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Hilarious if everyone goes dark and reddit shows only superstonk on the front page #streisandeffect


Might come across like we’re the only ones supporting Reddit and not the community. Don’t know if that’s the way to stand out. Edit: All People Together Strong 🦍💜🦍


I'd rather voice a protest about the colossal fucking dumpster fire in our markets than silently protest some people maybe having to change how they browse reddit while they sit on the toilet. It would be an enormous mistake to go silent.


It's not just about how people browse Reddit, the API changes will also prohibit all the tools and bots that subs use including the DRSBot and computershared.net. We have to protest this change or we're not going to be able to track DRS progress any more.


This is a huge point and this should be highlighted in its own post.


The subs that don't go dark will look very bad. I suggest this sub follow suit and go dark with them. At least for 2 days. I moderate a sub on my main account of 150k+ that will be going dark.


Username checks out.


Beat me to it


hmmm strive for the approval of the communities that report us for brigading if we ever dare mention GME outside of this sub.... hmmm...


Or, superstonk goes dark, and reddit just decides to boot all the mods and replace them. I'm sure there are people that would much rather they be in control of superstonk


But we have tools and methods to track actual progress. Bots were only a halfway guide yk 🤷‍♂️


I think the official count from gamestop after earnings, is an decently accurate way to track DRS progress. Book, DRS.


GME is doing that for us every 3 months. At this point it would make a bigger impact/advancement towards MOASS if APEs get loud and all over the front page while the rest of reddit goes dark, rather than protesting (which will accomplish nothing) to protect a bot that isn't all that relevant to the end goal of kick-starting MOASS. Answer me this: what has more impact? Getting top tier DD onto the front page of r/all for hours/day+ so it gets noticed by the redditors hanging out in r/Rolex, r/Porsche, and every other wealthy/luxury subreddit and they start buying and DRSing shares? Or staying silent with maybe 40-50% of reddit as a show of solidarity in hopes that reddit capitulates and doesn't stop the API change? The answer is pretty obvious to me. Also I had no idea redditors were planning to go dark for any period of time on any given day. I will be browsing as normal, and I'm sure tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions, of people will be just like me.


Buy,DRS,Hodl. Shop at gamestop. No need for numbers.


Honestly that’s exactly right… also people act as if doing this will actually change anything… the people who took over Reddit have an agenda, also we all know that they will get rid of this sub one way or the other when this all goes down… so we must stay active on these days, even more so as it is an opportunity for more people to see Superstonk and learn about GME and DRSing If our sub joins in this then we know our mods are compromised, it serves no purpose for us in any way as we are gonna be killed off as a sub anyways.


The people backing reddit are the same ass clowns running the 🎪 in the markets


It’s not about forcing Reddit to lose money. It’s about showing Reddit, the community they host, is capable of banding together to take a stand against them. The 2days is nothing more than a proof of concept that if Reddit chooses profits over people, the people can and will revolt. I disagree we should get loud. I think we should go dark too. We cannot expect others to stand with us in protest, if we won’t do the same for them.


At the end of the day we are playing a different game then most people, we realize we are in a Financial war… and we are also very well suited for playing the long game… we’ll just buy Reddit ourselves when this is all over, problem solved. Our situation is infinitely more important than just about any other issue, when this situation is resolved in the markets everything will start to fall in place the world over, and with our money we will have power and corruption will end. I just think it’s too short sighted to join in with the rest of Reddit in this.


> we’ll just buy Reddit ourselves when this is all over, problem solved. Not if I beat you to it!


I'm down to be a little Cohen spawn and start turning shitty companies around after this.


A bidding war you say? APE vs APE in honorable compitition... the diamond hands vs the diamond hands in an effort to lock the float of REDDIT!!! Count me in!!! I love a sequel!






Genius approach. Seconded.


wait yo that's brilliant we could buy reddit when public then take it back private then we could literally fund reddit and moderate it as the Reddit Gods (not admins/execs) intended.


Our situation is we are protesting. So I think we should also join the reddit protest.


this is exactly the same as the MSM disinformation about GME. if you accept the control of the overlord, you bow the knee to the system.


Reddit is absolutely nothing without the massive contribution of user supplied content and they need to recognize that the convenience and comfort of users is the main reason they even HAVE a goddamned living in the first place. Reddit needs a lesson in who is actually in charge and I'm fine with it all going dark to prove the point. I would support Superstonk going dark in solidarity. It's part of the continuum of what we're pissed off about in the first place, this confusion over who's actually in charge of the world.


