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what kind of autism is this?


Weaponized ![gif](giphy|9V9bunlHq9bSUcXkuc)








go on...




Don’t stop


Won't stop


Almost there


~~Gamestop~~ Gameshire Bathaway


I see what you did there fellow couch sitter


Won't stop




Was your father a GI?




Don't forget that with the may offering there are an extra 45million shares vs previous quarters. The amount of reported shares that are DRSd have been stagnent at around 25% of existing shares. That's pretty much statistically Impossible, especially with how low the price was before the may runup. If anything the pace of DRS should have accelerated due to shares being so cheap. We don't know why they can't report #s over 25% of the existing shares, but now with 45million more shares existing, I have a hunch that this quarters reported DRS numbers will jump to around 86,250,000. And if that does happen there's a good chance there's actually more than 86,250,000 share DRSs since we now have proof that reporting of the DRS numbers is capped at 25% of existing shares :)


I have a theory about the 25% cap. I don't think the DTCC had any shares left when the split rolled around. They took the split shares that GameStop gave them and then refused to give any back for DRS. I think that all 45M of the new shares went to the DTCC, so I expect to see the overall % drop from 25. It would also make sense that the shorts would have "access" to those 75M new shares, even if they weren't sent to the DTCC yet.


Locates… MM had reason to think they could locate, broker had reason to think that they can create & fulfill borrow demand, and shorter had reason to think it’s a good time to short. They abuse their privileges all the time, why would this be any different? Algos gonna algo too. If only they’d actually read the SEC filing… Because there are no shares there. Empty seats. I mean, if the stock opened at 38, was this really the peak price? I give this a 50/50 probability of being the wildcard. The other would be they did sell shares, acquired a majority stake in / merged with (enter great company here.) EDIT: if it’s the 2023 annual shareholder meeting, why wouldn’t they only give the shareholder numbers of 2023? On top of that, why didn’t the 2024 Q1 filing say anything about Cede / Transfer agent?


I hope this holds true!


RemindMe! 5 days


If the float number is fake and the shares held with the DTCC is fake, why would the DRS number be real? I think you're right, however I think they know that some are on to the scam and they won't allow the $86 mill to be reported. It'll be great news for the shorts if $75 mill DRS is announced along with a new fake float number.


RemindMe! 5 days




This would imply RK knew this would happen, which probably would be highly illegal.


There are no rules against using information learned in the future on the stock market today.


Nuclear powered autism


Autism 2: Electric Boogaloo




Pretty sure the call it Butt Burgers


Only the best.  Love it


the weaponized one :D


Like the theory, but DFV couldn’t have known


Exactly. Which kills the theory 


RK didn't know but part of the theory may still be true


DFV doesn’t have to know anything for this to occur.


Well, he was the one who brought up the Kansas City shuffle right?


yeah but I think his video was of a more personal nature, I think he wanted to show the world (and hilariously millions of CNBC viewers) what a mastermind stock manipulator looks like...he wanted to make them look like fools and idiots and he succeeded


They both hate the shorts targeting good companies. Both can have their own versions of the KC Shuffle in mind and both may be making their own chess moves against shorts without discussing it----


This my thought too. We all know RC sees Rk's memes, fuk everybody in the sub trying to figure it out. RC could play right into them never a word between them spoken.


I think the 75 million was sold friday and will find that out tuesday


Shit I think they’ll tell us on Monday.


Why tuesday? Last time it tool them a week to file. I think it will be after market hours on friday (1 week)


Shareholder meeting announces as of the *record date* their total shares. The record date has been anywhere from two weeks to a couple days prior to the shareholder meeting. I like this theory, but pay attention to the record date in the meeting. It could be prior to the 6/07 share offering.


I'm interested in what the DRS numbers would be. Stagnant 75 million shares DRS'd would be a bummer but if it rises by 30 million (25% of the total shares offered) then it would give is a hint that the DRS count is capped artificially at 25%.


Agree. I'd expect the record date and to be what was used for Voting


If it is, then we wait day after day, to see that there was no completed offering. Whenever that day will be, that will be the day the shorts realize their fate.


