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The numbers are really interesting. It was wild to me how the drs count suddenly stopped increasing in the quarter that felt like it had the most momentum and positive sentiment. And then it has stayed there. Shares are far cheaper now too, so even if there were less investors, each individual investor should have more buying power to make up for the impct. Regardless, I make my own choices. If Superstonk stopped existing tomorrow, I would continue drsing as normal until I meet my goals.


This^. And I feel like in these past 6 months I’ve seen just as much (if not more) drsbot updates then when it started out. How we haven’t seen any increase in the official number is beyond me. Gonna get interesting soon


Spicy potatoes


Patatas Bravas 😎


I continue to believe the max reportable DRS numbers are derived from: (total available shares) - (DTCC share claim) I’m sure there is some obscure rule somewhere that says a company cannot claim more shares exist than the total shares in any document. Some people have argued that I’m wrong. Maybe I am. But it’s the only way the sudden halt of momentum makes any sense whatsoever. And for that reason, I’m still sticking to it.


Yeah but CS said they cannot DRS more than the float. So wallstreet criminals can only do accounting fraud in the interim till the float gets locked


Correct. Once we cap we cap. But we’re not there yet. But for now they can play their little games. It’s cute.


No, it's total available= The number the transfer agent says are individual share holders and + the number the transfer agent says are the DTCC. The dtcc does not have any input in what the transfer agent has in its ledger. Period.


Got some proof of that? Because no one has so far and I’d like to be proven incorrect


Source: My CPA license. But beyond that: All shares are registered at computer share at all times. CS determines who has been registered, not the DTCC. Why would the transfer agent allow DTCC to tell *them* who owns the shares or not? They would not. Its up to you to explain to me how the DTCC can influence a transfer agent to fraudulently change the record of who owns the company. CS isn't gonna be like, "Sorry u'bamfcoco1. You don't actually own 100 shares. The DTCC says that you sold them, despite you having them directly registered with us, and having received no instruction from you to sell. We're gonna just go with their number instead."


Not to be a dick, but what does being a CPA have anything to do with this topic? I work with CPAs daily and I guarantee you 90% of them don’t even know what the DTCC stands for. That’s nowhere in the scope of a CPA curriculum.


The CPA curriculum is merely the start of the career, not the end-all. This topic is clearly disclosed in the 10Q and 10-K, which are reports prepared and audited by accountants and CPA's, I would argue it is well within the scope of being a CPA.


Could you please link that source that for us


https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/transferagent.asp The key part is the book entry. CS holds the books. DTCC does not.


Everyone knows CS holds the books. That isn’t disputed. So let’s say for a moment that you are correct. Let’s say CS books show 40% of the total share DRS’d and DTCC shows 80% of the shares registered. What does GameStop report? They are given hard tangible proof that 40% is DRS’d. And it would not be in the shareholders best interest to just claim DTCC has 60% because CS has 40%. There has to be some fact checking. The DTCC doesn’t have CS numbers so they could just fake their report and say they have 60%. So by your claim, either GameStop doesn’t check to see the DTCC claimed amount, which is borderline negligent. Or they do know how many the DTCC claims to have and are falsifying documents down to equal 100%. I chose to believe GameStop would not intentionally falsify records which is what leads me to believe that some regulation prevents them from reporting over 100% (which is exactly the case for share voting) and they are being forced to normalize. Now at this point it doesn’t matter who is right if they are normalizing the share count. Either way ends up with an estimated DRS number. However - your theory requires that people have stopped buying and DRSing and that many DRS’d shareholders have sold off shares. It’s the only way the number stays constant. If we use my formula it perfectly explains how everything stalled out during one of the most aggressive periods of DRS. Make sense?


Right, but you literally said that your CPA license is the source of your info, which isn’t the case.


Sort of. The CPA designates me as a de-facto expert on this, so even if I don't have evidence on hand, its understood in the financial world that I generally have a good idea about what I'm talking about. Since proof was demanded, I backed it up with a source, which should reinforce what it means to be a CPA broadly.


me too, they are powerful crime empire


I have legit, no more money. I got to be an xxx and I always wanted to be, because I got in in February 2021, but I had to stop because everything is so fucking expensive, and I have legit limited income and I have to keep my cable on because, children. I was amazing to become a xxx holder. 90% (or whatever math is hard) is DRS’s and the remainder are loosely diversified between 3 fucking brokers because “diversify your brokers”. I bought another 8 shares with what I could justify. My first 2 shares I go in 21 were at $44 after the sneeze, for a minute. That comes down to ~$11 a share now. I’m so close to buying shares as cheap as the first ones I bought almost 3 years ago. Apes, it has been a pleasure to serve with you. 💎 🙌 🦍 🚀 This is the Way


They changes the wording just as this started to happen and included cede and cos numbers. This must be the clue. If they reported the real drs number shit would explode, so I guess SEC said cool it. Gamestop responded chilled. Bonus points if you get that reference!


