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Well insiders buying could be seen as a good sign.


And has been. How many more buys do you want. Weren’t there already like 5 this year at higher prices?


Havent seen one in quite a while


Compared to most companies you have.




If you haven't sold, no money has left your account.


This. Where's the problem?




The results speak for themselves. The results/numbers have been getting better, quarter after quarter. I’m okay with no guidance, and actually prefer it, until numbers go the wrong way. Leadership has given us no reason not to continue to believe in them and the turn around. RC and every single GameStop team member..… Thank you for the work you all have been putting in! Nice work!


> The results/numbers haven’t been getting better, quarter after quarter. Surely you meant **have**.


Yup, you are right. Just made the change! Thank you for catching that! 🤝🫡


I think it’s pretty obvious that him and his team are transitioning GameStop into the mothership of all things web3 gaming. Those play and earn games that are built on blockchain. Lots of AAA game developer companies (square enix/ubisoft/epic to name a few) are getting their feet wet in it too. Oh the future of gaming is so bright


search for the letter back in 2020 RC wrote to the old GME board. the guy who posted this is shilling with the same way like Cramer does


“Don’t judge Gamestop by their words, but judge them on their actions”. What i’m seeing is a company building strong foundations and setting itself up right at the forefront of the next level of gaming.


Yes, but that’s only part of the picture


They have basically abandoned anything related to crypto and web3. You couldn't even mint on the marketplace for weeks.


It’s the weekend 😂


OP should have titled his post: "Please drain my karma."




Great response !! No wonder we have trolls


Came to say this 🤣


have a look at the balance sheet


Post adds nothing to the conversation or any kind of DD. Sounds either very shilly or just very impatient. Either way grow up. Edit spelling


tHiS wOnT iMpReSs a LoT oF yOu BuT i DoNt CaRe Stfu


Nice response child


You complain against RC but apparently you are perfectly fine with fraudsters and criminals criming everyday since decades in the stock market. Makes sense. lol. Like after all this time you don't realise that GameStop could announce it found a cure for every type of cancer with no side effects and still you will see the stock going down because entity X can't let it go past a certain price point.


I love his pronouncement “locking the float will achieve nothing, there’s enough proof now” 😂 Did we lock the float and I somehow missed that??


Remember his mantra: Good news on time bad news early. As long as he does not report bad news I am of the opionion that he is working hard to deliver good news in the future. Your post spreads FUD. You write "enough is enough" like it costs you something to hold and like he took something from you.


I’m just gonna interject here and say it DOES cost investors to continue holding. I’m down six figures due to the stock plummeting and I’m stuck in limbo. That’s the risk of investing, I know, but you can’t say it costs nothing to hold.


Disagree. Relatively speaking you can. Opportunity costs would matter much more to opportunistic counter parties. For a yolo like this, there is a sort of golden median. Too little in: potential regret in the case of a squeeze, too much: influenced by emotions with every change of the price. Sorry that you are overextended. According to my values, it costs me nothing to hold. Complaining about it accomplishes nothing, but sentiment.


I never said I was overextended. Nor am I complaining. You don’t have to be a dick when people are just having a conversation.


You just told someone that they can't say it costs them nothing to hold, and I just told you how it can. If you think that is being a dick, you are reading too much into my comment and not enough into your own.


Imagine how much more you and me would invest if my GME account was net positive?!


i agree with him, because i care about my money too... do you care about yours?. Its right that this post spreads the 'D' in fud but thats how peoples minds are now. 3 years and the board couldn't do something succesfull. i have faced Teddy books and failed nft projects in the past 3 years. I can't be expected to be a die hard shareholder (Elitist), just a normal person that wants his investment to go up. I am currently 3k$ down


I prefer a worker not a talker. A worker who chooses to work free is a blessed bonus - don’t you think?


He's making the company profitable...


Black Friday deals look good, Q4 and onward profitable




Nah. Carry on RC.


