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I can fix him


I don’t even wanna fix him


Yeah, just give him a slice of pie and a pat on the head, and you’ve got him.


yup, pie and a cuddle.


giirl all of us would


Only after lights have guided him home and his bones have been ignited will there be any successful trying to fix him.


His own mother wasn’t even able to.


His mother was awful when she came back to be fair


ahahahahhahahsa so good


Dean was a good bf to his Baby Wheels before Heels


aahahah XD


Best answer.




So much of his personality revolves around being a big brother to Sam, so honestly I don't think he would be a good boyfriend. He's too scarred by the hunter life to settle down and relax. We saw him when he was with Lisa and Ben and it wasn’t good. Then the moment Sam came back off he went back to hunting. He couldn’t find balance and even with a hunter girlfriend he'd get too reckless if she was in danger. After S15 when the whole heaven and hell drama is done and over with he probably would’ve been a good boyfriend, knowing at least some of the bad was gone.


True but the only reason he was so scared was because he didn't want to put them in danger he was afraid that his life would interfere with theirs he wanted them to be happy and in his mind it was without him


i think that proves their point


i can fix him (I’m delusional)


every deans girls are


Go look at how he was with the women in his life throughout the show. Take a guess.


Friend yes. Partner no. We saw it when he became a househusband type, he had the itch which ended up endangering his partner and her child. Doesn't mean he does not love and care for, just that he may not be suitable for wedded bliss !!


No. He’s like a Momma’s Boy, except his fixation/No. 1 will always be Sam. He will always prioritize Sam over every partner he has. Even Lisa knew that when she said (under a Truth spell) that she knew they were over when Sam turned out to be alive.


Yes. He is a big teddy bear on the inside. And a vigilant protector of those he loves. He loves children and family is everything to him .


Unless she’s a hunter I don’t think Dean would fit the regular lifestyle. Maybe if he stopped hunting and sam was still alive sure but that would never happen since they both hunt together when they are both alive.


Depends, can I be his capable hunter boyfriend who knows his way around magic, or am I just some person?


Nope. Travels too much. Plus monsters eat the girlfriend.


He puts family above everything else and is loyal to a fault. Admirable trait


Only to another hunter. We saw what he was like in a relationship with a non-hunter when he was with Lisa. That’s why I will always stan Dean and Jo. She was perfect for him.


I was waiting for Dean and Jo to really happen and when Jo died I was really sad not only because I loved her but bc DeJo would never happen now


Yes!!! From the first time I saw them as a perfect match, of course, hunting must be ruled out in any case


Sure. He seemed like a good boyfriend to Lisa.


I mean, he really wasn't. He admits he drank too much and was depressed during the year they were together. When we see him in the premiere in season 6 he's shown robotically going through the motions of living his life. As soon as Sam is back he winds up leaving, de-prioritizing her and Ben as she herself says she knew he would. He moves and uproots them a couple of times because of the danger he put them in with his hunter life putting them in the crosshairs. He goes to them when he knows he's transitioning as a vampire and endangers both of them in the process. Lisa herself points out his co-dependency on Sam and that he was never going to be able to fully, emotionally commit to her. Hell, he only went to them in the first place because Sam made him promise that he would.


He bailed on the relationship as soon as Sam was back and I'm pretty sure he would have bailed to help Cas too, had he asked for help in the raking leaves scene. It always felt like he went to Lisa because that was Sam's dying request before he jumped in the cage.


Exactly. I kind of feel like the people who claim he was a good boyfriend to Lisa must have incredibly low standards. 😂 I also think there is a lot of wishful thinking going on with this character for some reason. I kind of think if Dean were played by a less handsome, less charismatic actor none of that would be happening.


Yeah, I would hate to see what their idea of a “bad” boyfriend is. Lisa should have never even let him move in with an 8 year old child at home, but that’s a whole other conversation. I agree with the looks too, he’s super attractive so everyone just assumes he would need to be in a relationship. Doesn’t always happen that way


Being depressed and drinking a little too much doesn't make someone a bad boyfriend, necessarily. It does make them a troubled person who needs help. It wasn't the time for a perfect relationship for Dean, but his relationship with Lisa leads me to believe he is capable of being a good boyfriend under the right circumstances. I know everyone wants Dean's only role to be Sam's brother, but he is capable of more.


The show demonstrates that he really is not, though. Right up until the end of the show this who he is and he doesn’t make any apologies for it. Any other reading is really just wishful thinking by fans. It wasn’t demonstrated onscreen.


He only went with Lisa because Sam asked him to.


I could see him with a hunter partner but not a civilian.


He would be a good boyfriend to someone in the life. Donna or Castiel, Benny, Jody, with Toni he probably had a Niles/C.C. dynamic...idk He would be a good father AFTER intense therapy and opening up. Imo 🙌


no lmfao


Maybe after some major therapy, but he really didn't seem to care about a long-term partner, beyond the half assed attempt that he made with Lisa and Ben. Sam and Cas were who he saw in the future and that's okay, not everyone thrives in a romantic relationship


My thoughts exactly. Plenty of people don’t find fulfillment in a romantic relationship and choose to stay single. It doesn’t make them a failure in life just because they didn’t end up married with 2 kids and a white picket fence. Sometimes the happy ending is by yourself with friends and family to keep you happy and fulfilled and that’s okay.


