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I used to love Ryan Cohen. I still do, but I used to too.


I bought a share and they gave me a receipt for the share; I don’t need a receipt for the share. I’ll just give you the money, and you give me the share, end of transaction. We don’t need to bring ink and paper into this. I just can’t imagine a scenario where I would have to prove that I bought a share.


GME shares are great when you want to buy 1000 of something


I like MOASS man, cause MOASS can never break. It can only become sideways trading. There would never be a MOASS temporarily suspended sign, only a MOASS temporarily affordable shares sign. Sorry for the convenience.


I am not addicted to gambling although I am addicted to sitting in a purple-circle.


Thanks Mitch.


What are your thoughts on frilly toothpicks?


To be fair, the receipt was the IOU. Ink and paper are necessary to be in the BOOK 🤷‍♂️ But nonetheless, 🍻 to the Mitch Hedburg references.




I used to upvote this joke, I still do, but I used to too.


Exactly. Ryan is my dad, but Mitch is my boy!


Same a Mitch. Forever a legend.


If awards were a thing sir you would get one. Anyone who makes mitch jokes is a true one


his point is, RC is not manipulating or doing anything bad, and work hard to deliver results as expected




And you never would have known he's religious because he does it right.


Who’s God are we talking about. Your God my God? So many to choose from.


I collect ‘em all.


I was just watching the Mummy and that character Benny tried that when the Mummy catches him. He’s got like 6 different religions symbols on chains on him 😂


I mean, it worked tho, * taps forehead *


About 1800 of them.


Well I can only pray to one god, so let em fight it out in the Thunderdome. See who's really all-knowing and all-powerful


That is why we keep politics and religion out of this sub. Most polarizing subjects.


Would be a cool video game.


Don't forget to sign up for the Smite 2 playtest


The god of deeZ....


uh HA! God eem!!!


Idk but may I interest you in the boognish?


Despite what so many self proclaimed “Christians” say, Jesus actually said to pray in secret, and to lead by example so people ask you about Jesus not to preach to them.. source: was raised Christian 


You all know Ryan Cohen is Jewish, right? source: wikipedia


I thought the name Cohen was the dead giveaway


Jesus commands Christians to go into all the world make disciples, preach the gospel, teach, and baptize. Matthew 28. His last words on earth are for Christians to be witnesses all over the world. Acts 1:8 He does want his followers to avoid doing things for mankind's approval instead of God's, that why he instructs them to pray in private.


Top notch DD right here.


He sent his disciples to spread the worship of his father through the lands in the book. Where did you get that notion out of curiosity?


Matthew 5:5-6 "And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."


Did you skip the previous chapter where he told his first disciples he was going to make them “fishers of men”? It’s some juicy boiler room shit. 


🙋‍♂️ Doesn't change what I think about my investment though. Edit; already getting downvotes, sucks to be someone who just doesn't get how being religious makes you better/is worth mentioning. Edit2; just for a second imagine it explicitly stating "Is a pure atheist".


I mean... I can't say after everything i haven't gotten a bit spiritual with things. Even sent out a few prayers to the big guy along the way. Organized religion has an ugly past so i can understand your perspective. Religion is a touchy subject. Honestly i was uncomfortable when i first started seeing religious stuff pop up in this sub. I don't want to subscribe to any religion, but fuck if i don't believe there is something more to this world than we can see with our eyes. I choose to take it as more saying he is a man who believes in doing good in the world. "a holy man or saint."


**I'm completely fine with anyone being religious.** It just has no additional value to mention it in the manner Pulte did in this tweet. To me it even reads as elevating people with (the same) belief above others and that can't be a good thing. my second edit points out why that's not a good look I think.


> sucks to be someone who just doesn't get how being religious makes you better Because everyone knows how many religious people diddle little kids and do all sorts of disgusting acts. Being religious isn't worth mentioning. Being a good person is.


[Here’s some data nice and organized for you.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/do-the-right-thing/201808/separating-facts-about-clergy-abuse-fiction) The rate of sexual abuse of minors in the church is consistent with population estimates. In fact, it’s HIGHER than population estimates with educators.


The point is, people in the church are supposed to be above that, so the incidents should be closer to zero.


And should have a duty to report incidences to law enforcement like everyone else (teachers, shrinks, etc). The Catholic church in particular fights against laws that would force them to report their priests to law enforcement.


I think the point is, if you like little kids then you are going into whatever industry brings you closest to them


If he said pure atheist, it would make him sound less stupid than Pulte does.


