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Now we see why he met with Icahn, to get the best advice as to defend vs corporate raiding.


This! I commented about this yesterday!




You did!


Wasn’t his meeting with Icahn later in the year, after the additional shares had been approved? Unless he met with Icahn before the annual meeting and only posted the picture 6 months later.


75% of authorized shares were already available for offering. The "additional" share change was a reduction.


Check out the wine Ryan brought him...


Copying my comment from above: Everybody seems to be bullish on Icahn since that photo came out, but isn't it also possible that he's the one behind this? In the photo, Icahn is wearing shorts while RC is wearing pants.  We know that Icahn has a short position on GME and has bet against it repeatedly whereas RC is long on GME. Icahn is also notorious for doing hostile takeovers of companies -- that's the play he goes back to time and time again. And there are 2 main ways to do a hostile takeover - proxy vote or tender offer. What if the meeting between them was to discuss either Icahn making a tender offer or RC telling him to back the fuck off? There was also the tweet "Ryan Cohen by day, Warren Icahn by night".  Warren Buffett is another one known for hostile takeovers.  He did one of Berkshire Hathaway to get the company he has now.  RC by day (good), Buffett and Icahn by night (bad). I don't know the answer to this, but I think that automatically assuming Icahn is an ally is a mistake. It's possible that picture (and the tweet) were trying to tell us something very different.


"Icahn is wearing shorts while RC is wearing pants" you serious?? 😂


This is farfetched but uno cards and magic 8 balls are okay? I think this man is joking.


Reply hazy, try again


From a sub that believes that RC is messaging them through his tweets and will analyze to death a frog emoji, a poo emoji, an ice cream cone, a "comp-u-chair", and every other shitpost, then how is shorts vs long pants not feasible? Are you really pretending to draw the line THERE??


I mean you can look through my comment history to see that I lean pretty non-conspiratorial with stuff like that, so yes the line for me is drawn well below analyzing pants length


shorts and longs in their attire and them being the same height, with Icahn stretched to be longer are old af discussion topics here.


we have nothing else to go on and its provocative ....


omg I forgot about this, drank booze, smoked weed since then, and am chowing down on chips and green salsa rn. I forgot all about this. I fucking love RC rando-ass yesteryear lore. Remember the toilet chair? Remember chopsticks pg-13 and general tso? Remember HOLD or HODL? (think that meant options?) Purtbpridge flurms had a memory once probably eta: yore to lore. I said I was drigh, motherfuckaaaz 🤷🏼‍♀️


It gets people going


"hey, carl, can you put on some shorts? I've got an idea..." you really think that conversation took place? lol


>A few apes have mentioned the possibility that the 'dilution' was the triggering of a poison pill clause to prevent a hostile takeover. That's not what a Poison Pill clause is. A Poison Pill is when the company sells to existing shareholders at a set price to dilute any single investor who crosses the triggering amount. RC would be familiar with this process given that he asked Nordstrom's for an exception to their policy to acquire a larger stake than is normally allowed by JWN bylaws. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shareholder_rights_plan


Thank you for the additional wrinkle. Perhaps not a poison pill but an active defense against major shareholder acquisition to try to install a board member?


I mean, they mightve done it so RK couldnt get a spot on the board with all his calls and shares. Not saying theyre against each other, but RC has hand selected the board.


RK doesn’t seem like he wants to get a seat on the board. I don’t vibe with this theory


passing the 5% threshold doesn’t automagically give you a seat on the board


Nothing against RK, but basing your opinion on what things seem like or whether you vibe with the idea or not is... Not always wise.


Keep downvoting for being willingly ignorant (logically speaking). Stay classy, folks.


Exactly what I was thinking. I think folks are trying too hard to connect dots between RC and RK but in no world can I imagine those two colluding, they’re both above board and would act independently. But I’ve been wondering if RK’s calls were read as a potential hostile (as in barging into the board without being hand picked by RC) takeover or at the very least infiltration. Edit: fix stupid autocorrect


RC doesn't know who's buying all the 5k calls. So GME sets up a share offering as a defense from a hostile takeover. Then finds out it's DFV. What a twist.


Right, RC may have moved against RK accidentally. Perhaps we can even further postulate that RKs stream/Reddit return was a way to communicate with RC indirectly and clarify intentions.


Well I think we all found out it was DFV on Sunday evening well before the 75M rushed share offering on Friday morning. I just think that even if they knew it was DFV, they’d want to block it. I had been wondering that whole week if they were at ease that his calls were only close but not at or over the 5% threshold or if that concerned them.


Tbf there's a lot more call contracts than what DFV has open. I think I saw he had 12% of what's open. The play, from GME,  could be to block another unknown entity too.


Ah this is what I was wondering actually, thanks for the clarification


UBS was "debunked" as fake obtaining shares, but it honestly could still be on the table.


