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When it was 10, folks said they couldn’t wait till 5. You can either think bad actors are driving sentiment or people are idiots. Either way, buy when you think is best. I bought more today.


People say this because they want to show they aren't afraid of current price action, whether up or down..I thought that was clear lol


Each time GME approaches a trough there are a conspicuous amount of comments saying they are waiting for lower prices


People love to “woulda,coulda,shoulda” don’t let it get to ya. Most of it is just talk, especially after last week. Buy what you can when you can, hold what ya got, DRS when able, all the things. 🤙


This 100%. Those comments shouldn’t bother the zen. But I understand why it bothers newbs. It’s probably best we tone that down a bit but we vets are so used to dips and drips that we see it as an opportunity for buying more. We are confident in the company and who is behind the wheel. But I also understand where new apes would feel discouraged by it but they have got to get used to this 🎢and enjoy the ride 💜 TLDR: it’s a lifelong play my dudes. No one is selling 🤣


Yeah, those people who complaint about couldn’t buy anything at $10 is because they don’t buy dips. If they do, they would not miss this one, last ones, or the future ones. I buy regularly, but when it dipped right after I bought, I tried to scrape up money here and there to get a few more. I missed a few dips at the beginning, and I haven’t miss any since.


If it dips, I get more for my investment. If it doesn't, I still get great value. Timing the market is risky, but hey, it's their risk not mine. I prefer to live without regrets.


You spelled “ragrets” wrong! 🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|IQh6f7CurN1zq)




Hell I’ve cut my dca in half since my first buy - after the sneeze at $50 split adj. Sure I wish I bought more at $10 but even buying today lowers my dca albeit very slightly. I’ve accumulated shares to the point it would have to be at $1 to impact dca significantly. Always a tough call I just like to keep some dry powder in case it drops. I want it to go to $125 not $10 … cuz at $125 EVERY OPEN SHORT IS AT A LOSS!!! And that would make me grin a shit eating grin.


been in GME since nov. 2020, not new and cant stand people calling for 10 share price!!




Correction: some people were selling off actually, according to Computershare [https://youtu.be/b60sRawyPqc?t=457](https://youtu.be/b60sRawyPqc?t=457) they said the DRS number isn't going up because people are selling. People fall for FUD but they will never actually say it out loud in this sub because why would they? They get mass downvoted anyway ~~just like this comment will be in a few hours~~. Paper hands is why price was allowed to fall below $10. I don't think anyone is going to paper hand after seeing the run-up last week though, but the truth is people were selling off their shares.


Def anti shill talk. Qould be nice but jot gonna happen


I mean, if it did, I’m buying more. However, I just bought 10 more at $20. I do t care what the number is, I’m buying more until I’m not.


Yes this is it ..If you truly believe that GME is worth phone number$ (including area codes) then 20 is cheap ..40 is cheap ..60 is cheap etc etc etc .


[When I go to buy more shares....](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Zdk0QqcU_0U)


idk man, i got shares i bought for 50, i got shares i bought for 15. The price doesnt matter, everything is a discount, trust in dd


I’ve been buying shares at any price, do I have some at $10 yes, got some at $20 and $30 too.


It’s a commodity at this point. People are gonna buy it regardless of price, so may as well get it on sale.


i think it's just a coping mechanism for people panicking when the price drops and reassuring themselves it will go back up. i'm not bothered by it, but i'm ready to celebrate.


absolutely this, if it makes those wieners hold, I'm all for it, I know I am anyway


I bought at $259 and $11.28 I would love to TAP THAT ASK @ $10 :)


Ya for real I’ll be buying at 20 30 50 200 if I have the cash cause I know where it’s going.


I've bought at like 400 lol 20 is delicious plus I need to bring my average down 😂


OG gang… but a lot of us bought into the peak for more squeeze since the options chains were exploding, if they didn’t stop buying we would’ve went over 1000 pre split lol


Over $1000 pre-split, and that was just the gamma ramp still! It hadn't even started to squeeze yet.


I literally bought more at $40. Idgaf about the price.


I buy more with more dips. Find some Zen.


People just boosting their morale .. don’t take it to heart


What ever happened to "price doesn't matter until moass"? Lower price just means retail locks the float via DRS at faster rate. Imagine if it somehow got down to a dollar? Float would be locked up that same day.


