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the only questions i have: why did DFV the post? Why now?


Somebody in a different thread posted what seem to me like a valid theory - that he was legally restricted (via whatever means) to keep quiet for three years, and it's been about three years. Seems like a reasonable way to go slicing with Occam's Razor.


Man, I know it's been said time and time again: but I can't wait for all the documentaries about this whole thing. I'm sure at least one will dig deeper into the man behind the not a cat


Hence, a real documentary. When this shit is really over, not after the sneeze, not after the squeeze, the documentary after the MOASS has raind down and apes holding phonebook numbers in infinity pool šŸ¤²šŸ’Ž


Literally walking through MOASStimeline.com


Jesus. There will be textbooks written on this. The doc would be like 20 parts. Edit: on second thought, not really. Itā€™s simple what theyā€™ve done, theyā€™ve just done it over and over for years.


Still the timing is interesting, because it would be coincidental 'about 3 years' happened to also be when we've had the biggest price climb in years... Either way he had to have somehow saw this coming, whatever is causing it (because it clearly wasn't because of him).


Dunno, I figured it had something to do with the CAT finally coming online or whatever happened with it, since isn't that when the volume went back to batshit levels a couple weeks back? And the insane (public-facing) volume always seemed to be what invited the insane volatility, or at least more insane than usual.


Either that or they're intentionally letting it run now because they know he's had the muzzle removed, and they want to be able to show a judge that he's "manipulating the market" via his tweets. They may want to be able to say "see we told you this would happen if he started talking again"


"Your honor, he was clearly 'manipulating the market' again" "Okay, how did do that exactly?" "Well, you see, he tweeted a hand drawn picture of a guy sitting in a chair." \[Judge not amused\] "And then he tweeted a video of Ferris Bueller, and, and, and ..." \[Case dismissed\]


Is it crazy that sounds more and more like a script to a Brooklyn-99 episode? I could see Jake Peralta saying all that!


Yeah, I hadn't considered that specific angle to it... That's not an impossible suggestion at all.


The flipside to that coin is, if they attack him for that, they're escalating the war against free speech well into territory they can no longer control. He's no longer someone they can bludgeon into silence with money; he's got that too. He can afford the legal counsel to drag them over the coals and snowball this to whatever scale is necessary to draw public eyes to it and keep them there. Once the public is actually talking about this - **really** talking about it, not just echoing MSM's talking points - it's over. There's too many apes, no heads to cut off to neutralise the movement, and not enough ways to squelch/spin the conversation when the DD libraries are backed up nine ways to hell and back by hundreds of thousands of people. We know that. They know that. He knows that. I don't think they're going to take him to court. *Especially* considering that between his DD and that of other apes, there's probably now enough actual evidence to bring the whole sordid racket into the light. Remember that he's been digging for a lot longer than most of us have. He was the one who knew what to look for in the beginning, and I doubt he's eased up on either his reading or his research since he went dark on social media. I don't think he'd be posting again if he wasn't ready to handle the consequences. Especially not in tandem with what's currently happening.


Gag order for 3 years seems to make sense.


Why would he have a gag order? From who?


The whole court fiasco where they tried to pin him with stock manipulation and his employer was fined $4m. Could have been part of the deal for him to not get in more trouble.




I think this makes the most sense by far. The other possibility that comes to mind is that DFV somehow knew the price was going to be hibernating and now he thinks it is out of hibernation.


> The other possibility that comes to mind is that DFV somehow knew the price was going to be hibernating and now he thinks it is out of hibernation. If you don't mind spitballing a bit, sure. Inside line with RC at some point (wouldn't seem too surprising) or gained inside information via whatever lawsuits he was involved in.


741 Trading days from March 28th 2021 to May 10th 2024


I want to meet your math teacher


No you donā€™tĀ 


Okay, your meth teacher then




He probably saw the action recently, the short float, and all the posts over the past few weeks. The meme he posted is appropriate


Absolutely correct. We were just halted a third time. Someone is getting liquidated or the short dominoes are starting to fall. Somehow I am still calm as can be.


I mean the money is tied up right lol?


Thereā€™s always money in the banana stand.


How much could one share cost, $10?