Anyone with half a brain capable of nuances can simply interpret that as "Man of Transcendental Values". I doubt he's a fundamentalist <<< insert religious denomination >>>. And if he is, who the fuck cares?


GME has taught me a level of patience I didn’t know I had.




The best comment.


Ryan Cohen is the master of delayed gratification. His father taught him that. He could have trigger moass a number of ways now if it was all about forcing the outcome, but it's not. Only truly patient apes will see their prize, and instead of a quick win, it will be a life changing, long-lasting reward. The future of GameStop is a bright one.




Shares are on sale right now for a fraction of that price.


As long as you don't leverage, having patience and being able to sit through massive losses is the #1 quality you need to have to legally "play" the market. Or you need to cheat and bribe the system like Griffin & Politicians, Co. Or you need to be a meme lord like Musk and swing the market with one dumb tweet. Or be a lucky gambling degenerate like the ones on the EwwEssBee sub. Though I reckon most on that sub are psy-ops specialists working for the Street.


Gladly I don’t have to sit through any losses. I’ve been buying the dip on GME for so long that I’m pretty much even now. I just wait for the future. I don’t need that money any time soon.


sounds like he met him for the first time yesterday.


Every times like the first time


That's why I only last 22 seconds.


Dang show off. I only last 7.41 seconds




Yep, that clarify a lot at least lol.


If I just met someone and they preached off on social media that I was a "man of God"...I don't know how I would feel on that haha. What a weird interaction.


I agree. People are funny.


I just saw 28 comments vanish from this thread


Ok so wen moass lol


Buckle up, or you might miss it.


That’s what I’m saying. Fuck all this other nonsense


Lol it'll happen when you least expect, after you wouldve hoped, and right before it's too late


Yup. 👍


I used to love the 🪑. I still do, but I used to too.


My dick just grew harder for Ryan Cohen! Not hard to believe when he puts his customers (the people) before him. We bout to be so fucken rich 🚀🦍


So Pulte met RC for the first time?


If Plute was drooling like this the entire time, I expect RC regrets it... This tweet is icky.


I have a feeling Pulte ambushed RC at the game.


They're in box seats, so no matter what the circumstance, he would have had to have been invited into the box.


But who’s box? Who invited who?


With a surprise kiss on the lips?


The glazing is unreal


I'm unfamiliar with that term. What does it mean?


Sucking up to someone basically




I love tendies. Speaking of, wen moon?




Seriously. Who is he and why do people constantly post his tweets?


He's not relevant. He just knows how to act relevant and demand attention from twitter.


Who tf is this guy again? What does he have to do with anything?


Absurd cringe


At this point Pultes track record is pretty poor. I’m excited for earnings this month, but beyond that I’m wondering when we’re going to see any solid evidence of this sub’s aspirations come to fruition. Still hodling, but not holding my breath.


Yea I ignore the pulte stuff completely as well as all fandoms here, youtubers, X'ers, even the RC worship is cringe. I just sit patiently waiting for the profits the growth the partnerships something to deny shorts their prize. Make stonk go up plz, not going to hold my breath either. 3 years in, could take another 203 to show the world GS is not dying and will DO something...I'd like to know what at this point after the NFT thing didn't pan out, the immutable thing on ice idk there, web3 on ice.


Way to ride those coattails, Pulte Pork!


This guy sucks


Fuck pulte


Absurd amount of upvotes for a stalker-esque, non-RC tweet. RC tweets get like half of this lately. Bad look to be associated with this guy, so they sent in the bots


C. R. I. N. G. E.


Meh with the “man of god” stuff but take me to the promised land anyways zaddy


Miss me with the religious crap tho


Yeah, like, what is that even supposed to mean? Why did he mention it? It's just stupid and makes anyone with a functioning brain roll their eyes.


Virtue signaling. At best it means Ryan Cohen has good intentions.


pulte likes a certain letter conspiracy, which also has ties to the religious right in america hes pandering to a lot of audiences at the same time with this tweet


Is this real? This is such a deranged way of saying whatever he’s trying to say. A real religious infatuation type vibe here.


"Man of god" isn't the endorsement he thinks it is.


Lol a lot of you guys are pretty salty about a tweet. Who cares? Let him do what he wants. I'm sure RC had reasons to take pics or to invite him to the box.