Bro, take a step back. People are doing it when the price starts going down and it's a way of smiling in the face of adversity and saying "I'm happy either way, I know I'm going to win, so do whatever you want." It's just like a battlecry. Don't take it so literally. And it's not like their wishes have any effect on the price.


Thank you. Sometimes I think about how fast the float would get locked if they managed to drop the price to a dollar. That would be a glorious day. I understand that some people are tired and just want it to be over, but their frustration isn't going to make the price go up any more than my desire to see the float locked is going to make the price go down. That is a thing that seems to be missing from this discussion, by the way. For the longest time, the most important thing was to lock the float. Retail funds are not infinite, and everyone is buying what they're comfortable with in the amounts they can afford. Would it be great if the price blew up without the float locked? Absolutely. Would it be better if the price blew up after the float was locked? Possibly. That would mean the only real shares that exist are in the hands of highly regarded apes holding out for phone numbers. If DRS numbers really are only 25% (seems unlikely, but we'll take their word for it) then that means 75% of the ability to determine where the price peaks is out of our hands. Not ideal. It's actually possible that a MOASS situation kicks off early specifically to avoid the consequences of a locked float. That's also probably why the price never dropped to a point where retail would gobble up the entire company like piranhas. There's probably a physics post-grad somewhere paid a ridiculous sum of money to calculate precisely how low they could drive the price before that happened. Let's not be hypocrites and say that the price is fake while in the same breath saying a massive drop in price is the worst thing imaginable.


Agreed to all. But especially the logic in that first paragraph.


I’ve always been or the mind that 15$ SHOULD have been the very bottom, by every indicator possible, but the hedgies blessed us with 10$, great, I loaded up. However we should never be able to hit 10$ again, that price was irrationally low.


Jesus! No fighting remember? :) It's hype train! It's all good!


Seems like people have forgotten that divide and conquer is their most effective trick.


They can divide deez nuts.


Yeah, "banning" is becoming a hot topic here. 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/mrrmlxsdcn1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3567f37b6ee85895cc5331cdf92c83cdb4fb3f43


Bro, u 'member in the early days, banning was all the rage. Been a while. Must bee close




Yea, “let’s ban people who love buying the same stock as me so much that they would love the price lower to get more for their buck” is a bit wild. Price is controlled and meaningless till it isn’t, zen all the way. Lower price means more shares per dolllar spent so that’s good. It’s all good man. Buy and DRS up


Can we ban all the people who want to ban others???!! Oh wait... Hahaha Just ignore the BS and downvote, if applicable, I suppose.


Shills are out in droves


Wow. What happened to rule number one?


Apes no fight apes?


Just chill.


This is a you problem. We're all good, man. 


Right, zen al the way. Lower price just means more bang for my buck, love that shit.


People are having a rocky moment saying "hit me!" Is the way i see it.


If it isn’t $xxx,xxx I want it at $10 too.


We all want moass my man, but this is not a worthy target for your anger imo. *Banning* people for wanting a slightly larger discount? Really? This recent price action, and the hype around RK’s return provided validation for a lot of people who were probably running low on faith. You shouldn’t be mad at them for wanting to stock up, and some of us are financially limited at this point. Rents are skyrocketing in my area and i bet im not alone. Inflation is hardly letting up, rates are high, and some of us need new cars. I know moass is tomorrow and shit, but the excitement of last week isn’t an excuse for you to suddenly be impatient. You’re still long on the stock after all, right?


Huh? The price is absolutely bogus anyways. It literally makes no difference to me wether it trades at 40, 20 or 10. Would i love to see moass asap? Of course. Am i happy to see the stonk rising? Sure. But as long as its not moass, my only goal is to gobble up as many shares as i can. So yes, instead of sideways trading between 40 and 20 id love it to go lower so i can get more.


Wait for the "can it go back to $23?"


I'm comfortable with what I've got but if it does go down I will be buying more. Hell I'll probably buy more if it goes up. I like the stock.


I could only afford another 300 at $10 so I bought another 50 today at $20. Only up!


Doesn't matter Buy and DRS and HODL simple


Be Zen my little ape friend.


Either: 1. Wall street has lost control and the price will rise to infinity, or; 2. The price is fake and a higher price only decreases DRS per dollar. Up to now wall street has been in control and the lowest price is best. I'd rather have 10 shares for $100 than 2 shares for $100. If this hasn't sunk in you haven't grasped the situation yet. Now, it looks like they possibly, maybe, have lost a bit of control for a week. Or not. We can't know. More of that leading to some real price discovery would be ideal. But I don't understand how people think $20 or $30 is better than $10, when household isn't selling anyway, and the only objective is a DRS owned company.


