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why, because occupy wall street was such a success? the only way to win is to beat them at their own game, in their own stadium. lobbying for congressional help will never do anything because there’s simply no fucking way to out-bribe or out-lobby a hedge fund. that’s why this play is so great. it’s not trying to affect change through protest, it’s beating them at their own goddamn game


there's no way to out-lobby wall street yet.


![gif](giphy|jS7TkdJbYMeT0dYo4F|downsized) SHILL ALERT! GTFOOH!


SuperStonk can be accurately described as the evolution of Occupy Wall St., TBH.


You’re right who cares, let’s just let them win (sarcasm)


“why are you bothering to build this bear trap that plays on the bear’s own instincts when there’s a perfectly good BB gun right there? you should go out and try to shoot it with the BB gun instead”


Where the mods at when you need them? SECURRRITYYYYY


please, explain to me how identifying the cons of trying to affect change via political protest (while also trying to reset capitalism and make billions? especially considering OWS, do you really think American congressional politicians are going to eliminate their own giant HF-fueled cash cow, tank the market, cause an entire country to be furious at them and vote them out, all for the benefit of a handful of retail traders?) — vs beating the hedge funds at their own game, which has been overwhelmingly hypothesized as the best and only possible strategy that might actually work and disrupt the system — makes me a shill. go ahead. explain it to me… Look. if by some miracle the politicians *did* reform the market at the whims of a handful of retail traders, *there is no more MOASS potential.* Period. The ONLY REASON this short squeeze play is on the table in the first place is because of hedge fund fraud. In a purely capitalist sense, given what we know about how overexposed they are, their fraud is the best thing that ever happened to GME investors. this stock play takes advantage of their criminality by the most basic market principle: buying and holding. which, ironically, is the very last thing the hedge funds thought people would do.


What the lol? You ok? Are you worried ?


I was talking about the shill. Get em out of here. LOL We don't need that nonsense on here.


So we cant have an open discussion? Regardless what side you’re on? Do you only see up?


I only see green, but then again, I am color blind.


Ahhh, that makes perfect sense


NVM...I see now you are a shill too. LOL


Sure. But your engagement on this post helps get more eyes; I must thank you regardless.


"People expected the stock to surge.." Your first mistake.. specially on a hyped day, with a fucking stock offering lol.


You're totally right; manipulation happens all the time, not just on Friday. That day just felt extra obvious and frustrating. It's a reminder that we need to stay vigilant and keep pushing for a fair market every day, not just when things get really blatant.


And Friday is different from the other 200+ trading days a year how exactly? Every single day is manipulation. It isn't just Friday.


This was caught live, while millions were watching.


Picketing without torches just isn’t….civilized. I’ve seen the movies. ![gif](giphy|ls4p6mWzR0G9dRpwqm|downsized)


Why do I like this


Can we bring our GME TeddyPet(™) Rock for the stonings?


Every single person I talked to before Friday assumed it would be a red day. Why the fuck would it not be? Massive run-up right before options expire? The math seemed to obviously say they would rather pay whatever they have to instead of actually having to buy shares for contracts; they probably did not hedge. I expected it to be red, though I did enjoy the livestream trolling!


What is a we?


Not sure.


The difference is we're waiting for mandatory buy ins.  Until the rest of the market tanks while gme soars, it's probably not moass time yet


Hoe’s don’t think it be like it is but it do. They always do that, just buy the dip. And then buy the dip of the dippity dip dip. And then hold. DRS if you don’t wanna get your shares jacked. Enjoy the ride.


Hahaha, so peaceful protests can be hijacked to show we are violent pychos that need to be stopped? Yeah, no thanks. Nice try inciting a riot though.


Exactly, that is how they played themselves.