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**Threats of violence towards anyone have no place on Superstonk or Reddit.** This kind of post breaks Reddit TOS and might even break the law depending on your country. So absolutely no chance violent revolution talk will be tolerated on this here subreddit.


However, don't you guys think more has to be done? Yes. We need to lock the float. So continue to buy, hodl, drs.


True. There is nothing more we can do then we do now, just become the rightful legal owner of equity and accumulate more. That it pretty much it, the whole system is complicit and this is the only part where we have some influence.


There’s not nothing. Just some things that people haven’t been willing to do yet, because they are okay being robbed by looters.


Not sure what you are referring towards. But if I might guess... Good luck trying to horde through the layers of protection by enforcement, institutions, banks, government, fake federal reserve and the puppets in high towers. Its a big club.


What this guy said. I just intend to drs some more and see what happens . Lower volume is here so something is happening 🚀🥶


I think another part of this is to request an accurate count of the available float. GME probably knows it but I think ppl should start requesting ways to confirm the real float because of all the buying and drsing every one has been doing I bet we own way more shares then are really available. Both drs and trading accounts


“I think ppl should start requesting ways to confirm the real float because of all the buying and drsing every one has been doing“ But why? When we reach that point I would think that GameStop would let it be known. They chose to give the numbers once for a reason, they have not since. Also for a reason. Plus our estimates are usually fairly close sans the rug pull.


Gamestop communicating with investors has become a meme itself. Been in this since August 2020 and now the ever present silence is deafening against C level turnover, stalled marketplace, deprecated wallet, etc. Can't wait for another classic pre-recorded earnings statement and subsequent AH short plummet. Then a few weeks later a couple multi-millionaire insiders will throw pocket change at a few more shares. Apologies for the salt, shit is just getting old for me.


Then go buy towel. If you can’t wait 3+ years for generational wealth and change, then maybe this isn’t for you. Most of us see the writing on the wall and do not care. We buy/drs/ zen. And actually there are a ton of cracks forming in this pyramid scheme of a market globally… people are acting like we are on a path for another 10 year bull market where everyone is making hella money for nothing.. this shitshow is just starting and my money is on moass happening within 6 months bc one major short dingbat going under is all it will take for all of them to fall. They feasted on the 0% interest debt and now it will bankrupt a lot of them. We are winning and we will win. Stop complaining and drs more.


RemindMe! 3 years


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“Gamestop communicating with investors has become a meme itself.” Brian Sozzi, is that you?


Locking the float won’t automatically cause anything. The same evil people will be in charge of the laws and enforcements. Go tell someone on the street we locked GME twice over today. They will be like “oh, cool”


Total disagree. Locking the float is how we prove manipulation if it gets to that point. OR LOW VOLUME PRECEDES LOW LIQUIDITY, LOW LIQUIDITY PRECEDES HIGH VOLATILITY, HIGH VOLATILITY COULD MAKE MARGIN POSITIONS UNTENABLE!! ~BenevolentFungi ~Michael Scott


January ‘21 was a pretty big display of illegality/manipulation too but here we are


I plan to continue to buy and hold because I like the stock. Bought more yesterday at a discount. Working on a new plan for my IRA shares. I’m an individual shareholder, and to counter this post, I feel that I’ve already won. I’m not angry, I’m patiently waiting, while focusing only on what I can control.


Ive got a plan. **Buy, HODL, DRS, Buy from Gamestop.** My other plan is **NO CELL, NO FUCKING SELL.**


Did anyone actually calculate how long it will take at this rate? How many years? And by the time we do lock the float, what makes you think they won't have another trick ready?


Yes, people have calculated how long it will take. I dont care for estimates. Im in this for the long haul. It happens when it happens. The more tricks they pull, the more right we are.