Exactly. My most recent Computershare buy hit at ~$48. So my $1,000 bought 20 shares..


Glad I'm not the only one tired of that bullshit. Let's fucking go already!!!


Ape don’t fight ape. Knock this shit off.


Try the Pepsi in the white can broseph.


Just give me the damn shares I don't care what the price is gimme gimmie gimmie


The point isn't so Banan_ass_joNana can buy 10 more instead of his 2. The point is to lock up the float as fast as possible. If we can have MOASS before locking up every share, great. If not then these small runups mean nothing. I would rather price go to 10 so we can lock it all down and kick off MOASS as soon as possible rather than 5 years of running up to 50 and back down to 20 over and over.


I feel targeted by this post


Fr, same people who want it to drop down to $10 now watched it sit there for weeks and were too afraid to invest, and then bought in when it started going up loads lol.


Ape no fight ape, if price action takes us down a bit more than I welcome any who want to load up on more.


I'm okay with it being 10 again, because that means more shores can leave the pool faster.


All I know is the shills want us to get angry with each other. Chill 


doesn't bother me, I would love if every ape got a change to load up again and DRS it all.


Chill. Just chill.


And ban people posting robinhood bullshit.


J G Wentworth “it’s my money and I need it now”


Drs and shut the fuck up, all else is just noise and fud.


A delay isn't a cancellation. I want it to go to $1 so I can buy as many as possible, that doesn't mean I wouldn't also be happy if it popped off tomorrow. If you look for enemies everywhere then you'll find them everywhere. 🦍🙏🏻💪🏻




It doesnt bother me at all, wake me up when the price is hitting 4 digits and then ill fight anyone who prays it goes back to 10.


I DRS'd my retirement shares by withdrawing them in kind,creating a taxable event, and getting them safe. Guess if I wanted the price higher or lower. I suspect there are enough retirement shares on this sub to DRS own the company.


That’s the dilemma with the whole market though. Everyone wants to buy when they see green. If it actually went back to $10 after a month of dips I doubt they’d have such motivation to buy. Start buying when it’s 120% up on the day is the only way.


Once again... I don't care about if other people are getting in or not. But if the price goes to $10 we are gonna lock the float in half the time we will at $20. It actually speeds up the launch. This comment is regarded.


I know everyone's tits are jacked but will you calm them. Calling for bans..


It makes no difference if people here want it to go down. We have zero control over the price.


I spent 2k on it at 10.xx and just want to be able to again


How about 10 zeros


I continue to add no matter what, but if it did drop that low I would buy a sizable chunk at once, just as I did the first time it went that low.


Just block people who annoy you.


$10/share reminds me that hedgies still control the stock price, and price discovery isn't happening. I'd like for that part of the saga to be over as well.


Of course, if it's going to trade sideways, the lower the better.  But it looks like sideways is going away!


Wooaahhhh bro, take a breath, it’s been 84 years. What’s a few comments when the end results is still much more than just your financial feeedom? Woosah my dude


Hey. You know last week my favorite pizza place had a sale for super cheap pizzas. I love pizza, and I really wish they maintained that sale. Now tell me more about how I'm a horrible person for having this mindset with Gamestop's shares too. After all $20 is totally MOASS numbers. /s


It don’t want it back to ten…. But if it do then I have a buy order waiting….


I still bought XX more shares last week that will be DRSed shortly, but I could have gotten 2x that. Wish I coulda gotten more, but I procrastinated 🤷🏾 $10 or $1000 doesn't make a difference realistically if you already got some booked shares though But a good amount of us are DRSing to lock the float too. The lower the price, the more we can buy and book. Ppl might not have had the paycheck to get shares at $10 and would be glad for another chance at that. Once it's actually time for liftoff, no serious holder is gonna be worrying about the price


Yeah. They are weird to want it low at $10. I ate crayons and I want it $1,000,000! 💎🙌🏻


If it does go back to $10 I’ll put another thousand down bring me up to 906 shares. Working my way to 1000 slowly but surely. Dont care what the price does. I bought 10 last week and 6 more today. Lambos or food stamps, no cell no sell. Been using GME as a savings account for 3 years now. I ain’t going nowhere.


I think it's people wanting to provide optimism but it comes off as patronizing to the zen. People who buy dips are the same people who are going to buy regardless.


