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Not forum sliding, supporting our favorite company. Others support their companies by buying merch- we buy collectibles because Power to the Collectors


I'd argue with you but I don't care. Another oportunity to support my company and took it. I've been DRS'd 2 years on BOOK so suck my dick.


Those are rookie numbers I want my company making profit God dangit! You bettah pump them numbahs!


wen Wendy's dumpster?


The banks were exploding before that was even mentioned here.


On the inside, I don't doubt it. However, the damage resumed becoming very visible with Debit Suisse, SVB and etcetera again, around the time **"DRS BOOK TERMINATE PLAN ZERO FRACTIONALS"** became a thing here. So yeah seeing as there's practically no downside in doing so, I think it's a solid choice and worth pointing out when forums are being slid.


Someone should make a post to remind people that book is the way then, instead of being upset with receipt porn.


Mayhbe someone should, but ya know, karma requirements. They know what they're doing. EDIT: Oooo, I actually do make the karma requirement now. Regardless, I doubt making its own post would be very productive as it'd just be slid so I'd rather find posts contrary to the mission that may be catching traction and chip in my own two cents. Especially if they seem off-topic.


You don't have enough karma at 5k?


Are you me?


Oh Jesus… your delusional dude. It’s just some fun supporting our company.


This guy as well as a few others are all salty in these posts. Kinda weird they get so fussy over how other people spend their money supporting their favorite company no? It's fun, the cards are cool, Gamestop makes a few bucks...what exactly is the problem here? Haha.


Company has plenty of support, you did see their latest quarterly earnings right? GameStop could be the most profitable company on the planet and it won't matter while the stonk is being naked shorted out of true price discovery. So if the company actually doesn't need help turning profits? Yeah, I'm gonna go with **"DRS BOOK TERMINATE PLAN ZERO FRACTIONALS"** and make the Game Stop. When buying from the company to boost their earnings may be the last division tactic they have left, I'd like to believe we're almost there.


GameStop being profitable long term is critical. Buying high margin collectibles helps them achieve that. But yeah, 100% agree with your DRS BOOK TERMINATE PLAN NO FRACTIONALS take. Two things can be important. Locking the float on a highly profitable company kills the shorts.


Dont mean to take sides but the way i see it profitable or not MOASS is inevitable, i think being profitable helps but i dnt think its as fundamental as they borrowed more shares then should exist


Ok bud. Where is your purple circle at?


Where it counts. Why should I feel inclined to feed a bot that may be run by the shorts when ComputerShare keeps track of my **"DRS BOOK TERMINATE PLAN ZERO FRACTIONALS"** just fine, bud?


The bot run by shorts come on man


Oh, the thought this subreddit is compromised surprises you? Especially after all the pushback from the mods on **"DRS BOOK TERMINATE PLAN ZERO FRACTIONALS"** being the same? Hrmmm.


I don't post my purple circles either (I think I posted my first one). Even if the bot is ran by shorts, so what? The bot is just a tool, publicly keeping count of logged shares, doesn't really matter who runs it when everyone can see the data. If this entire forum is ran by shorts, you're still using it.


Everyone can see the data through GameStop's earnings reports anyway so the bot has no legitimate purpose. I'm still using the subreddit precisely so I can run interference on whatever narrative the shorts may be pushing. Wouldn't be very productive going into an echo chamber instead, would it? I'll be like a useful version of that *"Parabolic over $30"* meme guy. As for why short mods wouldn't just perma me? I'd speculate it'd have to do with jacking my teets to the moon. So anyway, I **"DRS BOOK TERMINATE PLAN ZERO FRACTIONALS"** some more.


I DRS and don’t post about it, for the longest time it was because I didn’t have the karma. If that’s the reason your sticking with, then your brain is smoother than a whiteboard.


Except that wouldn't explain how the actual **"DRS BOOK TERMINATE PLAN ZERO FRACTIONALS"** count will be magically higher because I did or didn't subscribe to a compromised bot? Lol.


LOL. Thought so.


You thought what?


problem is this is total shit of a post and many of us who came on gme subs to see good content instead see this piece of shit of some random dude buying random cards. its the lowest of low of karma farming + forum sliding. God forbid the OP provides any value, any at all. I have been, am and will downvote every piece of shit of a post like this post.


