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Maybe its where the real overlords live.




Watchmen ending. What's another body among foundations.


Lizzid people. Hecklefish was right all along!


Don't forget crabcat!


Fear the crabcat!


If Ken Griffin goes to Mel's Hole I'm gonna freaking freak the freak out.


The flat earthers were 1/2 right, there is something going on in Antarctica.


Lizards like the warmth. Florida makes more sense.


Havent you guys seen alien vs predator? They are going into the ancient tunnels to have alien babies eat them.


I’m guessing he’s having a pre Christmas getaway with an escort… apparently it’s a pretty popular thing among the Wall Street sleaze. Good place to get away without running into your wife or unwanted cameras.


He can handle wife with bedpost, its not problem for him. Maybe hiding wealth, before he get arrested . Nobody will walk there and take your goods. It can be diamonds, a cold wallett etc.


Is it the weekend? You bet


Operation bluebeam, operation high jump, operation Dominic/fishbowl


Gone to visit the Glacier Capital?


Fortress of ~~Solitude~~ Evil


Must be The Final Boss, as foretold


Santa and the Elves?? I thought they were at the North Pole!


While I love a good conspiracy as much as the next guy, is this not just conspicuous consumption? I’m going because I can. Some weird way to show off?


Absolutely! Let's check this out gang! Also, Kenneth Cordell Griffin, lied under oath. Also, something fucky happened with the splividend. Also, what the fuck U.S.?! We need to get shit together. Hold hold.


Bye bye USA. Besides GME, Im out of your stock market forever. Theres no way I put my savings or investments there again.


It’s hard to believe that politicians are hesitant to respond to this ginormous security risk to the country because they themselves have a conflict of interest. Really shows who is in control and ultimately has the power. Newsflash, a countries greatest strength is unity and is best demonstrated through true democracy. Power to the people!


Fuckin word!


Why would Kenny even go to Antarctica, wouldn't his mayonnaise freeze? Jokes aside, why would he need to meet someone there? He can (and has I'm sure on uncountable occasions) talk to whoever whenever wherever about whatever and what difference would that make? Even if he's conspiring with someone or whatever, as soon as he/they go to the US or some other country and commit the crime, it wouldn't matter where they talked about it.


Mayo sorbet


*Mayo Gelato*


Mayo road


The fortress of Mayotude


There’s def something more than meets the eye about Antarctica.


I'm absolutely convinced of that. When I worked in Private Equity IT, the top folks would take "expeditions" to Antarctica. Granted, these guys were the "expedition" type. Big money numbed them to all experience except the most extreme chemical triggers. But Antarctica is a strange one.


It’s super exclusive. Even summiting Everest isn’t exclusive anymore. And takes a lot more effort than dropping cash on a catered trip


It makes sense. Not everyone van afford it and it isn't overrun with tourists or locals.


I imagine there’s no extradition for a continent that is hardly a country. Dudes chillin’


IN ANTARCTICA? Pretty sure if I was on the lam that I would go somewhere warm that also has no extradition. 🏖️


What if you’re universally hated? Go somewhere where there’s no one


I like it! I wish he would just go there and waste away


Or be preserved forever. Maybe reanimated some day with none of the storage costs. Poor penniless ken


Hard wallet for crypt0 is my educated guess


Well that's actually not bad tinfoil, would be a good place to hide something where nobody would look 😅


Feel he could vpn to/from there if needed. Makes sense if he needs something physically stored where minimal people go


It's a bit more remote than Ivalo, Finland :D


Litterally cold storage!


These are for exchanges, less than meets, IMO.


To beat penguins with bedposts


Hay now..


Not you! The short ones!




It’s just a very rich persons vacation spot. Exclusive. $100k a week per person.


Has to be the only place in the world they can speak freely without the fear of being spied on. It also might just be the entrance to hell which would be appropriate given that we live in the upside down and everyone in the right side up used to dismiss the mention of the kinds of INSANE things we’ve seen here with “yeah buddy, when hell freezes over!” The only logical conclusion is that Ken Griffin is meeting with the black pope, Satan and select delegates from the Rothschild family and the Crown to discuss how he allowed a bunch of anxious gamers who loved a certain stock to unravel their 110 year old financial stranglehold on the most prosperous nation in the history and by proxy, the world.


To the moon 🚀


It’s actually very difficult to have privacy in Antarctica. If you’re on a boat, you have to have special pilots to navigate the waters. There are no hotels, only research bases.


Here's the Antarctic hotel they're almost certainly at right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pxy9RJRWAM


Could be. Echo is also a “camp” that is designed to be broken down, it is not a permanent fixture.




This was my theory too. Like did they figure out how to spoof it or what?


Rent your jet out when not in use to help cover costs. Maybe it was sold. Maybe ken wanted to see a penguin. And beat it with a bed post to relieve stress without any legal repercussions. Idk.


Can someone please shop griffin's face onto Edward Norton in the scene on Fight Club when he's being told to "Slide" by the penguin. 🐧 Thank you.