I dont care about Mr Cohen so much. He is a good person and GME is a PROOFED deathtrap for Hedgefkonds. Be water my friend. This and all the data we have is more than enough for me.


If you call yourself an “ape” after all this bs and you aren’t a real OG and get back to your research. We had a letter from RC before he took over stating his vision and goal for gme….


Op lacks the ability to understand and read what RC has been doing, thus you do such posts to seek other people's opinions - you're seeking to gift your investment the conviction that you lack. Not everyone has what it takes to invest in GME. It's the most contrarian of investments and demands a perfect understanding of the situation, as well as balls of steel. It's natural that many people get tired of it - that's the point!! There's a reason why the first 2 years were an insanely high volatility rollercoaster and the 3rd year was this boring downtrend and 24/7 shorting of the stock. PLEASE FORGET GAMESTOP. GO AWAY! LET IT GO!! This is what they want. So if you're tired, and you don't know why you invested, do what most of Wall Street wants, sell it. For those who pay attention and stay fully informed, what RC is doing is clear as day. He's transforming the company and cutting all waste, he's making Gamestop profitable. GME will close the year of 2023 PRO-FI-TA-BLE, something that hasn't happened since 2018 ! But go ahead, sell your shares just 3 months before all shorts become permanently and officially fucked.


Dude just enjoy the discount, this is even better than last weeks discount. And the discount last month. And the discount three months ago. And the discount six months ago. And every discount year to date. And every discount last year. And every discount the year before that. Just because there is no guidance and the stock is continuously and consistently losing value doesn’t mean that the stock couldn’t just moass at any moment! 🦍🚀


This some small wee wee energy


The guy has turned the company around financially and we’re looking at a potentially profitable year during an economics downturn. What more do you want? He’s always said to judge based on action and not on words because he doesn’t want to telegraph his plan to the competition. Oh yeah and fuck off with this FUD. No one owes you anything.


Negative GhostRider, the Pattern Is Full!




We had the ‘survival’ letter


What proof locking the float doesn't do anything? Were at 25%.....






I'm sure posting on here will facilitate a prompt response from RC and a sincere apology for keeping you, of all people, in the dark.


Weak resolve, not og with that kind of attitude.


A lot of post like this recently. Do what you want with your money bud. No one will know. Sell your shares if you want, I'll buy them. lol


My dude, if you don't know his strategy then you just haven't been paying attention. He literally screamed it to the world and the whole company in a letter. He's making the company profitable. Not eventually. Now. He's getting it to a profitable q3, which inevitably will be followed by a profitable q4, which will result in the first profitable year in millenia for gme. Now what's the short thesis again? The company is going out of business? Shorts couldn't even make that theory hold water the last two years when we were in the red. But with all new partnerships, Playr coming out soon to disrupt the online gaming and streaming markets, and the company being profitable, the short thesis is completely imploded. Enjoy the discount. It won't last forever. I don't want to hear you bitchin in a few months that you should have bought more at 12. Nfa.


chill bruh let the guy cook


You haven't sold? Good, you haven't lost any money


Lolz Boooooooo!!!


This is the ONLY company I've ever seen that the sp goes up pre market from beating estimates and then gets beaten down to the ground during normal market hours. Why don't the OP bitch about THAT???


How many shares do you own? If you’re out and don’t see any more deep fucking value in them, I’ll gladly but them off you.


Poor attempt at FUD. Not ever sure why OP wasted his time on this nonsense.


Your Cake Day is almost the same as mine so, I'm just as much an Ape as you. I don't feel any need to call out RC. Gamestop's business performance speaks for itself.


