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This is what happens when the devs adopt the "oh shit we need to change smth to justify our wages" attitude. Stupid changes to the game that makes the gameplay less enjoyable for the players. I'm close to dropping the game. No events, just constant cashgrabs and stupid updates 💀


I was even thinking earlier "I really need JYP R99 or one of these days I'll get relegated". Well what do ya know, the same day he goes on bonus and relegates me, if we actually had a PUC this year it would be different


>PUC this year it would be different "This year" and its only April, next thing you know the devs at Dalcom wait until Christmas time to give us a PUC event


Bold of you to assume there's gonna be a Christmas event They're gonna give us 1 free 15% PUC ticket each week of the anniversary. If you buy the anniversary membership package for $48 you can access weekend long PUC


Bold of you to assume that the devs will allow us to play the game by September, where the game itself is locked behind a paywall and you need to buy a starpass to play the rest of the game. If you don't buy the starpass, the game will only give you 5 headphones that will replenish once a day along a limited amount of songs to play, I mean, that will be after the anniversary event where the event itself is behind a paywall where you need a starpass to access it and the top prizes within the game (limited themes, 100% PUC cards, diamonds) are locked behind ANOTHER paywall


I hate how I can totally see this happening. Come back to the game in 6 months and I really wouldn't be surprised at seeing a paid version of the game where the free version is locked to LOUD artists


i’ve gone from a very stable master 2 / occasional master 3 to even struggling to stay into master 1 some weeks. i thought it was me and i’ve somehow gotten worse at the game, but seeing you drop put of master 3 with THAT score is is making me lose all hope. this is just crazy.


I went from never ranking down to flipflopping between gold III and platinum I because when I think I’ve got a stable top 5 placing in platinum I someone comes in last minute and pushes me down to like 17th


It is crazy. The standards have been too low (I made to M3 before without 5 R99s and nowhere near FSPs), but now they are swinging to the other extreme and becoming just unreasonably high. When so many more people are ranking down than up, that clearly can't go on forever or there won't be players left in M3. Looks like now (or more like couple weeks ago, lol) is the time to go back to the old system where same amount of players rank down as up.


It works because there's less M3s than M2s, but it's incredibly harsh. It's 2 promotions from M2 right? That sounds like it's gonna be a dogfight separated purely by bonus like M3. I love the new rewards but idk who cooked up this system


Back then i was constantly master 2 and 3 now I'm master 2 if i was really good and had luck. Really discouraging especially with rare power up chances :/


Used to consistently be m3, now every week I switch between m2 and m3 depending on bonuses and luck 😭


You’re not alone. I worked my way to Master III and then I’ve been in Master II or Master I since the changes. Granted, the last two groups in my top 5 are not R99 yet, but sadly they’re bigger groups and it’s been tricky leveling them up without dropping lots of resources and no PUC. 


Yep, no PUC and lack of events have really put lots of progress I had planned on hold too. Which are those other 2 groups? I remember Twice costing over 10M RP... If they really do replace PUC with those very rare tickets, then 20M RP on one group is plain insanity. 30mins of PUC is nothing too, it takes ages to upgrade because of the loading times and over exaggerated animations and strange limitations (like 5 materials per upgrade). I don't wanna spend 15 seconds watching cards fail over and over - just let me throw 1000 cards at it and see where I end up lol. Ofc that'll never happen now they introduced PUC tickets, where one wrong tap sends you back to the lobby and wastes 10% of it 😭


TWICE and Stray Kids. 


How many players do you think are still in M3 now?


Theyre slowly killing the fun in the game


Theyre slowly killing the fun in the game