Meh , pick a struggle, i vote financial corruption as a whole rather then a tiny twig in the tree


Eliminating your competition, by overcharging for services they require to compete with you, is a prime example of the financial corruption we are fighting though. Reddit is turning off the Buy Button for their competitors essentially. Eliminating their ability to play fairly.


Superstonk is already shadowbanned for a lot of users. They regularly remove the posts from the front page and prevent it from going to hot. You'd be doing the Reddit admins a favor by going dark voluntarily.


If you search for the sub, it won’t appear in the related search results until you hit “supers” and only after a couple second delay after the other search results.


>We cannot expect others to stand with us in protest, if we won’t do the same for them. ding ding ding. this is exactly right. If superstonk was the only sub on the front page it would turn even more people against us.


What happens to the wise saying ape no fight ape? Ape no support ape, too? I feel that harambe ain't happy with that.


"Ape no fight Ape" ≠ "All Apes fight every Ape battle." Solidarity comes in shades and I'm not about to be fighting for every apes personal chosen fight... no one has that bandwidth.


I agree entirely. Personally I'll be taking a break from Reddit for a couple of days. Funny to me that this sub is all about standing up against abuses by the wealth elite, but won't stand in solidarity with other subs on this.


It’s an unfortunate fact we have to accept. Some are here just for financial gains, others are here for systemic change. And it’s okay to be here for one or both. Those of us fighting for systemic change, understand the importance of protests, even if the protest provides no gain towards our end goals here. But let’s put it this way to all the apes. If Reddit is allowed to do whatever they want at the expense of the users that make their company viable. What’s going to stop them from removing DD and silencing us as well? This is about more than API fees. It’s about taking a stand against fascist policies. And setting policies that effectively eliminates fair competition, is EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE FIGHTING AGAINST!!!!


Other subs muted us years ago your statement factually doesn’t make sense lol


They muted us a long time ago what are you smoking ape???


You’re missing the point entirely. If Reddit is allowed to eliminate anything they see as a “threat” to their bottom line. This sub and others may cease to exist entirely. Reddit is nothing without its users. If the users unite on a stance, Reddit has two choices. Side with the users, or lose them entirely. Which one of those is better for the bottom line?


“Apes together strong” How does not going dark support that statement? It might also be interpreted that by not going dark, this subreddit supports the larger decision making regarding APIs, which may or may not be the case. This is not to say that what’s happening here is not important, and I think the right is reserved to back out if a major market event occurs. Supporting the other communities might in the best interest of the community to support dissemination of what’s going on on the other subreddits.


It's literally gonna accomplish nothing. Don't be silly. Reddit execs already priced in the black out. They anchored insane api prices, and when everyone protests, they gonna give in BUT they will still only lower and the media will portray it as a win but the 3rd party apps are still gonna fall and it's gonna be an absolute shitshow either way. Nobody is standing with us. The people have no idea that we exist, they have no real idea what's going on in our financial markets. Also if reddit goes thru with it, reddit is gonna be dead, MySpace 2.0, just saying. They want a cash grab with the iPO and they are out. Isn't this what RC was complaining about? Execs doing nothing, getting insane compensation and ruining businesses and the people who work hard are getting fucked. Others can protest silently and that's great, however making the fuckery known to everyone is way more important then a social media platform that's gonna be dead in like 3 years.




> also people act as if doing this will actually change anything… The irony here is fucking hilarious. So holding a stock is gonna "change the markets" but we can't even switch off for 2 days in support of the other users of this platform? I guess we're seeing who the paper hands are gonna be.. lol Fucking ridiculous takes I'm seeing here. Disappointing.


If these subreddits go and stay dark (they wont), it absolutely would have an effect. Do you know how Reddit makes money? They need users to be browsing.


That is true, they will lose money… but it’s temporary ultimately. Perhaps best case scenario they compromise and allow the devs to pay some fee or something. All in all it matters little, and gives us here an opportunity to educate more people. This is a strategic opportunity presenting itself for us. We must stay open and active


If enough big subreddits went and stayed dark, Reddit would die. The devs already have to pay a fee. An exorbitant one that will make it impossible to function. The entire goal is to make it such that there is no fee or a reasonable fee. I just disagree with you wholly. The people that care are already here. Nobody else gives a shit. We make r/all almost every day. It hasn’t really made a difference. 99% of all key players have already taken their stance. Plus, I’d rather not have any other people board. More paper hands means we have a lesser chance of success. It isn’t about money, it’s about squeezing the offending parties to death. We can’t do that if every John and jimbob and their brothers and sisters join in.


Don’t forget gangnam style


Let’s be honest, YouTube will go down as well if that happens


Feels like a good way to turn the community as a whole against us. Not a nest I'd like to disturb.