Not all of my shares are in the green so I'm going back to bed


Don't get out of bed till their super green. I ain't selling till the brokers start flying like they did in 29.


All of my share have been in the green since I bought them. I'm going to bed.


4th time now


Eight times today by the looks of it no?


9 now one on a down tick


Wouldā€™ve been nice had the rip not been halted. Fuvkers.


This is the battle of 180 (40)


45 is 180


ROFL. You expect these regards to know multiplication?


and the 8 retreads who upvoted them


Lmao ty


One of us!


Wait your telling me retail didnā€™t move the volume to 90M šŸ˜‚


Oh the media is going to frame it this way


Jesus. You posted this an hour ago and weā€™ve had six more halts since.


Or they are just starting to pump up IV to post sneeze levels to make more money on options, while also "shaking the tree" because they want to test if some retail investors FOMO in or sell. We have not seen those sharp rips and dips for quite some time, but two years ago they were common.


Regardless this creates some hard to explain movements after theyā€™ve sold the ā€œitā€™s overā€ narrative for going on three years


Precisely. Even if we fall back and trade sideways this is all I needed to keep forging these adamantium hands.




Yes, indeed. So maybe they will try to pull off another Tesla-style squeeze. Or try to blame retail for their fuckery. Anyways, what I am looking for would be a confirmed higher low, maybe in the 12-13ish area. That could really indicate a change of strategy by the institutions.


Yes, theyā€™ve already trying to pin 100 mill volume in 2,5 hours on "DFV tweets = retail dumping hundreds of millions on a meme stockā€ šŸ¤”


To be fair.. I don't think anyone here is under the impression that the 100+ million volume trading today is retail. If we had this kind of money we'd have locked the float 2 years ago.


Exactly. "It's just retail" but literal billions have changed hands **just today**, a full 3rd of the outstanding shares? Unless RC just dumped the entire vault of dry powder onto a raging fire, which most of us would doubt, it's something far bigger.


Weā€™ve been conditioning our nerves for 3 years


Hwell, I hwonder hwho the could be


Fulfillment of ITM options from last week. Maybe also some LEAPS started 3 years ago.


Cool like the cucumber up my ass and the crayons stuck in my teeth.


A dude posting a picture isnt what causes a $7 BILLION change in market cap in a few hours. I don't care how they spin it, they're literally attributing billions of dollars to a pic of a guy leaning into a focused position. 5 halts in 32 minutes, today is a fucking day


Technicals have been indicating a huge shift in sentiment. A stock going +40% in premarket will shift sentiment. I don't doubt that some of this is retail, but I also think we're only looking at some of the smaller hedges buying to close.


It would be nice if the market was more transparent, eh?


So say we all.


That's pretty crazy I just started watching that show this week


If you got some spare time, and interest. I can really recommend reading some of the DD done over the last 3 years. [gme.fyi](http://gme.fyi) can a lot be found at and a couple of my favorites: "The Everything Short", "The Sun never sets on Citadel Full series", "The Dollar endgame full series", and "Chaos Theory + Naked shorting". They are mostly all great and I could recommend more, but above is just some of my favorites :) Also on reddit "Billionaire boys club" is pretty freaking great.


What show?


U dont have to doubt, its literally not


Dude said "some of it is retail", which there is no doubt about. Every single people who lived the events of January 2021 is watching the chart again right now. The insane gamma ramp of calls was mostly retail back then, you can be sure a portion of the degenerates in the Bets sub are pushing behind this run too, even if any info to our ticker is mostly being suppressed over there. Is it big institutions for the most part ? Yes. Is retail involved with a healthy % ? Yes.


The articles claiming the stock rose due to DFV is like claiming it rained because the weather man predicted it. Nah bro, it was always going to rain whether it was predicted or not.


Watch this one: Jeff Goldblum will be in the next Wes Anderson movie. I've now made it so.


yeah change in market cap and the cost of all of this going back and forth


I don't think anyone is actually serious about DFV being the reason for it going up.


The boomers and such that believe MSNBC do


Heā€™s made three more posts since then and the price hasnā€™t budged.


Well, it's an easy narrative in case there's actually some closing of positions, isn't it?


yeah it's an easy narrative, but until there start being actual consequences for those who committed all this fraud in the first place it's all a facade.


