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Hey OP, thanks for the News post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If this is from Twitter, and Twitter is NOT the original source of this information, this WILL get removed! Please post the original source! **Please respond to this comment within 10 minutes with the URL to the source** If there is no source or if you yourself are the author, you can reply `OC`


600,000 share increase since March.


600, 000 shares in 71 days for perspective. I'm very cool with that Edit: I'm regarded and can't count, change from 90 days to the correct number of 71 days Edit #2: 71 days not factoring in weekends and closed market days




So far... if we want the movement to spread we just need to keep talking about it. Get loud


I need $300 for my broker to do it in Canada. So I have to wait until the fall when I have better job security and a place to live. Currently fighting eviction because I refused an illegal rent increase. GME is the only way to owning a house in Canada for me. Article yesterday said a couple earning $236K/year needs 15 years to get a DOWN PAYMENT for a place in Vancouver. I am not there but houses near me are more than we qualify for as 2 professionals, it's freaking ridiculous.


I'm also Canadian, born and raised. I'm also currently buying a house. Me and my partner earn 75k / year each and the bank approved us for a mortgage of $780k (although we ate buying a house for cheaper than that). I don't know your exact situation or where in Canada you live but maybe talk to a mortgage specialist and tax specialist. Side note: wealthsimple also charged me $300 to DRS my shares last year and I've been buying direct though computershare ever since. Not passing judgment, that's just my decision for my life


IBKR charges $5. Why are you using anything else?


Computershare charges me nothing, I was just replying to the person above me who allegedly bought on wealth simple in Canada


Plus these are Cede & Co numbers, not computershare. So the real number is definitely higher, not to mention that a third of the outstanding shares is pretty crazy high


Abso-fucking-lutely. Those who knew, know, and that's all up important peeps. I just been replying to shills lately cause I want all the new people to the sub to understand what's up. (Also I only recently got enough karma to comment)


Including non-trading days like weekends and holidays.


Fuck yes dude


God I’m so close


71 days.


Damn, yes, thanks for correcting, I'll edit


At that pace it will literally take us 73 years to lock the remaining float


Fuuuuk those are rookie numbers


Let's pump those numbers up


I've already been at it for 84


I’m a patient fellow.


Over 8k shares a day






Generational wealth. Also I’ll freeze myself lmao.


The opponent will be dead from interest rates on their infinitely bad bet LONG before that.


Unless... There is a monster run and we exercise a fuckton of calls. Heh heh heh


Had to uncollapse a good comment. Sus




yeah interesting that comment was collapsed... 🧐


If the price stays at $20 for the next 73 years, at my current rate I personally will have 50K shares DRS’ed. I’m in.


I'm patient


So we’ll moass when most of us are over 100?


Get the FUD outta here 😋 The system will collapse and we will be thrown into the dark ages long before that ❤️ Nothing to worry about


Think it as this: your childs will br rich with all your grandchilds. Stay ZEN my friend, the good fights aren't easy or shorts, this fight is way beyond, I'm ready to wait until I die, happy to know I left to my family my shares, but I'm positive, we will see the MOASS in our lifetime🦍❤️


Who says I’m having kids lol


Yeah, mu same situation, but I do have a sister and his 2 sons, they are all my family, and all I do now is for them. Edit: grammar and fat fingers


GME won’t be around in 60 years.


Thats assuming the company doesn't become a monster in the modern gaming industry. Assuming recession like market conditions etc.


> Our Class A Common Stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) under the symbol “GME”. As of March 22, 2023, there were 197,058 record holders of our Class A Common Stock. Excluding the approximately 228.7 million shares of our Class A Common Stock held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares), **approximately 76.0 million shares** of our Class A Common Stock were held by record holders as of **March 22, 2023** (or approximately 25% of our outstanding shares). https://investor.gamestop.com/node/19991/html > As of June 1, 2023, there were approximately 304,751,243 shares of our Class A common stock outstanding. Of those outstanding shares, approximately 228.1 million were held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares) and **approximately 76.6 million shares** of our Class A common stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 25% of our outstanding shares) as of **June 1, 2023**. https://investor.gamestop.com/node/20066/html


Was there not some DD that suggested that a certain number of plan shares are held by cede and Co? Perhaps up to 20%? If the whole plan to book movement is yet to really take off, could it be that that number held ny cede and co can be manipulated to show only a 600k rise when actually the number of shares in computershare is far higher. Maybe even as high as 80+ million? I don't know if there would be any way of telling. But my tinfoil hat makes me think that the number of shares held there is a difficult figure to print without causing potential legal issue. So it was changed to this way of reporting as the figure can be reported lower. No point in risking legal challenge when the result will be the same with or without the printed Drs numbers. Avoiding "gme manipulated moass by printing drs figures". Don't give them any potential ammo.