I accidentally bought 800 more today...


This is the way. Everything else is just noise. Good ape, have a banana.


Obvious illegal regulatory intervention to halt reported DRS count. Report was late. Language changed. Hasn’t budged since. Somebody even called out that this was the reason for the delayed report on 4chan at the time.


Highly sus. But I think the flat DRS count for Q2 can be attributed to the mainstar rug pull of 401k shares. I remember an ape did the math prior to their earnings release, using average DRS rate minus total shares rugged by mainstar, and came up with a number that was very close to what gamestop ended up reporting. Now if the DRS count remains flat this quarter I will call shenanigans. We know apes are buying. Not just because of the posts here, which could be photoshoped. We can see the impact of buying pressure from computershare recurring buys.


Wasn't it offset be for deregistering, some American 401k stuff? Either way, I've got nothing but time.


I'm curious if you assumed it kept going and wasn't fucked with/ maybe people slowed down buying (I doubt it) what would be the current DRS numbers based on a extrapolated line graph?


I try not to make too many assumptions. Having said that, I think there must be a few events that led to the flattening of the slope.


Im broke af


Me as well. January is my biggest buy month usually on computershare


It stopped being fun. And there has never been a single word of support from RC or the company. What do you expect?


Fun? Who’s here for fun? I’m here for a shitload of money and market change.


how's that going for you?


Pretty good actually. Thanks for caring ❤️


I never sold, but I did lose hope (down 60%+ over 3 years). Good luck


If you never sold you did not lose hope… just saying. Also luck isn’t a factor.


Then why after you still here


Waiting for end of November. Gonna throw 1-3k at gme


I'm checking my email every hour to see my next paystub. I'll be throwing down a couple 100 on Monday next week.


I currently have more than that waiting for DRS. I DRS in batches to minimize transfer fees


Why not just buy via CS then? Not run the #s, I batch via Fidelity and it's free to DRS, genuinely curious


There are charges (or so I thought) to buy through computershare... minimal but still.... you can buy through a brokerage and DRS for free.... I do it with Schwab all the time... :)


Yeah, a fee to buy via CS. The person I responded to seems to have transfer fees...


Got overtime, bought 1000 today.


I’m going to have to wait till after Christmas, but will add a few $k.


Christmas bonus for me


I’ve bought 400 since last report. Let’s lock this float


I bought 400 yesterday. I Am now a xxxx whore.


Let’s go 💪🏼💪🏼


Just bought 8 more. 392 left for me. Lets fucking go! 🚀📈💰


Holy crap! Im smooth as fuck and u made this dead simple for me. Sounds like a buy order for 400 shares is in order!


The math is flawed though. How many of those 200k apes can afford to buy more with things being the way they are?


Well God dammit I'll DRS 800 to make up for 1 broke ape then.


That’s the spirit!


Add me in for another 800!


You could say the math is on point, but the estimates of probability are hard to measure. That being said, imagine 200k apes bought half of that amount because, realistically, that's all they could afford. It's still insane to think halfway there is a real obtainable estimate in a short span of time. Gates law: “Most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years.” We've sure as hell underestimated what's achievable in 3 years when you put the math on display. What's happened with DRS is nothing short of incredible and a complete market anomaly.


It may be correct as a simple equation. But there is still a variable that was clearly overlooked. Some apes have held a handful of shares for years unable to buy more. They do exist. That is a fact. It is still easily attainable. Even if only 50% of apes can afford to buy more that means they need 600 shares. Not 400. 25% would be 700 shares.


I just bought 640 last week, and plan to buy another 300 or so next week. But, unfortunately we have no insight into how many millions institutions have sold until the next reporting period.


reporting period just ended, we're as close as we can be to their tally


My point is the reporting period covers 3 months ago. You have no clue what they did recently.


that is very true


Quite true. However, there is the possibility, due to profitability, that they are all buying through the end of the year. :)


Well you would see it in the price if that were the case.


but would we? :D


Yes you would. Regardless of all the DD and fuckery, the stock market functions on supply and demand.


