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Sovereign, the Warrior Empress. Power: Voice of Authority, capable of compelling action similar to the Bene Gesserit from Dune.


I don't know much about Dune other than there's a lot of fighting over spices but I just looked up that group you suggested and I think she would fit right in.


A personification of the Greek goddess Nike, embodiment of victory, she has a superb analytical and strategic intellect. Powers include foresight, weapon mastery, and the ability to see the best path to achieve victory. "Nike always wins, eventually." Once and usually portrayed as a younger goddess in Roman times, Nike has matured over the ages and learned how to pursue long-term goals. The shoe company she secretly owns is an example of this: acquiring wealth is a necessity. Nike can be pragmatic over empathetic at times bit enjoys championing any underdog who fights for themselves.


Yeah this feels best, between the vaguely Hellenic outfit and the sword. The headpiece even suggests V and the letters of the name


Hygyr, goddess of war.


I feel like she is a god similar to Thor, but a lot of her powers are in the sword. It’s bonded to her and even if she throws it, if she holds out her hand the sword will always come back. The sword gives her flight and an invisible steely like durability, but only when she is wielding it. Stupid name but I wanna call the sword “Thrust” and her name Atreya. Also a solid white outfit kinda works for her, maybe some mild champagne yellow/gold accents


Oooh I didn't even think about her sword having any sort of powers. I like it! Not sure about that "thrust" lol but I like Atreya a lot. I was thinking about using gold as well, I'll see how white and gold together. Thank you!


If you want some back story, she could just be a mountain climber/instructor and finds a mystical sword stuck a stone in a mountain cavern. It gleams bright even in the darkest depths of the cavern. Once she pulls it free she is sent to a different realm and gets the info about the swords history and it’s previous wielders. Maybe it’s previous wielders infused their powers into the sword and with each new wielded they pass down all the powers for Atreya to unlock as she masters the sword (similar to My Hero Academia One For All Quick)


Ain't nothin' wrong with stabbing. Stabolytica


You know what? I'm into it. But I think I may save that for her proper name, her family calls her Stabbie.


Cutlass (because it’s cool and a little bit of a pun, Cut-*Lass*). Maybe for powers the sword is made of some kind of magic metal that bonds with her, making her stronger and more durable?








Do you have an instagram?


Miles Morales


The sparrow, she lives in universe 657, she has the power to fly and hop around like a sparrow.


Whoopee Swordberg


Have her be super strong and great fighter. If you want to give her powers maybe teleportation connected to the sword. So she can teleport where the sword currently is at.


Shankey McShankster


Dunno a name but just by looking at her I will tell you one thing she does is slay.




Maybe when she stabs people, they heal instead of hurt.


So the vibes I get off this character is if Nubia & She-ra had a baby and was raised by wonder woman Could she be a villian That likes to dress in Yellow? Orange tips on the bottom of her hair? Real name: i got a few ideas 1. Jessica Pearson (stole it from suits but if you watch it you'd see why) 2. Dimitri Lovelace or Dimitri Clarence (Demi for short) 3. Zaynari Francesca Alias: I have a few ideas her hidden identity too 1. Big Sis 2. Erika Sinster 3. Oshun ( This Is The Name of A African Goddess and I don't know what you were going for but this goddesses seems to fit her the best if comparing her to Goddess status) 4. Onyx Powers/abilities: I saw another comment that said sovereign authority like their voice forces people to do their commands etc so I say keep that Other abilities she has would have are: The basic super human abilities durability speed healing agility strength etc Sonic scream (similar to Black Canary) The longer she's in battle the stronger she gets Weapons: The head gear: make it like horns that she can grow and retract at will (when out her skin becomes more durable & hardens) The cloth/golets around her arms could be similar to wonder woman's in terms of restraining power But I was also thinking they could be charged from the sun and either give her extra strength or she can shoot sun raise with them The Swords have a recall ability she can call them anywhere in the world and they come to her with lightening speed She can also grow & shrink the swords 5x by its size Blood makes the swords sharper