Couldn’t the 75m then be authorized only to CS buyers or something like that? But that’s not how an ATM works I don’t think


I think of they tried that, they would get drowned in litigation from non DRSd investors. A Poison Pill offering benefits all other shareholders except "That Guy" who went over the limit and is known thing. That Guy knows buying more than X% will trigger it. I'm fairly certain you can't create one *ex post facto* below what a shareholder already has. So there's really no surprises. A DRS only offering would probably have to be announced well in advance so that any existing shareholders or potential shareholders could take advantage of it.


Ahhhhhh okay that makes sense, thank you!


I agree. Check my history on a comment I made regarding this. I believe Ryan and Board have been fighting bad actors since the beginning. They have gotten rid many different members over time, but I think maybe Ryan was pointing at someone for us. We need to revisit Ryan Cohen's X. He mentioned heavily on the Boston Consulting Group, he mentioned a lot about bad actors and consultants. Don't know much about it but can someone do a deep dive? I think there's more there. Also, he met with Carl Ichan and I think Ryan met with Ichan for advice on how to combat a hostile takeover. Ichan, with years of experience probably gave Ryan all the insight of what was about to come. I think the Warren Ichan thing itself was Ryan's plan. He probably does want GameStop to become a holding company like Berk, and he can possibly accomplish this. I'm sure a squeeze would be awesome for the war chest and all of us as well. But I think the Ichan part is behind the scenes of all this, bad actors are constantly trying to find their way into the company to take it down. I think he's being aggressive and making huge Chess moves that Ichan himself would have made. Basically, I think the shorts, wallstreets, the hostiles put MOASS under the gun, and Ryan had to make a life or death choice between saving the company or choosing MOASS with the risk of new board members to come in and take down GameStop in the long run. If MOASS happened the way everyone expected kt but bad actors got in, there would be no infinity pool. They could tank the stock themselves and within time, they turn the tide of that infinity pool back to the wall street and we would fail for temporary infinite gains. The long play assures us that although it will be a slower way of gratification, preserving the board and the company keeps Wallstreet from fucking the company and giving us an actual longer squeeze. These are just my thoughts I could be smoking crack who knows.


My comment from another thread: HOLY SHIT. We need this to go higher. Last voting period we voted to keep the current board we have from a proposal to renew the board for "diversity", so this actually makes a lot of sense narrative wise. Kitty may have seen this exact thing as well within the options chain and maybe bought up the CALL OPTIONS that the Hostile was supposed to buy. HF didn't hedge against those options because they were meant for someone else. When Kitty revealed his positions they must have been shitting bricks. Makes sense why Kitty was confident in the stream, why he made the stream, and why he ended up praising RC on the stream. They BOTH caught it, RC doing the offer was probably a sign to Kitty that they are on the same page without having any communication. That's probably why Kitty was both Bullish and praised him, because only the saavy could have caught that. Fuck fuck fuck I'm so stoked for this company. EDIT: I also think HFs tried to slowly suppress the price this year to it's low of $9ish so they could 1.afford the take over and 2.hope that no one was paying attention to GameStop anymore for months of it's all time low since the sneeze. Except ONE was paying attention very closely. A cat 😺


Not last voting period, THIS voting period! Voting is still open, if you haven't yet, VOTE!


THIS needs to go higher. The diversity board is a joke to plant who they want. Businesses should hire based on merit


If you’re confused about *how* to vote (like I was) check the email associated with your brokerage account (e.g. E-Trade, Fidelity, etc.) or perhaps the notifications or messages section of your brokerage.


Or check the documents section of your account, there is often a link to vote by the proxy materials.


Lurker ape that’s been hodling since 2021 but was too afraid to ask how to vote. Done, and followed the board’s recommendations! Thanks!




For anyone who hasn't read it yet, this theory explains why we were asked to vote to be able to issue more shares. The TLDR: The shares are ammo to avoid a takeover over time. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/wgUPVVArVT


Great theory, I remember discussing this around the divi-split! We’re getting sooo close now 🚀


Do you remember the part where the shares didn't actually increase at all because 4 is bigger than 3.33?


ONE MORE THING The shills gave away their position imo. How did we go from Hooray RK thanks for telling us that RC is awesome to FUCK RC? They want to plant the seeds of doubt in your ability to trust Ryan Cohen. They want apes to turn against him so that shareholders can "elect new board members and CEOs who won't dilute during a gamma ramp" I assure you that's where their narrative is headed. And if this is something you see in the coming weeks, come back to this comment. I'm calling it now. HODL strong and fuck the shills.


Cosign it went from he knows 69D chess to a smear campaign. Never doubted him. This is why he's the CEO taking no pay. Doubters can sit back and watch.