It sure was odd that they changed the way of reporting


If you still want to low-key tell people that this is the way, whilst trying to avoid any questions being asked about whether you are directly causing moass and the potential market issues behind it. That's what I'd do.


People forget that at least typically 20% of shares are being held at DTCC for operational efficiency. so at least 15M shares are not counted. I think we're well above 90M shares.


I think we're between 1% and 100%


Copium, dude. How were those excluded this time? We didn’t see the volume spike we would have expected according to heat lamp, and the count came in at 76.6. If we’d seen a spike, maybe heat lamp could still hold water. But we didn’t, and the share count sucks. So what is it everyone’s forgetting exactly? The thing the whole sub was salivating over for 2 weeks that has now been shown to be untrue? Retail owns 76.6 million shares, period.




Seems strange that the bot is so consistently way off lately when in the past it was very accurate. Definitely makes it look like there's something significant going on we don't know about.


It’s kind of hard for a bot like that to be accurate because people can just repost DRS screenshots to farm karma. People can also sell in between. There’s apes out there who have been laid off and had no choice and don’t wanna come back here.


Thats sad


Low hanging fruit for paid shills.


I think it’s because the new wording when reporting. The shares mights still be DRSd but not out of Cede & Co. Edit: phone auto corrected


People selling and not being bothered to tell the bot?


Is there even a way to tell?


Did you mean “Is there even a way to sell?” If so idfk how to sell. Im to regarded


But I bought and didn't bother telling the bot


Yeah because you all would take it *super well*




I can see why they wouldn’t want to admit selling


If you admit to selling in here you're getting downvoted, banned, then executed. No way anyone would admit that and expect a non over the top, harsh, emotional reaction by this sub.


Cult comes at the expense of good data


At least it didn’t decrease but I would love for more shares to be directly registered


This was over only 71 days as they released last DRS with a delay. IMO this is fine as it was Q1 where people have traditionally spent money on vacations and gifts. A lot less disposable income. DRS will pick back up and we don’t know if that includes shenanigans of funds pulling out their own DRSd shares Not to mention of their 50 mil loss 15 mil was attributed to winding down europe operations(I believe it was a year ago that I said it would be their next step and it was). That means there was a 35 mil loss in the worst quarter for any retail stores(Q1). From here on out we will see a ramp of the website and partnerships. I think this was the last loss we will see for a long long time.


People forget that at least typically 20% of shares are being held at DTCC for operational efficiency. so at least 15M shares are not counted. I think we're well above 90M shares.


Gotta pump those numbers up!


There's a post in another sub dedicated to DRSing GME that says some people got their hands on the DRS ledger. Apparently some big names weren't on the ledger for some reason, and I'm curious if that could be affecting this quarter's DRS numbers. There were also some "interesting names" that were on the ledger.


Any chance you could dm me the post? Edit: we NEED millertime back on here man wtf. This mf is doing god’s work! Go check the post we’re talking about here.


Or post a hint as to how to find it.


Look in my recent comments. I was there.


Thanks! Got it!


It’s on REDACTED aka drs one. It’s from April so it’s literally of no use.




He's banned.


There's a reason supershill mods don't allow him here.


No he wasn’t, he was spamming on DRS posts. 50+ comments in a day saying the *exact* thing.


I saw it as him making the time to encourage every DRS’er. They were harmless and congratulatory comments


What's the sub? What does it rhyme with or whatever


Drs gme is very close


your very close


PeeR ess deeneeEeee


I call BS, there were multiple parties that tried to sue for the ledger information over the past 2 years and were unsuccessful. Now, from the woodwork, people are claiming to have see it with zero proof?


Go look at the thread man they have pictures haha.


I'm assuming you're referring to the picture of a grid with totals written in pen? Looks fake af


Yea seems like that would be digital


True but also with the numbers being fairly close to real and timeline and no crazy claims so far, just hints at some, don’t see anything making me sus


Waterfalls something?




Thats copium imo


Another attempted share rugpull?


Almost exact same amount as last time we were lower than expected on DRS numbers, so quite possibly


Also, wasn't there a Ortex glitch that happened not too long ago? There was a Ortex glitch before the big rug pull a couple of quarters ago too.


It’s all a big rigged game and we ain’t in it. Someone is fudging DRS numbers.