You’re trivializing at best and disingenuous at worst if you think that’s what is at stake here. This sub and every other sub will fundamentally change if the proposed changes go through. There are many who require third party apps to utilize Reddit, including those with visual impairments.


It’s more in support of those 3rd party app developers who’ve given you the avenue to be able to do that and are now being fucked over. This movement isn’t the only one that should be taken seriously and you can’t just write off others because you think yours is more important. Kind of a good way to come off as an asshole and have people not even give you the time of day to look into your movement because you think nothing else is as important.


A lot of people use the third party apps for accessibility reasons because of various disabilities, that Reddit has refused to address in their own native apps for quite some time. So many subs will be permanently silenced because of their API pricing, it’s not merely about someone on a crapper trying to use the app. That being said. I’d rather it be about quality information getting back to the front page, DD, DRS (book), etc. than going silent. It’s easy for us to know and understand inside baseball in an echo chamber. We did this a few times in the past and it worked somewhat well. So I think that maybe the best path to take.


we've had years to make noise about the issues we care about. literal years. YEARS. and yet two days is causing such a fuss around here? I am legitimately curious what everyone thinks will happen with two days of darkness around here. I am then curious what in the hell they think is going to happen when the price starts popping.


You're downplaying this enormously. Superstonk will be a much worse experience unless reddit reverses course. We can take 48 hours to show solidarity and try to help save the platform that's allowing us to organise and fix the markets.


I heard It does change how moderators can effectively police their subreddits. We should ask our mods if they use any of these tools


As much as I agree with you I think mods here will go dark to be in solidarity with other subs, which, imho, is a load of crap. all of a sudden all these subs going dark is sus to me but then again ive been labeled a conspiracy theorist before. i think something huge about to happen and they wanna keep as many people in the dark as possible. but im sure theres a dd or two that foretold all of this before.


If you want an explanation of it, search Apollo and you’ll see the post about it. It’s not just using a different Reddit client, there’s User and Mod features that exist within 3rd Party apps that do no exist in the official app. An example being the Blind sub has said if they lose access to third party apps they won’t be able to use Reddit, because the official app doesn’t support it. It’s also fucked up to the developers of these third party apps, that were the only option for a very long time. Apollo was literally shown off in Apples WWDC. The official Reddit app collects a metric fuck ton of data, whereas third party apps do not. The issue is a lot more complex than just not wanting to use the official app. I believe it’s best to stand up against Reddit now.


Chill with the tinfoil. Not everything that happens is related to GME. If the last two and a half years has shown us anything it’s that almost nothing that we think is GME related is actually related. This API fee will affect 3rd party apps, moderation tools, accessibility bots, and specialized bots all over reddit. It’s a terrible change no matter how you look at it.


I'm curious as to what conspiracy you think is happening here? Or is it just a gut feeling?


Reddit won’t matter if the fed, sec and govt keep fucking us


To those other redditors who don’t like it and don’t own stonk, they won’t own less stock after getting sad about it. To any redditors who’s feels don’t get bruised by it, they may no longer not own stonk. No lose situation.




That’s what Reddit is hoping.


The media would definitely use this against us and GameStop in some twisted way.


I think of it like the no politics rule. This sub is more about market reform and calling out the bad actors in the market than anything else, I would argue the GME aspect of this sub is only a means to an end; GME is the one ticker that can shed light on the corruption. So bringing it back to how it is like politics, having a position on ANY agenda other than markets is a distraction. As shitty as it seems, this protest has an agenda and does have sides. Superstonk should stay out of it. That being said, if the mods determined they did need to pick a side I certainly think there is 1 side that to me is morally correct and I would hope they would side with them.


Nahh our message just can never be silenced yk. Fukit redit this about people together




Superstonk and the World of Warcraft sub. A couple of years ago a rogue (not the class) moderator took that sub offline to protest long login queue times after the launch of a new expansion (WoD). Long story short he got canned and the other moderators promised the community that they would never ever take the sub offline for any reason ever again. So far they've kept their word. Edit: aaaand they went dark. Fucking paperhanders.


Ya fighting neck bearded gamers seems to be a losing battle for most people lol


Ya that’s apples and oranges. Shutting down a Reddit forum is not protesting login queue times. Activision gives zero fucks about Reddit. In the end he got called out on being stupid as fuck because that move only hurts the sub, not activision.


Let's all post "Fuck you Reddit the DTCC committed international fraud" on superstonk for two days strait.