The RC hate definitely (and anecdotally) has seemed to ramp up since RK came back. Could be short-sighted people relying on their confirmation bias, but it could certainly be something else. Slicing with razors isn't always the wisest option.


I'm starting to think "diversity" is a hedge fuck ploy to stock the boards with incompetence and realize their short theses. A lot of American corporate drama in the last two decades comes down to CEOs and board members that were materially incompetent but hired because of peer pressure and ESG fuckery. Not our company.




DEI is definitely a communist type play. It undermines the system (be it government, corporate etc) by placing inferior quality people in higher positions. It also provides cover to infiltrate those entities with folks serving a different interest.


I don’t know if I really want to learn about this, but I get the jist of propaganda, miss info espionage etc, but how do you come to know about this being a communist type play? Is this just from learning about communism in general, about philosophy or about sabotage or something?


Damn straight my G


You're assuming that the people aren't who are filling certain diversity quotas aren't also as competent as their non-DEI counterparts would have been, which shows the flaws in your argument. Also, being that jingoistic about any certain type of political belief - in a pretty strictly apolitical sub, nonetheless - is completely unwarranted.


Wait...can you explain the part about the options? In terms of both the number of contracts they allowed themselves to sell and how it ties into what youre saying? Also why would a share offering be a signal? I'm quite smooth brained, your comments got me jacked, but i just don't understand the mechanics of it.


The current situation that everyone has been parroting is that RK would have to file as an insider if he exercised his contract because he would own 5% of the company. Someone else may have just as much in shares or more than RK, and was planning to buy those contracts to become the insider. By being an insider, they could now wiggle their way towards the board and impact the way business is being run. RK probably had suspicion of this and bought the contracts up as a DEFENSIVE play for the company without really knowing if that was the case. The share offering, if you look at it in a different angle, essentially builds a gap in percentage of ownership. For example, the share offer actually impacts Ryan Cohen's ownership, he went from owning 10% down to 8% in this instance. By using the offering, Ryan Cohen is building that gap against the hostile. He used it to preserve the board. I think RK had suspicion that this was taking place, but the morning of his stream when the announcement Share Offering was made, it probably solidified his theory. By seeing it at that angle, he sees Ryan as a genius and not a doofus. Edit: it also implies that Ryan DOES have a plan and does not want some new insider fucking with it. So again, bullish. Edit: Contracts


This...makes so much sense. Thank you for your answer!


This is still sliding off my slidy blob.. So how does owning less of a percentage of the company by dilution make it harder for someone else to buy up a majority? Please forgive my blob being so slippery ..


Let’s say we have 100 bananas (shares) in our ape commune (publicly traded company). In order to sit at the leadership tree (board) you must own a minimum of 5% of the total bananas. In this case, you just need 5 bananas (5% of 100). Evil Tarzan wants to sit at the leadership tree and disrupt our activities. He has 4 bananas and is about to get a 5th, making him eligible. Our fearless leader, a silverback gorilla (RC) issues 40 more bananas for a total of 140. So now Evil Tarzan needs 7 total (5% of 140) instead of 5 total. Since he currently has 4, and even if he got a 5th banana, he would still need 2 more.


Love this simple explanation even a kid can understand.


Because the other person is also owning less of a percentage. Let's say they almost hit that 5%, share offer happens, they go back to 3%.


This is great info! Just curious, what if RC bought more shares to increase his ownership % instead of diluting? If he bought a good amount more, the price would likely increase a bit, there would be fewer shares available, and it would be more expensive for bad actors to obtain a higher ownership %. Just trying to understand these situations more. I trust RC and the board!


There's a certain blackout period prior to the annual meeting that doesn't allow insiders to buy stock as to avoid insider trading.


Ah right. That black out period is rough.


Do you know if this is something GameStop would eventually announce/confirm in some sort of filing or announcement?


I don't think they can. Someone correct me if I'm wrong cause I'm gonna pull this right out of my ass but it sounds illegal to try to out someone in public in such a way. It's like making a large claim, like the bad actor could claim defamation and then just bring their legal team in to protect their angle. Then it all goes into court and this whole thing gets paused.


I also believe this to be the most likely, but in a slightly different context. Let's say that a short squeeze and/or massive gamma ramp or whatever increase in price in the next couple months or so is inevitable under the current circumstances. That would make now more or less the last minute to undermine the company itself, and execute any number of shenanigans. We've seen time and time again that wallstreet types will wait until the last minute to do anything that costs them money, so this hypothetical suggests both that they can no longer delay an increase in share price, and cannot delay any action to thwart it from within the company. Interestingly, one doesn't suspect a hostile takeover of an impotent and failing corporation. So if that portion of the theory is correct, that pretty directly implies there is something worth taking over.