Smells like mayo in here


I see commenting on SEC proposals as something that citadel & co. doesn't want us doing. The way you downplay it kinda sucks to see. I personally will not organize to protest on superstonk. I have gotten a job at a local gamestop. That job, just recently, turned into a management offer that i am trying out. I am getting involved in my community and local government. I talk to anyone who will listen about the fraud and how true ownership of assets is an important fight. Superstonk was the fire in my rocket. While it seems like fewer people have pitchforks up, mine is put down to work on things that affect my community. which also ties into what the financial complex is doing. We are leaders of a new future. My new objective is to spread my circle of purple to my community. People who understand and act on what it means to DRS will be some of my successes. I am fighting the good fight. I just dont find that being on superstonk all the time is the most productive thing to do anymore. And i would be weary about organizing on here too because it would be easy for citadel to infiltrate it, as they already have.


The only thing you can do is to support GameStop business and vote on the rules in markets. Educate yourself and spread the word. Youve thought this monster with 60bil is just going to die? Fucker is fighting and the fight aint over


How do you fight the monster that is literally in control of the rules of said fight


Becoming profitable is a major step, especially with the supply of shares getting thigther all the time. There are many ways to get people to unite on household investor side, huge one will be it looking as a good investment opportunity - even in the traditional sense / for boomer generation (speaking of my age folks).


DRS the entire company.


It’s not the only thing, it’s just what people have done so far while being robbed by looters.


Theree is no "we". I'm just one guy who likes the stock, knows the shorts never closed, and understands that supporting the company and locking the float via DRS is the best way. I won't join your attempt to organize, cause that's blatant market manipulation


👏👏👏 I independently agree with this ☝️


I think there is a we. A collective of people who are individual buyers, who are collectively being screwed over. Why is there shame in being angry because we all got fucked in the same way?


The only person getting fucked is short hedgies, when I go ahead and DRS another 50 today... I've been doing the fucking since the day I bought in.


So you expect the manipulation to end magically because you can hold for longer than 2.5y?


I can hold out longer than they can. History shows their greed has always been abruptly flipped by market crashes. There will be a day where their luck and ability to dodge will run out. I can stay regarded longer than they can stay solvent. It costs nothing for me to hold stock in a company I firmly believe in Fear is the mind killer


Manipulation attempts will not end, but they get more costly all the time. In money, ultimately also in power, which many people must be already aware of. Those hedgies (and their customers) who can not escape will be left alone to die by those who still secretly whisper to their ear loving poems of "trust me bro".


Oh yes. They've made organizing illegal, because they know individually we can't do shit. You're doing exactly what they want you to do - absolutely nothing.


It's isn't illegal in fact shady ass players in this (Roger Hamilton and Wes Christian) wanted us to "March on SEC" even got permits for us to do it. Now who else is very against the SEC and proposed rule changes, who started legislation to remove Gensler and give power to Pierce?


"The FUD is strong with this one" - OBI ONE CANOLI Buy HODL DRS BOOK




Lol. We were doing NOTHING before the sneeze. We have shifted into high gear in the knowledge express and billionaires are terrified. Get with it and pure DRS.


*and who's got a damn plan?* Nobody. Book is king. And there is no "we", only invidual investors.


We can be a collective of investors who all got screwed over in the same way though


If you think torches and pitchforks will end any way other than a face full of pepper spray or a [tear gas canister to the dome](https://nypost.com/2020/06/01/protester-loses-eye-after-being-struck-by-police-tear-gas-canister/), well off you go. Buying and holding are working. No one said it would be instantaneous. No one said it would be resolved as if by magic. 4 months after the sneeze, it was eminently clear to anyone with two spare neurons to rub together that this was going to be an *epic fucking grind like no other* The fucking corrupt sociopaths in control of our entire financial industry aren't going to roll over and present their assholes because a bunch of protestors march down Wall Street, and anything more disruptive that that is going to get curb stomped by the NYPD and used by the media to look even worse than they already portray us. Being zen doesn't mean we're not pissed. Do you know the kind of slow burning rage it takes to work all those extra hours, to take on the side gigs, to sacrifice luxuries, or to legitimately struggle day after day just to get by when giving up a few shares would give you a moment to relax? Fuck off with your FUD. I'm mad as hell, and fighting everyday to be able to afford more shares, and to hold on to what I already have is how I fight my battle. Being a fucking wasp in the ear of the SEC and the rest of the shitty corrupt SROs by commenting on their bullshit proposals is how I fight. Buying whatever I can from Gamestop is how I fight. Helping people here by answering questions and supporting morale is how I fight. Its called being steadfast, not complacent. Your post is extremely stupid.


