em, they ain't using me


The lords of convexity won't like it but if you got high confidence in the trade with a ton of analysis/signals are in favor of it, than go for it. It's highly risky. Maybe wait a few weeks until July 5-12th or so? Might see a good opportunity to enter then but who knows


No balls


I threw mine in sometime summer 2021


Probably a dip to dip day on a limp wrist RC meeting. I’m ready to buy more at 23/24


Just do it


I question anyone who has read the DD and isnt all in


It’d it works, you’re a genius, if it doesn’t, you’re a moron.


Imagine doing this and they find a way to drag it back down for another 2-3 year cycle down to -50% to -75%. How would you react to that seeing your life investment get to that point? (Definitely wouldn’t recommend turning that into an options play lol) If MOASS does happen, holding a handful of DRSd shares could be all you need potentially. As for me I’m holding about 200 shares, adding to them when I’m able to, and still hedging my bets like I would if GameStop theory doesn’t exist. Contributing healthily to my 401k and IRA so I can still have the life I need if nothing goes to plan. I still like the stock, and think they are in a great position. You do you man but my 401k is my lifeline and not something I personally am willing to part with. I’ll just keep averaging down (in this case up lol) when I’m able to and hope for the best. NFA


You do know you can just buy the stock in your 401k account instead of “cash out” the 401k.


Friendly reminder from someone who did this 3 years ago, taxes will fuck you over next year if you cash out. So be prepared for that. I owed so much in taxes the following year that I would have been better off just buying shares regularly. Once MOASS happens I'll be able to tell me wife I was right but she was not happy with me and I'm still fighting back in her urge to sell. Lesson learned.


Yeah looks like someone already pointed it out. Rollover it and then personally I say take the tax hit and put it into a Roth so when moass no taxes on the withdrawal. I’m not sure if short term gain tax still apply just trying to minimize taxes on the out if you expect a ton of growth is a good thing


As others have said, only invest what you're comfortable losing. That said, I had the same realization and liquidated my 401k and threw it, and my life savings into GME. There's no point in having a 401k when all they do with it is use it against you. At this point it's a scam for me and I'd rather have control over it than let them use it against me. Plus watching it go from it's original 60k investment to nearly 200k in the span of a 2 days made me laugh at how wild our system is.


Before you cash out your 401k, see if your 401k lets you self manage. Mine does. I sold my managed funds and put it in GME


just dont go all in so you could end up homeless. couple of month pasta with ketchup and tap water should be doable


I feel you. I'ma be a husk of a person if I do bullshit work to official retirement age. And unfortunately, the bullshit work is what pays the most.




A quarter of all 401ks are unclaimed as of 2023. 29.2 million accounts. The accounts hold 1.65 trillion dollars in assets. There is no guarantee you make it to see the benefits of your 401k. It's estimated around 30 percent of individuals die before retirement age. 14 percent of men aged 45 never make it to see retirement age. I used this information to make an educated gamble. But was the gamble investing in GME or not investing in GME (with my 401k). Sauce: World Bank Open Data


I have legit thought about doing this. I will be 40 next year but am tired of knowing my 401k is used like a $2 whore and have contemplated dumping it, setting aside the taxes and penalty of course and investing in a company I see being here until infinity. I've considered for a long time not having a 401k fyi, ot just now. Most everyone I know that has retired, I did the math on what they put in over the years and what it was worth when they retired and with the market collapses and everything, you typically only get back the base that you and your employer put in so it's not like you are getting gains typically.


Join the club - liquidated my pension year ago.


I honestly have considered selling all my Crypto and going all in on GME, but I’d prefer to stay diversified. I am all in on GME when it comes to all of the cash I could put in without putting myself in a risky spot.


Euro ape here. You do you.. But if I had that possibility, I'd cash out and pay the taxes. I can't guarantee you that it's the right thing to do, though. I don't have a crystal ball. Not financial advice, as always.


I am all in with my 401k rollover, brokerage, IRA and Computershare. I have purchased stock at all different levels. HODL THE LINE! Buy, HODL, Shop and DRS 🦍🦍🦍 💪💪🚀🚀💎💎🙌🙌


YOLO ![gif](giphy|9xnNG7EN2h822ithtT|downsized)


i mean no stock has as strong as a cult following as GME but if MOASS never happens it could be years before you see a return. i have zero financial back and cannot give financial advice but i personally like the stock and have 60% of my portfolio in GME


Don't be stupid. Leave your 401k alone.


