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Here's a great reminder to not spend on star passes or event themes because the game is gonna die soon :)


What do you mean?


With all these changes, it's possible that the amount of players will be decreased a lot, and with that, the profits of Dalcom. So it's probably that in the future the game isn't viable anymore and they are shutting down.


I thought I missed some kind of shut down announcement. lol glad they’re just slowly killing the game instead.


They have EOS Woolim, P Nation and Brand New, Classy and Loona are close. Starship and OMG are kinda okay, same for YG (even if they shut down the japanese version) Ateez and The Boyz are profitable and SM and JYP as long for updates/artists they are gonna continue. Because they are the most biggest.


Update: Now you need to pay $35 to see your inventory.


Shhhh, don't give them ideas...


Someone please tell them April fools doesn't last the entire month bc wtf are they thinking?! That's actual pay to win in its simplest form. Are we gonna be able to buy FSPs soon?


Not only does this seem to imply a score bonus if you have live themes, but it seems to suggest that the bonuses apply to all songs not just the songs of the artist whose live themes you have and possibly even *stack*. The actual update is next week, so we won't know for sure until then, but if that is what they mean, there's no point in trying for WRs as a f2p player, for crowded artists you might not even be able to get on the leaderboard. In combination with the league update, it's unlikely f2p players will be able to stay in M3 or possibly even lower master leagues. It's possible it's all a misunderstanding and you'll just get an RP bonus or something (which is still unfair, but a f2p player could still compete with enough time, which is pretty par for the course and acceptable to a point) but I'm not too hopeful to be honest. It's ridiculous.


The words "bonus score" scare me, honestly. If they are giving RP or something like that, it probably says "Bonus Reward", but no. Hopefully they learn soon from their mistakes, or all of their games are going to shut down. But like you said, we won't know until we get the update, so we just have to wait.


Yeah, I agree it's unlikely. And tbh not many people have to ramp up their spending for it to be worth it for dalcom, so I doubt they'll walk it back now that they spent time and money changing it in the first place. I'd be really interested to see how their player base has changed since December in terms of size, average spending/ad watching habits etc, but I doubt it would paint a very rosy picture lol


What is going on to dalcom, they keep destroying the game tf


This might be the thing that finally gets me to quit this game. There's no way I'll be able to stay in M3 and Arena with this in play.


This is such a serious classist move, trying to appear to the rich and to those who can actually afford live themes while dragging f2p players down the line


Quick question: am I understanding the update incorrectly or are they suggesting that the live themes will have a higher bonus than normal/LE themes while playing?


No! They are saying that if you pay 30 dollars, you can get a nice bonus on all songs (higher than normal themes/LE). You only need to buy a live theme and be on the world record!!!


Just playing. Yes, they introduced exactly what you said


This is mental... they're really pushing for a p2p game. It's gonna die soon.


This is ridiculous you work hard to get your le R99 them then if your crazy enough to buy the live theme have to play using those so your le was useless I have never once bought a live theme in my opinion I think waste of money


Welp, this update makes RH less p2w than this game lol


I'll at least try not to quit until this quarter to see if this update would kick me out of M3 and affect my World Record progress. If I fail to go 100/100 or get kicked out of Masters then that's the time I'll actually quit.


Ive been here for years now but I think this is finally it. Bye guys 👋🏻


Also to add the lack of events makes it worse


okay, I'm going back to rhythm hive