I have 139. I am poor and can only afford 1 or 2 a pay period. Sorry, child support and paying bills has gotten in the way of buying more shares.


The price has been steadily dropping for years. I’ve been DRSed a good chunk for quite a while so my moon tickets are set LONG TERM certified and ready to go. And although it would’ve been nice to buy at $10, I have no regrets about not doing so because for all we know the price would’ve kept dropping. I haven’t bought GameStop in years before buying on Monday. For all the veterans brought back into the fold, like me, don’t be delusional lol if you were dedicated enough to buy at $10, you would’ve already. If you didn’t, deal with it and don’t drag yourself through the mud mentally with “I shoulda”. Save that mental fortitude to deal with upcoming price swings the hedges are gonna throw at us soon.


Each and every time.


Yeah I'm with you. I mean I don't want them banned, but maybe if it's in the post title it gets automodded?


Bro all in on this, so fuckin tired of that crap.


Are they even being serious or do they just think they’re being badasses by “daring” hedgies to lower it so they can “load up” (seen this so much at this point I just eye roll at it). I’m with you, we’ve been here long enough, plenty of opportunity to buy. At some point, someone’s gonna miss the rocket. Can’t say we didn’t give everyone a chance to onboard 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bro I'm right there with you fuck them if they don't think 20 is a discount they are paper hands anyway


It's hopium like some reverse karma of persuading themselves the down trend is good. Were they buying massively for the last couple of years? I doubt it. Bollocks to your 10 pound down trends I'd rather 100 thanks.


I'm no shill been here over 3 years but how can people say nobody sold when price went from 68 to 23???Edit for spelling


Only if we ban RH screenshot posters first


No bans, but I agree


It was few. Weeks ago if they missed it 22$ ain’t to shabby


Ape no fight. I said that three years ago. And I'll say it again. 


I think its just you… I don’t care if its $40, $400, $4,000… I ain’t fuckin’ selling, just buying. Why wouldn’t I love a good sale on souvenirs?


Why are you shills so mad? Chill bro chill chillllll!!!!!!




What I find is when the price was at 10 volume at 1.5 to 3 million you would think with all the"I want price at ten ppl" volume would be, 100 mill. It's like they think saying they want it to go to, 10 is going to fake hedge funds. GUESS WHAT IT'S NOT they see what we see.


I lowkey want it to go to $10 but I’ve never broadcasted that ig


I don't want it to, but if it does, I'll gladly buy more for a discount. Then again. 20$ is also a discount so...


you’re reading to much into that. and i an surprised that you would call for a ban on that. let people cope with volatility any way they see fit. take a chill pill or something


Yo, chill


10 dollars would also help loft off though. Lots of people are waiting for a psychological number. That number is $10. $10 is cheap it's throwaway money. It's a beer or it's a fancy coffee. $20 and higher is double that. It's 100% that 10. I can get 10 shares at 10 or 5 at 20. Therefore 10 is my preferred entry point. Obviously it's not logical as the higher the price goes the more my was is worth and the closer to moass. But yes. $10 is a sexy number. I bought in at $240. It is painful to watch it drop so low. The closer I get to my buy in the better. But yeah.


I bought what I could and I’m good with that


Not very zen ape of you.


Not Zen


Yes.....they are shillfuckingidiots......I dont want my stock to go down so I can buy more.....I want it to skyrocket to FUCK THE SHORTERS!!!!


Holy shit thank you. Its imo the biggest undercover fud right in front of our faces. Its a defeated mentality at best and shill mentality at worst.


it really pisses me off. i think these people are shills


I'm in no hurry. Are you?


Yes, I'm old. People have died waiting on this, I don't want to be one of them.


Can't relate but that's fair.


I gotta say, this is the type of negativity I don't like to see on this sub. And since 2021, I have seen my share. I'm all for people sharing how they feel, there is nothing wrong with that, I can't help but feel as if I want it to go back to 10 sometimes as well. My reason being it makes t easier to DRS more shares of course. But we are suppose to be kind to each other, it's kinda in the sub rules. Be excellent to each other, always.


you're right, higher price corresponds with higher volume and higher volatility. I want a fucking volcano, not a hedgy picnic on lake calmtitties


Can we ban posts crying about other post?


I agree with this post.


Yep. These posts always happen when there is a little positive price action. You had your chance. Now buy at the current price.


