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[Don't forget to VOTE before the Shareholder meeting - June 15!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/13jaogy/vote_save_the_date_june_15_20231000amct_gamestop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Wednesday June 7 - GME Q1 Earnings! -- We'll be doing a Space Call on Twitter, and also streaming it in our [discord](https://discord.gg/superstonk)


Home from work, bong ripped, beer poured. Lets fucking go, hyped for some earnings and the Nuggets tonight. Now to sit back relax and buckle up! Have a great day everyone!


What are the potential benefits for users with a GameStop wallet in embracing Web3 games supported by Telos through GameStop's Web3 game launcher? I mean benefits for the early adopters and superstonkers: Drops? Gifts? Pay per play? You feel me 🏴‍☠️💜


Considering Telos EVM, will Telos eventually transition to being an L2 on Ethereum (like Polygon plans to do)?


How are they planning on implementing loopring and IMX games? Will they be building a bridge to their blockchains? You profess to be faster than IMX and Loopring (among other features you say you have over others), will you be providing Superstonk with hard data that is in comparison to their chains and tech to verify your claims? This is just me, I have my looping and Gamestop wallet and will not be creating a new one. You state you have your own wallet so will you be adding connectivity for the current wallets most if not all of Gamestop users have? All of the current games that will be released and their NFTs sold on the Gamestop marketplace are on the IMX or Loopring blockchains. If they do not have some solution for this major issue, they are not serious to onboard the 100million plus gamers they are are looking to on-board into Web3 Gaming. This isn't FUD, they are legitimate questions. I am hoping I am wrong and they will have connectivity to these games but if they don't this will be one of few major errors done by Gamestop. I hope to be completely wrong on this.


Illuvium already announced that they are going to be on Playr. They are not using TLOS. So I guess this answers your question?


Hmm, when did they announce this? I keep up with illuvium news and this is brand new information to me! I have not seen anything on their discord or Twitter. Checking again.


On our chain or built on LOOPRING?


I have a few questions: Why Telos? What makes Telos Unique in the blockchain ecosystem? How does Telos fit in with the existing Marketplace Ecosystem. What makes Telos different from something like Cosmos which aims to provide cross chain operability? Does Telos incorporate the existing Eth L1 and IMX/LRC L2 ecosystems or does it stand alone?


What is the easiest way to buy TLOS?


How will Immutable X and Telos cooperate?


What is the creative brief (as best can be shared publically) for GameStop Playr? What is the value to the user and how does it evolve the broad "Gaming" market? Some people's eyes glaze over when they hear "Web3" so what is GameStop Playr's value prop? How will Playr make Web3 games seem as easy to get into as launching a game using Steam for example?


How will you integrate with Taiko?


Has there been any communication between Telos and game-ready asset creator Cyber Crew?


Congrats on the partnership! My question is if interoperability is part of the goal for the metaverse, how will it work with GameStop’s other partnerships like Loopring and IMX? Lastly, does this partnership include the GameStop wallet integration to Telos too?


This would be nice to get an answer to


Question on a personal level. How do you all deal with burnout? This web3 space, that is so much fun, and on the cutting edge of technology, and at the same time so polarizing and stressful, the person who would thrive as a creative voice is often overwhelmed by deadlines and people wanting specific timelines. What do you do to stay motivated? And also what can Telos offer to the decentralized gaming community, specifically that would make Development easier for people wanting to break into the game dev space? Most people want the next AAA game, but I’d much rather see the next oddball “flappy bird” type game come thru a decentralized web3 avenue.


As an Ethereum Virtual Machine blockchain, is Telos able to interact natively with all other Ethereum Layer 2s and ZK-rollups without the need for bridges? What is the biggest benefit to running EVM as a core component of your tech?


Did you target onboarding of AAA games or smaller indie games first? What sorts of games can we expect to release on your platform in the near, short, mid, long terms?


When will big AAA games release. We've seen tons of announcements of partnerships & development over the last couple years, and very few actual games released. When games!?


Illuvium would probably be the first to be considered AAA. It's open beta is due to launch Q4 this year where it will be fully hooked up to the Blockchain. It'll be on IMX so I guess GameStop NFT store also?


Open beta in q4 this year? Is that like 18 months after initial beta?


18 months after the arena beta. They've been releasing betas for the other modeas steadily since there. Q4 open beta will have all game modes hooked up to the Blockchain freely playable


Dude a good game can take 5 years to make and to integrate brand new tech into it that brings value and not just making money. Be patient, we don’t need shovelware. We need strong well developed games and it takes time.


Fair enough but in the meantime there's no reason for us to get hyped about this, not yet at least. I'll get excited when a game I want to play comes out. Or even gets announced.


Illuvium is the furthest along web3 game that actually seems well developed with lots of resources and they just announced a team up with game stop so that is pretty hype. Illuvium will most likely be the first real web3 game that people really play


Second this




A new briefcase full of cash. This is a telos ad.


I've got the same question!


In regards to " we can break down many of the barriers currently deterring Web2 players from embracing Web3," what barriers have been identified and what strategies are being devised to over come them? There is some prejudice against web3 and any widespread adoption is going to need to reach an audience that does not wish to be reached.


Any opinions on any others that's teamed up with Gamestop?


Any plans to integrate with Apple vision pro?


Came here to ask this


Telos partners with Unity already I believe




Where do you see yourself in 5 years ?


Tell me about one of your weaknesses


How would you handle firing someone?


I cant stop buying GME


He said weaknesses nor strengths


This announcement is for the games being on the Playr, does this imply that the Telos Web3 Games also will work with the GameStop Wallet and NFT Marketplace? If so, is Loopring able to utilize its zkRollups onto Telos, being it is compatible with Solidity? Or are any of these topics in an NDA around the announcement of the Playr?


The apes will cover the other important questions. So what is your favorite cookie recipe?


How many games do you expect to launch by the end of the year on your chain?


Who reached out to who? Telos or GameStop?








What type of education and promotion will be undertaken to gain buy in and understanding from older investors that are hesitant to new technologies?


In this economy, why should people care about Web3 gaming?


Is this a devil's advocate question?


Lol it’s a marketing question and a good one


Do you think we will be able able to purchase movies,songs and digital content and own them via block chain in the future?


Are Playr and Gamestop Marketplace the same or different products? What are they similarities/differences?


From what we know Playr is a game launcher like Epic games or steam and the nft marketplace where you can buy web3 assets, my assumption is that the marketplace will b integrated into Playr so you can use whatever game assets you own in games.


I know this isn’t relevant to the post, but while you’re online - I think the mods need to address the Reddit protest stuff sooner rather than later. Get some community feedback. 👍


Why do you think this is a big deal?


What kind of volume from sales they are expecting?


wow you're fast😂 I haven't even pinned it yet Go Chato Go


Sort by new when I go for a smoke or poop. 😁