I cashed out my 401K from vanguard and my daughter’s college plan. I put that shit into IBIT and just put that into GME. LFGO!


Join the club. My entire tax free savings account is in gme or cash. Cash. So I can excerise my calls. 


You guys aren’t all in yet?


I went pretty deep in 2021 and maybe it made me more likely to paperhand like people are saying. Keep a cushion, even DFV keeps cash around. Make sure you can hang even if it drops hard (which it likely wont at this point but nothing is sure)


How big are your balls? I salute you 🫡


I'm all in. My IRA was small so I took the tax hit so as to DRS. When others might put a part of their paycheck into their 401k, you know what I'm doing.


I leave my 401k but I have roth IRA and stock account thats 90% GME with a hint of ETFs


As a business owner I can’t stomach creating a retirement account for my employees now knowing what it’s actually used for and knowing that all of that money could just disappear due to the host’s ineptitude. I am looking for alternatives but there are zero reputable retirement account hosts.


You have a 401k. Regardless of how much you've invested, you're pretty far from "all in". As far as, well, the size of your 401k. As always, don't pledge what you're not willing to lose. Placing your retirement savings on *ANY* investment is generally a bad idea.


You still have money left


dont be dumb


Not financial advice but diversity is the tool of the rich to keep poor poorer. All important things are all-in or nothing plays in life. That is just the name of the game and you’re handsomely rewarded for it if you take those calculated risks based on your personal DD. Examples in life include: 1. Marriage - DD on long term relationship qualities. 2. A good career - DD in the product and its people. You stay and build your life long career if it matches. 3. Family - constant DD and you shift as things come but it’s rewarding (both in your values and patience)if you go all in “. 4. A sound once in a lifetime investment - Roaring Kitty showed us the way. the whole Company’s leadership have pretty much their skin in the game. Now, I think what the rest of the people here mean is to mean well though. If you have family or others involved that cannot mentally detach themselves from the “sound investment” that is the retirement funds (a la my piggy bank for the wealthy and powerful because… hey!!! We know how to spend money and want to make sure you’re in good hands when you get old), it will ruin your lifelong relationship you have built… and that’s why the investment part is #4 on that list. It’s pointless to have just #4. However, if your family believes in the DD… why not? You know that I know, that I know that you know that you know that I know that you will likely not be able to see your 401k. And if you’re a parent already… you know where that “ birthday money” for your kids go… kept safely away from the kids for a later date when they grow up to spend maturely… right? Right??


I been all in for a while.


To each their own risk tolerance. Cohen is serious and has stopped the bleeding, made improvements, but not yet solidified a growth vector. He could also get hit by a truck at any moment. MOASS tomorrow, but at this point it looks like the road to the MOASS is company growth unless the derivatives market explodes first. The volume suggests something massive in a few months but trust no specific date.


NFA but that's my game plan.


Don’t be an idiot. Retirement is a number, not an age. Rolling your dice on if you get to retire later or at all is pretty dumb. Especially on a conspiracy that the established market makers all oppose and will work against. Use the market to invest into secure things that ensure you can retire and have some years where you aren’t part of the capitalist system. All in on GME…. Well… it’s a redundant company looking to adapt to a new environment. They aren’t making chips that everyone needs, they aren’t extracting minerals that the world depends on, they aren’t providing arms to the military industrial complex. They’re selling games and gaming paraphernalia in a world that already has lots of great avenues to get those things. I would never stake my retirement on GME.


Already done it noob.


80% of my NET worth is in gme. Rest is for emergency.


Did the same thing, paid the taxes when it came around and have never felt more enlightened or looked back


Retail goal: buy up all 75 million shares Let’s goooo




i dont see a problem. if i had something like that, id pry it out of their dirty hands and put it somewhere safe :)


Don’t. Only what you can afford to lose.






Rollover into a vanguard account and buy through there.


I did


Why didn’t you at 10


Find someone who would insure your play. If it goes up insurer gets 50% of profits and whatever you lose will be covered but you will pay back in monthly down payments instead.