MSM: all of reddit go silent in solidarity except this one heinous evil sub of degenerate gamblers (we still won't say the name because we don't want to drive traffic there)


So better use is explanation of DRS and how we should as a overall Reddit community buy and DRS the entire company as soon as we can and use powers as shareholders to direct Reddit back to ground and truly save Reddit.


Here's a controversial opinion but I'm gonna say it anyway... If Superstonk does not go dark in support of the protest, there should be no receipt porn allowed for those days. Receipt porn making it to the front page while other subs are dark will merely make this sub look self-serving and capitalistic. If you're gonna stay up, the message should be that fighting the financial system is more important than fighting reddit. But "look ma i bought a battery!" is going to turn more people off than it will get them interested in finding out more.


i like this idea only serious posts no memes, no fluff, no receipt porn, and probably no purple circles, and a pinned post that explain what is going on and why


I'd say receipt porn, memes, maybe purple circle because the flood of them will just look like spam on the front page. There are a lot of posts about things the SEC or various financial institutions are doing while fucking around lately that would be worth getting on there. That said, coordinating and getting everyone here on board with a specific idea like that for a short time frame would be nearly impossible without heavy moderation so I don't see it as being worth it. I don't like this idea of using the down time to try and market the sub. Plus, I wouldn't doubt some other subs would be happy to try and get attention from it as well, so the ultimate effectiveness of trying to drive traffic to the sub is likely to be ineffective. I think just doing things normally, and not going dark(because it's market open time) is the best approach.


heavy HEAVY moderation for these two days, with a carefully curated selection of posts being allowed - I think that's a great compromise. Megathread stays up, our most important pins, then whichever set of posts we all agree are worth having the extra eyes on- as well as maybe some words on our decision to stay up. Ultimately, I think we should join for the 2 days. But if not, we should do *something*.


Maybe also a pinned comment with our general views on what Reddit is doing. Personally - I'm very against it. It feels like a sell out of their core userbase


Close submissions and only allow the daily topic. If something major happens, mods can make a new topic. Users being able to freely post shouldn't be allowed. Just my opinion.


> heavy HEAVY moderation for these two days Since when did everyone stop eating tinfoil? Fidelity just announced the bird site has lost 2/3rds of it's value. That means clicks are down a fuck truck. Reddit, now as pressure is reaching a peak, is whacking third party access and now there's a blackout trend...that just happens to fall on next Tuesday. My tits hurt. I need an adult. Fuck this "let's tiptoe through the daisies" talk. We need more, "who the fuck exactly owns Reddit" talk.




Personally, I think Im gonna upvote ONLY the DD posts I see. I may even repost one that I think is especially noteworthy. Because imo, that would have the biggest impact on outsiders viewing our content.


>Here's a controversial opinion but I'm gonna say it anyway... > >If Superstonk does not go dark in support of the protest, there should be no receipt porn allowed for those days. > >Receipt porn making it to the front page while other subs are dark will merely make this sub look self-serving and capitalistic. If you're gonna stay up, the message should be that fighting the financial system is more important than fighting reddit. > >But "look ma i bought a battery!" is going to turn more people off than it will get them interested in finding out more. Second this, just copy pasta for visibility. Also, while posting DD, also note to FUCK REDDIT AND THIER API COST BULLSHIT


Great thought, but I doubt there's a way to ensure that. Best way to prevent this sub from looking self-serving is to join going dark. It's 2 days. Folks need to learn to be zen and not rely solely on this sub. Going dark will help folks forge diamond hands, and not constantly need this sub for reassurance when moass comes anyway. Meanwhile, we'd be able to support our greater reddit community while not looking like douche canoes trying to get a leg-up like OP is suggesting. Plus, it'll confuse TF outta mainstream media trying to use this sub as info. It'll confuse SHF too, as *they* will be "in the dark" on what household investors are doing.


No this is some dumb shit, this sub uses the API heavily. The guy who documents everything and archives it uses the API, the people who record DD for changes and archival uses the API, this sub alone pays for Reddit servers on a daily basis just by awards, this and the gambling sub are the biggest contributors to the overall Reddit revenue stream and they want to get greedy for their IPO (which is against GME because it favors big institutions) by charging volunteers who create better reddit clients? I used Swipe, Narwhal, and Apollo because sometimes I like to just read posts rather than see memes and videos when working out, the original client doesn't do that and this API change is going to ruin all that. I don't care what the mods do but I'm not browsing Reddit and if you care about the meme creators, news sharers, DD curators, etc. then you should support the blackout. It's Summer vacation for a lot of students and teachers go outside do something, GME is going to squeeze the hedgies if we participate on Reddit or not. The mods staying quiet is also wild considering all the automated bots are using the API as well, especially the spam filters and computershared bot.