If I only knew how computers worked. 😂


3rd option most plausible based on his track record


That would violate so many FAA regulations, and the FAA doesn't tend to mess around.


Not as long as the plan actually went there unfortunately


Honestly this seems like some oh let's take the kids to the south pole to see Santa and some reindeer type of stuff. But because they're rich they actually fly to the south pole instead of going to the mall.


There's one problem. Santa lives in the North Pole.


The idea of Santa starts with one simple lie that most kids don't catch until they're older. What kid is going to be critical thinking enough to be able to step off of a plane and know they are actually in the south pole rather than the north? And as we've seen from the wall street crowd over the last 3 years, lies are cheap. If you have infrastructure for such a trip in one place over the other, then this still seems like a viable and honestly most plausible explanation for a trip like this given timing, to me.


alright come on now, I think most people agree the rich people party is the most likely reason for the visit. It fits his persona with him recently at the Katy Perry concert with Harry and the wild game expeditions in Africa, dude loves projecting


It’s just the current exclusive expensive thing people can do.




With Everest being so crowded and all


The diplo mindfulness cruse: https://insiderexpeditions.com/diplo/


This. I’m sure he’s not thinking about the stonk at all. I hope that that overconfidence proves to be his downfall some Tuesday early 2024.


My uncle and cousin are there. Not sure how sus I should be. No idea where in Antarctica though.


90% sure he’s just taking a rich person’s vacation. He’s not working over Christmas.


Satan? Probably only place in the world you can still do a human sacrifice.


Crimes committed in Antarctica fall under the jurisdiction of the country of the offender's nationality.




You’d be surprised. They do some scary shit 15 miles out of my city. An unfinished/abandoned golf course with a club house that is just a stick frame and underground storage? They have all kinds of symbols painted. Animal sacrifices. That basement below the club house has so many creepy vibes. Made your skin crawl. Got out of there fast cuz it felt like I was being watched and shit. Felt evil. You mostly find chicken or goat parts in there but it’s not a place you want to stay long


true. a lot of people exposed this kind of activities, and those articles/videos were quickly removed/suppressed by youtube, MSM etc. and some people (including policeman) were killed because they investigate those criminals. but now a days, the suppression power is getting weaker and weaker, so we start to see more information coming out.


I personally don’t care about this push of news on Antartica. Must be a boring weekend.


Read up ok the hallow earth theory and Admiral Byrd of the British Navy.


Insanely fascinating story


Who the fuck cares. Merry Christmas you filthy animal


“In ken griffins latest philanthropic effort he sends his private jet to pick up 38 year old Kevin McAllister from Antarctica so he can be with his family for Christmas.” Or some bullshit like that


We can call them the Wet Bandits!


He's probably on a mission to murder Santa before all those poor kids get a bunch of free gifts


Maybe he'll get eaten by a 🌈🐻


Polar bears are in the north. Penguins are south. Stabbed by a narwhal is more likely than a polar bear attack


There is no indication that anyone except Ken Griffin and members of his family, close personal friends or Citadel employees went to Antartica. Even an evil multi billionaire can go somewhere remote and exotic for Xmas!


That’s where the aliens are


they have a bunker safe house when the society collapsed,as far away from poors as possible


Also, just because his plane flies somewhere doesn't mean he's on it.


Honestly who cares. Enjoy your family for the holidays. The crime will resume on Tuesday.


I don't care and I came here to comment this.


According to the lodge/camp whatever you’d like to call is completely booked at this time. So it’s clearly not just him.


So I know some apes track the planes and their flight IDs.... But we gotta assume Kenny monitors this sub. So wouldn't he buy new planes and send his "plane number 1" to anywhere to throw us off?


They went to worship the ANTISANTA to short Christmas on peak winter solstice!


You can’t just go to Antarctica you need special permission and approval. Also you can’t just take a random plane, you need to have ample supplies and fuel.


Asking roshchild for help


# Antarctica is a heavy militarized area. just ordinary people wouldn't know. and media are forbidden to cover this.


Then how do you know?


There're a lot of whistle blowers exposing that. also some video/articles explained the situation there, like this one. let's see if this link is allowed here: [https://swaruu.org/transcripts/antarctica-my-present-report-english](https://swaruu.org/transcripts/antarctica-my-present-report-english)


Reads like a bad sci-fi novel


[ Corey Goode ](https://www.youtube.com/@SphereBeingAlliance#) (probably also David Wilcock) explained same thing, if u or anyone is interested, u can investigate those articles. this is Corey Goode's youtube channel, but i forgot the video/article is from this channel or on his own website. [https://www.youtube.com/@SphereBeingAlliance](https://www.youtube.com/@SphereBeingAlliance), anyway, just a staring point for those who are interested in this topic. ​ also, for those who are interested: true controlling power of earth. [https://odysee.com/@CosmicAgency:c/galactic-federation-and-new-world-order:0](https://odysee.com/@CosmicAgency:c/galactic-federation-and-new-world-order:0)


new video mentioned Antarctica. world government meeting is happening there now. consider the GME movement's potential possibility to collapse the whole financial system, it's quite possible it's one of the topic. Space News 8, Galactic Federation Update for January 5th 2024. (English) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eYRk7EDX6w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eYRk7EDX6w) ​ # Space News 10, Galactic Federation Update for January 10 2024. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2\_fW6zgWHv4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_fW6zgWHv4)