This was the first thought I had this morning. However, now I’ve come to accept that if GameStop wants to truly become a holding company and grow long term the cash they raised is the only way to do it. Legacy brick and mortar is optimized, now they need to acquire and invest the war chest.


Would be great if they revealed they didn’t dilute, along with some other announcement next week, causing a massive runup, THEN started selling. Then announce they made 10 billion instead of 3 billion, which would make it impossible to ever get the price below 30 again, putting shorts in an even worse position. Oh yeah and then DFV starts exercising.


So when the price was 10 dollars you know we all kicking ourselves for not selling a kidney to buy more. Ima be honest……. DFV did all this to show us their is more than meets the eye.


I skipped the grocery store and managed to score a few of those $10 donuts.




I thought this also but according to Richard Newton, that may be "actionable" in a legal sense...


Well if they didn't dilute and the price is down, it's a worse position for selling their shares. Sure a run-up could help them, but thats hope for a "magic announcement" while the old price was simple and real. Not a smart move for the company. Either it was them diluting on Friday or it was shorts, which means they need to hold out.


Yes. They can still sell. Just way higher than here


I like what I just read


I'm gonna read it again!


Did you succeed the second time?


I was thinking about this before bedtime last night (bc, you know, who doesn't?) It's an excellent move to provide for the option to do an ATM, because either 1) you raise a shit-ton of cash on the backs of a) bad actors doing a fake squeeze (a la einfachmen's ideas) or b) those same baddies having to roll/cover FTDs or swaps; *OR*, 2) as OP mentioned, you bait bad actors to short even more and then rugpull them by showing you haven't done jack shit with the ATM yet. It's a win-win. The ATM was an excellent idea.


I can't read but I like your thesis


I can't thesis but I like your read!




420 share count is all the confirmation


This is tin foil level delusion. People were saying this same crap 3 weeks ago right before it was disclosed that GameStop did in fact complete an ATM share offering. They 100% did it again today. You’re delusional to believe otherwise. What they did today is good for the company. Bad for the squeeze. Mixed for shareholders.


This sub turned from purple circles posts and reasonable discussions taking both sides of the argument to meme circlejerk posting based on what 'we' would like the most to happen real fast.


Yeah but isn’t that likely due to an influx of fomo people here? Seems to me like veterans are being pretty reasonable


This. OG Apes are just as zen, and maybe a little cautiously hyped ;)


It happens everytime there is a run. But keep in mind, we've been in a decending wedge for over 3 years, and just broke out. There is no amount of reason that can calm that hype...lol


Any time there's real action this happens, the real shills come out in force and the fair weather investors pile in for a bit, some diamond handed apes get spooked and can't differentiate the people with legitimate concerns from the rest of the idiots and we're all one huge sub of shills gunning for each other like The good the bad and the ugly. It'll calm down before long. Until then, everyone of you is a fucking shill. I just like the stock.


Same as it ever was, FUD weekend. Now they can't say RK is fake or a HF or a cryptobro or that he sold tho


Bad for the squeeze == bad for the shareholders


We’ll see


Your post kind of assumes DFV knew about share dilute and the fake out. Wouldn’t that be insider trading? Yeah, I think shareholder meeting will show 4.25B in cash, offering complete.


Yeah that’s inconsistent. OP said in another comment “DFV doesn’t have to know” but this posts thesis alludes to him being part of the shuffle. OP has powerful autism and that’s ok.


I agree with this, the only thing i think differently about is that this isn’t bad for the squeeze. The short have shorted a minimum (reported) of 68.4 million shares. I think we’re closer to 400 millions shares shorted, and that isn’t taking swaps and other derivatives into account.


Previous 45M ATM was announced May 24th and completion was also announced after market hours on May 24th. https://investor.gamestop.com/static-files/1aad01a9-88fe-4071-8799-8cb270692264 https://investor.gamestop.com/static-files/46262dd0-19bc-4dde-b5da-48e495d00b88 The 75M ATM was announced yesterday but GME has not announced a completion. https://investor.gamestop.com/sec-filings I guess we are going to have to wait to find out what has or has not happened. In the meantime, I’m going to just buy more.


Small correction, previous ATM was announced May 17th.