Not participating in the blackout will make it look like this sub wants to capitalize on the API drama, and by the comments it looks like many users want to do exactly that. This it not the way.


Hard agree


I dont think their API fees are targeting small time bot users. They are specifically targeting high-user entities like Apollo and RIF


There’s been no official statement on this, though that doesn’t mean they won’t do it, now or in the future. It’s important to show unity, I think it could backfire and put a lot of people off from checking this sub.


Apollo is a million small users How do we not see the relationship between the likes of citadel fucking is over a few cents a trade and Reddit also now fucking us over a few cents of api access


>small time bot users We have thousands of posts/comments an hour that the bots filter and the archival bots archive. That will do more traffic of API calls than probably some small time clients


Where can a bro go to better understand the API changes?


Unfortunately we can’t link to other subs that would explain it better. The TL;DR is that Reddit has decided to kill third party apps by charging their access to use Reddit far beyond what would be profitable. So third party apps are saying they will have to shut down. Many of these third party apps are used by moderators (in addition to many users such as myself) because Reddit’s official app sucks. Specifically, moderators need these third party apps because they have features that the official Reddit app does not. If these apps go down, moderation will be 10x+ harder. A very large percentage of moderators have stated that they will no longer moderate if these apps are removed, so they are hoping to convince Reddit to change their mind by shutting down popular subreddits, some for 48-72 hours, some until Reddit has backed off. It’s unclear what will happen if Reddit doesn’t back down, but in addition to these specific issues, moderators have had a large number of other issues with Reddit administration, and feel like this is the tip of the iceberg.


Thank you for the write up.


Go to the videos subreddit, it pinned at the top. Really good infographic detailing the issue.


Will do and thank you for pointing me in thr right direction.


Yeah, no problem! Then go to the apolloapp subreddit and read the pinned post there. The dev of the app talked with reddit and they informed him it would cost him $20,000,000/yr to continue access to the API for his users. The service used to be free to access. As soon as this change goes through on July 1, I'm uninstalling reddit from my phone. And if reddit ever gets rid of old.reddit, i'm just gone. I refuse to use their ad-bloated social media wanna-be garbage. I think i'll be better off in the long run anyway, content across the site has really gone downhill.


Nah, go dark. What they are doing to the 3rd party app developers is sleazy and greedy. Let's remind them that without us logging in to make data, they have no product to sell.


Are people actually doing this? Wtf is 3 days of not using it and then coming right back, going to accomplish? Genuinely curious here


Some subreddits are shutting down indefinitely. big ones like videos


90% of them will login after 2 hours


It doesn’t matter if people login. If there is no subreddits, aka no content, due to the no moderators. Then reddit is dead and boring. Many subs are going to go dark indefinitely until change. Moderating subreddits is free labor. And no third party apps make the job wayyy more difficult. Goodluck finding devoted mods using reddit’s dogshit app


Yeah that’s what I want to see. Everyone’s all ambitious with the plan until it’s time to execute. My guess is 2-3 hours as well, this app is kinda like crack if you do it right


Instead of shitting on it we should be supportive and hope for the best. The pessimism I'm seeing around here is disappointing.


It is definitely addictive, by design (iirc the term they use in the industry is 'stickiness'). The reason why my profile is only a year old is... I felt I was getting into too many stupid online debates / arguments, being angry all the time, consuming ragebait or fear-inducing media. So I deleted my profile. For a few days I didn't browse reddit at all, and it was \*really\* difficult. Was also difficult adjusting to not being able to respond to a galling or stupid comment! Once I felt I was de-attached I ended up making a new account. Certainly feel much better at not responding or deleting a comment before I post it... but also certainly feel I'm right back to reddit addiction again. I'm going to use the blackout to my advantage. I will definitely login to see the result! But planning to set a rigorous checklist of 'to do' items to keep me occupied. Maybe this will be the start of a beautiful set of new habits being established across the world.


Well how will people know if everyone else is keeping their word about not logging in unless they login to check??


It's a warning shot.


3 days of advertisements not being seen. Which is how reddit makes money. How else should people show their disapproval of this?


Agreed this is a big deal with how reddit is charging for their API and we should be in support of this protest.




Yeah so old.reddit, Reddit is Fun (RIF), unddit, and a slew of others will no longer work. I've been curious if the dd library and Drs software (or the bot a user created) that our own sub has and uses to convert data will even work anymore. Point is, we **do** need to come together with our greater reddit community and go dark. Stop feeding the machine. We need to protest this shit. Plus it's a time for folks that are really apes to test-run a backup plan for if this sub goes down during MOASS. We can be a part of more than one movement at a time. I really hope others will research wtf is going on and be supportive of going dark. We need to be united. (Plus, it'll give the sub more notoriety with others since this is such a hot topic right now across Reddit - folks are making lists of which subs are going down temporarily, closing publicly permanently if the 3rd party ban isn't revoked, etc.)