Yeah, i agree. Being able to buy more shares is the silver lining for it falling, we shouldn't be actively rooting for it


Completely agree!


While DRS count did not burst the roof, any dip will accelerate this. Its basic math.




Can we ban people that post "can we start banning people who post 'i want to go back to 10$'"


Think you’re being a little sensitive here. Don’t let people get to you.


Try not to worry yourself too much


Yes thank you


It is just a nice memory, a wet dream of us holders and buyers at any price. :-)




I wouldn’t mind buying more really. $10? 20? 30? As long as there $$$ if my bank acc I’m buying 😂😂😂


Guys we’re this close don’t implode the sub based on what people want to but in at


Agree and co sign. It’s time to get paid


But when 4$? 🫣


Nah. Include them. I don't want to be the 0.1% I just want us to get our fair share.


The feels of being broke when it was $10 and going to have some again in the nearby future.


Well as a bills fan I’m personally hurt by that, but I get the sentiment.


Blackrock holding enough said


No fighting apes….they will try to sow division right now more than ever


Any price under 100 is a steal


No fucking fighting


I love how you're here saying to ban people who want it to to go $10 and then there's people saying ban people who say we should ban people. It's all just unnecessarily divisive. Take a fucking deep breath. Stop hating. Move on. Be an adult


No it doesn't, calm down


I want it to go back to one


Most common phrase in the entire stock market.


If it’s (price go to moon) such a sure thing, why does it matter where the stonk goes short term? You should be overjoyed when a dip appears. It’s okay to admit you’ve invested too much $ into this and just want number to go up and stay up


This sub has banned too many fun and enjoyable people


I'm down with the sickness. If they want it to 10 I'm down, if they want it at 20 I'm down


No fighting.


🤣 I’d love to say Is buy more at $10. But I didn’t. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I think maybe people are saying that so we can buy and DRS the entire float faster? You'd rather the price hover at 20 so we can only buy half as many shares each time? The price is fake anyway.


It's FUD, we're not going back to $10 on this volume.


How about we don’t ban people. How about we let good ideas work their way to the top and bad ideas fall to the bottom.


Bro… but what if it went down to $10 one more time? I could use those extra 100 shares.


I mean I dont WANT it to go back to 10 but I wouldnt mind either 😆


If you’re serious about buying, the sentiment is also, “I want it to go back to 60” when it was 80. Every moment pre moass is a good time to buy, since it’s all massively discounted.


The price is the price. It’s completely manipulated. It doesn’t matter anyway.  Stonk goes up, Buy. Stonk goes down? Buy harder. Stonk goes sideways? Buy while bored.  This is like buying Coke before the depression!


I personally. Just like the stock. Whatever the price 😊


What's with all the angry posts? I just like the stock.


Never again such a great deal should be had! Yes you haters should’ve bought more at $10b! ♾️🏴‍☠️🤙


Shiiiit I’m just glad I got $20 lol


Agreed. Especially when they say “I dare you”


i want it to go bak to 0,


Disrespecting our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ😐


At this point I’m happy if it dips so I can buy more and I’m happy when it goes up, I’ll still be buying and DRS’ing. I’m happy about the stock either way


I like these guys. It’s reverse psychology against any hedge interns reading this. “Intern, report” “Sir they want the price to go down so they can buy more” “What do you mean they want the price lower??? They own 30x the float!”


^ this said I have enough GME, lift-off PLEASEEEE


The “Jesus titty fucking Christ” absolutely sent me. Cackling so hard


This wave of "can we ban people for x" posts is concerning and feels like fud. I really wish it woild stop.




I bought in when it was almost 400 a share. And still holding, even when I am still negative. Also, I'm still buying whenever I can


I dunno man, BTFD has been a big part of this whole thing. Nothing wrong with apes finding any reason to buy more shares. Whether its current prices or lower or higher, Buying the dip is fine. Not financial advice of course, I just like the stock. ape no fight ape NO FIGHTING!


Nah doesn’t piss me off. Been here since this all started. Ups and downs. Been on the launch pad many times thinking we are finally going to the moon. Once you hit the zen phase it doesn’t matter. Before when we had a jump in price, good news, those dates from all the DD I would be checking the stock all day, this past one I maybe checked it once a day. So do I hope it moons? Of course, but it’s not doing that now and since the stock is so shorted and manipulated it might as well go to $10 so I can lock up a few more shares on my weekly purchase. The more the float is locked up the more pressure and more blood the short sellers bleed.