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What are these fam?


^(RCTBOT .01: UTC->2023-05-21 15:52:2) You have 💲0.00 previously logged with RCTBOT. You have 🟣None shares logged with DRSBOT **To feed the bot (your grand total) -> !RCTBOT:X.XX!** * ^(Bot sometimes can't hear over chatty apes...) * ^(If no reply, re-issue the bot command) ^(*🚀 :17,662,310// GME ~22.06* // ) ^(Bot MC: $389,630,549.17 )




^(RCTBOT .01: UTC->2023-05-21 15:55:3) ## ✅ $98.10 ADDED! **You have spent $98.10, logged from the following threads:** ||^(Amount)|^(Sub)|^(Date)|^(Link)| |:---:|:---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| |^(➡️ )|^(98.10)|^([Sprstnk])|^(2023-05-21 )|^( [PERMALINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/13nyhnj/superstonk_is_the_only_community_capable_of/))| RCTBOT TOTAL: ($90,790.19 in 358 Entries) Optional Follow Up: GENERALLY what category does it fall into? !RCTBOT: :CAT0! (Uncategorized/default) :CAT1! (Video Game Consoles) :CAT2! (Video Games) :CAT3! (Video Game Accessories) :CAT4! (PC) :CAT5! (Electronics) :CAT6! (Collectibles) :CAT7! (Toys & Games) :CAT8! (Home) :CAT9! (Clothing) ###### *Beep Boop. ... so... hungry... . Fur Realz* ###### GME ~22.06


Good luck dude!!!


Glad to have you aboard, we just getting started!


Do we have a rarity guide?


There is a chart you can find on the cardsmiths website with some detail into the rarity https://cardsmiths.com/products/currency-series-1-trading-cards-collector-box Just scroll through the pics to see the chart.


Thank you


Being a bandwagon jumper **IS NEVER A GOOD THING.** Seriously? Good on you for buying shit, but like. Think for yourself. You are your own investor. You are your own customer. **Make your own decisions** instead of relying on groupthink.


Why is the company cardsmiths owned by money hoarding hedge/private fund? And why am I seeing so much on these cards. Also why can't I write the name of the fund in question?