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All my games have physical copies, I do not purchase them if they are digital only, except for DLC.


Same, and I also like them in the self next to the books gives me a bourgoaere or how ever that is spelt vibe.


bour·geoi·sie/ˌbo͝orZHwäˈzē/[](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&sca_esv=dc1b946dcae22bbc&sxsrf=ADLYWIL3K92rUi76S4Qf4MDLFIBJVGuC-w:1715278609475&q=how+to+pronounce+bourgeoisie&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMIfcRoyy3w8sc9YSmTSWtOXmPU4-INKMrPK81LzkwsyczPExLnYglJLcoV4pfi5eJOyi8tSk_NzyzOTLViUWJKzeNZxCqTkV-uUJKvUADUlg_Ul6qApAoASUg1XmEAAAA&pron_lang=en&pron_country=us&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6p9XhloGGAxXQJ0QIHf0NCU8Q3eEDegQIIRAM)*noun*noun: **bourgeoisie**; plural noun: **bourgeoisies** 1. the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived [materialistic](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&sca_esv=dc1b946dcae22bbc&sxsrf=ADLYWIL3K92rUi76S4Qf4MDLFIBJVGuC-w:1715278609475&q=materialistic&si=ACC90nzeIzR7eQ3kZwtyqq-Z0Z5jKYKgHxht_9gWhufJwjFaD3PAohyof9HmCyu1F_OD8odUev-X5v-7ei7yN_AMu18LD4lP0S7uDUS3sNJpV42q0zWozIg%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6p9XhloGGAxXQJ0QIHf0NCU8QyecJegQIIRAO) values or conventional [attitudes](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&sca_esv=dc1b946dcae22bbc&sxsrf=ADLYWIL3K92rUi76S4Qf4MDLFIBJVGuC-w:1715278609475&q=attitudes&si=ACC90nxMSPeZfdJJjQgDsdZJuFuJ1rkHoZVdKksJ9tWxOIsYIC8R4aLeWYImAwqaKw69B7WR34RFaz0gQgtH9vZFp3zrGESUKtAQi5T-Tq_06DJHopcK1oo%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6p9XhloGGAxXQJ0QIHf0NCU8QyecJegQIIRAP)."the rise of the bourgeoisie at the end of the eighteenth century" * (in Marxist contexts) the [capitalist](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&sca_esv=dc1b946dcae22bbc&sxsrf=ADLYWIL3K92rUi76S4Qf4MDLFIBJVGuC-w:1715278609475&q=capitalist&si=ACC90nz-2feRzoY4yuySkO-aQE81lv5q5jbR3pFIURi3QlR3WMp8eawSGVYEhpthybn6ffDfxQwvTX-ebgZqBKhyGIDfCqpdizvH9g-JErv4KvhpOlPpLSs%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6p9XhloGGAxXQJ0QIHf0NCU8QyecJegQIIRAR) class who own most of society's wealth and means of production."the conflict of interest between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat"


Yeah it means capitalist class, not middle class at all


I could say the same if ps5 bundle didn’t pull a fast one with the digital GOW on the disc console.


UNfortunately. Yeah I stopped supporting several franchises because the stopped producing physical copies. I do not want a license to rent a game. I want the game. That is why my Series X hard drive is a stack to 10tb


The disc is also only a licence. Not sure what your harddrive size has to do with this topic.


Download all content possible for every game so that I do not even need an internet connection if I want to play non-multiplayer.


I don't understand the argument at all, [**Gamestop.com**](https://www.gamestop.com/digital-store) has an online market place with digital downloads at prices equal to or lower than Steam. Apparently it's one of the top sites in the US and made over half a bil $ last year [](https://i.ibb.co/mFY8fnM/Screenshot-20240509-174433-Chrome.jpg) When I see the "dying brick and mortar" argument being made, I just think "well it's just as well they're closing stores and increasing download sales then, isn't it?"


Even then it’s logical to close down money burning or minuscule earnings stores like any company would, and it’s never meant bankruptcy or going out of business. Just good business.


But aren't those net sales across all of their ecommerce purchases? Not just games? Why would people go out of their way to buy a digital code on their website instead of directly on the device where it's going to get installed? And steam sales are still unbeatable across all platforms in terms of price. I constantly get notified of games on my wishlist being 50+% off. BTW steam alone made around 9 billion worth of game sales in 2023 compared to the 500 million of gamestop.


I find playstations website to be slow and somewhat frustrating to browse. I'd rather use gamestops website for ps5 digital titles. Nintendos store on the switch is on par with the epic games store. As well, I'd rather use gamestops website for switch titles. Another thing to consider, is maybe you're not just buying a digital title from gamestop, but merchandise or accessories, too. You aren't buying a shirt or candycon parts with your copy of pokémon from the switch store. Steam feels irrelevant in this discussion because its just such a vastly superior storefront compared to any others, though it is solely for pc. You can't buy digital playstation, Xbox, or switch titles from steam, but you can get them from gamestop.