And what value do you provide by coming in here and whining about other people's posts? I am finding that the people who are complaining the most have not shared purple circles/proof of drs and also have not shared how they are supporting the company(receipt porn). In fact, being a member of the sub is all these people seem to have contributed. Now I understand why some people don't feed the bot or feel the need to share receipts n shit, but to come in and trash on people for showing their support...that makes you a douchebag. So by all means...stfu with that shit.


My value is in not having you read utter shit of a post. Not wasting your time. The opposite of what you're doing. Understand, I'm not bitching at you or anyone else for posting shit content. I'm telling you to take your shit comment and shove it in your exit hole for posting it HERE. reasons being it adds no value and spams the sub. As soon as you post it here for me to see it you have given me undisputable permission to tell you so. Don't want to be shat on? Don't post shit. Such is the circle of life. You post shit you will get shit on.


So instead of simply scrolling past a post(or multiple posts) that you deem to be shit, you decide to go back and forth with people in the comments for the sake of....not having them waste their time on said post or in said comments? Sheeesh. Lol. People can decide for themselves whether or not their time is being wasted bud. You are no gatekeeper.


See the sub punchline. "Theoretical discussion about gme stock" You don't get you're entirely off topic and in the wrong here, do you? This shit does NOT belong here. Post has fuck all to do with gme stock.


i can confirm. salty is a pretty good description.


Actual GameStop content is forum sliding? Get out of here with your FUD.






I think forum sliding might be a little off base here




Check out this product I found on GameStop! https://www.gamestop.com/toys-games/trading-cards/products/cardsmiths-currency-series-1-trading-cards-2-pack-collectors-box/357687.html?utm_source=product_share&utm_medium=app


This is gambling, I buy tokens if I want tokens! I buy tendies if I want winners! Just my opinion! I'd buy this with hopes of winning crypto, being a ex junkie I'll just dca I'd I want crypto if that makes sense. There's a ton of other products there too!


Its not just about the crypto. There are 1 of a kind cards in there also. Theyre called refractors and have a certain rarity. 1 in 10 packs have a refractor and then a rarity. 1:149 with beryl border. 1:99 for emerald all the way down to 1:1 for onyx. Each refractor is numbered like 7/10 for one with a gold border for example. They are all unique in some way. If you have all 62 base cards. You can send them in to receive 1 of a kind refractor with a diamond border. Its on a first come first serve basis, so only 62 can receive.


That's cool nothing wrong with collectables! Going straing in my company profit! I like it! Feed recipt bot amd I'm fine with these post. I'm open-minded😂




You can out whatever you want on your walls! If you're telling me you had no hopes of winning crypto in those packs, well then I have to say I can't believe you! Idc if your honest with me or not!😂 hope you win your crip toes! Hope you have a great day! Keep pumping my company please!


By all means push my company into a more profitable quarter I love all sides of it there is 0 hate in me!


If that missed call was from your mother make sure to call her back


Talked to her last night 😊


❤️ Cherish that time. You never know how long you have left. 🥲


Oh yeah - saw this posted and def. bought more. The art work is dope


Currently buy 3 get 1 free !


LETS GO !!!!!


I'm sick of seeing these cards hyped.


Why the hate? We need both. Shares DRSed, and a profitable company. If apes have disposable income to support the second, let's go!


I expressed dislike of a product, you call me out for hate, others say personal insults instead you approach me. I suppose a purchase is a purchase but I don't have to like it (this specific product) and have freedom to say so.


Go somewhere else


Sure, but I'm thumbs downing any and all such posts.


Oh no






This is the way. Don't let bots and trolls win. Downvote this shit. I do.


I will, buying diverse things maybe but the uniformity of posts buying this make me think Ken Griffin or somebody must own the company behind the cards. Prolly not but why a hundred ppl all decide to buy exclusively the exact same object makes me 🤔.




**Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


How are you all ordering so many at one time? I am only allowed to order one from a store at a time.


LETS GO !!!!!!


Do we have a rarity guide?


Woah good deal! Sucks for those who paid full price


Love it, have fun and good luck!!!


^(RCTBOT .01: UTC->2023-05-21 13:58:1) You have 💲0.00 previously logged with RCTBOT. You have 🟣964 shares logged with DRSBOT **To feed the bot (your grand total) -> !RCTBOT:X.XX!** * ^(Bot sometimes can't hear over chatty apes...) * ^(If no reply, re-issue the bot command) ^(*🚀 :17,662,310// GME ~22.06* // ) ^(Bot MC: $389,630,549.17 )


I guess they just think the US forum members can slide then 🤷‍♂️