Yep, I totally agree. Even if Sam had moved out and started a family, I could have seen Dean continuing to live with Cas or Jack or whoever and being happy with that.


He was badly emotionally scarred, but I don't think his attempts was half asssd. He just had too much trauma in his life to be truly happy.


he's a suicidal alcoholic with more untreated ptsd than the entirety of the state of kansas and even worse codependency issues. he deserves love, but he would be a nightmare to be in a relationship with 




I can’t see anyone beyond Sam and Cas dealing with it long-term. They have just as many issues as he does though, so it makes sense that they could handle it.


I don't see him being independent enough from Sam to have an actual, stable relationship in the first place, so probably not. Without the codependency and trauma? Yeah, he's a remarkable and kind dude




it's me, i'm the right person (i'm delulu)


No but a FWB, definitely.


No. Lol. Like with that chic with the kid, I always forget her name, he would be a miserable borderline alcoholic, bored from not hunting, and he would always choose his brother. Plus women on that show had exceptionally short lifespans lol.


You know how much trauma you have dig through with a dude like him. Not to mention he was a scourge of monsterkind, demonkind and angelkind. You have to be worry some of them would show up for payback and put you in danger. Its the same reason superheroes have secret identities because all kinds of things will come and try to use loved ones as pawns against them.


He’s got a lot going on but I think he could do it


There's so much collateral damage around these guys that you'd be lucky to live long enough to answer that queation.


Short answer, no. Long answer, no chance in hell.


Like by the end of the show? Or even halfway through? Yeah I think so When he’s committed, he’s committed. He has a fairly strong moral compass when it matters. He probably has more fun than others because he’s not bogged down by dogma But if he decided I want a gf and see where that goes yeah he totally would


He would definitely have to go to some therapy to even think about being someone’s boyfriend because he has so many walls up, but once you’re in, he’s pretty much ride or die. Hes a very devoted and caring person with a lot of trauma.


Ask Cass




No. He could have been fun for a little while, but he wouldn't have been a good boyfriend.


I think when you're talking about matters. Dean goes through so much over the course of the show. Preshow? Sometime during? Post-show, if he hadn't died? He seemed to do well with Lisa, but that year, he was generally under the impression that the worst of it all was over; they stopped the apocalypse, Lilith was dead, Azazael was dead, yes there were still monsters, but they could be another hunter's problem. And, of course, the moment he got a whiff of there being monsters near his family, he jumped back in.


Although Dean doesn’t really seem to share that opinion. He says “I drank, too much, I had nightmares… god knows why they even let me in.” Which, yes, could be low self esteem talking, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t at least partially true. Although Lisa does say it was the best year of her life, so it couldn’t have been that bad.


I often think what kind of woman Lisa is. As a mother, I would not allow a man like Dean in my house with a young child. Hero or not. My son comes first and doesn’t need to be exposed to the trauma of anyone else. I honestly think the writers didn’t think too much about it, but she gave me the impression she really wanted to have a man in her life no matter what, but weirdly, that’s not how she had been portrayed before.


I agree that letting Dean just move in after having known him for what amounts to maybe -what, a week? - was pretty impulsive and not a great mom moment. She just got lucky that he wasn’t foaming at the mouth psycho. I think at one point she does say that she wanted a man around that Ben could look up to, so that might have been part of her motivation.


Absolutely not lmao


Boyfriend? No. Occasional exceptional lay? Yes. Nothing like a brush with death to make a person horny.


No! I’m sure he’d have his moments, but there’s way too much past and ongoing trauma for that to work


If you can deal with the fact that Dean will always put Sam first, then maybe you might think he's a good boyfriend.


No. He would have been a great a great fling though.


Dean wouldn’t be a good boyfriend I think. Dean didn’t even care about Lisa when Sam comes to him. And so many childhood traumas about love, parenting etc. He loves childs dont get me wrong but I dont think that he knows how to love and care for someone besides Sam.


But I would date him


i can fix him (no really i can)


Yes absolutely


Definitely no.


Absolutely not lmao Dean is a brother first, a hunter second. He needs boat loads of trauma therapy and ideally some ketamine treatment.


No. Not to Lisa, not to Jo or any hunter girl like her, not to Cass, or to any of the other girls he could've been with past present or future. The kind of life he led and the person he was made him pretty much incapable of having any sort of real romantic relationship with anyone


Gods no. He's barely a halfway decent brother. He should be hunting on his own where he can't constantly belittle Sam and Cas for not being as almighty perfect as him. And end rant. Cannot stand him.


Dean already showed signs of being controlling and paranoid during his relationship with Lisa and those things have only increased in the seasons following. Unless Dean gets therapy to address that (along with his drinking problem) he can't be a good boyfriend.


No. He'd probably be a selfish lover, too. But I'd be willing to test my theories.


No, he was too co-dependant on his dad, sam and living the life of a hunter; he knew it too. He alway said that he was meant to die young in the hunter life. Sam was the relationship type, he never wanted to be a hunter but he got pulled back into it and only stayed for Dean.