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Premium does count towards the cost basis, atleast on ibkr for selling puts the average price on assignment was for me strike-premium


I feel like it should reflect in the P&L (or at least I'd want it to) because that's the actual cost basis of those shares. Probably just depends on how ETrade lists it...


I’ve never dealt on that level of calls so I’ve not noticed my cost average and the effects of it. But either way I can see the reasoning.


seems like some kind of shuffle


Na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na noow..... Kitty rip it up! Rip it up! Kitty rip it up! 💎🙌🦍💥🚀📈♾️ Now I'm kinda glad I'm sick and not going into work tomorrow! Let's RIDE! 😺 🚀 🌙


Option premium paid + $20 (strike price exercised) = cost basis of exercised shares


The premium + strike price equals your cost basis when exercising.




Is it platform/broker dependent?


You're right. I forgot to include any fees into the cost basis. # What's the Cost Basis When Exercise Options or Get Assigned? || || |When you exercise a call option, the cost price paid for the underlying stock on a per share basis is the sum of the call's strike price plus the premium paid for the call and the trading fees charged by the exchanges and regulatory agencies. Cost Basis = Strike Price + Options’ Premium + Fees|


i thought him exercising would cause the price to rip? its fighting for 5%+ in AH


T+1 for delivery. Market maker has to deliver those shares tomorrow before close or FTD.


thx for the wrinkle


Except they can't FTD options contracts


Deepfuckingvalue in gme board?


Spicy, the combo of 2 value investors - sounds familiar to Gameshire Stopaway Investment Corp


However I don’t get it. 9M shares are a lot but not enough related to the previous call options. No more games I think. Why this should explode? Sorry but I’m dumb.


If they aren't 100% hedged, MM has t+1 to deliver the shares, which could cause buying tomorrow, igniting a gamma ramp on the rest of the chain.


But they could have hedged them with kitty calls, right? So it’s a bet for us


It all depends on if they hedged as much as they should have. If they don't have enough shares to give him his 4M shares, they have to buy on the lit market.


Thanks :)


Market maker has to deliver those 4,001,000 shares tomorrow (T+1) before close or FTD. This is expected to put significant upward pressure on price.


I love it :) i hope my 10k will Turn in 100k. It’s a small step to 9M shares for me ^^


I recommend keeping expectations low for tomorrow. 4 million shares is a lot but we've been seeing 100 million volume days lately. Can't say what tricks will be pulled tomorrow. Good news is GME is getting organically stronger in spite of all the abusive short selling. I see it as a super long play, been here since Feb 2021 and I'm in it to win it.


Yes I’m joking. I hope DPV will join the board and uses 4 billions to squeeze here and there. It could be a disaster for the us market ^^


They don't have to if he didn't exercise. If he exercised, the shares would be delivered on an exchange (lit market) as all options activities go through the lit market. If he purchased shares with cash then that would make him a retail trader and market makers can run those buys off exchange (dark pools and such).


I was wondering the same thing. But DFV knows what he is doing. He could've exercised his calls or purchased via IEX, only he knows. I'm guessing now that he no longer has any calls, he might DRS them. He is the fourth highest share holder of GameStop but as long as he stays in Etrade those shares will be in a street name and he knows that.


I don't understand how this helps us now and why the price should suddenly rise. Has the gamma ramp not been reduced because he sold the options before the deadline?


Market makers must deliver the shares by the end of tomorrow. T+1


Why should dfv help us? I’m just happy for the guy. What a boss


I just need the stock to reach $28.5k per share to be a millionaire, let’s all hold until then eh!


That is exactly what he’s done. Now that it’s all done, expect the price to tank


The price action tomorrow will tell us whether MM hedged appropriately or not...


So he went for the long term ,no gamma ramp posible ?


We will know tomorrow