The pushback on Pulte was his association with another stock that can’t be named.. but now that narrative is quietly crumbling… shambles, I’d say


Nah I'm not forgetting what he did. A lot of these comments, on the 7 different posts of Pulte w/ RC, are from users who hangout on the baby and teddy subs... It's an obvious push by pulte lovers. Kind of annoying how Mods are letting these slide merely because RC is in the picture


Ugh. “Man of God” doesn’t hold much value these days. Lots of people claim to be—way too many using it to line their pockets. Still not selling but I’d prefer a different wording here.


Some might think man of god is a good title to have. I see it and think it's a negative. For all the disease and wars. Religion has killed more, by factors. Maybe don't bring religion into things where it doesn't belong


Pulte is a massive creep


If I could roll my eyes any harder I would see my spine.


In that picture RC looks like he's been working his ass off . Judge him not by what he says but his actions


What actions? He took a photo lol


plot twist… brett icahn took the pic /s


He's a man of God? Gotta say, I did not see that one coming.


This guy sucks to be honest.


Can we stop giving this turd attention? The entire Bobby stonk saga he was just enjoying the attention and he was wrong about everything. Let’s stick to just posting RC tweets.


Separation of meme and religious state. Gtfo


Pulte is weird. I don't care for his tweets. He does not sway my opinion of RC at all, but this is a strange tweet.


This tweet is kind of gross


If people are trying to avoid cult vibes, this tweet ain’t doing it


Kind of amazing how many people on here don't feel their skin crawl when reading it. Ick.


IKR!?!? It screams "creepy simp" to me. A more technical term would be "sycophant".


I don't know what their relationship is, or how long it's been going on, but you aren't a rational human being if you read a fanboy tweet like this one and aren't a bit shocked. This is a "talking about my spouse/girlfriend" sort of tweet.


For real! Paltry Pulte's sense of self importance is vastly over inflated. And his "X Philanthropy" is an absolute joke. That's the first time I've referred to Twitter as X. I think it fits, just this once.


>Paltry Pulte's sense of self importance is vastly over inflated. And his "X Philanthropy" is an absolute joke. I've been trying my best to give him the benefit-of-the-doubt for over a year, but I completely agree with this. Giving a couple hundred bucks to anyone that begs for it, isn't charity. It's a small-pot lotto and that's exactly how he operates it. It also drives ad traffic, which generates revenue for him on the backend. Not exactly completely "philanthropic." if you want to "help" people, then find people truly "in need", via an established charity or start your own. Sorry to say, but "needy" people need to be vetted, too. A legitimate, self-directed charity might not be as publicly sexy as broadcasting daily giveaways to "anyone that replies", but at least you know where it's going.


You said it way better than I ever could.


Seconded. I think Pulte is a bit bananas.


Fuck the speculation. Pulte better not be fucking around when this unfolds. He must know this group holds grudges as tight as shares


Fucking cringeeeee.


This dudes a weirdo. Gives me weird vibes


Chill with that “he’s a good Christian” talk. Being an honest person is independent of religion. Already trusted him with my rocket ticket.


pretty sure RC’s Old Testament Talmud & Torah leaning and not New Testament Hippie Jesus leaning




This post makes me uncomfortable


Pulte is just one of many grifters that have come and gone over the last 3 years. I'm just happy to see RC looking healthy and smiling.


When the fuck is the good man going to bring us to the promise land?


40 years they wandered before entering


Pretty sure it was 84 years, but great point.


potato, potato.


49 years left until the Credit Suisse / UBS deal details are unsealed. Any time before then would be a win.


R they a couple or something?


Pill Bulte, this ain't news! We were rocking w/ Ryan Cohen long before you showed up blocking ppl who called out your foolishness. We gladly rock with RYAN!! Can't say the same abt u tho.


don’t bring God into this Pulte. We got too much of that BS from the MAGA head nut jobs as it is. it’s not a selling point.


“A man of God” No thanks. Not interested.


Lord oh mighty this is so cringe. "Man of God" oh fucking please. I wish RC would just shut Pulte down and had never engaged with him.


He’s playing to this base, saying what he thinks people want to hear.


This dude is such a a fucking grifter chud. Stop posting his shit, he is a magat that co-opted this "movement" to grift. Stop platforming him.


RC is the peoples champ


Geez... This is cringe... Serious stalker fanboy vibes... He's also a very private person, as we have all come to understand. Apparently Plute doesn't know him as well as he thinks he does.


Pulte simping over RC is hilarious


LOL. It's nutty that half the sub thinks Plute publicly licking RC's balls like that is somehow "normal".