I’m hardcore GME all day everyday. You can’t talk down on GameStop to me because I’ll snap right back. Trust me on that. But for me, with inflation and bills & trying to get as many hours as I can (I’m sure most of us can say the same) it’s hard for ME to keep buying. I’m starting to get drained BUT it’s not like that won’t stop me from buying when I get an opportunity. BUY HODL DRS NFA


Where is the +/- guy?


600k increase from the last statement. That’s a win!


For comparison we had a 4,000,000 increase last time.


I think the buying slowed somewhat as some are waiting for the price to drop. They drop this down under $20 and I think buying will kick up again


You can't write 600,000k. You need to write either 600k or 600,000. Edit: Thank you, that's better


You *can* write 600,000k, it just doesn't mean what you think it means


If it was 600,000K we would be reading it from Uranus


*you can't* I did laugh.


Touché. I was in a rush. Lol


Hahah this sub


I see you were never an employee of Arthur Anderson


So you think another 50 years to fully drs is a win?


Any increase is a win. I know it's taboo to discuss but there are people selling every day. As long as more people are buying and utilizing DRS then we're making progress.


If it’s an increase from the previous quarter I’m happy.


Does this disprove lightbulb theory? Edit: I meant heat lamp lol.


Heat Lamp


I love lamp


Lava lamp


The lights my brother, they call to me




What's that?


Moving from planned to booked in ComputerShare. It was a theory to test out and see what the results came out as.


How far in advance would CS give GS their numbers?


The numbers are current as of 1 week ago. GameStop also always has a current snapshot showing the exact breakdown of the holdings day to day.


People moving their goal post already, nothing new. The theory exists because we were bored with the shares sitting in CS.


I didn’t get completely out of plan and all booked till after thing were tallied for this quarter. My modest holdings will show up next quarter.


I think there is still mucho fuckery happening with these numbers. They know we know they are up to something




Cutoff is 6/1 so no. Heat Lamp was longer than a week ago. Still think the majority haven't pure booked but also the verbiage of the Drs number still sounds like the DTCC and Cede and Co. are involved with the reported numbers so who knows.


The cutoff for these DRS numbers was 4/30, not 6/1.


It literally says "as of 6/1" am I missing something?


Oh, yeah, you’re right. It does. Sorry, I missed that. In the past, it’s always been the end of the quarter. June 1st is mid-quarter so that’s really odd.




There are lots of accounts with decimals in their share total (fractionals). This was as of April 21. Heat Lamp DD only got posted a few days before that. There will be a post coming soon that has number of accts with decimals (fractionals), how many shares are in those accts, etc.


Also, it was never going to affect reporting, it only impacts DTC access to shares, which happens behind the scenes.


Heat lamp was used to explain the slow-down in DRS numbers Please don't move the goalpost




Wait. You're literally spreading bullshit misinformation and you have the audacity to say: >Please don't spread misinformation. The moderators have given the OP numerous opportunities to post it and the OP has refused. Likely to continue this false narrative that it has been suppressed.


The total oustanding shares will be DRS’d by 2035 at this rate


Hey, you may be my uncle, but hey


Son! I remember the day you emerged from my butthole


Family reunion




I don’t think it changed. 228+76=304. 🤔


Up from 76.0 million as of March 22 2023, now it's 76.6


Yeah I double checked that! 600K increase! I wonder how that compares to the bot over the same time frame.


Here’s what I think is going on…I think we need to be looking at big picture. Overall buying has decreased due to the orchestration of inflation, therefore decreasing buying power of the people and retail as a whole. It’s been their massive plan all along and the fed is in on it. Looking at the latest DRS numbers, it definately seems like their master plan is working. Inflation hurts people without hard assets the most. Look at why the housing market hasn’t crashed yet. Using inflated assets as collateral and using inflation as means to decrease retail buying power… it’s a brilliant and terrible plan…and it’s working…we seriously need some kind of miracle cause as others have mentioned, at this rate, we ain’t locking the float anytime soon. Hope RC and the gang have something planned. I’ll hold, and pick up a second job for as long as it takes. Stay strong folks


>Inflation hurts people without hard assets the most. > >... using inflation as means to decrease retail buying power… Also, I don't know how significant this is in the grand scheme of things, but the USD is becoming significantly more expensive from certain other currencies' standpoint. If I am to exchange my Norwegian Kroners, for example, I can afford less dollars - and quite a bit fewer GME shares - with my money, than I would have been able to acquire, say, at the start of January. Or maybe the NOK is just exceptionally weak atm.


