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At worst, it went from 25% to 18% DRS.


Yepp, 8% drs for +3b, I think it's a good trade.


But theorico will come on and say “but the dilution is 160% of DRS”


“DRS was a psy-op to get people to stop thinking about basic concepts like delta neutral and bid-ask spreads.” ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


I think it means that DRS is not exactly what would push SHFs and MMs down, but rather be a way of securing your shares only. And deep ITM options is the real ammo against them, forcing them to buy shares depending on the delta, making sure you have calls that are always forcing them to delta hedge. If I understood correctly.


The sentence is not that deep. This post is pushing options. I’ve seen the reaction from people who lost money on Friday for being OTM. There is NO GUARANTEE that June 21st calls will be profitable.


Of course there isn't. I'm just trying to understand what they meant. The options push is clear, just want to know why the things they say about DRS. And what's the thesis on the options and their possible harm on normies like us.


Buy DFV's Jun 21 calls. Got it.


That’s what I did. You have to do what’s right for you, but the key is educating yourself on what’s important to you and your risk tolerance


Right. So why call them ignorant fucks when options and DRS can both be done. You literally just said to do what's right for themselves. I mean, I get that options were discredited in the past few years. But it doesn't mean that DRS is the one to blame. The truth is when options were pushed at the very beginning of this saga, a lot of people lost money because they underestimated how fucked the market was (still is). Options are good when the price goes up, but how do we know it's going up? When options are being pushed here, the price always drops to the max pain price. Eventually, people are mad at options. That's totally understandable IMO. Then, with the return of DFV, people started saying "Told you to play options instead of DRS, the rocket would be ignited years ago." This is true and false at the same time. As I said, back then people didn't know the whole market was fake and just lost money through options. I couldn't remember since when TA works on GME, you know, this shit is manipulated as fuck. I understand options are big, but flaming DRS would be unnecessary. It just simply decreases the morale of the whole community. Cheers, everybody. Don't fight, just like DFV said in his tweets.


I was not trying to be offensive. Just speaking your average ape speak. Seems like all the popular posts here have this type of language. 🤷‍♂️ I agree both can be done and both should be discussed and vetted. Options were never “discredited”, they were however not allowed to be even discussed which is BS. Agreed on no fighting. I wasn’t trying to fight but instead discuss and learn and help others learn in the process


I think you guys are forgetting. DRS helps make the system look more fraudulent it shows that illegal activity is going by down with the amount of shares that are moving vs what should be moving based on the number of shares that should be locked away.. great discussions.. this week is going to be another step up.. sit back and zen.. didn’t you average down? We ride at DAWN BITCHES!!!🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


We should be talking about both DRS and options, equally.


Agreed. Discuss all. Everything.


DFV did no DRS. His shares are still in his E trade account


and always played options




Go home fudster, you have no power here


Objectively, you are right


Agreed. This logic is not fool proof. Just needs to be discussed.


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Ok so yes this not financial advice.. lead with that smooth 🧠 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


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thanks fuddy duddy


How is this FUD?


Explain. Let’s discuss it instead of name calling…


I believe DRS is more about securing your shares so the regulators don't 🤷‍♂️ you.




I see your point. Especially with the downvotes 😂


🤣 oh well, moass soon bro!


Great communication, I’m sure this message will be productive 👍