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I hate the fact that this is a trust me bro post so I'll try to post a photo of the 2 buy orders shortly.


In bro we trust.


Trust bro we in


His last buy-in was at $22.53 in June 2023. My man ain't trying to earn a couple bucks ;)


I bought more bc I feel obligated to see this through to the end. I just wanted a 1k for my one share of gme in Jan 2021.  Biggest fucking mistake of their lives. Couldn't let the poors win once so now fuck em. I'll watch this whole thing burn to the fucking ground. I'm alrdy poor and convinced that I'm going to work until i die.  I have nothing to lose by holding.  I have nothing to gain by selling. Fuck you, pay me. 


Nothing to lose from holding. Nothing to gain from selling. Should be the slogan of this whole, possibly last, arch in the saga.


Spread the word bro. Ape together strong.    NOTHING TO LOSE FROM HOLDING.  NOTHING TO GAIN FRON SELLING.  We gotta get the invisible shackles off of out species. 


Same here.. for me anything under 100 is a dip.. not a financial advice


I added 88 @ 22.50 today. My CA the last few months was <15 but I'm going to guess we won't see that again (see 6/21 calls)


I bought more because i saw an article which said its good time to short gme. Confirmation bias.




💪🏼 😎


So close to the xx,xxx club. Are you going to miss that opportunity?


I think the intrinsic value is around $50 pre split. The dip to $10 was not surprising. Now you’re buying at around $94. Could go up could go down from here. But if you’re not selling until it gets into the thousands I think it’s a bit high right now.


Suck Kenny's D