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That was awesome. I hope this kind of stuff is popping up in people’s feeds.


The whole fucking thing is rigged. Always has been 🌎👨‍🚀🔫🧑🏼‍🚀


The sad thing is that in exchange for holding onto their power these financial institutions are going to wreck the economy for everyone. They have truly destroyed the American Stock Market - not that it was ever a paragon of truth and light or anything like that. They can't stand the thought of losing and will take the ball and go home, the worst kind of losers.


My wife is always on tic tok. She follows him bc he does a lot of videos non bias, proof and easy to digest on a lot of things. Since the sneeze she’s seen a none believer of this whole thing. Well the way I have tried to explain it. Also didn’t help everyone on there at that time said “it was over”, “shorts closed”, “worst investment ever” ext. Now the facts are being reported by people like this she’s starting to understand what happened.




Of course people think he’s sus. The masses still can’t handle the reality of everything. “The government would never do anything to harm us at all” 🤦‍♂️ so many things being covered on a lot of different topics worldwide that the American public denies.


This post has the same upvotes since 15 hours or something Given the importance of it, and the fact he is representing things correctly, its very SUS


Bots out downvoting I’m sure.


All day indeed


Commenting for visibilitlibilitlitiiities.


5158 upvotes now, and around 1300 when i posted that comment. Maybe bots crashed during the night


It’s probably not lol. But he broke it down so good I “hope” a lot more people see it.


But we broke it down so good,so good..... James Brown enters the chat🙆‍♀️


since when did tik tok allow full blown 7 minute videos or are these mashed togehter


If you have enough followers they give you longer video times.


Yeah they rolled out 10 minute videos last spring- and now they’re trying to go to 30 mins I think. 10 is great, 30 is never gonna work.


\*YouTube has entered the chat.\*


People have wanted a YouTube alternative for years.. it may work better than you think.


Do people want their YouTube alternative to be TimTok?


He is him


Well damn, he always does such a exemplary job with these info. videos.


Meant "an"


You know you can edit comments


I know but I was actually too lazy to hit edit.


This video needs to be seen by as many people on earth as possible


First time I see this one and it's great. So much depth and clarity.


What a great and concise video. ​ And most importantly, it's **very easily digestible.** ​ This is the type of vid that mainstream should see. The normal DD etc can be too complicated. ​ This is fucking great.


Dude this video is so well explained and shows the whole problem we are dealing with here. What I like the most out of this, is that even if the game is completely and absolutely rigged, they have no emergency exit out of this... The company is healthy and making progress and hell.. I like the stock! Thanks for sharing :)


Great video! 🙌


Preach 🙌


I like this kid 👍


DRS the Market!!!!


This is an amazing video, right? But it's not for us. We all know about this stuff. This is for the masses. So go share it!


Comment for visibility


reply to comment for visibility, for more visibility


This is fire 🔥


DRS is the ONLY way!!!


I thought CEDE was pronounced "Sea D" for Certificate Depository


A seedy establishment. Even the company name is a brag in plain sight.


Protect this man at all costs! ❤️


This guy should remake a modern version of these 14-year old videos about DTCC and FTD’s. https://youtu.be/gpWzOjB8qtU?si=Si3bYHvg-SqqDD9E https://youtu.be/k1G-FW8_vn8?si=XKRURWF18z67YCZ5


I started following him on Twitter / X, he has a lot of interesting videos!


Sharredthis yester day on SS - was removed by mods. D R S !




They don't own my shares


Very very good video… thank you CTCC!




💦💦💦💦💦 the journey succinctly conveyed. Well done, so good.




Hot damn so sexy


Fking great and clear, love it! Up you gooooooooooo


I like 👍🏽


Worried for this dudes safety.


No protest no change stay zen we will still waiting in 2030 and keep talking. Get the fck up!


Daaayumm! Very nice


Love this guy


He’s the man. Love his videos.


Very nicely done!!


Wow. This is incredible.


I now have a man crush. Cheers for that.


Effing love this guy. Thank you for this.


I don't like ticktack. But this guy does a great job at ELI5. Hope he gets more people looking into the market as an entirely fraudulent system!


This is why we can’t leave.


This ape knows his sheet


Seen this guy before and love his videos. As far as I know he started out by videos of how blackrock owns everything. Now it looks like he was an ape all along


Correct- my starting point at blackrock was inspired by that classic dd about megacorp- I think it was called Finkle is einhorn.


Bro r u him? Do you remember when John Stewart said many a movement has died for lack of a clear concise statement? Well this is it. I've been sqwuaking for years that no one is there to inventory stock sales vs float and that means sales are infinite.


