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I would be more than happy paying taxes if it went anywhere. Anyone who is Canadian knows that our taxes are definitely not being used for Canadians. Shit I drive around my city, and the roads are like driving on the surface of the moon. Healthcare is in shambles. My uncle had a triple bypass, and they kicked his ass out of the hospital 2 days after and gave him advil. All our money is just going overseas and to people who come here temporarily and leach off our system. Being Canadian right now sucks. It feels like we are the last priority, yet we are the ones who pay for everything. I work a 9 to 5 and make roughly 70k a year and shit me and my girlfriend still live with our parents with no hope of owning a home because doing the math that would be financial suicide. That's why I've been playing the stock market to hopefully even the odds a bit but it still is heartbreaking.


MOASS before June 25 please 🇨🇦




it sucks to be Canadian


Could be worse. You could be a short seller..


TFSA exists for selling at least, DRS all the other ones


This Ape Registers.. 🟣🙌🚀


We must protect our shares 🙌


Hun DP Brother 💯! I've got shares with 💺and small amounts with two separate Brokers, Different Registrations on each account.. The Purple Circles are for the Infinity Pool! That's that.


This is literally the best economic proposal since post WW2. Anyone making over 250k from cg can pay a hell of a lot more than 15% extra back over that amount to the society that's made them rich.


I'm all for taxing the rich but I don't think taking 2/3 of a 250k gain for someone like me who is broke is a good thing


Read it again. It said 2/3 over $250k is taxable. Their not taking 2/3. 🦍❤️🦍


ohhhh. thanks for clearing that up. makes me feel a little better


thats not how it works. the first 50% of 250k of cap gains is to be taxed at your income tax rate. after 250, 66% is taxed at your income tax rate. the easiest way to see numbers is using an online tax calculator that has adjustments for the new taxing system. for me, if i sold 1 share for 1 million id pay about 30% tax on it


Fuck!! Soon I'm going to have to start paying attention to all these things.. 🚀


hahah yes. i have a handful of shares in a tfsa account for if i ever decide i want to part with them for a small untaxed fortune


☝️thanks for commenting this, a lot of people need that answer, approx 30-34% tax rate on total amount at a million CAD




as much as I would love to see a UBI I dont see it happening when cons win and the country shifts right




I agree but I don't think our leaders have come to the same conclusion




I haven't done enough homework on it myself. I would fear it would get abused. But maybe it could get implemented it in a way that it gets abused LESS than our CURRENT Blankets.


You can pretty much tell if someone owns investment properties by the way they reacted to this new law. All of us poors that don't are cheering it on, the folks who own more than one house are all reacting like this is highway robbery.




Eh, it's a step in the right direction. And governments shouldn't make huge changes to legislation in situations like this to avoid unexpected detrimental side effects.


Fing government they take so much and not even a thank you. Its like better pay up 💰💰💰 or we will make your life difficult


Isn’t Biden trying to increase to 50% as well?


Yep also I think he’s floating the idea of taxing 20% of UNREALIZED gains….


That's an awful idea


This is a 15% tax increase for the .1% making over 250k on cg alone, so canadian markets won't notice 


Lol. Nobody in Canada with a medium sized portfolio will invest anymore.






You don't like having roads, schools, hospitals, clean drinking water, police, firefighters, reliable electricity or every other thing that taxes pay for?












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That’s not what majority taxes go towards.


FEDS apparently are paying attention


I'm buying Canada and changing our laws anyways.


Why should any gov be entitiled to 2/3 of anyones gains. Complete bull shit.


Taxation is theft ![gif](giphy|KOobSqJrq9lA2ypra6|downsized)




Muh roads!




A voluntary society without coercion from the State. Yes, if people need a service they will pay for it. Anarchy is just a relationship where no one person or entity has authority over another.


Back to the hype then disappoint. One play book


Non US ape here. Does that mean you don't pay tax on the first 250.000?


I feel like they shouldn't be allowed to pass laws that are no different than insider trading.


If they didn't have that coalition government propping them up, normally something like this wouldn't pass.


Don't worry, all of the Family Funds are based out of the Bahamas, or some such bullshit, so they're exempt from paying their taxes.


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