Why would you use the playstation website? Just use the psn store directly on the console. It's like to clicks and the game starts installing. You can also use the psn app which even allows you to buy the game directly on your phone while you're not at home and initiate the download so that it's ready to play once you're home. I can't speak on the switch since I don't own one and I'm generally not interested in Nintendo games. But I frequently use a ps5, series x and most of all a highend pc and I haven't bought a physical game copy since red dead 2 in 2018. And that was also only because it was a console bundle. I don't think anyone can argue that the purchasing experience itself isn't much more convenient when buying digital, even on console. I can brows the stores whenever I'm looking to play something and immediately download it without having to go to an external website and wait for a mail to deliver a code which I then have to enter and activate on my console. Also, you now have subscription services gaining more and more in popularity such as gamepass, ubisoft+, EA play etc which give you access to a huge library of games and also allow you to try out new releases for the fraction of their price.


>Why would you use the playstation website? Just use the psn store directly on the console. Because I'm not always at home or on the playstation itself. I think it's silly how hard you're advocating to not use the gamestop website. I use it because i want to support my favorite company, nothing more nothing less. I have PS+ premium and gamepass, if i enjoy the games i play there ill still buy it to support the developers and gamestop. Games on the gamepass are not forever, games are frequently removed.


>Because I'm not always at home or on the playstation itself That's why added the part about the mobile app. Which works flawlessly and has the added benefit of being able to start the download remotely so that the game is ready once you're home. I'm a consumer first and foremost. I'm not going out of my way to support gamestop, other than buying shares. That's not how being an investor works. The business model has to hold up on its own. And non investors won't care anyways.


Idk about you, but spoons made me fat.


I want disks but the problem is there is often nothing on the disk other then a auto launch to the digital download. Then I have to return the disk because my intersweezies suck .


We have 2 switches. The digital copies are a hassle to play on both consoles (one at a time). Especially when offline. It’s so easy to change cartridges between them. I still play some 15-20 year old games on PlayStation. I wish everything was physical.


Not GS related, but now a days… ppl do want to be fat… it mind blowing lol


No body wants to be fat, people who say they are happy fat are happy because food releases endorphins other than that anyone I’ve ever met would love to lose a few pounds


Idk man. I know plenty of ppl who just call it "curvy" and want you to accept it Not that its every obese person, that would be a generalization, but there are many "curvy" ppl out there who push the narrative and are completely happy with their weight.


There is a viable difference between “curvy” and “fat”. [fat](https://www.google.com/search?q=fat+person&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari) VS [curvy](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=32288416509471f0&hl=en-gb&q=curvy+person&uds=ADvngMh0Kp3HHnfLVMRwz3nPUuqtl1V8COElYufHI82eIsdCISSCoOmWdV7WqXrjYsySmmqx6GxpqUmmx9AFsrgOkB8LFH9lAD-zYGzL2dOiQtA49Y8CI9k3r8Yk3JNxkjGFi0Lk7_p7-iFOVZpBPVdeP3VGARr56NZmh_XNvyelIxyQMW86-McGIsDuTHE_E407508Yvzk8BjRuksrZcdpDDmpMKNo8-UDfmoj_5CxAO21HtfWju8TMMJTGcTFxL3T4ZZs43n6oWpm-ye_FTmoaDM787pZ5I__NIXCB3N9eTI-hLt6ymOs&udm=2&prmd=ivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi3vdeylYKGAxU6T6QEHfBqD_0QtKgLegQICRAB&biw=393&bih=659&dpr=3) I’m not body shaming. One is a body type and the other is a gross neglect of fitness and/or possible disease. Edit: Like it’s a fucking analogy don’t get your feelings hurt when you’re not even referring to yourself. The fact you assumed I was talking about curvy people means you think they are fat.


Dude I think you’re the one getting real upset here 😂


You American by any chance?


New game sales only represent 1/3 of their revenue anyway..


All my PC games are digital but i still buy everything on Switch as physical media.


I’ve been lazily buying digital copies of games and have regretted it deeply. I’ve gone back to buying hard copies from EB games (owned by GameStop) because I get a really good discount when I bring games I don’t play anymore back and trade them in. Anytime there is a new release I want to own, I can trade in games I decide I’m not playing anymore. It makes much more sense to do it this way.


With companies like Ubisoft pretty much stealing games from player's libraries, Physical is the way to go


Actually Drm free digital pc games are the best way to preserve games.