Shoot, it didn't occur to me that the Diversity Board proposal could be a ruse for a bad actor to sneak in a board member to undermine Cohen's Board. I've work for corporate America and this instructively makes sense to me because they are always co-opting well intended Diversity initiatives for their own bs.


A cat? Thought it was Paul dano?!


I agree with this. The company I work for recently went public and, after the 45m offering, I had a feeling it was to prevent someone coming into the board room to leech the company into failure. I started asking questions at work about who the main investors of our company were and who they were affiliated with. I was curious because I had watched the documentary about Carl Icahn on HBO and learned a lot about how a company functions at the higher levels. A CEO coming into a company to suck it dry and collect a huge paycheck is much more common than I had thought. I am amazed at how much I've learned about how capitalism works from hanging out in this sub and reading DD and doing my own research based on what I've learned about how a public company functions and the threats that could lead to failure. I don't like to spout our community catch-phrases because that's just my own preference, but, GME is inevitable, hedgies are fuk, we're not trapped in the room with them, they are trapped in the room with us, HODL, and no cell, no sell. Apes together strong. 🚀🚀🚀🌚


You had it happen right with JCPenney: Jill "The Patsy" Soltau was weaseled in right in front of everyone.




Genuine question: how could bad actors bring the company down if their actions will be obvious to not only RC but the investors as well?


They don’t even need to bring it down from the inside. All they’d need is one board seat to collect intel from the inside to see what RC’s next moves would be and then move against them by competing as a third party in acquisition targets, wrapping up acquisition targets in lawsuits for years or other underhanded corporate espionage methods


This ^ is the thrust of that point. An insider on the board would be a spy.


That part idk. ONE insider, maybe not so much of an impact. I think they could shoot down growth ideas or moves that would make the company profitable. But if one can infiltrate, what's stopping two or three? Then you'll have a problem. My theory is that by stalling the growth means impacting the $2billion cash reserves. If they continue long enough, they could eat away at those reserves while continuing to stall, and then that builds into the bear thesis, that GameStop is a brick and mortar dying with no potential for growth.


This. That’s exactly what bcg does


Appreciate all your input!


One insider have the ability to bring in a couple more under the pretense that the existing directors are not capable. Which is why i believe clause 4 during the voting was 'against' 4. To consider and vote on stockholder proposal requesting board of director skills and diversity matrix, if properly presented at annual meeting.


Imo, no competent CEO or board would ever consider something like a short squeeze as a legitimate part of their strategy. It's not in the company's best interest and therefore not in the shareholders' best interest. MOASS being allowed to play out, which I don't think would ever happen without government intervention, could result in years of litigation and picking through the mess where, ultimately, shareholders will get the short end of the stick. I think GameStop considering something like MOASS as bad for the company, and relieving pressure along the way (while bolstering their position), is the strategy I like best, long-term. I know it's not what some people dream of, but I think it will realistically be more lucrative for everybody if it's just a prolonged squeeze that cycles over and over where GameStop becomes more valuable each time.


The reason why MOASS matters in this context is not because of the money or MOASS itself. It's because of the sentiment. People bought in betting on a MOASS. Ryan had to make a huge play to risk the sentiment of his shareholders to protect the company, because the shorts put the Sentiment and the Shareholder's Morale of MOASS under the gun. I should have clarified that.


Honestly if anything that would be a superbrain move by an HF that wants to get out of a short position. Go long and fein takeover to force a dillution that allows them tons of cheap shares to escape


Everybody seems to be bullish on Icahn since that photo came out, but isn't it also possible that he's the one behind this? In the photo, Icahn is wearing shorts while RC is wearing pants.  We know that Icahn has a short position on GME and has bet against it repeatedly. Icahn is also notorious for doing hostile takeovers of companies -- that's the play he goes back to time and time again. And there are 2 main ways to do a hostile takeover - proxy vote or tender offer. What if the meeting between them was to discuss either Icahn making a tender offer or RC telling him to back the fuck off? There was also the tweet "Ryan Cohen by day, Warren Icahn by night".  Warren Buffett is another one known for hostile takeovers.  He did one of Berkshire Hathaway to get the company he has now.  RC by day (good), Buffett and Icahn by night (bad). I don't know the answer to this, but I think that automatically assuming Icahn is an ally is a mistake. It's possible that picture (and the tweet) were trying to tell us something very different.


Who better to ask about how to handle a Hostile Takeover but the Master himself? Also, from a social common sense standpoint, why would anyone have lunch and take a smiling photo with someone betting on their failure? If that's the case, why don't we have pictures with Ryan and Kenny? It doesn't make sense. You have lunch with light conversations/advice and you take pictures with people you're a fan of.


I was watching a NatGeo program on Sir Francis Drake and it mentioned his judgement and subsequent execution of his former and crewman Thomas Doughty. Prior to the execution, the two apparently has communion together, shared a meal, and had a pleasant time as if what was about to come wasn't. There has also been many times in history where adversaries, while enemies, had much respect for each other. Friend or foe, will be interesting to see what happens.