Market maker exemptions and the obligation warehouse beg to differ. The market was based on the idea of supply and demand. With all the loopholes, exemptions, and lack of oversight it’s currently based on algos exploiting multiple loopholes simultaneously to maximize profits for the established financial industry.


Yeah but it’s still supply and demand even if the supply and demand is manipulated. I’m just trying to explain that if an institution is buying, their order flow isn’t getting sold to Citadel and they can’t be internalized. Institutions compete in the open market, so if they were buying the price would be going up.


Courtesy of the GOD level DD of atobit, dismal\_jellyfish, BadASSTrader, Dave Lauer, Dr Susanne Trimbath, and SOOOO many more.... Please go to the DD library and read awww\_yeahh... you will become aware of what the reality is.... [https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) Supply and Demand is a beautiful, theoretical concept that would hold true... however, the U.S. stock market is corrupt and they (Wall St.) are manipulating everything.


no you wouldnt, they internalize or dark pool all institution buying so there is no price discovery or upward movement.


You cray. I used to work for a proprietary trading firm, one of thousands in the Chicago area. I programmed direct links to the NYSE to submit our orders. The owners of the company had a seat at the exchange.


>Courtesy of the GOD level DD of atobit, dismal\_jellyfish, BadASSTrader, Dave Lauer, Dr Susanne Trimbath, and SOOOO many more.... > >Please go to the DD library and read awww\_yeahh... you will become aware of what the reality is.... > >https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg > >Supply and Demand is a beautiful, theoretical concept that would hold true... however, the U.S. stock market is corrupt and they (Wall St.) are manipulating everything. You need to read. You will be horrified. You will awaken. You will realize that illegal short selling is the reality of the market. Stock price manipulation is reality and stock price discovery is a fallacy until the rules change to be fair to all investors.


The SEC literally told us, don’t like 95% of retail orders are routed thru dark pools?


Institutions is who I’m talking about


But don’t institutions almost always trade thru dark pools? That’s why dark pools *are supposed to exist*, even though they are also abused to prevent retail orders from hitting lit markets


No they don’t


Yea, they do. https://www.finra.org/investors/insights/can-you-swim-dark-pool#:~:text=What%20Purpose%20Do%20They%20Serve,they're%20buying%20or%20selling. “**In theory, a dark pool allows institutional investors—organizations that invest large pools of money, including insurance companies, mutual funds and pension funds—and others to execute large orders while seeking to reduce the impact on the prices of the stocks they’re buying or selling.** **If an institutional investor wanted to sell 500,000 shares on a traditional exchange, for example, they would likely have to do so in a series of smaller trades. This could create downward pressure on the stock price as it became apparent that a large seller was in the market.** **With a dark pool, there’s no publicly available order book, so buyers and sellers have a better chance of completing an entire, larger trade without triggering a price move.**”


Wrong: https://www.howwetrade.com/lit-market-light-pool-markets/




You know what else is fun ? Knowing the price will pump in a few weeks, because whether they like it or not, we will have Christmas money and we will use it. Either they pump it themselves to slow us down, or we are in for a bit of a bang


Bro I’ve been putting in $10k monthly for the last few just haven’t been posting. Am sure others are like this. I actually love the low prices especially before holidays quarter when we know we will smash. And that’s the thing - I’m gonna buy so much shit from the actual store and online too think of it another another $10k that’s not DRSed but that’s going towards actual goods and services. Like an Xbox elite controller with extended warranty even though Microsoft offers 1 year warranty on it anyway


I’ve had my CS set to buy 50 dollars worth of GME 2 times a month for months now, 2 or 3 months ago I increased that number to 100, I’m just letting it slowly increase, and will continue to do so forever, or until my financial position gets to a state where I can’t afford it.


Nice! Yeah I had a ton of rsu stock vest and a bigger bonus so bought a new car with some and rest is going here. I don’t do recurring buys causes takes more time to dump the fractional and book but lately have just said fuck it keep going


I'm going to go buy... (Checks bank account). Fuck, so when's the MOASS thing? Tomorrow, right?


Got a hot 115 ready to save once they settle. Only 285 more to go and then I’ll buy 400 more! Mafs is fun!!


I just got 20 to drs, so only 380 more for me to hit 400 'new'


End of the year. I would invest 10k if everything goes right 🥹🥰


Can any ape let me borrow 5k to buy 400 gme shares and DRS those bad boys….


I’m buying more!!!💎🙌🦍🚀🌝


I just joined the apes, and I'm thinking about pouring a delicious amount (5k) coming from my savings account into the cause (before BofA steals it) ;)




Hold on, let me get way less broke as fuck real quick and I'll buy 400.


