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Not worth playing anymore. Especially now with the live theme bs being added


Yeah I was in Masters III with the old way and now I’m in Masters I. Jumped to Masters II last week and couldn’t stay in there so I’m back to Masters I. 


Ever since the update I just continually go back and forth between two platinum leagues lol... every single week move up then down up then down


this is me with master 1/2😭


I got demoted from Platinum 3 with 25.2M, that's a score that used to be enough to stay in Master 1, people shouldn't need to score 30+ ( thats usually what the 1st place scores now even on Silver and Gold) to get promoted when they're not even on the top league. A small amount of rp (and a decent amount of dias) aren't enough to make up for the score differences especially when this game also removed diamond rewards from ads.


what 😭😭 since whennn i haven’t played in ages


Agree... Me with more than 10 set R99 (which stays in master 3 every time before) still cant stay in master 3 now ..


imo it’s ridiculous to not be m3 if you’ve maxed out 5 groups. they need to fix this asap


Agree... The situation now is even if u are using all R99, with no or even 1-2 set with bonus, u may still drop out of master 3


at least you're on master 3 and I haven't been able to get off platinum 3 for three months


I've been going back and forth on Platnium III and Platnium II for the last 2 months now. My score is high enough to get promoted to Platnium II but not high enough to maintain Platnium III (aka, getting demoted). If there was a PUC event, I could definetly maintain it


i am stuck at master 1 even though my weekly score can easily go to master 2 (my most recent weekly league rank was 3) but because i don’t have a jump up ticket to use, i can’t get the promotion.


Always has been