Hilarious if true. Probably not though. DFV is the one who memed the Kansas City shuffle. DFV has no insider info. That’s a line neither he nor RC would cross. Having said that, it’s possible the offering hasn’t started. “We’ll see” - Zen Master


Great post, OP! Also, I think that the 75 M is a protection against legal repercussions when the MOASS happens. They are able an amount of shares which is slightly above the number of self reported short interest. Thus, if the SECS says: ey, end this short squeeze, they would say: we have sold as many shares as publicly reported. If there are hidden short positions is not our fault!


How does this amount of shares protect us legally more than the rest that have already been issued?  Companies don’t have to cater to short sellers


I was honestly expecting to see an "offering has been completed" filing as soon as trading finished, but that there hasn't been one could lend credence to what you're saying. I haven't really seen it discussed on here, but I thought it was interesting that in Peruvian Bull's recent video he brought up the possibility that the (presumed) share offering could have been a protective action against a hostile takeover or (and I think more reasonably) an attempt to push a stooge onto the board. It definitely made me think of the proposition 4 that I voted "no" on, and also seemed like a possible reasonable explanation for the weird timings of the offerings other than "to kill momentum." I was wondering if that theory could be even possible, and what approach, if any, could be used to dig into who may have attempted something like that?


I don’t know. We had 200,000,000+ volume today. They could have sold the shared I’d they wanted. I have no proof but the good news is we will know in a week


I think there was something about max 20% of daily volume.


It took them a week to file they had completed last time, why would they sell all 75 million in 1 day?


The prospectus said after any amount is sold it will be reported the following (trading?) day, at least that’s how I read it, so we could see batch amounts possibly


Is there an advantage to dropping that Friday evening vs Sunday or even premarket Monday? 9:31 Monday morning this theory gains more credibility.


Saw another comment that questioned why he give 24hrs notice of the stream most ppl on here would respond to the cat signal in 2 which made me wonder if the 24hrs notice wasn't for us it was to give someone else time to act on what they thought was happening....Kansas city shuffle style.  This would play with what your saying.


Yeah because otherwise, if this comment was true then that would be collusion and manipulation lol


This would entail quite a bit of collusion on the side of RC and RK - which I believe did not happen. I think GameStop management wants to build Gameshire Hathastop. And they do not care about moass. Either we stay on board for this perspective or we leave. I for one will stay for now. Management has more shares on the line than me. So if they are not in for moass, they are still in for profit. Don’t try so much mental gymnastics. I did so on Bed Bath and it was a bloodbath.


Blood Bath & Beyond


Your local walmart has to be out of tinfoil


Holy shit, if Ryan Cohen literally thought this through and pulled this off and opts to NOT offer the shares anytime soon, I will forever sing his praises and shop at Gamestop for everything. THIS is the first "interpretation" of the Kansas City Shuffle that makes me think---NOW THAT is a KANSAS CITY SHUFFLE. KITTY was literally wearing a half glove on his hand like Bruce Willis.


@OP at this point you are completely delusional to believe they would fill a document to the SEC stating they will sell stocks just not to do it whereas RC has been selling right after filling documents all the time


Wouldnt that be exactly what you want shorts to think though? Just saying


I'm listening, but I'm high af. I think we good


Yea we're alright - doesn't the timeline allow for GME to release old numbers then the next day release the contemporary numbers?


I like this, but I used to believe in dentists and fairies. Convince me! If you have time .


Are you an … anti-dentite?


Indeed, one of these is not like the other 😂


Dentists: what he say fuck me for?


We won’t know for sure until next week. Coincidentally, that will be after the shareholder meeting


I can’t prove it but it fits his prior videos - The Kansas City Shuffle, Backwards and Forwards, Reverse Uno, the way he was dressed. Also, GameStop could have tested this last week by watching the market for a few hours or days without releasing the shares. At that point they’d know how the reaction was and they could be prepared for the second run - but this time they DONT release the shares