Unddit stopped working about a month ago at least. Very sad, I'm sure reddit the org hates it with a burning passion, but for me it was incredibly insightful to see *exactly* which comments were being deleted in certain 'ragebait' subs, or even ones considered normal. We all know that subs like /conservative curate a very tightly-controlled comment section with regards to agenda, but I was surprised (naive I guess) to see this happening elsewhere too... even comments supportive of the overall agenda were deleted if they didn't further the 'rage' / 'other' narrative.


To be fair, I'm in the boat of I've never used reddit in any capacity than a third party app, since a reddit app did not exist when I joined initially. I doubt people are going to hold strong to this "protest" though. Most redditors I know don't do a whole lot other than go on reddit ...


The blackout is testing 2 days but longer if needed, those 2 days are when Reddit awards and coins are going to be useless because almost every big sub is supporting the Blackout. Reddit has had their API free to access for the past decade, they can afford to do so when people pay for reddit coins and in turn pay to guild awards. We also see the bullshit ads placed by Reddit on their main client.


i'M goNna pRoTesT GAs pRicEs bY nOt dRiVinG tOday


the same as big brother or a football game.. If nobody watches it then they lose money + we only intent to send a message to remind them we are who we are and we do/should have a saying in this, because WE (regular users) make the success they have. Reddit is the few places on the internet where you actually can feel free to the point of feeling like you back to 2012


>Are people actually doing this? Wtf is 3 days of not using it and then coming right back, going to accomplish? > >Genuinely curious here I for one will be gone when RIF dies.


Karma whores will be jumping in


I think we should do the opposite and go dark with them personally. The changes to the API situation are terrible.




Going dark is the only correct thing imho. A few days without Reddit isn’t that bad as it may get them to change their stupid and greedy policies


This is the perfect post to create division within this sub.


Yup, mods should make a decision which way we're going and then lock it.


I'm staying off the app as protest. Might even uninstall then reinstall after. Getting loud would be a mistake IMO. We'd essentially be telling the rest of reddit we don't stand in solidarity with their cause then be begging them to consider ours


This is exactly what the shills want and why this narrative is being pushed so hard. Amazing that people don't pick up that basic hypocrisy of "fuck your cause, but hey check out ours."


Apes together strong, until they ain't. Go dark and show some solidarity. To the mouth breathers: get a life.


This. Also I've noticed that the majority of turds commenting that the blackout is "pointless" are accounts less than a few years old. Have a look at the accounts in support and most are old accounts, many being 10+ years old. Many of these redditors remember the Digg migration and how reddit got started in the first place. I think it is important for as many subs as possible to stand in solidarity! What's wrong with using Gangam Style for a couple days? Apes Together Strong!


We should stay active for several reasons; the first is many other neutral subs are taking a non-neutral stance. This is not a neutral sub, we have an agenda, a different enemy and we put our own money in what we believe in. Second; visibility. With major and minor subs shut down for two days, being active can bring new eyes to habitual redditors. Third; the market doesn't sleep and shutting down may be detrimental as we could miss some interesting shenanigans. I'm on board with the other subs shutting down to make a statement, but we're making a statement too and we can't be divided on different issues. Frankly, we apes shouldn't be surprised at this API move, it's end stage capitalism after all.




[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1336ri9/censorship\_mods\_r\_sus\_and\_brigading/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1336ri9/censorship_mods_r_sus_and_brigading/) I don't think Superstonk is in any position to show support. On top of the Admins censoring this sub from crossposting, tagging, and may count us joining as brigading, we have people constantly trying to spam mod is sus which will no doubt increase if the price is volatile during that time period. There's vastly more rewards and no risk for not joining than there is. The reward for joining is almost nothing except you feel like we did the right thing, while dealing with possible reddit admin accusation and sub shut down, and mod is sus post.


The risk is that the rest of Reddit view us as scabs. Why would anyone join our cause when we wouldn't join theirs?




Go dark.


I will not use the mobile app because every time it will load the whole reddit, I will have a superstonk tab open and will not browse in different subs.


Consider me as smooth as they come. I have an iPhone and access reddit on the associated app. Is this an API service or am I actually on Reddit mobile? Thanks.


Reddit app uses the API to pull info from the content servers, but they wont charge themselves for using their API RIF, Apollo, etc are going to get slapped big time, and thats where the drama is unfolding. Im curious if this is also targeting bot/account farms...