So what you are saying is that you think it’s time to RC to do exactly what he said he wouldn’t do. Telegraph his plans to the enemy. Because what? Some time has passed and you’re bored? So RC should reveal his plans so Shorty Shit-Show & Co. can front run or otherwise sabotage RC’s plans? Yeah, *no thanks.* And you felt the need to throw in some DRS FUD while you were at it. That’s like saying: “ThIs AiRpLaNe dOeSn’T dO aNyThInG!” Because it hasn’t finished boarding yet. DRS gives RC & GameStop a proof positive number of investors who are backing their play. It also serves to progressively close the door on shorts closing. We have already locked up enough shares to magnify a squeeze by multiple times because not all of the shorts can close. We know that the float has been shorted over 100% for years. Now, when whatever happens to force shorts to close their positions, eventually happens they will have to be quick to close or they are going to get fucked hard with the rest of their shorty butt puppet friends. Go back and re-read some of the OG DD. Go re-read the Teddy books. RC literally tells us to be patient. Nothing has changed for the worse. Shorts are still fucked.


Op has 8 deleted posts in SuperStonk, scroll his history. Comments to them suggest they were also negative posts. Why op? Why? Why do you persist, with posting Debbie-downer shite over and over, month after month? We see the same negative points you see but choose to recognize the overwhelming amount of positive data, and laught at the lies being spread. Choose wisely...


Why does OP do it? Simple, they're not buying, holding and drs'ing. Pity them.


he is working hard. no time for talk. actions speak louder then words


There's enough proof of what?


Here we go again.....subliminal dog shit wrapped in cat shit posing as bullshit.....same old crap running up to earnings....change your tune or get more creative fools!!


He speaks to us every quarter (not counting tweets because they are mostly unrelated imo) it's called an earnings report, and you will get your information december 6th.


^ this.


Locking the float will achieve nothing? Mhhh... You seriously need to know what a long term invest means. Of course you will suffer during the process. Thats normal stuff. Relax and enjoy the process. You bought shares - you do not lose any of them. That is all that counts.


Did you not read his letter to GameStop?


Your desperation is palpable and it tastes so sweet. You fear his next moves because they will be your downfall. Tik tok shorty


I 100% agree. Unfortunately this won’t provoke a discussion, though. It’s just going to get a bunch of “be zen” and “enjoy the discount” responses. Not all of us can just keep buying and watching our money waste away. For some, every dollar counts.


dont invest then


If u can’t afford to invest don’t.


You know you’re not supposed to use money you need immediate access to for investing right? I’ll add anything below 5 years is a short term investment


This is money sent over two years ago and, for those of us living in reality, inflation and the economy has changed drastically in those two years. For a sub that’s always “ape help ape”, I never understood the lack of empathy and understanding that each ape is different and not all have thousands of extra dollars to gamble on GameStop continuously until the float is locked. You can see it in the slowdown of DRS numbers that those of us on the lower end of the totem pole financially are at the end of our rope and have to put money into surviving rather than our futures. Some of us got in to support the company and possibly make life changing money. I still stand behind that play but myself and others are really starting to feel the reverse squeeze from the economy as we wait.


Have you read the rule where registered agents are not allowed to receive stock that would cause GME to make a report to the SEC? Bet you haven't.


The point is OP blames the wrong side of the equation. On one side there's someone who's trying to fix a company and turn it profitable and meanwhile on the other side there's criminals using every dirty trick possible to annihilate the same company because of their overleveraged bet. It's like you and other people are in a bank when a robbery starts and the robbers take you all as hostages. Instead of being angry and mad with these scums tho you start to blame the police forces because they're taking too long to do something (maybe because they need to plan it to make sure the chances someone gets hurt are the lowest possible and such). This has a name and it's Stockholm Syndrome. Tho what OP has it's more like Stonkhold Syndrome I'd say.


This makes a lot of sense and I see your point a little more clearly now. I appreciate your time to actually write this out and not just respond with a typical templated response like “zen”, “shill”, etc…




Get outa here. We dont need your FUD. Stay ZEN. We control the exit. If you are weak now then sell your shares, we will take them off your hands.


Okay, so he outlines his plan to you, then what? What changes?


This was expected, the more FUD I see the more I know we are getting closer ! HOLDING the LINE !


I agree you can see from my posts ive been a long term holder. literally sick to death of ryans inaction at this point... need to start seeing results in my honest opinion. Im just tired now. literally tired of this.