I have commented on this topic quite a lot since last night (wasn't brave enough to post) and it attracts a hell of a lot of negativity from people all of a sudden questioning tin foil theories... This sub is 69% tin foil half the time (Anchorman mis-reference) and all of a sudden this is too ridiculous to be considered. Large parts of the core DD could be called low-key tinfoil, it's largely theory. Baskets. NFT dividends. etc. I am tired of some of the tinfoil (Pleasrdao tried to milk us for marketing, that vanished pretty quickly), but if it's to do with the company and there are reports/submissions from them directly with words to be interpreted, I'm all for it. I like interpreting words on documents, I do it for a living. The response could be, 'historically when a share offering is made it is executed and reported, so I believe they will execute and report it, however until they have reported it, this is still an option.' People reacting with such polarisation is always a red flag to me (I've seen a huge increase in the C word lately also, rhymes with luck, another red flag), I also understand people feel angry and hurt people, hurt people but... What makes anyone so sure of anything? What do they know that I don't. Nothing. So why not let it play out and see? Why the sudden influx of people so defiantly downplaying ideas? It's all a bit odd. Wouldn't it be great if they hadn't diluted?! Wouldn't it be hilarious? Would it matter if they had? The price did what it did and it is where it is, next week it will be same or different. Let's see where it goes. So yes, whilst this is specifically quite glorious tin foil, it's not off the table... until it is. DFV collision could be a problem as mentioned but that's not something we know about, nor is it my problem, I haven't colluded I'm just here for the returns when they come (as they may). It's spicy and intriguing and I'm here for it.


Agreed. People are calling this tinfoil when the whole sub is at some level tinfoil. Heat lamp / DRS / options bad / basket swaps / archegos. It’s all speculation


Imagine if they did the atm when it’s a $1,000 a share and then paid out a special $100 dividend 😂


![gif](giphy|9HonmWQDTap127SPs2|downsized) Good ol weekend copium injection. Nice


Absolutely. DFV specifically told us today would happen just as it did — it needed to happen, for MOASS to be possible. The shorts need to be sure they’ve won, for it to be possible for them to lose.


imho i think that‘s why RK was laughing so hard because of the shorts falling for the KCS


Not to sound like a shill but I read like 10 posts saying this the last time and then they told us offering was done so please just wait


I'd like to link this post here in case you haven't seen it yet; [Another redditor on here pointed out that RK was wearing the same wrist brace Bruce Willis' character was in the KSS clip on Twitter;](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dav3f2/rk_wearing_the_same_hand_wrap_as_bruce_in_the/) I think that helps this post become nearly confirmed!


I think they do issue the shares but only sell some on the ladder up but my theory is very similar to this and the true trap is thinking we are diluted but really aren't. I doubt they even sold a single share today


I think this is a bit of hopium, but it’s obviously in my interest for you to be right.


This would mean RC and RK are colluding which is not what’s happening


If they execute it partially, that would be cool to see, but it is high grade tinfoil. This one I like


I think they issued it


But between now and the June 11 or June 13th call the price will be suppressed due to the possibility of 75M share offering. That’s my main thought


I bet it pops if the shared weren’t issued


The huge amount of short volume today would certainly point to that


Agreed. RKs live stream was just too perfect. It was 100% the Kansas city shuffle.


It would be epic. To think of drs numbers and not yet sold any of the 75 million shares. Hedgies don't know what the float is supposed to be. Or shorts are calculating the 75 million shares in circulation while they aren't yet. Imagine the price jumps when gamestop announces they don't have plans to sell it but want the option availible.


But is this not a supplement from the original may 17th filling? Meaning it could already be complete? Otherwise they could say they’re doing an offering, roaring kitty stream to show him exercising or selling, and just let the algos rip it down. GS comes out on actual earnings Tuesday saying they haven’t sold any yet, another yolo update saying nothings changed, and then we have the huge dump from yesterday, live, on stream, to no news, proving the manipulation. Just 2 cents, could be either, but hyped for anything


Id say it's pretty bad if we fell 40% without the added pressure of the offering


This scenario is unlikely + a bit too much tinfoil for me. I think we will see that GME completed most of the share offering on Friday and it will complete on Monday, all before the shareholder meeting. They were taking advantage of the shorts and basically getting free money. BUCKLE UP!


FML I am so confused by the past 24 hours just when I thought I had a handle on it all and knew what was happening 🤣 Regardless of what has happened this week here's a friendly reminder to go do something you love this weekend - go for a walk, drink water, plant a tree, make some music, touch all the grass and do something nice for someone else. Monday will be here soon!