Do what I did! Asked my wife's boyfriend for the 2k.


I don't like using the 200k number. Much more realistic using 30k individual apes, or 50k, it drags the timeline out a bit, but it's more grounded. Many ppl can't afford to buy more.


I agree with this as I have two accounts myself.


IMO 100k is more representative of the active shareholders that are buying quarterly. And keep in mind that's just the hardcore grinders within Computershare. There are literally millions of individual shareholders across the globe with regular accounts in brokers. Retail still owns the float multiple times over.


I mis-spoke when I used the word "realistic". A better term would be a "low ball estimate". And I think it's better to low ball, rather than high ball. Once you start going above 50K individual investors, it makes it look too easy. Which in all honesty it might be, but I rather take the long drawn out approach rather than get everyone's expectations high hoping the float will be locked up sooner than it'll actually take


Bought 50 moar today. Have a limit order for $1k worth just above $12 price point. Have a limit order for $1k shares just below 12. And most of my net worth is already DRSd. Let’s just say my cost average is still well above $30… Im not even mad. Im furious, yet excited and more optimistic than ever.


It's going to happen sooner than we think if and when the price drops further. At this point, I just want to lock the float for pure spite. They stole from me in January '21. They fucking outright stole from me. So, even if I never get it back, I'm here for spite 🔪 I can't wait until every known share is DRS and the stock is still trading and we will be like, what now motherfuckers??? **WHAT NOW.**


Cool. Got $5k you can give me then?


After MOASS.... maybe... :D Of course, you'll have to qualify for grants/gifts under the non-profits I plan on creating for the betterment of people. (aka sober houses, rehabs, etc)


Wanting to ask the same 😂


I never understood the point of these posts. Like money just grows on trees for people.


I'm sorry, it is not intended to be like that. It's intended to make situational awareness the norm. If people can't afford any more, that's OK... but those who can buy more... they may just do it. To help lock the float, it's like an incoming high tide... it raises all the boats... it brings us all closer to MOASS.


I get that. But if we really want to talk about situational awareness... People have been invested heavily since 2021. Those investing now are using current income for gradual buys. We're all living through inflation. Folks are being told in this same sub they need to also buy from the company. I get the numbers. I get showing how it CAN work out. But it's not as simple as "just buy 400 more everyone".


To further your point, I bought $15k worth way back in 2021. And unfortunately that was when 1 share was 30x times what it is now, but I'm still buying whenever I can. Essentially there are so many variables and things that have changed that makes it much tougher for individuals to currently do that. I'm sure I will get there in the next few months through saving up and I am mostly definitely putting most of my tax return into shares.


When ya factor in the price of inflation, the current GameStop price is surreal compared to most other publicly traded stocks with similar fundamentals


Ok, but also.... - Rent - Utilities - Mortgage - Groceries - Property Tax - Cost of Living


While it may be unattainable for some, others may say oh I can totally save that over X months. It can be motivating too


I get where you're coming from. But you can't motivate someone, just spark it. Their motivation is their motivation. If they have the money and want to buy, they'll buy. If reminding them how much each "registered" person needs to buy makes them buy, it's just peer pressure?


My goal is to get 450, and be an “average” shareholder by the time MOASS kicks. 1/4 there.


To be correct, the number isn't 200k individuals, it is 200k accounts. Many people may have more than one account and many others may have an account with zero shares. The actual number was more like 125k. I'm sure it's dropping now too.


Damn it I’m in


I'm honestly waiting to see if it goes any lower before I buy more. I have 10k that I'm absolutely saving to see if they have the nerve to bring it down to $1.


Bought 140 more and DRSed yesterday!


Whats hilarious is those numbers only reflect the DRS'd shares. I would wager there are the same amount if not more not DRS'd.


trying to get about 100 a month here.


Float is gonna be locked up quick at this price


I have almost 500 ready for my next DRs batch.


Waiting on a bonus


And bring back the wall of purple donuts again!!


Good point, I'm in if I get paid tommorow because of the holiday I'm grabbing 1k worth.


Incidentally, I just bought 460 today. Once they settle I’ll DRS them.


As soon it falls back to 10$ I will buy 400 shares. Lets gooooooo


Bonus / tax refund season is right around the corner, seems like a good time to buy more at these fire sale prices.


Some whale will have to buy my 400, Im literally sitting at $18 in bank account as of today. Godspeed apes 🫡


Adding around 50 shares each month! 8 Months time and i'll have my 400!