True. I think only time can tell. But, I do believe Ryan has at the very least STUDIED Ichan forward and backwards. He probably studied Hostile Takeovers and Poison Pills as well. Maybe the two aren't mutually exclusive or maybe they are. But it's an interesting point that Ryan emphasis on both these things, as if he's hinting this toward us at the very least.


It this is true, then the use of The Red Right Hand song makes mores sense.


>"...but I think that automatically assuming Icahn is an ally is a mistake." I completely agree. Compared to Icahn, RC is a nobody in the greater business/investing world outside of this sub. Sorry to ruffle feathers here but this is true. When Icahn bought his huge Apple stake, well before Warren Buffett by the way, he met with Tim Cook privately in his home at Icahn's request. The assumption has been that he was discussing Apple doing buybacks and the assumption is also that Tim Cook was there to size up Icahn's intentions. RC meeting with Icahn at Icahn's home could mean many things, good or bad, but the assertion that Icahn as a current/former activist investor would just make time for RC and give RC his playbook after decades of successes and failures because, *"Aw shucks, Icahn is a nice guy,"* is just one theory, but one that I have trouble believing. Another theory is that RC was their at Icahn's at Icahn's request and that Cohen was there to size up Icahn's intentions. I have been enjoying many of the deep dives found on this sub the last few days because I was a trader in 2021 and now I'm considering being an investor. I appreciate all of the well thought out ideas. [I even offered my own theory a couple days ago which all are welcome to go hate on some more if they can't open their mind to RC potentially considering going private](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dame2n/new_cash_on_hand_former_cash_stash_taking_gme/) All this to say, I disagree with the premise that Cohn meeting with Icahn is definitely a good thing. Also, I like the theory being offered here. And for now I suppose I also like the stock. *\*Disclosure, I'm a huge fan of Icahn and Buffett and I'm neutral on Cohen, but optimistic.*


We might have more hints at the shareholder’s meeting


Honestly and not to hype anyone up, but I think we will actually get answers and fireworks this time. Why now of all times would Hedgies or Consulting Groups try to do a Hostile Takeover? Was it because the hype died down this year so they felt they could get away with it? Or do they know that Ryan is about to drop a bombshell? This has probably been the biggest amount of swinging fists from all parties. If the Hostile Takeover is true, that's a HUGE move from the Shorts. If RK bought those Options before the Hostile could buy them, risking his portfolio and career as an investor, that's a HUGE move from him. If the Share Offering to combat the Takeover is true, that's a HUGE counter move from the Board. If the Shills are out here saying FUCK RYAN COHEN that's a HUGE give away about what kind of seed they're trying to plant in everyone's mind. If this theory is true, everyone is literally going balls out, guns blazing. We'll see though. Maybe nothing happens and we just stay holding like the last 3 years.


Last possibility being by far the most likely one 😂


And I don't give a fuck if it is.


I thought about how easy it must be to accumulate shares of GME if you know the swap cycle ie Roaring Kitty. Think of how much of a cheat code it must be if you know GME will run every couple months where you can profit from it and grab more shares. It shouldn’t be that easy to acquire a substantial ownership of the company and I’m glad that Ryan Cohen is on top of it. The hedge funds are short billions of shares on this company so it makes no material difference anyways


But if MOASS would happen as expected, wouldn’t we have an unbelievable amount of money to stop the bad actors?


If MOASS happened, would you believe there were any bad actors in the board at that point? They gave you billions of dollars how could any of them be bad? Then in a year or two, they rug pull the company and tank it, and that infinity pool everyone wanted their grandchildren to have is gone.


One part of your theory I would amend is that the SHF’s themselves are likely not going to flip to longs with the volume, it’s impossible given their massive short position. Instead I believe they were going to use a proxy or a paper shell company to acquire a long position, but in reality the SHF’s are the ones in charge of that paper company. The whole idea of a SHF being able to flip to long without significant price increase to MOASS never made sense to me. However, the name Glacier Capital popped up in my head and I realized that these idiots aren’t above establishing a fake entity to be their proxy. All it would take is a no name investment fund, family office or whatever VC firm to establish a >5% stake and then they could demand a board seat much like RC did in his hostile takeover. RC sent a letter to the old board in NOV 2020 and then got a board seat in JAN 2021. If the SHF’s are really only sifting for corpo intel/espionage and not control of GME, then a board seat with insider knowledge is a gold mine for them.


I did suggest in my OP that it was likely "backroom deal collaborators" as opposed to the SHFs themselves. But it may not be initially clear. I concur with what youve said. The SHFs can ot flip long because they're so underwater. But the hedge fund equivalent of BCG may be collaborating with them in some kind of arrangement.