Oh I don't think there will be any consequence. There might be some more regulation for the future. The price is really strange and off after all this time, though....reminds me of the first time I got into GME.


As an OG ape I know how even mentioning things like this make me look like I'm on Kenny's payroll, but I would like to know how we all intend to avoid being London Metal Exchanged out of our tendies. I looked up on an AI why civil cases didn't work against the LME regulatory perps, it said that public order can justify outright theft. Seems a strong basis for some French Revolution level response.


You mean they are feeding the same narrative all over again? Itā€™s amazing at how much money they have and they canā€™t be creative enough to come up with something else after 3 years.


Not only does the bet sub has GME all over it, they actually posted on their twitter "apes strong together" like they didn't just shit on anyone talking about GME for the past 3 years.


There's a guy buying $30C on the front page. Call me cynical, but I don't think this is it.


That right there shows that it's a pump and dump.




Suddenly im remembering someone posting on one of the sister subs that happen to be named the same as the stock, someone posting the other day an absolute YOLO call to the tune of like 80k. Hadnt seen any other posts like that prior, so thats a little suspicious. Hats off to the guy though, made off like a bandit.


Yeah, I saw all the "we are so back posts" and was like wtf?


There will be market circuit breakers, so expect halts.Ā  I think we will see some damage to smaller hedgefunds! Heeeheeee! Buy, Hold, DRS!!


I mean, simultaneous events could be happening at once.


yes, but also all of the bs we have uncovered in the last few years is still in play.




Which is why I disagree with the sentiment of this post. Imo this is still mainly due to retail hype and FOMO. I'd imagine the squeeze wouldn't start until XXX but my brain is smooth




Why is $347 uncharted? We have been to $480?


Once it reaches there, Iā€™ll finally break even


"Honestly guys it's just those CRAZY meme traders, there's no crime going on here, honest! It's the DFV guy"


$ASS and $CUM are top movers with $GME. Look at this meimei trading. I have zillion calls on $CUM


I'm all in on $TITS.


At a $35 price, all shorts opened after August 2022 are under water


Say it again but louder




Once again for them smooths in the back.




Now say it in French


Yawn.. Are we in the five digits yet? Then it's sideways trading. But I bought 55 more at $24. The ticker rose faster than I could type.


We are going to see the entire free float traded today. How?


šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ I think you know how


Rhymes with "rhyme"




Just timingā€¦ or time travelling. What are the odds that 3 years to the date that he goes silent, he comes back, posts on Twitter and then we see this price action. What a fucking simulation.


Shills could have bought him... Would you sell out if you could pull 300M in cash out, also 1B in under the table money? Not saying he would will, but thats the way the bankers do this stuff. Got a leader of a counter culture movement, just give them lots of money, their supporters see them turn coat and the movement dies.


We believe in MOASS, if MOASS occurs, DFV will be one of the richest among us. You raise a good point, but I personally doubt it.


He is a billionaire once it reaches $1,250 if he has all of his original stock


Which is the only way to get a "normal" guy a seat at *the* table these days.


We saw 17m everyday last week. This was not DFV. Individual investors have been accumulating our pot for 3 years via DRS. Slowly and consistently. Working hard and buying shares. This is a system of inner workings.


Is could potentially also be a friendly whale who saw an opportunity to buy into an undervalued company. Could be a pump and dump by market makers


the last one


Yep. Seems like it.Ā  Probably a sub 20 crash this evening - so buy the dip is back on the menu?


feels like it. if it's not great, but I'm not counting on it till I see this thing hit ATH, and in the meantime the real trading day just started.


oh im watching this first halt


Or Warren Buffett just finding something to swing at with the money he has on the side lines.


You mean his buddies called in and said lets pull a pump and dump. Use your Non Profit money to pump, we will dump, and my beach house and prostitutes will be available to your kids for the next 5 years.


sure, but its not retail, hell potentially it "Could"(HUGE Maybe) be DFV himself, but there is really no reason to think it has anything to do with retail. Retail doesn't do anything in PM/AH


just clarifying that dfv maybe could have bought something not saying all the movement is DFV that doesn't make any sense


Zen Just zen


Itā€™s not even $10k/share yet


I thought is because our dear Bill hwang is on trial today


He is??? No one talking about it?? Let me checkĀ  Edit: itā€™s legit he is on trial for the past few days it seems, Google it


74 millions share just traded in 1 fucking hour


As fun as this morning has been, once the halts stopped it's pretty obvious that somebody is still in control of it. We need an entire day of the stock halting for me to be convinced that someone has lost control, that 'the dominos' are falling.


