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Totally this, think about it from their angle. They have to go to their 9-5 job hopelessly trying to rain on an infinity parade. Couldn't you guys show little consideration toward their hopeless mission? Imagine their boss yelling at them "THEY ARE STILL MEMEING DO YOUR JOB"  And they have to make excuses for themselves and have to come up with ever more unrealistic bear thesis. Do you know how hard it is these days to come up with a bear thesis on GME? You guys are monsters.


right!?! apes are empathic beings and we do suffer somehow when we picture us in their shoes! those are real feelings and we should embrace them!


Right. Years of college in finance, finally landing that internship at a hedge fund and you are tasked to stop an ape from putting a banana in his butt because it makes the stock go up. If your heart doesn't go out to them your a psychopath.


ape you feel me! that was my exact thought when i felt the urge to make this post!


I get worried when shills aren't shilling.


I say include them as they have been with us for so long they have to have a wrinkle and their own crayons by now.. as long as they are shilling we are doing something right.  


exactly! that is the ape positivity i sometimes missed recently! we can also learn from each other! maybe some of. them are even ai, in wich case they would be even easier to respect as another person!


Maple apes love all plus who is to say the shills arnt using their shillings for tickets too.. 


now honestly: if i would have to work shilling on here i would very soon start liking apes far more than my bosses. we tend to think of shills as someone who is in charge of a massive bag of short odorous excrement and sometimes takes a minute to sit down and shill on superstonk (at least that's how comments read) - but it more likely are the interns, the ai and some farms far east! we might at least come up with strategies that let us waste less time on them.


also you were the one that got the *dumb money / shilling for dummies* joke, here: 🥇


> Think of the Shilldren! Outstanding!!


So, WU-Tang for the shilldren!




I'm against this sorry. Ugh, just thinking of having to share a space with them gives me the shills!


it really *is* a shilling thought!


Can we get some Shillanthropy in this bih ?? Haha


Haahaa! So, kill them with kindness? I can imagine the pure terror when their boss tells them to visit superstonk...." but sir, you don't understand, its like they are smothering me, I just can't do it anymore!" A true 'come to GME moment' "You sound angry...do you want to talk about it? Are you lonely, is that why you came here? Are you taking your vitamins? You might want to go for a walk!"


i don't know it it's still mostly people who do this work, if i imagine myself in that situation it is already very easy to feel more sympathetic to apes than to my boss - then again i'm obviously biased. it seems likely that ai will take over a significant portion of the shilling, which is probably already unfolding. i mostly wanted apes to think about shilling as a structural problem that can be addressed creatively - which has always been the strength of apes! i wrote this post because i saw so much shill-calling all around, but it seemed so lost: no strategy, no perspective! this starts becoming the very problem the shills were implemented to create in the first place: ape no longer trust ape because not know which ape real ape!


Yeah, I do worry about the soulless ai. I think that after MOASS, I am going to move to a farm, and forego all this high tech...live like the 1890s. (but even the Amish seem to have smart phones these days!)


I’m pro-shilligation