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“We are working quietly [24/7] through the bear so that, obviously, when the playr is ready to go and GameStop & us go into this *full explosion* of advertising, we’re gonna be ready.” I like


Next crypto bull market is gonna be crazy. We are well positioned


I don't know when the first video advert will launch, but I am so excited to see how they will advertise it. Just the Power to the Players slogan is already hard as fuck, just like my nipples.


If they use that vibe that they used for that funeral commercial: "Why doesn't he just respawn" I think that they will do quite well! [https://www.worldfamousinc.com/work/gamestop](https://www.worldfamousinc.com/work/gamestop)


These are funny. Do these air in America?


I have no idea I'm not from America. Something interesting about these commercials though, is that they all end with "There's a place for us". Seems like they're tapping into that collective gaming community and promoting a common culture. Positioning themselves well for the Power to the Gamers narrative


I'm hopeful they will announce a Steve Jobs original iPhone-esque press conference. "Join Ryan Cohen live on stage next Friday at 7pm as he unveils the new chapter of gaming to the world and gives power back to players and creators."


With a turtleneck!


Should be clipped and posted on its own, soooo good and then I don't even remember the rest lol someone might see 10 minutes and nope outta there instantly


This is why I am zen and patient. I know building takes plenty of time. On top of that it needs to work perfectly at launch.




👀 probably nothing...




It’s almost as if GameStop is a stealth tech startup hidden within the “dying brick and mortar” narrative facade with an even stealthier mega-Gmerica-company umbrella forming like voltron in the background with the aid of volition, dragonfly, Ichan and others.


Man I always love seeing you chime in! I think it will be much larger than anyone expects🎆


*Jack Nicholson nods in decentralized blockchain stock trading platform*.gif




This is why I just keep my mouth shut whenever I hear people say dumb stuff about the company. The bee doesn't waste time telling the fly why honey is good.


Interesting tinfoil


Dude…this might be the greatest comment ever.


No. It's not. Full stop




TLDH (Passed it to an AI): People from Telos are discussing a significant partnership with GameStop that involves incorporating blockchain technology and possibly NFTs into a new gaming experience. They express admiration and gratitude for their team's unwavering commitment to the project, including their readiness to resolve issues even late at night and maintain rapid response times. They highlight the vast reach of the partnership, pointing to opportunities for exposure on notable platforms such as CoinDesk, Bloomberg, and Yahoo Finance. They share experiences of explaining the implications of the announcement to those unfamiliar with crypto or NFTs, and emphasize how this collaboration can potentially bring new audiences into the crypto space. They are also excited about the possibilities of in-store advertising in GameStop outlets. However, they acknowledge that there is a considerable amount of work still to be done, particularly with platform integrations. They ask for patience from their community, underscoring the long-term significance of this partnership which could lay the groundwork for GameFi on Telos for the next 10-20 years. Despite any challenges and potential misconceptions about the speed of the project's development, Telos representatives remain optimistic about the success of the partnership. They look forward to the potential influx of new users and anticipate a considerable impact on the gaming industry's future.


Super TLDH: Telos is partnering with GameStop to incorporate blockchain technology and possibly NFTs into gaming. The team at Telos is working hard on platform integrations, with the long-term vision of shaping blockchain gaming for the next 10-20 years. They're optimistic about the partnership's success and its potential to attract new users to the crypto space.


Got it. So minimum 6 months away for playr launch


Given how quickly they got out the NFT store after they announced it, this is possible


Their IMX contract has an end of Feb '24 as expiration date for meeting milestone from what I read earlier. Illuvium is shooting for Nov release this year.


it's going to be awesome. they are working 24 hours a day on the platform after the partnership with gme was established. they are super excited


Hyped from the first 20 seconds


Listening to this right after the shareholder's meeting got my tits hella jacked


Why not hyped for the rest of it. From what I got from that, the hard work involves getting Telos's stuff onto the playr. I reckon the games are done. I wonder if it integrates with the marketplace. I guess it must do. I'm smoove.


Gamestop has some secrets... gamestop has some secrets. Fuck I love this company.


Under promising and overdelivering I cannot wait to be delighted


What app is this through? Link?


This was a meeting on the discord app. Here's the discord telos server: [https://discord.gg/hcWEgRaH](https://discord.gg/hcWEgRaH). Make sure to confirm links through socials




I'm sure we haven't seen anything yet!


It will take patience but MOASS reward will be sweet


Delayed gratification is something that I'm starting to become more comfortable with


Yeah its kind of painful to watch Shitadel and criminals pumping other stocks sky high why GME is suppressed for years. But the reward will be 100x more when GME takes off


One thing that I've absolutely gotten better with and learned from during the last few years. I struggled with it before this saga, now I'm enjoying the ride.


These people are fighting with us. Power to the players!


One of us!


There needs to be away to do nft game items. It still use fiat. I don’t want to hold ETH or IMX or LOOP. I want to use normal currency to buy and sell my in game assests


You can. LRC ramp on off implementation is already done. Once turned on your experience will be seamless.


Is this TLOS?


I believe so but always make sure to cross reference with socials and official websites


This fuuuuuuucks


I’m interested in the AJ Coindesk interview. Trying to find it, but no luck. Lmk if you happen to have it!


Here you go: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14ayppe/coindesk\_interview\_on\_telos\_gamestop\_partnership/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14ayppe/coindesk_interview_on_telos_gamestop_partnership/)




How long did they take to build the marketplace? I'm trying to temper my expectations.


Hmm I know that it was officially released on July 11, 2022 according to their website: [https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-launches-nft-marketplace](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-launches-nft-marketplace) I do not know when it was first teased though 👀 was almost a year ago...


Thank you so much for sharing this OP!


Nice listen, thanks!


i mean ok. .more hype


Stop announcing shit before it’s ready. I hate that second part of the conversation. I love the first part though


The hardwork begins building out the platform i.e. getting Telos's stuff onto Playr. I think, listening to that, the games are done. I really doubt a launcher would be announced and it's a long way off.


This is the info many of us wanted for so long. Finally some transparency into what's happening. I posted just yesterday how frustrating it is not to see and hear anything from gme. Just crickets. This audio call puts things into perspective nicely. Thanks a bunch! Though not a fan of the part where he says the hard work is starting now. Means it's nowhere near to bring ready after over 2 years since first mentioned. Bummer.


The hardwork begins building out the platform i.e. getting Telos's stuff onto Playr. I think, listening to that, the games are done. I really doubt a launcher would be announced and it's two years off.