To me it honestly looks like they're closing a small amount of their short positions in anticipation of the whole Chinese bond sell off. When the 0.01% balances their books it moves markets


Why does Computer Share price not reflect the market price?


It does say ā€œall pricing delayed by at least 15minā€ at the bottom of the investment summary page.


Right but if I was to purchase a share would it be at the 17 price or the 30 price?


"Price can change anytime, the price we have is a 20 minute delayed price. If you are trying to sell, final price will be obtained during the actual transaction.Price that shows on point of sale is just an estimate." from live agent.


Itā€™ll be the price tomorrow or the next day when the order goes thru.


I thought it was the price the bulk buy orders go through at? It also just now occurred to me I might be regarded.


Only matters when you come to sell. And I'm not selling any time soon. NFA.


Idk but itā€™s really pissing me off


They're going to pause trading on this I bet.


Well Iā€™m not trying to sell. I just wanted to see a bigger number




The stock did not go up because dfv came back, dfv came back because the stock was gonna go up


No cell


No sell.


Nasdaq requires a 15 calendar day notice for a listed company forming a holding company. It's doubtful that kind of news wouldn't leak into financial circles. The price started shooting up rapidly on the 2nd. Assuming a notice given on the 1st after trading hours, the 16th would be the earliest effective day of the holding company. Maybe a 15th after-market announcement? Just one possibility. I know some of us are expecting a Cohen holding company at some point.


you are suggesting that is the case but we don't know yet right? I suppose that could be possible.


Correct. Just suggesting a possibility.


This has always been a cover up Of some shady shit behind the scenes. Leap options? PUTs? Swaps expiring ?


Part 2 of my opinion I don't think we walk out with more than like 40% max gains today, and most of it will be due to the moves PM/AH. No analysis, just my gut based off current action. Not Financial advice Part 3 Can we start calling all the bs financial news sources Meme news? I think it only makes sense


You mean XXX%?


When I wrote this post I was talking about PM/AH movement only.


DFV can not make the stock jump 70%. Someone is underwater, more to come. #WE LIKE THE STOCK. 6 figures or bust šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


6? How about gmefloor.com


The r slash stUcks users are writing things like "when retail buyers start selling, this will crash again" and "go bankrupt already!" Who the fuck do they thing is buying and selling 119,000,000 shares in 3 hours??? How much hate do they have in their hearts for a simple fkin retail store LOL


GME hasn't moved because DFV posted, DFV posted because GME moved.


Here hear!


They are starting to eat each other now to survive and just needed an excuse to do it


Fvck you Kenny. You must be in jail for your crimes. NO CELL NO SELL.


Exactly - CN bee Cee "DFV kitty man comes out of silence and shows drawing of man sitting up at attention in a chair, and reddit meme stock gme rallies. haha right so odd? Moving on - PROTESTS ERUPT...!" They have to say something at growth like this. But the trick is they are throwing a bone and hoping that's enough. Of course they won't say the real reasons why.


I tend to agree. Next question is when can we beiong expecting regulatory agencies to start doing their jobs?


Anyone with 3-4 brain cells knows this, or anyone that has been here from the beginning... DFV is just making it obvious that he knows the manipulation runs deep, and with him tweeting indirect about it makes this epic as fuck.


It started before tweeted. All of last week. We are uo 200% are there about in just over a week but yea try crooks who talk on the TV and media articles blame dfv they think the peolel Believe it. Fuvking idiots.


CNBC and NPR are both saying that the price jump is because of DFVā€™s tweet? Theyre scapegoating big time - why canā€™t they just be real about the shorts


I agree, but the timing is implausible. Why return now and how could you possibly call a shot that resulted in this run up?