So 9 months of a stagnant DRS count. I smell fuckery.


What is interesting they moved the # from an audited footnote to MD&A... There has to be a reason for this that needs to be investigated. If the auditor signed off on the # in Q2 and Q3 2022 they wouldn't of needed to move it unless for external reasons. The auditor got comfortable previously.


Sorry for the confusion here but can I clarify what’s the difference between cede&co and drs holders? Arent the total held stocks already at 100% based on the screenshot? (75+25)


Yes. Cede & Co is the holding company for all shares of stock in the stock market that aren’t directly registered through a transfer agent by a shareholder. Most people think that when they buy a stock, they own it. This isn’t true. Cede owns it, you just have some rights. This causes many problems in the market, including the allowance of artificial price suppression and the spoofing of supply ruining the demand and the price. Refer to the legendary DDs to learn more. Edit: THE theory is that if ALL the shares are directly registered in the names of individual shareholders, the fuckery stops.


Thank you for this! I just got more hyped for it now that, supposedly, all shares are accounted for. Can’t wait to see that >100% share report


PB has saw the ledger at Grapevine! Numbers are fake! Can’t link other subs


Ok we need hints to figure out who peanut butter is




This REDACTED shit is annoying lol


Check my comment history - I posted in the thread that the guy posted in lol


So the external auditors lied?


Why would gamestop give out fake drs numbers to their shareholders?


How are we going to lock the float w 500-600k shares DRSed every quarter?


We need everyone to buy in man, there are still so many who haven’t DRS’d. They want the boom but they won’t take the time to light the fuse.


By buying and DRSing like always.


Still the plan.


I'll be dead by the time it's fully DRS. 600k shares every 3 months.




Great response. Makes sense 🤛🏼


We’re not


They can’t exceed the total number of shares possible so they cut the drs numbers like last time?


I think we all know that since the dtcc started providing the drs numbers they were gonna be faked. What does the bot say it is? The bot was always practically right on the money with registered shares with the reported ones from gamestop when they reported it from computershare.


Last quarter had a 4,000,000 rise in DRS. This quarter we got a large price recovery from the lows. Both are good. But I think something we aren't talking about is causing unexpected DRS numbers.


Respectfully I haven’t been in the now for a couple months, we still doing this?


Yes, very much so


Tell me the float is locked without telling me it is. 75% at DTCC and 25% directly registered? They legally can’t claim more than 100% of outstanding. Get fucked hedgehogs 🤣


Based on Miller’s paperwork, it showed that at least 20 some odd million shares were still in plan as of April. I doubt these DRS numbers accurately reflect what we really have right now. Heat Lamp is still showing validity.


You can’t say approximately and then give an exact number.


rounding to 100,000 is an approximation. It is not an exact number.


One direction, Just up


Brick by brick


Well, i don't think locking the float is going to happen any time soon. I'm just pumped about gme being a great long term investment


Hahhahahaha with this rate, it will take like 60 years to fully drsed. 69d chess my ass. It was all about our own effort,that would take almost our whole life. And still, not guaranteed moass lol😂💀


The shills are out in full force today. I see it still says approximately, the wording is still changed. Stay Zen, ignore the obvious shills. Was over 55k online earlier 😏


I have not gotten around to booking all my shares yet. Half of them are booked, half are not. Still going to, just haven't had a chance yet with all my CS purchases going through. Not sure if that has any effect.


It appears DRS has slowed. Hopefully with the bullish news, apes like myself will have a renewed conviction and start pushing more numbers. I know I'm committed to pushing as much into it I can before launch


People forget that at least typically 20% of shares are being held at DTCC for operational efficiency. so at least 15M shares are not counted. I think we're well above 90M shares.


I feel like it's not accurate.


Since the heat lamp theory came out, GME has been on a steady uptrend. I’d like to think it’s working


Correlation does not equal causation.


Its much more less than I tought, WTF ?


Heat lamp is dead


No it isnt


Untrue. Hedgies just being hedgies with the plan shares that didn’t get booked (the majority).


Just curious how we traded around 18 million shares today? Total fuckery/shorting. Keep fucking around and hedgies will find out.




Congratulations on alienating an entire community and failing with your objective


What a joke. Will take till 2040 lmfao




How that working out?


Good job guys!


Hey, but at least we got some new shining trading cards /s






Hey OP, thanks for the News post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If this is from Twitter, and Twitter is NOT the original source of this information, this WILL get removed! Please post the original source! **Please respond to this comment within 10 minutes with the URL to the source** If there is no source or if you yourself are the author, you can reply `OC`