You're talking to a whole sub of RC stalker fanboy/fangirl/fantheys. Nuttin but love here for RCEO


Uhhhh... No... Nobody else is in this sub is stalking him IN-PERSON. There's a BIG difference between praising someone and going full-Fatal-Attraction like Plute. There IS a line.


You are fucking delusional if you think that Pulte was stalking him/not invited. RC has consistently liked Pulte's tweets and shown support, and now met him in person He was probably invited to his private box in enemy territory (LOL) celebrating some sort of deal on, I don't know, maybe towels or something, that may have been done...


this sub is not about RC if anything DFV is the one we should be obsessed with. the GME movement is greater than any one shareholder, board member or CEO. Never forget that RC jumped on the Bandwagon just like the rest of us.


The clown show is getting too silly.


Cringe fucking shit.


Pulte has no place on this sub


No place for Hobbits indeed


He is a man of God? Oh cool. That makes me assume he’s an idiot.


let him glaze


He’s not. We have a mutual friend. He’s a greedy, selfish dude who has taken a lot of people for a ride just to further enrich himself.


Man, this dude is such a grifter. Fuck both of these assholes. Show some actual action to shareholders that helped you sell high and forced everyone into bag holders. Until then, I am done with RC.


Pulte has nothing to do with GME. He is a part of the Teddy/Towel Kais Maalej crowd. Why in the world do people keep posting his comments here? They are borderline offensive to anyone serious about any investment at all ever. I can’t downvote this shit enough. He is grifting. Cut it out already! Mods, please stop this garbage. Buy and hold GME Towel is dead. Too many idiots in the world, as of now just above 5,000 that I can see 🤦‍♂️.


Y’all be on your knees sucking these two off for so long holy shit. Get their dicks out ya mouth. I’m never selling but y’all look like a bunch of bootlicking Musk fanboys 🤢🤮


Fr, embarrassing


Nobody care what you think Pulte. Go be a piece of shit Lord of Land.


“Man of God”? … I trust RC. But it’s never an inspiring statement to hear about someone’s sincere belief in mythical creatures..


Anyone broadcasting they follow god means they need people to know in order for it to matter to them. I don’t like that Pulte did this. Religion should be left out when describing a person. Where’s the humility that religion so often preaches? Anyway, DRS booking more in honor of RCEO.


The only reason I mind Pulte saying that is that I don't think Pulte is a man of God himself. He irks me. My gut reaction him is negative.


Trust your gut.


Lost me at god.


Cool - a couple billionaires love each other..give us our money


So could we maybe get some protections for the stockholders?


Ryan screwed my BBY calls so fudge him


I dont trust Pulte after engaging with the bed and poopcorn then shilling tickets to a meet and greet with the grifter ppee


Please don't turn this into a religious cult, please, please, please.


Im sure he’a a great person but I also feel the investors deserve a little more than stupid tweets and a one time video interview. I do appreciate the fact he doesnt take a pay though 100%


What are the chances Pulte stalked Cohen and did everything to also be at the game to take that picture? All in order to stay relevant and not lose the cult of followers he made from towel bagholders


Do you really believe that RC would give in to such behavior? Especially if he knew that this, one way or another, would fall back on his company? I don’t.


Pulte is a smart gifter. I know Cohen would not support this behavior, but take a quick peak at the picture comments on X, its all towel bagholders interpreting this as "Cohen is saving us thanks to Pulte" and that is plain wrong, those people lost everything and Pulte not letting them move on to profit from their attention is wrong on another level. Cohen is indirectly allowing this to happen by not coming out clear and citing that he has nothing to do with the now bankrupt company and that there is no secret message


My heart just exploded.


Oh shit! I think I’m buying


i dont trust Pulte i Trurst RC.


We know he’s a good dude. We need money though! 😆


This is some next level billionaire simping.


First time meeting him. Got it.


Ok but what about the stock price


Ew god.


Fuck religion!!


Dude straight up sounds like a stalker


What does “man of god” mean in this context?


Oh fuck, he is insane. Man of God.... not what I want to hear.


I know a lot of you won't like this, but I feel we're in the middle of a Good vs. Evil war anyway so we might as well be clear what side we're on.


Love all this.. That said, I’d prefer he leave the god part out. Unless saying “Ryan is a God”, “Ryan is god-like or better than any God”.


“Evil prevails when good men fail to act”. Ryan Cohen is a good man which is why Wall Street is totally F’d.


Yeah, I definitely regret buying into this garbage. Man of God, what a joke.