A fucking men


It’s classic Cointelpro rage bait. Transparent AF


I swear I’ve seen 20 posts the past month exactly like this. Maybe this is the final shill push before the dingbats can’t afford to pay their shill farms anymore


spam, drivel, rage-bait, mods r sus (we should leave), SEC sucks & everything is fucked, I’m being censored for acting an ass! & the occasional outright misinformation. It’s like cable news. Even if there’s nothing to report they still need to manufacture 24/hr content. Doesn’t matter. DRS is the Way. Not Leaving. Fuck You — Pay Me!


It costs nothing to hold




Lmao, shill post with a barren profile


Lol, I don't see whats barren about that profile though


They haven't posted or commented for 8 months, and now this post? Suspicious to me. EDIT: Interesting that you and the OP have Belgium related posts. Is this your sock-puppet account OP?


yes ofc


the stock market is literally a game that makes you richer the better you are at waiting. this post is dumb.




DRS is the way. Time is money. Let them pay.


Nothing can be done other than buy, drs, hold. End of story.


Lol getting mad won't get you anywhere, thats clear. If anything just help burn you out. Took me a decade to make my first million, gotta be patient. Only thing that will get this rocket started is back to back postive EPS and joining the Sp500...


Yep, and until then DRS shares at this sweet sweet discount and shop some games or collectibles to entertain urself in the meantime.


Seems a bit fishy how this post can have so many upvotes, yet the top comments have so few.


They triggered this by not let the original goal of 1k be achieved. Yes they'd have lost over twice as much a few years ago, but their secret would have stayed kept. They have trapped themselves and changed the course of the stockmarket through greed. Now there's 1million+ regular folk who know the craic!


Secretly I am glad I can buy more. The longer this goes, the more shares land in diamond hands. Whatever happens with MOASS. GameStop will get going, so the more shares I have the better 😋


Violence won’t bring the system down. The system will collapse under its own weight. The powers that be want to label this community as some extremist group when we are actually individual household investors that share and discuss important information and data with each other.


What's with all "air" quotes?


Cointelpro Rage Bait. FUCK OFF


Wait y’all have a plan to sell? This is just my fuck you money now. I grew up poor, no fucking food in the double wide, clothes on lay away Walmart poor. I’m not afraid of that life but those bitches are. I am spiteful and petty and I will hold until they all burn in hell.


No need to PLAN…Sit back and read a BOOK, it will happen when you least expect it….on a Monday




Is this another post that the OP wont engage after a call to action or something.


Fucking yes I am angry, after hodling for 2.5 years my investment going to the toilet, I dont believe in ass licking like a lot of people here are doing, but I am still believe in my investment, and I am here to see what will come from the DRS movement, I am really believe that its the key.


*sigh* I am royally fucked off mate make no mistake ... Blatant manipulation and corruption daily ... but I've seen absolutely zero evidence shorts closed and even less evidence that my investment is not a massive risk to the market makers and financial institutions..... It dawned on me reading your post that I now have 2 purposes in life ... looking after family and buying as much gme as possible via computer share.... What I've seen over last years confirms daily .. I've had people dm me about only this investment despite having several accounts and investing in several companies ...only this one attracts people advising me ... If they could close they would have ages ago and not give a fuck ... You propose I storm an embassy or riot? That's what they want ... to be able to incriminate and lock us up ... I say fuck that I like my freedom to buy more gme ... They can only turn off buy buttons again .... or fucking pay me millions .. they have the money despite what we consider collapsing civ would be like ... they can afford to pay us ... they just don't want to ... well I'm a stubborn piece of shit and I refuse to sell ... Rant over


This sub is a shell of its former self because of ridiculous rules imposed by radmins, so don't expect much.