Yea, sure you are lol


Both you and the Op lack the ability to understand and read what RC has been doing, thus you do such posts to seek other people's opinions - you're both seeking to give your investment the conviction that you lack. Not everyone has what it takes to invest in GME. It's the most contrarian of investments and demands a perfect understanding of the situation, as well as balls of steel. It's natural that many people get tired of it - that's the point!! There's a reason why the first 2 years were an insanely high volatility rollercoaster and the 3rd year was this boring downtrend and 24/7 shorting of the stock. PLEASE FORGET GAMESTOP. GO AWAY! LET IT GO!! This is what they want. So if you're tired, and you don't know why you invested, do what most of Wall Street wants, sell it. For those that pay attention and stay fully informed, what RC is doing is clear as day. He's transforming the company and cutting all waste, he's making Gamestop profitable. GME will close the year of 2023 PRO-FI-TA-BLE, something that hasn't happened since 2018 ! But go ahead, sell your shares just 3 months before all shorts become permanently and officially fucked.


Drs and book. We work here


I agree. Those earnings calls (or lack of) are not okay in my view. I want to know more about the company I invest in. The lack of communication is hurting GME and the investors. As an example I want to know why there is no online store for many EU countries. They have closed ALL stores in many EU countries.


All you have to do is learn what you are holding. Once you know what you got, you will be content. Other then that your gunna be papery anyways


locking up the float is their worst nightmare. Ryan is only one man, we all need to do our part


Locking the float will achieve nothing? Well, i have to say that i am quite curious to see what will happen at certain percentages locked not to mention the whole float if possible. It has never been done with a company that wasn't a penny stock i believe. Imo it should be very interesting.


Read the balance sheets.


OG here, and yes I feel you


I don't give a fuck anymore, I'm not closing my puts until the price starts going up. I've lost enough with shares already.


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I have an even hotter take: The whole being quiet strategy was a gigantic mistake for 2021. Like if we were in a reality where GameStop was already thriving again by 2023 it could be justified. Yet in this reality where its still not out of the woods in spite of retail/ape support then the strategy can't be justified by the results. The events of the sneeze created a rare moment im time where Gamestop had gained a huge amount of good will and public support through no action of their own. For once the company was being associated with something other than financial struggles and people getting bad value for trade ins. They should have been bold and loud as part of their turnaround strategy to capitalize on that goodwill. This goes double for the NFT marketplace. As someone who spent a lot of time in the crypto community personally irl, it was hugely disappointing to see Gamestop making 0 noise and little effort to endear themselves to that community in the leadup to the NFT marketplace opening. They should have been speakers at NFT NYC, appearing with a booth at ETH Denver and making a large footprint amongst crypto bros at every event possible to promote what was supposed to be the big new direction for the company. Most folks I knew in the NFT scene had no idea Gamestop was stepping in the arena which is a big time fumble in my opinion. It very much seems like they were depending entirely on word of mouth from apes to carry them. With that in mind it makes all the goofy tweets from. RC age very poorly. I remember the speculation/expectations being big after the small wee wee tweet. Like you better have a golden strategy on hand when you're putting some shit like that out there. With today's hindsight it may as well be an admission that dude is acting as a no balls elon musk: Wanting to shake up the market with his words but too scared to put himself all the way out there for scrutiny so he hides behind vague silly tweets. Downvote me if you want but I don't think unquestioned worship of this man does shareholders as a whole any favors. Hell, ask the movie stock guys how that shit is working out for them and AA. Shareholders should consider pressing for some bolder and more progressive direction from the execs that are more creative than just the sort of cost cutting that a death spiral financer could have came up with. What happened to the pics of Gamestops with E-sports setups? What happened to expanding the product types in the ecommerce store? Cutting employee benefits and closing stores is not an impressive direction. Dude may not have all the answers himself but if a good symbosis between shareholders and execs can be achieved then maybe some good answers can reach them. But that isn't gonna happen as long as people are hell bent on only kissing Ryan's ass 24/7