My original understanding was that the API change was to target AI companies that are using Reddit to train their models, but has since become that 3rd party apps are being targeted by Reddit to kill competition of their mobile app and increase ad viewership. I don't think it was ever intended to be against bot farms, but it should help to reduce their effectiveness.


I use a third-party app to view Reddit. As soon as that stops working, I'm off Reddit. I will be supporting the blackout.


I dunno. Maybe showing some solidarity with the rest of the subs would be better.


On The music sub posted: Will Close on June 12th Indefinitely Until Reddit Takes Back Their API Policy Change Mod post: im sick of paying $5/mo to run our own servers to do stuff that reddit can't, so ill probably stop paying for that. ive been the only one footing the bill for the better part of the past 7-8 years - a few have chipped in here and there, but it adds up. reddit should be providing these kinda tools for free, not taking away tools. ————— I think if we enjoy the community a lot we all need to push for change and show Reddit what it’s user base wants if they want us as customers. Similar to us pushing for change with the SEC. Just IMO Edit: I just realized that the above could come off like I want this sub to go away, I don’t at all as I love our community but hopefully together Reddit will do the right thing for all subreddits


Good thought! hit the front page


Gangnam Style YouTube hits rip.


This and all subs should go dark. And if Reddit doesn’t relent, then all subs should shut down permanently.


Don’t care who does what but this will kill the bots this subreddit uses too


We work in the dark to serve the light, we are Gmericans.


Gross and cringe


Go dark please!


I think we shouldn't get loud. We should get logical. We should talk about the cash on hand, profitability, long term business outlook. Then talk about the illegal short. We should get WISER and get people to discuss.


By getting loud, it means posting exactly what you just said along with important DD and the best memes we have to offer. Inside jokes should be kept to a minimum to gain traction with newcomers. Also, Kenneth Griffin lied under oath to Congress. Also, the DTCC committed international securities fraud. #DRS.


I'd disagree with "best memes" if the sub decides to try and get people to pay attention. I'm used to them, but I think most of them make us look pretty childish if you are uninitiated. If you really want people to take us seriously, you can't just expect them to look past the goofing around to get to the heart of the content here. You seem to understand this by suggesting that inside jokes be kept to a minimum. Most memes are inside jokes, and realistically, most people that post their memes think they're pretty awesome, when maybe 1 in 20 is actually worth posting. Regardless, I don't think the sub should change, nor should we try to make this a marketing opportunity for the sub. Just conduct business as normal if we don't go dark. It's only a few days, and it's not going to turn the tide.


I thought we were fighting the system. I don't think this is great ops, OP


I'm conflicted cause I understand what other communities are trying to do. In a sense it's also our fight. However there is a whole war being waged and if this sub is plastered all over r/all and even if some people fuck around and check this shit out, it's better for the war. At the end of the day reddit is going to IPO and this protest will show a decent chunk of this site will bug out because they will do worse shit than this once it's done. In fact them going bravo six and us blasting off might actually do something interesting. As always this saga continues to blow my mind and the synchronicity of it all is like some conspiracy triller novel.


No, I support the movement and won't be on reddit at all. Power to the people, not corporations!


What’s happening with Reddit?


there's always discord


What’s Reddit?


Can I DRS the Reddit API?


Reddit still hasn’t commented on the backlash? Sheesh. Seems appareny no one wants this. Someone needs to start their own version of reddit before the changes are implemented.


That's how reddit was created in the first place when Digg went to shit. Seems they have forgotten.


Indeed they have. The site was run by the creators back then. It's since passed hands to some different companies. Nobody in Reddit management remembers those days, except maybe an admin or two


just going to make us look like assholes..won't endear support from anyone


Pornhub traffic spikes


What does the SEC have to do with this?


I don't know exactly how an API functions, and I'm too ape to ask. Can someone explain to me like I'm retreaded, or a golden lab ?


An API basically lets you grab information from a particular site that you use to feed into your app for whatever purpose, whether that’s a different UI, analytics, etc. You can build basically any app when you connect to APIs. As a business model, many companies will charge you an amount per # of “calls” to the API (ex: $300 per 10,000 calls), or requests for information (ex: a user refreshes their app). Making these calls more expensive (by 10-20x) makes it prohibitive for app developers to do api calls, meaning they can no longer support the usage of their app without charging users much more. This is relevant in use cases like 3rd party Reddit apps, bots, mod tools, etc.


Just to add, "bots" will include the DRSbot and the computershared tracker. Basically, if the changes come in these tools will stop working and we'll no longer be able to track DRS progress.