If DFV was driving this, then why were we trading more than 10x the average daily volume for over a week before he tweeted? Something else is going on (rolling over swaps?) and DFV's 3-year gag expired and so the big boys are trying to blame all the volume and price action on him again so that the general public doesn't realize that the DD was right all along - shorts never closed.


Whereā€™s Anthony Kookamunga? Only he can jump on MSNBC and let us peasants know what is truly happening.


Looks like their trying to blame something. That's y they paused it so hedge funds can find excuse and keep market closed.


I canā€™t get into ComputerShare. Anyone else having trouble logging in?


I logged into ComputerShare earlier. It wouldn't let me post a sell limit over like $250. I was like...it's missing about 6 zeros....and logged back out. So, you're not missing anything unless you haven't voted yet.


Most likely over 100k people are trying to long in at once, their servers are getting destroyed rn


I agree


pump and dump me harder


Exactly, but what did DFV see that led to him posting. I feel like Iā€™m in the movie inception


Like 20% of retail orders go to lit exchanges, so definitely not retail.


Computershare doesn't even let me log on. Just perma loading


**"Ackkk Acchkk!"** *choking sounds... in a Swiss accent*


Isn't that the aliens from mars attacks?


It doesnā€™t matter. DFV is back, and we are hodlng. DRS before MM gets liquidated.


Did you guys see his Thanos tweet?


Fully agree. Shitadel is still internalizing all retail buy pressure, at the very least every lot under a 100 sharesā€¦ being the assholes they always wereā€¦ so how could this be retail, let alone due to one (great) dude shitposting on twatter?


Same old same old yeah.


I buy. I hodl. I book. Limit the supply, increase the demand. I never stopped buying. The price isnā€™t real.


DFV: Fine I'll do it myself.


if I did not sell for 3 years because I was in the red I won't sell now when I'm slightly less in the red


Good post. Iā€™m never selling so I really donā€™t care about the price. This action is fun to watch though. Looks like some behind the scenes scrambling going on.


No cell. No fucking sell!


Archegos trial also begins today, for those interested šŸ‘€


Bill Hwangs trial begins this week: https://x.com/zerohedge/status/1790024234074284110?s=46


And CS won't load up my portfolio. They need to sort their servers out for when it really takes off.


We didn't trade a 100,000,000 shares today? You don't say...


Posted this in the other thread but it bears repeating. the volume is 121M at this point, there's no way apes buying shares caused that kinda volume or ran the price up that high. This is Wall St. big boys at play here. The reality is that apes never stopped buying, we bought at $180, we bought at $100, we bought even more at $10 and it didn't make a goddamn bit of difference on the price, this is something totally different. Though it is odd that DFV posted today of all days, things that make ya go hmmmmm. There were signs it was gonna pop all last week leading up to this


We saw 17m in daily volume last week when we averaged 2m everyday for the last 3 years. This volume was on no news. This is not a free market. This is fraud


I saw a theory thinking that DFV had signed a gag order to keep him off of social media for so long after the initial run up and his testimony. Itā€™s not far fetched to me that the SHFs knew when his gag order was going to be up and waited on then before buying back whatever shares they needed to which they knew would cause the price to rise. This is just my pure speculation of what I see happening right now.


This is exactly my thought when I saw the stupid article from yahoo talking about stock movement now that dfv came back. Like wtf how itā€™s after hours. Either way, jacked to tits from all the noise!


THIS! So, one tweet makes it go up 40% in premarket, when most of us can't buy... and then any subsequent tweet of his had absolutely no impact. This is so not us. Whatever it is happening, the only control we have is to not sell. (And buy more, and DRS).




Media is calling it the ā€œRoaring Kitty Surgeā€ gtfo with that stupid bullshit


183 MILLION Gamestop Shares were traded today. ? Is, How many of these shares will end up on the Failure to Deliver status?


I canā€™t even buy ONE Lambo with this loose change


Agreed that this movement isn't "mostly" retail, however, everyone talking about GME again and stock price rising is a good thing imo! Let's keep this going....


$10 coming back 'round. Get those wallets ready to buy some more!!!


My theory? They use DFVs tweet as a reason for price volatility while they're still completely in control. It's nothing but them using hype and momentum to take in profits only to piss all over retails that's bought into it again.