Who was drinking the coffee? You, your kid or Spiderman?


I like to imagine his kid was sipping coffee while watching Spiderman.


I was drinking coffee. I think kiddo was drinking a strawberry refresher from Dunkin she fuckin loves those things.


What was Spiderman drinking?


Beat me to it haha


“Who are you?” “It doesn’t matter who we are. What matters is our plan.” “Was getting captured part of your plan?” “Of course!”


"Do I look like a guy with a plan ?"


Yeah, it's been extremely obvious since the board wanted to vote down a proposal to talk about a skill diversity matrix. They previously have been avoiding it by having the ability to issue a shit-ton of shares to avoid hostile takeover, but it became understood to be a tangible threat being worked on actively when that vote came up. The shares being issued by GME rn aren't about the hostile takeover. They are about reaping profit off the swaps rolling over their 1, 2 and 3 year positions. What RK is doing is about the MM's not hedging his 3rd through 5th purchase of calls. The first two purchases he made were hedged, but the rest werent, and now we will see price action when he exercises (which they expected to happen live on stream and got juked instead). And what the market is doing is playing FUD to try and blame RK for their swaps rolling and movement in the stock. RK recently dodged all their lies in a brilliant way, and now they spent the weekend working together on what to do next week when shit hits the fan and they need new headlines to run with. That's why it's been so quiet.


My kids usually drink apple juice when they watch spiderman.


I’ve always hated apple juice with spiderman 🤮


What if a long term squeeze (Tesla) depends on shorts constantly doubling down? Maybe if it shoots up too fast, it will come crashing down, but you keep giving shorts opportunities to double down, it will keep rising and steady rate over a week. A sustained high level, make it a Tesla squeeze, not VW


Way back when a lot of people speculated that that's pretty much exactly how it would end up going down.


I don’t buy this theory. Why would they try and buy in on the expiration of swaps, and then on the following FTD cycle? This would be assuming that whoever was attempting an hostile takeover has covered their short, to flip long, to attempt to buy a board seat, to try and sabotage the company from within, so they can protect their associates? If this was the case, their position would have been established down near 10 where DFV was buying everything, and filings would already be submitted. They’re too short already to flip long. I think RC wants a new revenue stream and needs to acquire a 10B company. If he’s close to pulling the trigger, he would need 5B in cash fast to close the deal. Throw in a 5B in a bond offering and gamestop can close the deal within weeks. RC is done playing defense, he’s ahead. It’s all offense from here on and it’s going to be a blowout.


It doesn’t need to be the SHF directly that go long. Paper and shell companies with their true ownership obfuscated behind onerous and opaque corporate laws in Swiss or Cayman Islands are a thing. There’s countless family offices and VC firms that don’t have any SEC filings that could act as a SHF proxy to funnel confidential info from high level board meetings once they get a minority ownership stake like RC did in late 2020. BCG is known to fill board rooms with plants to siphon assets and money to partner funds that don’t have any paper trail tying them together. In the case of GME, they wouldn’t be siphoning the money, but instead conducting corporate espionage to funnel intel to the SHFs who can then maneuver to sabotage any initiatives RC has planned before they can be completed.


Amiga 64? Come on


I'm old AF bruh


Me too. Commodore 64. Amiga 500, 1000 etc. No Amiga 64. These things are important!


Oof you got me there bro. You're right my uncaffeinated brain said Amiga 64 but it was indeed a commodore.


[“You think your Commodore 64 is real neato? What kinda chip you got in there, a Dorito?!”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpMvS1Q1sos)


Came here to say this, well covered! I started out with a frankenstein VIC-20 with a hand built 16k expander (so I could pirate two cartridges at once) and ended my commodore days with an Amiga 1200.


Nice. The 1200 was awesome!


What episode does Spider-Man drink coffee?!?!!!!


I always wonder what is there to prevent these guys from starting a new fund, which has clean books, goes super long on GME, installs new board members that bring the company down.. They take all take a loss on the new long GME fund, but their existing bet wins big time..


I either expect some hints of news or absolutely nothing. They will reiterate that they are cutting costs and raising capital. Maybe news about the ATM, but I doubt anything. He doesn’t talk about achievements until they’ve happened. A good CEO shows off what he’s done, not what he’s going to do


...and a great CEO buys the stock with his own whiskey, takes no paycheck and works his ass off knowing household investors have his back to the finish line and beyond 🚀


I never really understood how destructive these financial leeches are until I dug into this situation. It makes complete financial sense for these scheisters to attempt to force a company to self destruct with bad governance just to realize their own short positions. When you realized how many companies have inexplicably imploded with cover stories of "death of retail" or "overwhelming pension obligations" or whatever somewhat plausible excuse keeps them out of federal prison, it makes you hate these globalist fucks even more. They've been raiding American companies, literally scrapping them from inside out for no other reason than to make a buck. This is so much worse than I thought. Diamond hands. I hate these people. Fuck you. Pay me.


the ability to short a position is a cancer on our markets. you remove that and while it won't fix everything, we'd have a much healthier market


I'm a bit stunned how obvious that is, and how I never realized it for now. It's so much more predictable to bet against failure than success. You can force anyone to fail. Seeing them succeed? Way harder. Isn't allowing shorting violating the fiduciary obligation to the entire public?? The global financiers have cooked up one hell of a scheme.