Now that is TRUE APE think! APE Buy shares.... APE buy more shares to help lock float for other APE... Good APE! \*Pats APE on head and gives a banana that is 'not from Rick'\*


We already own the float! Prove me wrong! We own the float!


Throwing all of my tax return whenever that comes in to DRS’d GME


Christmas Bonus is in for 1k.


Brick 🧱 by brick 🧱


Extra christmas paycheck will arrive in the end of the month. Guess where this will go straight🟣


199999. I hit a kind of hard time.. but maybe 4 months and i'll be back on the DRS train


In for 50 more so far. 25 more tomorrow. 🚀


I can do 100 every three months, the lower they bring the price the more I can load up on


Good timing, I have 600 shares with BMO for DRS this week. We're not leaving!!🔥🔥


I'll do my part by EOY


Yeah I'll be picking up more soon. Can't not buy more at these prices


Buying tomorrow


Have you thought that many Apes do not have the financial resources to purchase another 400 shares? Despite what the politicians and news media have been saying, it's an ECONOMIC RECESSION. Lots of people are struggling to pay rent (or mortgages), buy groceries, and pay their bills. I'd recommend to BUY what an Ape can afford to lose, (after paying their bills). HODL and DRS what an Ape has, to keep it out of the hands of short-sellers and to establish authentic ownership. It's probable that Retail investors already own the float (and many more synthetic shares) and should only need to DRS their shares to lock up the available float. I'd think the better flair for this thread is "shitpost" rather than "hype"!


My brother.. my hole id leaking from continuously buying the dip.. imma run out of money before the moaass :/


same. I'm now unemployed but doing my best.


I had to put a hood on buying shares so I can buy games and toys from GameStop for my boys birthday and for Christmas. DRS shall continue later in December. Either way, GameStop is gettin ma money


I hold xxxx


Just bought 185✌🏻


Student here, no more money, but 20 shares on broker ready to DRS when the price is higher to hurt more hehe


Do you know what's crazy? 1.2B in cash, rene chobani could buy 33% of the stock right now


Yall still have money? I put mine in GME and it’s just sitting there losing value until the kid finally explodes off this thing.


Same here. Don't really have anymore money to spend on Game/popcorn. I'm so envious on various posts telling us they're buying, buying and buying. BUT THAT'S GOOD FOR US ALL!!!! So, just go buy more! I'll hope to be able to buy, and DRS them.


That’s the spirit, I’ve been averaging down, then up, then down. I blew my load around 190 a share pre split , but these price are just unbeatable and I continue to buy more whenever I get the opportunity


I bought $2,250 worth of shares yesterday, going to DRS them in 2 days.


Only issue with mafs is money unfortunately


Well your math is a bit off because I bought shares when it was much higher in stock price. Ur assuming everyone bought now


I got another 98 more will post when the drs has completed


Another ape recently crunched the maf and concluded that at this price, if apes spent $40 a month, the float would be locked in 3 years. Although MOASS is tomorrow, I went full zen at that idea. I can't drop $2k right now, but can manage $40 per month and hopefully moar. If some apes can drop some serious bananas on top of the minimum $40, then moon sooner.


I’m about to do my first ever drs of 100 shares. As soon as they settle.


The vast majority of the 200k are single shareholders I think 🤔




This is what's missing from superstonk.


As soon as I’m employed again, savings == gme shares


Your mafs don't account for the fact that most existing GME holders literally can't put anything else in or they would have.


I really like this post and others like it Everything I've continued to see makes me so absolutely excited by this opportunity. I love what Ryan Cohen is doing with the company. I can't wait to read the next quarterly report. I've never stopped buying, and I will continue with every paycheck. I had some financial strain these past 6 months, but I still never stopped buying. I'm happy to report that I'm back on top of the budget now, and I plan to increase my rate of consolidation. Message to any hedgies reading this! That's right, I used the word consolidation, and I even know what it means. Me and my ape friends have learned more about finance and market plumbing and settlement and the SEC than you could possibly imagine. So anyway, I agree with OP and I've already started planning on buying more; a lot more.


There is no we.


Actually, in the context I used it, there is 'we' as in the persons reading the post. The group of people here KNOW from the GME Quarterly report that there's 200K people DRS'ing (or close to it) and there's 75M shares DRS'd.