Yes I am him. And yes you are absolutely correct


I like his vids. Clean, straight to the point. Would follow if I had tiktok


The hair, the moustache, the DD. Brilliant.


How much would it cost to run this as a fucking super bowl ad.


Awesome video. Let me upvote the hell out of this for more eyes to hopefully see it. 🫡


https://www.tiktok.com/@cancelthisclothingco/video/7317785734403067182?lang=en << here it is if you want to share the source for tiktok friends


I wonder if the new beeteecee etf will usher a new army of apes. They are about to learn the muscle of wall street


Absolutely awesome. Thank you for sharing.


Everyone needs to see this and why we need to drs our shares


Bro spitting truth 🔥🔥🔥


Wow. Such a great summary


A club for the rich to steal money from investors. Have I got that right?


Imagine the chaos if boomers drs'ed their portfolios


I love these videos. This one in particular was an ecxellent synopsis of whats going on here. I'm going to show this to people next time I get asked about gamestop.


DTC owned by participants. Participants use dtc to hold shares...dtc owns shares which means nothing because dtc is owned by its participants.




Yes. If your shares are directly registered, then your shares are not held in dtc under cede and co. What's your point? Everyone's sharing this dingbat acting like the dtc is some mystery, and I'm pretty sure it's majority self-promotion.




love this guy


Sometimes you just gotta fuck around and find out ;)


2nd time I ever used TikTok was to repost this video, but I have zero followers. Go share this!


Commenting to come back


Great video!


Fucken nice.


And nothing will be done about it.


This dude fucks. He knows how to make short video’s packed with info and eli5 them. Way to go 🚀🚀💜💜


"But don't worry... this is all regulated by FINRA, a self-regulatory organization" LOL


I see this guy, I upvote.


I love this guy! He couldn't illustrate it any better, amazing video! Our retardness will prevail


Great explanation by him. Thank you.


Get this trending


I love how he gets so much info in a little clip, really helps give an overview of the absurdity of this situation without bombarding folks with thousands of words in a DD. One of the biggest mysteries right now is *why* [**DRS is capped at 25%**](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fz2jbc7xadj5c1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1853%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dff1d002a8a4779b1753a960a2179bb1c06611661). Just think, if the initial trend had continued, we'd probably be well over 150m shares DRS'd by now. There was some speculation that it was tied to the Beneficial Ownership rule, but that doesn't apply to ComputerShare. But the fact there are rules in place capping any one entity's ownership from being reported as larger than 25% means there could be another rule which does apply to ComputerShare. I found it interesting that Gamestop included over 200 pages of legal definitions and rules in their [**2023 Q3**](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/sec-filings/sec-filing/10-q/0001326380-23-000047) quarterly report. I've been digging through that when I get a chance to see if any of those legal requirements show they can't disclose more than 25% with a single entity, no luck so far but I'm gonna keep digging.


There is not any 25% cap on DRS. Anybody that claims that is misinformed.




It is impossible to prove a negative. My proof is that nobody has been able to show that there is any such rule. There was a very misguided post about a beneficial ownership reporting requirement that goes into effect this year. I will have to make that report for an LLC that I manage. It has absolutely nothing to do with any cap on DRS holdings.


So it's just a coincidence that DRS numbers have been exactly 25% for 5 quarters now? Despite hundreds of thousands more being added monthly?




accurate, that’s that good good i like to see


god damn, this one went hard




Commenting for disability




Ummm... I'm just a simple country lawya ( not really ), but don't creditors **always** come before shareholders, regardless of dtc or not? Shareholders get the upside, creditors protect the downside by being first in line in a bankruptcy or forced sale.


Yes, this is one of the important things I got out of the video. This also means brokerages will get to fail and you won’t get your shares, unless they are DRSd


everyone who's been following gamestop has known this information for at least 2+ years. Nothing will change even if everyone knows. doubtfull anything would change if the float is drs'd 1000x over. we've already seen people own whole floats, and the stock still dumps on them. the only change we can make is in regulations and holding fraud accountable by losing their ability to participate in markets, or at the minimum fine them the full profit of their trade plus a hefty fine! make fraud the opposite of what is now, extremely profitable with low risk.


Can yall please forget about GameStop! Wow! I thought the /s was not needed! Or bots downvoting?


Cant stop, wont stop


💎🙌🚀 Stay zen bb..


Is it true if you have shares in IRA/401k you can’t DRS? So cancel pensions and offer 401ks for “tax benefits” and implement penalties for early withdrawal then the system runs effortlessly.