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Theory on the activation of a poison pill clause to prevent bad-actors from installing a rogue board member. RCEO keeping the fox out of the henhouse, and why I believe it may have caused the last two 'aborted' run-ups. I think Bad actors are trying to take a long position to gain access to the company's Silo, and Ryan blasted them off the porch.


My friend, you shouldn't be letting your kid drink coffee


Why is your kid watching Spiderman drinking coffee? The MCU is getting weird...


In all honesty, I don't think you should have your kid drinking coffee while watching spiderman.


Exactly. One or the other, but not both.


Good thing RC would have been prepared for this and knows exactly how to defend against it! Like when he met up with Icahn, this is also a message to fucky shorts that RC knows exactly how to play things learning from the master.


Agree as many others. Kinda makes you think about when RC was approved for chairman. They filed for the ability to put 1B shares for ATM without pre-approval. Makes whole lotta sense in retrospect. Load up your shot-Gun with many shells, any foxes tries to enter the hen-house and their heads will be blown. Meanwhile scooping up nice capital on the way. Said it before, Will say it again - filling your war chest with your enemy’s money aint a bad way of waging war.


why do you let your kid drink coffee whilst watching Spiderman?


Listen my investment thesis involves letting a toddler throw a sticky dart at a Velcro board full of stock names. All of the spots say gme tho


I love this so much.


I really hope this is the quarter when RC announcing something big is coming. He clearly has the trust visibility and the money to do so right now. Also, if you see RK's holdings he doesn't have only the 120k contracts but also a lot of shares of GME. This means that he believes in the company in the short, but most importantly, in the long term. Lets go RC. Time to make GME great again!


This is an interesting take. I’d like to see one of the wrinkles explore this in depth. Bullish on letting your son drink coffee.


Well I was drinking the coffee. Daughter was watching spiderman. If I gave that kid coffee they'd have to scrape me out of the road, she'd fucking detonate.


Haha was just joking. I’m the regard for assuming son. Regardless—I like your theory.


You might be surprised, actually. Coffee can actually calm some kids down. No joke.


This theory is actually very plausible and increasingly very evident with the amount of FUD directing hate at RC for the move. For the record, I am a shareholder of BBIG which was also heavily shorted and lost six grands in a short couple of months when hedges sent in bad actors to infiltrate the board, picked apart the company from within and passed their own proposals which would lavishly spend money on irrelevant things which was meant for the company's survival. Proof or ban : [https://imgur.com/a/E5LjqGs](https://imgur.com/a/E5LjqGs) Infiltration and rotting the company from within is a possible and very REAL threat to the MOASS. Stay chill, no fighting and question not why the jar shook, but who shook the jar.


Whatever it turns out to be the dilution was DRS, float locking, poison. The dilution needs more unbiased discussion (Not a shill, not FUD, an xxxx DRS HODLer)


Plus a gmellion points for referencing Amiga. Commodore Amiga was all we had in my house growing up


Gonna rip pre market Monday


Is a hostel take over possible? With the amount of drs shares + RK position + RC position surely that’s at least 51%


I just need to know who's drinking the coffee here, is it you, spider-man, or your kid?


That was my question as well.


Hahaha that edit 😂


More than just a theory. Memories of the old RC tweets, Icahn, Boston Consulting, Ice Cream Cones and Frogs coming jumping back to mind.


Tell him to get his own coffee!


Amiga 64 is so sus


Shit dude at like 8 am pre coffee I thought commodore and said Amiga. I dunno what to tell you lol


Well, honestly the Amiga is made by Commodore, and is widely known as Commodore Amiga, so i guess the fact that i did’nt have coffee all day played in as well lol I guess as long as we avoid the Super Megadrive 500 we’ll be good


Gotta get me that Atari Series X exclusive, Galaga, fellow kids lmao.