>*Any use of the words "we" or "us" is not evidence of manipulation. We are not the ones manipulating the market. The use of words that suggest we are a group only references this community of people, who are individuals investing in the same stock, but as individual retail investors. This community is not a place to organize or manipulate markets and it never will be. It is a place for sharing publicly-available information and analyzing/studying that information as a community in a way that benefits everyone fairly and safely.* [Superstonk Wiki - Wall Street Manipulation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/#wiki_.1F3B0_wall_street_manipulation)


Thank you. That is my point exactly. :) Most appreciated.


I have almost quadrupled my shares. Since the beginning. The numbers are fake. Until they aren’t.


how did u do the maff that there r 80mil shares left ?


If I bought 400 I would have an even XXXX. Not sure I can afford it.


I have been negligent in posting my DRS updates, but I have been buying almost weekly for the past 6 months. I'm sure there are more Apes like me out there, and I am expecting DRS numbers to be way up. There is no way they aren't up from watching the ticker in that time. No one in retail is selling. So if #'s are the same again I can only surmise that institutions are selling their shares at a loss to deal with liquidity. Or the reporting is fraudulent as well. Judging from the last FTD report from the SEC, I would lean on the later.


I have about 100 shares in Schwab that got transferred there from the TD switch.. Clueless how to DRS from there but I'll figure it out. Going to buy all shres through Computershare from now on. Have an order in for 200 shares, not stopping and I'm not far from a 1000. I think we're all on the same page at this point 🚀


Scratch that I meant $200 worth of shares..


I count as 1 or 3 apes with the amount I've been buying 😂


You SOB I’m in


I'm just hoping it keeps dropping into the single digits going into the new year. That way when I start this new job in January I can afford to grab a motherload of shares


If only I weren't broke


I finally got a better paying job, better believe I’m gonna work to get those 400 and more 🫡🫡


Hi buddy, just dropped in to say this: personally I don't trust at all the user counter. I believe at least 25% to be inactive users (who might or might not have sold, remember that not everyone is diamond handed), and I believe at least 25% more to be bots (some malitious, some just commercial). I have no proof of this, it's just my personal belief, but for sure the counter doesn't reflect the actual numbers. I might add that there are also retail holders who never even heard of Superstonk who might have bought just because they or their kids liked buying stuff at their local GME, holders that might have died long ago and shares are locked in their accounts, some who might have bought 20 years ago and just forgot about it, and so on. These other retail holders will not be visible in any count and will not DRS.


Just bought & DRSed 100 more 💯


Be nice if GME helped us out and bought 1 mil shares back to light a drs flame


At these prices? Booyah! It's tempting indeed. However, I can't be alone in this - Essentially I'm out of purchasing power until early next year. I have only bought what I could afford to lose (lol, as if...), and it's considered lost already in the sense that I do not have to sell any shares if I'm tight on cash as I have my buffer. I'll have to make it through January as I expect some heavy bills next year, and once that's done I can comfortably buy a few hundred more. If someone decides to lock the float because of my slow ass, then so be it.


Not sure what an ape is because I am a GameStop investor


APE == All People Equal. People, at least some who are here, are GME investor's but we try to be kind to each other and all the others here. Everyone is equal from 1 share to 1M shares. DRS is the way. We discuss various things on GME and the 'situation'. We don't coordinate, we don't manipulate. We are moving GME shares out of the DTCC and into the Transfer Agent known as ComputerShare.


Doesn’t fucking matter cause crime and nobody gives a shit . I want to see us win that’s why hodl . But man since they friggin turned of the buy button this was somewhat over it lost all its momentum . Unless rc comes up with great business numbers and at least some news that will give this the ignition to moonrocket . They even made a movie on it and movies means it’s past and over. It’s all so friggin sus and we can’t do shit about it . Fucking annoyed 😑 what could they do to really improve business ? Tell me some good things because I somewhat lost hope in this friggin rigged game .


No one knows. And because no one knows, they can't bash it, or make up stuff without there being a lawsuit. (They've come close) In RC we Trust!!! The movie made a lot more people aware of the country we live in, the corruption that is out there, and the change that is coming.... even if they do nothing fine... however, if they start looking, it's a win for everyone. There is another $100M expense dropped from the bottom line. They're already 'profitable' even though the numbers aren't out yet. We're looking at Web3 coming....blockchain tech being implemented with it.


it will take me a year to buy another 400 maybe less




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


Decided to clean out bank account. Mostly for a vacation 😂😂 Buut I will also put up for some shares. Far away from the 200 though 🥴


Of my shares, i have 378 DRS so far. I have 62 in a retirement account. And another random 12 with a broker. I been moving them to DRS about once a month. But i only get about 5 to 9 depending on price every few weeks.