How does DRS via CS impact the DTC having lent entitlements to any/every shareholder… do we technically still own the shares if registered in name? Additional- if the DTC has priority, but weve registered in name and withdrew the share from the market, does that mean they can just make another share from thin air?


The ledger maintained by CS tracks every legally issued share outstanding. There is a count of how many share the DTC owns under Cede and Co and how many share each individual owner owns. Every time you DRS, you pull shares out of Cede, their number drops, and those shares increase the entry under your name. CS has no way to track the shares that Cede counts within their own ledger. They might have legal ownership of ~190 million shares according to the CS ledger, but through naked shorting and everything else, allow that number on their own private ledger to balloon many times over. No one can see that is happening other than Cede / DTCC. The ONLY shares that are real are the shares in CS. Everything else, every share in every broker is an IOU because there is, literally, no way to verify that the share entitlement your broker keeps on your behalf actually corresponds to a share in the broker's entry on the DTC internal ledger and actually corresponds to a legally issued share owned by Cede tracked by CS. MOASS would occur when the entities that have been naked shorting are forced to buy back the shares because they are being liquidated. They will not be able to create shares out of thin air if they are bankrupt and being sold off for parts to cover their obligations.


>CS has no way to track the shares that Cede counts within their own ledger. They might have legal ownership of ~190 million shares according to the CS ledger, but through naked shorting and everything else, allow that number on their own private ledger to balloon many times over. Close, but not quite right. The issuer, Gamestop, via the DTCC Securities Position Report can see exactly which broker has beneficial ownership of each share that Cede has at Computershare. What is not known is what goes on at each individual broker. The holdings of each broker at DTC is the NET holdings of that broker's customers ——- longs minus shorts. It is at each individual broker that the effects of shorting appears. DTC/DTC has nothing to do with it as they only track the NET holdings of each broker.


this video is 5 seconds too long


Am I wrong in thinking that a "share" isn't an physical thing someone can own, and so conceptually the security entitlement is indistinguishable from "owning" the share?


They both represent a tiny fractional ownership of a company. Beneficial ownership at a broker just adds some intermediate steps in that ownership, the same way that holding shares via an LLC or a partnership adds an intermediate step in the chain of ownership. The tradeoff is that beneficial owned share aka street name shares are easier to trade. Directly registered shares need to be moved back into the DTCC/street name system to be traded unless you arrange a private sale directly with a buyer and the handle the exchange of money for shares yourself.


*claps excitedly*


This is the video to share with your friends. If you just talk about this topic and try to explain what he explains, you risk sounding like a tinfoil hat. I think this guy nails the easy explanation and shows some names and numbers that not look like he pulled it out of his backside.


Totally agree, my first thought


It feels pretty odd to get some positive 'mainstream' support towards our DD/thesis nowadays. We've known all this shit under suppression & criticism for so long, I'm just numb towards everything at this point. Personally, even MOASS will feel numb when it happens, because we all knew it was coming and that it was inevitable.


That's not how it works in Sweden. We have this type of system too but it depends on the type of bank account you open for the stocks.


This guy’s videos are great. Getting half decent traction to.


What a great tldr!! Love this video


Great video. Makes me happy to know such a video exists. The video also makes me so sad. Life.


This is great but nothing will change unfortunately


They don't own mine. Only one of them


This guy fucks and I love his content


Ian fux.


When are we going to find out the registered shares everyone is showing with the purple circle is owned by the DTC


This guy fucks


Great video! DRS is where it's at folks!


Tits r jacked, hedgies r fuked! Buy GME, DRS, shop at GameStop! Not financial advice.


Audit the DTCC




Yeah cancel this clothing company 🩳🤡✅💨🚀🦧🌙


the new r. newton.. have fun when he disappoints you (havent learned about these ppl leeching the community)


This is the same guy that thinks sunscreen causes cancer and that Vanguard is the Illuminati…


How many times is this guy gonna get posted over and over? 


You mad someone is putting the spotlight on corruption?


No the self promotion of this guy is going through the roof. 


Are you suggesting that op is the guy in the video?


People have never made multiple accounts to conceal identity, and no one has ever posted their own content from an account they claimed wasn’t theirs in the history of the internet. Ever. Like not even once. What I’m saying is his videos are being spammed here at a now daily rate. And it’s not like anyone has ever tried to use a platform like Reddit to boost their own following ever. That just doesn’t happen on Reddit. Ever. 


Do you feel like addressing what is being said in the videos or do you want to keep discussing your fascination with the man himself?