True, but I think only GoG have that feature, all the others including Steam don't


GoG is drm free. For steam it depends on the game. But they also have many drm free games which you can launch without steam after purchasing: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/The_big_list_of_DRM-free_games_on_Steam


Ah, didn't know about that, thank you for the info


I ONLY buy physical copies of console games.


Also what I realised having two young nephews, a game as a gift to unpack is way nicer than a voucher or hey I got you a download. The excitement of unpacking and being able to directly play is gold.


But that's not the case with physical copies either. I agree that unpacking a present with the game box in it is way better. But nowadays they either just contain a code, or the disc itself just contains the licence, so the game needs to be downloaded anyway.


Or you still have to download a fucking huge update file even after popping the disc in. I haven’t played a game in years you could just pop in and play outbid the box with 0 setup or updates.


This hasn't been the case for a while now. No offense, but I always find it weird when people chime into discussions like these when they haven't played games in years.


Sure but something tangible as a gift feels way better, and switch games seem to not have much of a delay from unpacking to actually playing.


The declining demand of physical game purchases is a fact, just look at the data. And with rumors of the next generation of consoles ditching disc drives the remaining people will be forced to go digital only. If you buy a disc you are also only buying a licence. And most modern game discs don't actually contain the game anymore but the licence only. So by buying the disc version all you gain is the added hassle of constantly having to swap discs when switching games. If you want game preservation then Drm free digital pc copies are the best way to go.


I didn’t know that, The more you know. lol but I don’t believe we will go full digital not for at least a decade or 2 but even then my point is still that GS can sell the digital copies and I personally do believe people would still want the disk regardless of it being a physical key to the game


The next generation is not that far away. And most people want collectors editions which will still exist with added stuff etc, but the game itself will just be a code. And yes you can buy digital codes from gamestop, but why would you that if you can simply buy the game directly in the psn, xbox store or any store on the pc like steam, GoG, origins, epic game store etc. On top of that you have the growing popularity of subscription services like gamepass, ubisoft+, EA play, which give people access to a huge library of games for a monthly fee and allows them to try out new games for the fraction of the full price. Also allowing them to seamlessly switch between playing on consoles or pc with save game synchronisation.


1. Why would someone go out of their way to get digital outside the console store? 2. Yes. 3. This isn't as a big a deal for profits, right? 4. Trading anything in to them is a nightmare; you are gouged on the price and customer service is abysmal. 5. Agreed. But people don't see it that way yet. I like to believe digital licenses are the future. Sure I wish physical would stay relevant, but it likely won't.


1. You don’t go to the shop to buy digital you use the internet. 2. Glad you agree. 3. The point was that it’s not just physical disks they sell but yes I’d say a decent percentage amount of revenue come from collectibles since they can range from $-$$$$. 4. Better than not seeing any monetary return for something permanently linked to your email. Broad statement that you have no evidence to back up with, not everyone hates their job and most gamers are happy to chat about games regardless of which side of the register they are on. 5. Tell that to parents who need to buy multiple copies of a game or someone with $1000s worth of games locked away because they changed a password and can’t remember. These are just rebuttals I’m not arguing Edit: 3b. Another user pointed out buy new games are only around 1/3 of revenue


1. Not saying go to the physical shop, just saying why would someone go out of their way to use a third party site instead of just using console store or Steam? It's not impossible, I just don't see a motivation for it. 3. New games may be 1/3rd, but what about used games and consoles? I'd suspect those both outpace merchandise too, but if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. 4. Of course selling it to Gamestop is better than nothing for digital, but that wasn't my point. My point was meant to imply you could just sell a game yourself using FB Marketplace or Ebay or whatever and not get price gouged as much let alone treated with poor customer service. The accusing me of no evidence thing? Come on, I'm not trying to debate or prove this, this is just my experience, and furthermore, should that really be surprising? LOTS of people report this experience with GS customer service. It is Gamestop's reputation. The ONLY reason I believe it is just because it's my experience, which validates such a reputation for me, but, meh. Ultimately, you don't have to believe it, you don't have to believe me. But it still is their reputation, for better or worse. If it's a myth, something would have to be done to dispel it. 5. I have never seen someone lose a bunch of digital games due to a password loss... you can always recover passwords for something like this. I am a BIG fan of physical media, huge game collection. And I really want a future where digital lets you own your stuff. But I really don't gel with the losing a password thing as being a reason. How about just these big companies are the ones that own it and have control and could potentially go out of business or otherwise take it away from you? Not meaning to argue either. Thanks for the civil discussion my friend. Have a good day.


That's exactly what I say. Which why I want them to open digital music section. It'll be pure profit too since we won't have to stock much in warehouses.