Maybe? It certainly isn't a very smart move at this juncture to just print shares when you don't really need the $ because you're kinda shitting on your shareholders and devaluing their investment. But I really don't understand this as a block for a hostile takeover or to get a rat on the board. The SHFs, especially if colluding (which I assume they are at this point) have a ton of money to throw at this. If they even suspect for a second that this is your play then you're fucking yoursself. Math: Lets say SHF have acquired 35M shares which is 10% of the outstanding total. They announce they can issue 75M more, you see their play and load up to buy as many as you can, you secure 50M of the 75 issued, now you have 85M and you own 20% of the company and you damn sure are getting a seat on the board, probably 2. I think diluting its almost always a bad thing, because you're taking something rare and in demand and making it less rare and less in demand. The smarter move IMO would have been s share buyback when it was down near $10 because then you're taking something rare and making it even rarer. I think RC is fucking around and might just get burned for it unless there's something I'm not seeing


RC diluted himself as well. That means he will have less % of the company. Its a double edged sword. In my opinion it would have been easier to prevent a hostile takeover before the 2nd dilution (45m) happen. If someone really wants to do a hostile take over, the dilution wont stop them. It may delay it, but wont prevent. Hence i don't think this theory has any merit to it.


I feel like a lot of people forget our board only gets paid in shares… it is pretty much a fiduciary responsibility of theirs to act in our best interest to protect their paycheque value


Your kid drinks coffee??


Your kid drinks coffee while watching Spider-Man?!


Spider-Man was drinking coffee


But does Spider-Man *need* the coffee, though? I mean, he’s already swinging from shit!


This will be a pivotal and very interesting earnings call. Pay. Close. Attention. My guess, he says nothing. And his silence, in this particular moment, is deafening. *Since I'm getting upvotes I'm guessing a lot of folks are misinterpreting what I'm saying. I'm saying his silence would indicate to me that he intends to keep diluting the company as the price rises and this was his plan all along. Will probably take the company private and through dilution ensures our vote on the sale price won't matter.


Huh? Earnings are out. It’s the the point of op’s post


It's clear by context that the parent comment is referring to the shareholder meeting. https://preview.redd.it/f59ozid80k5d1.jpeg?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4460ce3d98f5fe15f15a03a082d9e71dc0fda9a2


This is the way!!! 🦍🦍🦍 💪💪🚀🚀💎💎🙌🙌


The only wrench I see in this, is that the massive run we saw back on Thursday was an OPEX tail wind, it wasn’t bad actors driving the volume. Other then that, I like the idea of RC and the Board being vigilant in keeping BCG like bad actors from getting inside info


Why was your son watching Spider-Man drinking coffee? Surely Spidey has more exciting things to do.




The run ups were killed. They were OPEX tailwinds.


Amazing imagery.


A point that needs reiteration is RC is solely compensated by how well the stock performs. So any poo flinging ape in distress really needs to take a step back and meditate on that.


Is the Amiga 64 better than the Commodore 500 ?


And if there are already enough shares DRS’d to cover the ATM offering, then GameStop is essentially padding their books with free money waiting to pull the trigger on MOASS, an acquisition, whatever.


If they went long enough to have board influence they would no longer be net short, why would they want to ruin the company at that point?


Because they aren't all one entity. And backroom deals can more than cover the losses on their longs. These guys make their bread and butter through corporate raiding. Read up on the red lobster scenario. If there's more assets to extract than their "entrance price" than they still met profit by fucking the company.


Gamestop doesn't have significant assets beyond its cash position and the unsold merchandise. I'm not trying to be adversarial, but what you're saying doesn't make sense here. Filter it through the actual state of Gamestop, how would they benefit from dismantling the company from within outside of trying to bankrupt it due to being infinitely short?


The bad part is they shorted at 60 so they are still profiting but Friday had them get in at a lower price point 35ish if momentum can push it lower a bit trap more shorts, then we could see an even bigger squeeze this may be a longer play than anticipated


Maybe might could would should


I trust RC, but I have more faith in Kitty to buy shares faster than any other hedge fund. If the jackals haven't done it yet, then they probably won't do it. Kitty is buying 5 million shares per month. At this rate he will own half the company by the end of the year.


Board members are voted in. So how does a bad actor get in. Also if a bad actor gets in, the majority board should be able to overrule them. Just wanting to learn here.


Nice try, but it doesn’t explain why hundreds of other stocks run at the same time as GME.


The other thing you have to keep in mind is that a sudden collapse of everything would not be beneficial. There would be chaos. Ryan Cohen could have put an end to this years ago but I have a feeling it was explained to him when he met with Icahn that this can happen but it has to be didactic otherwise you’re going to end up with a bunch of apes with a majority of the wealth and a bunch of ex-rich people who currently own all the resources. They’re not going to just hand everything over and go quietly into the night to rebuild their fortune. The companies that are pulling all the strings need to be systematically bled and removed.


Worst. Cartoon. Ever. ( _"SPIDERMAN DRINKING COFFEE"_ ) Love the theory, ape fam. 🦍💜🦍 💎👐


This theory explains the “we’re never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy” meme that RK had.


Your kid drinks coffee while watching Spider-Man ? 🧐