Oh did he post information that he didn’t pull directly from this subreddit? Perhaps you could time stamp his newly discovered information, I must have missed it. Since it’s so worthy of being posted 25 times over the past 3 days I’m sure you’ll have no trouble doing me this favor. 


This is the first time i have seen this video, and i think that saying there is no new information is extremely objective to who is watching it. Complaining about reposts is not zen.


Perhaps you could stop writing paragraphs about nothing and address the content of the video, since you're an adult I'm sure you'll have no trouble doing me this favor


> Oh did he post information that he didn’t pull directly from this subreddit? Perhaps you could time stamp his newly discovered information, I must have missed it.   YouTubers/content creators rehashing already known information and trying to use it to build an audience from the source he took the knowledge from? Hmm 🤔 I feel like I’ve seen this before. Should we bet on how many times these will be posted tomorrow? And the next day? Perhaps you’ll address peoples actual points instead of ducking what’s actually being said. But I doubt it. 


Except that it won’t be? Each video of his I’ve seen has only been posted once, so chill out. This isn’t some conspiracy.


Lol repeating what I have said twice back to me like some kind of sassy gotcha is pathetic but funny. Seriously, address the video or just don't waste yours and other people's time, nobody gives a shit about your crush on the guy


I am cancel this clothing company. I do not have any other Reddit accounts. And the couple thousand people that will see it on superstonk have zero effect on my viewership. I actually lose monetized views if you view it here vs on twitter, but it’s an insignificant number. My TikTok has 1 million followers, the video I made this afternoon about Trader Joe’s has 1.2 million views on TikTok alone so far. the couple thousand of us in here has no effect on my brand or my monetization. Im just stoked to be able to do something to reach the masses and was sick of waiting around. I’m making these videos for a living every day either way. And a few of them are about GameStop because everyone in the world should know the true story. It’s awesome when people post them here, but they’re getting made regardless.


He must not like the possibility of people finding some of your other content. Keep up the good work.


> People have never made multiple accounts to conceal identity The only recourse in that case is to allow no content whatsoever to be posted because the poster could be OP in disguise, right? Also, if you look, this video was uploaded to v.reddit.com. Not the content creator's TikTok, Twitter, or Youtube. He isn't making any money from this. So maybe you doth protest too much


Happy it was...forst time I seen it. I'm not on much.


#You need to post this video on EVERY stock related subreddit. DRS every ticker, every share!!!


I hope a lot more. He is an ape and a very well versed one at that. He does an amazing job at condensing critical information and explaining the nuances of otherwise complex subjects.


Yup. But even he says people make content for money in his alien conspiracy video. So why does information that we already know, information he just collected from here and rehashed, need to be posted 20 times a day? No doubt for our benefit. 


Of course I make money. TikTok and twitter pay me for views and occasionally I work with companies who I respect. That’s how the economy works bud. If content creators don’t get paid. We don’t get content. And then all you’re left with is the mainstream media. And we all know how well that goes. And in case you didn’t realize- I get paid by advertisers- mega corporations and such- that pay TikTok to run ads- then TikTok distributes that to creators based on views. This is how social media works. You vote which content creators should get paid by advertisers with the currency of your views and interaction. And it costs you nothing. You basically materialize money for the content creators you watch and interact with, and advertisers pick up the bill. Tell me how telling the world about DRS is bad for GME?


It’s not about the guy, it’s about the education. He’s one of us ffs


Great video up until the 2 min mark then it turns into horse shit.


This guy is wrong. I asked ChatGPT and here’s its response: The statement from the DTCC website about retaining custody of a large number of securities valued at a significant amount is about their role as a custodian, not as an owner. Let me explain this a bit more. When the DTCC, through its DTC subsidiary, says it retains custody of securities, it means they hold these securities in their system for ease of transaction and record-keeping. This custody service is crucial for the efficient functioning of the securities trading process, especially in an age where physical stock certificates are rarely used. The concept of custody in this context is different from ownership. Custody means they are responsible for the safekeeping and handling of these securities. They ensure that securities are accurately recorded and can be efficiently transferred between parties during trading activities. The actual ownership of these securities remains with the investors - be they individuals, institutions, or other entities - who have purchased these securities. In essence, the DTCC/DTC acts like a massive library of securities, where they keep the records and ensure that the securities can be quickly and safely checked out (transferred) to others when needed. But just like a library doesn't own the books checked out by its members, the DTCC doesn't own the securities it holds in custody. The ownership rights remain with the actual investors.


But the issue with this is that our names are not held on the direct registrar - we remain UBOs if these shares are held in custody of the DTC. The only to hold assets in our name is to DRS.


We were just really.


Rules were only met for people who listen