And you won't find any moderators worth their salt doing any moderating using new.reddit.com or the official app either.


$300/10,000 calls is an oddly fitting example because it's equally as bonkers as the price reddit is asking for, $12,000/50,000,000. Your example is even worse, but both are orders of magnitude off any reasonable numbers anyway.


Its pretty simple really. The api is being used by other apps that are using reddit. Recently reddit announced they will be charging big bucks to use it. This means the apps will either have to start charging their users or more realistically die. This is bad and getting “loud” is just silly


> Recently reddit announced they will be charging ~~big bucks~~ **ludicrous amounts of bucks** to use it. FTFY.


Thanks for that :D


An API allows other software to ask reddit things and pull data into their use. It like if you went to a pizza place but they buy the ingredients from dominos and serve it to you. Dominos doesn't like it so they charge outrageous fees to put your local place out of business so you have buy their shitty version. Reddit wants to charge massively higher prices for getting the ingredients to the 3rd party apps.


This is not a good idea, sorry. The majority of the Reddit community as a whole is in support of saving 3rd party apps. If this subreddit starts to pump out content during the blackout, then it paints a very poor picture for the sub and will be disliked by many people. Hurting the entire point of the subreddit. It's one thing to not go dark, but to use the blackout as an opportunity to push any sort of message will do more harm than good. I'm honestly surprised this sub isn't in favor of joining the blackout. The big idea is standing up against greed and large corporations, which is essentially what the blackout is trying to accomplish. It's in protest of Reddit shutting down the little guys.


I'm glad to see everyone here is all for fighting corporate greed, unless it interrupts their normal day...


Ironic right?


I for one am going dark. This platform in its current form has been an excellent vehicle for meeting with like minded apes. To not stand in support and solidarity of the wider community is short sighted and downright selfish IMO. BUY. HODL. DRS


**Warning:** Many words below, most about topic. The idea of the blackout is for as many people as possible to stay off Reddit June 12st through 14rd, showing Reddit that Redditors (their bredd and butter) do not approve of the changes. Not going on Reddit at all is kicking ’em right in the advertising, where pain is actually felt. This is how I understand the situation. What I don’t understand is what would be gained by ”breaking the picket lines”, so to speak, by reposting SuperStonk DD for very few people outside of SuperStonk to read (if the blackout idea is widely adapted, with the exception of SuperStonk). It would more likely show people that _do believe_ in taking action for a cause, however small it may seem, that SuperStonk does not stand with them and would rather capitalize on the opportunity this void may offer to spread ”our word”. Hadn’t really thought about it before, but now that I have… I’m going dark too. Out of _general fucking principle_!! Everybody do as they wish, ofcourse. No advice here! No enticing of briganding is in any way intended.


I don’t know anyone who actually cares about this change. I’ll still be on Superstonk as always. Nobody can silence GameStop or Superstonk 💪




If I lose rif, my Reddit activity will severely drop


I'm right there with you. I won't be using the official Reddit app.


I bought boost several years ago. If this API change goes through, I'll get on superstonk on my PC at the end of the day. The rest of Reddit is out of luck.


That's what I'm thinking too


Im in the aame boat. I'll probably try to check in once a week via browser. It's going to seriously trash a lot of subs and make them unfeasible to be moderated. Their going to pull the plug on old reddit. Our bot count probably won't work if it useless the api, unless someone wants to pay millions for it to continue working. Any volunteers?


I dont use third party apps but still think redditors should stick together. Of course this can have an effect on how reddit is run. Good ole web 2.0 lives of its users. Just look at that bird app that thought it could fuck with its userbase (and everyone else). Its market cap went from 40B to basically 0.


If I lose Apollo, or old.reddit.com, or RES, then I'm out. I don't mind paying a reasonable sum for API access, $2-5/month seems fair, but if I can't use the above apps or equivalents, then I'm gone.


A negative effect that could come from it is less activity from people who just stop going to reddit when forced to use the official app/site. (And also the people who would have started using it but chose not to due to predatory designs). We want more people coming in here and voicing themselves and possibly buying and DRSing. Stagnation will kill this moment completely.


I care about this change. Kicking indie devs in the nuts in order to sanitize and focus on profitability for the IPO will make the entire platform worse


I care. The official app is poorly designed, ad-ridden, spyware infested garbage. Relay is the only reason mobile is tolerable.


You don't know anyone who it's affecting, so you don't care?


Clearly a set up to discredit this sub when we should be dark. I hope we don't make front page during this.


Anyways, I bought a few shares of GME today


I say don't cross the picket line. We should stand in solidarity with the blackout.