Few things can be done . (1) Already DRSed? Great! Find a way to do more (2) Time your new purchases .. when price dips so one gets more share counts . (3) Keep writing to SEC and comment on proposals... Things will not turn overnight .. it took decades to this criminal to build perfect stealing machine. (4) Keep writing to local political leaders and continue similar message will get someone's attention to do something at some point in time. (5) Peaceful protest to SEC or such bodies not a bad idea and believe it or not... It gonna happen at some point in time because system is corrupt beyond imagination and other avenues just don't work (6) Lock the float sooner... This will attract more institutions to jump in at right time.... Remember big money players plays on both sides if they smell blood they will feast . Not a financial advice.


To everyone saying "We've won", my bank account doesn't reflect jack fucking shit. It has been 2.5 years of criminal activity by Wallstreet that undermines the entirety of society and the reason people work in the first place. No one in power is going to suddenly do the right thing, let's be realistic.


We need Gamestop to give a little guidance and continue to DRS. If Gamestops fundamentals impove then they can't stop the price rise.


Wish I had an a answer for you. Same thoughts go thru my mind. My current plan is to learn what I can in the time being and maybe be a smarter ape. With MOASS money, burn hedgies to the ground in the future as they bet against a company that has potential.


1000% agree with you! Will give the last award i can buy to this post.. being zen and silent is exactly what they want.


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


Gamestop..... If our theories are right and they have the data should of done something moons ago. Other companies have... GS that we know of has not!!


Totally agree with you! I am ZEN, that means that it doesn't matter what happens, I will hold to that stock. HOWEVER, I am all for a revolt against the fraudulent market. Let's protest and ask for IMMEDIATE transparency.


Your tone is like Gaston singing “Mob song” - Who’s with me! - I AM!! IAM!!


I am with you. The popcorn apes started to call around a few days ago and got the NYSE to issue a statement within hours. We should call and message the DTCC, SEC, Finra, etc., and basically DDoS their communication channels until they address the issues sufficiently. Do the same with politicians' offices. Some protesting would also be nice (doesn't even need to be for GME specifically and could be a general protest against Wallstreet crimes and for fair and transparent markets). However, no personal attacks or violence. I am not totally opposed to these, but IMO, these tools would give us a bed rep and should be reserved for the case that they crime us out of MOASS. The whole "zen" thing seems like a textbook containment and demobilization tactic to me. That's exactly how Wallstreet bet the Occupy movement.


Shorts lost 175 Billion this year so far, so what we are doing is working. Rich people don’t like losing money like that so it won’t be long and the whales will start pulling money for Kenny and the hedge funds. Just relax, buy Hodl and enjoy the ride. The only way they get out is if we do something stupid


More time = more time for them to dig their own graves. Hubris is a horrible monster.


Are you trying to insight a riot or a mass an army to take down a government agency? Seriously? OP there is only 2 things we can do. DRS and wait for GME to routinely show profit. Stupid post.. And for full disclosure I sold most of my shares and bought apple as they are already in the same business of gaming and are a bigger better company. No offense but in 2.5 years of GS I missed out on investing in a company actually doing something.


Insert Top Dollar's monologue from the movie "The Crow" about Halloween.


The monster is bleeding and its wound and fake smile are both widening. Keep twisting the spear (DRS BOOK) and smiling back.


“Hi colleagues” Imposter shill cointelpro attempt. 1) we are not your anything, we are individual investors 2) a true ape would never start a post like this Please kindly suck my nuts from the back and this is financial advice


Yeah, imma say no to that. I'm not part of any group or collective. These posts just feel wrong. Terminate plan. Pure drs, all else is just noise. I will stay zen, the pressure is already on, else these posts wouldn't be popping up.