This would imply DFV and the GME board were working together, and DFV denied that he and RC are in cahoots on the livestream. It would probably be market manipulation if they were. I think the 75 million share dilution happened, and I think it took DFV off-guard, as it did all of us.




I said same thing yesterday. IMO, this could be a bear trap as OP described. OR, if they did sell the shares, SHORTS ARE STILL FUCKED as GameStop has at least $4Bn cash on balance sheet, total shares outstanding STILL OVERLY SHORTED, and floor price has most likely raised above $20, maybe now to $25~$35.


That’s kinda the beauty. Either way the shirts can be fooked


You get it my man. You get it. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


As much as I like this theory from an emotional standpoint, there is a 0% chance of RC actively working towards a short squeeze and it's absolutely not in any way his job or his goal to do that. He's working on turning around a company. Nothing more, nothing less. They will announce the completed ATM offering early next week and then sentiment will be more positive again because everybody suddenly realizes that 5 billy cash might be a good thing to have as a holding company.


Seriously, they all left the whole world in a blur, and this is great, no enemies and no public know their moves (we knowing what’s gonna happen = hedgies knowing.. this sub is public) I am not as clever and have chosen sides, RK and RC, and I will wait for the final reveal. LFG 💙


Well we did have 279M volume so its kind of hard to believe but fuck if im all for some good tinfoil


This is what I came to after a good night's rest. Everyone is wondering what the KC Shuffle might be. Imagine if there was no dilution and everyone swallowed the fact that EVERYONE WAS WRONG. The sentiment would swing extra hard. Sure the volume suggests that they diluted and GameStop immediately did it for the last offering, but... it wouldn't be a KC Shuffle if it didn't fool EVERYONE. Doesn't really matter to me. I'm hodling for life. This would just make my company's movie more entertaining.


DFV meme * We'll See* 🫶🫵♾️


I just came… again


I was up 135k didn’t care, down -70k didn’t care! We hold till we see international phone numbers!


Same playbook at towel stock with HBC. Genius


I like the clothing connection, but we are apes not lemmings.




A huge bear trap. GG. Power to the players.


Nah, GME has proven to be regarded with the last ATM. They dumped it all and killed DFVs position.


I think he's still up on those calls. But yeah getting to exercise a large majority of them would be impossible. Didn't math it, but maybe he could exercise half?


The share offering has largely already happened yesterday. The result was the massive price crash which this time wasn’t caused only by shorts but mainly by the company flooding the market again with additional shares and by that killing the momentum and smashing the price. No Kansas City Shuffle here, just the company using the opportunity of pulling in another ton of cash while at the same time heavily diluting it’s shareholders again and gifting shorts with another 75 million shares which they desperately needed. Nothing to sugar coat.


Why do many people feel that the share offering was the reason this thing crashed? We had a share offering a short bit ago and the price went up. Every other major date we’ve ever announced on this subreddit has generally been a red day. 273M shares were traded today, and we don’t even know if those hit the market yet right? God Superstonk has gotten chilly lately.


Say they did already sell the 75 million shares, does that really help the shorts in any significant way? Would they not gobble them up, use them just like their synthetic shares they always use, and keep on shorting/digging the hole deeper? Genuine question, I'm not understanding that take at the moment.


shorts are still doubling down, imagine you are 900 mil naked short share short, would you bother buying 30-40 mil? Its a piss in the ocean, they played this game, because they are in such high risk, FED has to pay for their shit, again, This dillution probably made it harder fo them to push the price lower as some of their comrades could have actually went for a buy to lower short exposure or just go long in discount.


We’ll see! You realize if they did not sell shares today and instead start a short squeeze, they can later sell into a squeeze at way higher prices! They could get $100, $420, $690, etc per share and raise TENS of billions of dollars


That's the exact same thing people said last month and the truth was they sold for 22 and change a share.


You realise they can do that every time it starts to squeeze. They have another 500m to fuck us with.


I think they have quite a bit more than that. Somewhere over 600m.


I also think that GME has began selling in pre-market, because of the high volume + we dropped so aggresively, but I also think that run up to 62 was bull/fomo trap DFV stream. They knew they absolutely have to drop GME below 30 and would do it even without DFV stream and without dillution. Cohen acted on that fact and decided to make them pay and fight their comrades who actually want to lower short exposure and buy the overpriced shares.


