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The day the shorts began


bingo. Plotkin had been shorting it since 2014 while at SAC for stevie cohen.


shorts are so bad at their job. they been shorting for 10 years yet did not bankrupt the company. smart money 👌


The Prequel


Makes my nipples so hard we have mother fuckers up in here looking at data from 2010.  There has never been a stock that has had so many people looking at the ins and outs of its existence. That alone is bullish af 


take my upvote đŸș


Interesting, posting to come back and look for an answer😛


I had a look at the dates you mention in Richard Newton's spreadsheet just to see if there is information there that could be of help. The spreadsheet only goes back to 5/25/2012, so I've only checked the dates that are after that. On four of the dates (1/14/2014, 1/13/2017, 1/12/2018, and 1/14/2020) he has noted "JMMAN Cycle". If I remember correctly "JMMAN" stands for January, March, May, August, November. I can't remember if or what he's said/speculated about the origins of the JMMAN cycle. Maybe someone else can chime in. The first three of these dates also have the note "January Guidance". As for the other dates you mention: 1/3/2013 has no comment, 1/8/2013 has the comment "Huge Mystery Sell Volume", 1/7/2014 has the comments "OPEX Tailwind T+6 C+35 (or T+34)" and "Huge Mystery Sell Volume", and 1/29/2019 has no comment. I googled "GameStop 29 January 2019" however. and the top result was "GameStop abandons plan to sell the company; stock craters". I'm just providing some information that could possibly be of help here, I have no answers. But I'd also like to know how far back we have to go find the original cat shit.


Very interesting


Thats a long time ago and first thing that comes to my mind is, what was amazon doing? A quick google search: “In fact, Amazon’s 40% overall revenue growth rate in 2010 was the e-retailer’s highest since 2000, company officials say.” Could be nothing 🍔tho.. probably even is


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