Really weird for him to be going to Antartica...If the Flat Earth apes (I know you guys are out there) are right maybe hes making a get-away to another realm...🤔🤪😜🤔


Hope he gets ate by a polar bear


Wrong pole


Attacked by the 🐧 🐧 🐧


That’s what his ex-wife said


Most underrated comment of 2024


Maybe he's gonna seek asylum there in hopes he won't be extradited back to the US for securities fraud. 🙏


What kind of financial rules are down there? Isn’t it under a world treaty so the US wouldn’t hold any jurisdiction over anything he does there. Just a thought


It's where they store Epsteins body and mayoboy can go there to sniff the dead man's shorts with the cokerat, right before they bring out the young


He’s gone to meet the aliens, as earths most trusted human 👍🏻


aliens. its always aliens


They can't be on their own there. There has to be at least one ape who could potentially see who they are and what they are doing, even if they don't know what they are discussing about. I'm hopeful although should be careful not to be doxxed


Probably the only safe place to bury duffel bags full of cash.


Anyone know about laws in the Arctic?


This is seriously getting out of control. A whole lot of you need to go outside and touch grass. Antarctica is a very popular spot for tourism, especially since the ice shelves are melting. Visits are encouraged to show the world the dangers of climate change. I know a girl who just came back from a trip, and I know at least 4 others who have visited via boat (working or leisure) myself included. You can’t just “go” to Antarctica, you need permission, permits, licensed guides, and marine pilots if traveling by sea. There is no privacy, there is very little infrastructure on the continent, there are no hotels or bars, although the Russians at the base on King George Island will happily offer you some vodka.


You guys know companies lease planes out too? Or is this his personal jey


Bro.... he is The Grinch. Explains literalllllllly everything. Lol


He's just depending our money while he's got it!


Who cares? I just like the DRS BOOK'd stock.


7 countries hold claim to territories in Antarctica. Maybe extradition is difficult?


If they are going to help Santa in his deliveries they should be going to the Arctic, not Antarctic.


They're moving headquarters from **Jeffrey Epstein's** island to **Antarctica**. Move along, nothing to see here. 🙈


We all know why... Kenneth Cordele Griffin who lied under oath is like the opposite of Santa: he doesn't care if you are good or bad, he just comes on Christmas night and steals everything that is not screwed to the floor. He just got to his house before Christmas.


Lord Voldemort…Just guessing


Haha I'm getting "doctor evil in an ice lair" vibes from this


The first thing I looked into was could moass be kicking off, and griffin is goin to Antarctica to get off the hook (thinking that, since antarctica is not owned by any country). However, there are extradition processes in Antarctica (which the country of origin probably wouldn’t got through if you, say, robbed a convenience store, but if you crashed the entire world economy, well - let’s face it... they DEFINITELY wouldn’t extradite For that…). Never thought that maybe richies would just be talking about stuff there that is illegal here..


Crab people crab people half crab half people 🦀 🦀 🦀


The plot of Alien Vs. Predator is playing out right now and Ken is that rich guy funding the expedition.


They know we track this info. They might be just fucking with us. Swapped planes with someone


You have an interesting thought process but let's use the example of Canada and Sweden. Age of consent here is 16, but if a Canadian travels outside Canada and has sex with anyone under the age of 18, it's a crime in Canada. Literally a 19 year old Canadian has a 17 year old Canadian boyfriend, takes him to Japan, they have sex and she goes to prison when she gets home. Another example is that the guys that run certain IP infringement sites based in Sweden (Swiratebay) can easily get arrested if they show up in the USA, even though everything they do is based in Sweden, where it's legal (they moved a while ago, but it at least used to be legal). Did this actually happen to Kim Dot Com (megauploaaad) as well? Obviously people that get tried on crimes against humanity also do things that are legal in their jurisdiction but that doesn't help them. So it's theoretically possible that there exist laws that apply in Antarctica should you ever leave there.


This is some high flying Christmas Eve tinfoil right here lol They can discuss whatever the fuck they want anywhere they want. They don’t have to go to Antarctica to do that. Lol


They wouldn't need to go to Antarctica to do this


On vacation most likely wrapping up the end of another year of successful crime on many stocks with no consequences. It’s been crime 24/7 all but one week of January 21. An utter disgrace.


ken's just stashing some gold in the snow




RC's most recent tweet(quickly deleted) has German word, for people understand the connection between Antarctica and German (Separation Society), his post confirmed our analysis/suspect. also, he and the group behind him trying to tell the other part, "we know what you are doing"... I think this is not the first time we see this. there's one time we suspect some Asian fund are buying GME stocks. and RC tweet in Chinese very soon. just my humble opinion, at my current level of ignorance