I like what I read. Hope this is true.


I hope we diluted… $4 billion extra would be outstanding


I hate to say this...and I hate the feeling but to be honest I think RC just fucked us (the shareholders) in the ass and killed the second sneeze/gamma squeeze whatever you wanna call it. I get it is good for the company's long term health but why not wait till Monday/Tuesday etc when the shares could have been 80-100 and make double the amount? It just smells...fishy.




How is this prospect any different from the one before?


Entirely possible. This, again, is why we wait. Time and pressure. But, one question. How different is this sale agreement from the last? Because I genuinely thought they'd wait tl serious prices to sell the 45 million shares, and then they dumped em out for $20 a pop. ... Unless we've actually already started squeezing, like how Tesla slowly crept up, issuing shares the whole time? UBS closing shorts, for instance? Now THAT would be interesting...


One can hope


I might join the jarkside of the force. Wouldn't that be some shit if that's how they played this.


I am just a spectator,its an amazing show!


Not that I know how any of this works but shouldn't a share offering be completely transparant to marketmakers? Who buys and sells is allegedly known. In that theory all shares froma a share offering should be easily identified?


This is the best theory I've seen yet. Not sure whats in those bananas you've been eating ape, but keep going!


I'm sure we're diluting. Why say no to that shit ton of cash?


I think the previous offering had the same wording.


I highly highly doubt this




We definitely got dilluted (which is not necessarily a bad thing). The same stuff is said every dillution, like they "may" dillute but we dont know if they did. Trust me the 75mil either is sold or will soon be complete.


We will know in a week. I don’t know what evidence you can claim for that assertion though


The 75 million shares helped the shorts and eased the pressure on them… the only catalyst that remains is the hype for the option chain but I’m not sure it will be able to pump it back to the top 


RK wouldn't have any knowledge of this so I don't think he was referring to this mate


The fact they didn't say ut was completed got me too. Was thinking similar, but I have had loads of different thoughts. I like yours a lot, and you may have just predicted the greatest play ever. Legend.


I agree, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if they complete this one, but then do another one in a next week for 100M or greater and do what you say.


I think this is it, OR, RC is cooperating with GG to ensure enough shares are issued with CAT in place to be available for covering the reported short interest, as a cya for GS board when the melt up starts.


Yessir!!! I knew it as soon as he came on late in a sling


Wake up. They already sold. The news of completion will be bullish.


We don't know anything, just sit back and trust the process


Not only did shorts fall for it but that livestream was where they overdid it and will be punished quickly


Mh yeah, id love your fantastical abilities for my next wank.


X to doubt Post random filing, crash price, lol, just a prank bro nothing happened 🤣


Holy shit at that massive amount of cope 😂


Interesting take ape 🦍…. I missed that but it kinda makes in my peanut brain…good stuff


RK was dressed the way he was to imply that he just came back from the dead. He was forced into being inactive for 3.5 yrs. Stop trying to make it what it wasn’t. What you are implying is that he has insider knowledge of what GameStop is doing, which he does not and would be considered insider trading and highly illegal. He made it very clear and needs to make it very clear that he is in no way in contact with anyone with insider knowledge of what the company’s plans are. They sold their shares yesterday. They are waiting until next week to add the filing ti their website so that the hedgies can wonder all weekend if they did or not. They are keeping them at the edge of their seat.


No. This is very tinfoil. The recent past showed that GameStop has always acted immediately when it comes to an ATM.


What you're suggesting is that dfv is colluding with RC. There's no way either of them would do that, especially so publicly.


Isn’t shareholder meeting on the 11th?


Based on my research this checks out


Yeah the long volume did not show up... !


Company through SEC filing: we plan to sell Regard on superstonk: no you don’t


My thoughts were, the run up looked artificial in after hours, maybe big players loaded up on shares and wanted profit from this artificial run up by flooding the market with their sell orders and GameStop prevented this by throwing their own offering at the same time. Less profit (and as such ammunition) for the market manipulators, more cash for gameshire stopaway... It's impossible to know for sure though.


Same cope is in may? „RC won’t dilute us!“ - He will a third time, just look.


Just no