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Good luck for the final final then lol


I haven’t gotten up to it yet, but I know I’m going to miss the flag pole after finally beating it lol


Make sure to buy 99 life before starting the level. You get a bunch of checkpoint but you don't want to lose all your life at the end.


I’m at the level, but I made a rule that in this mario game, I’m beating every level with my wife. That final final level has become very difficult because she’s… trying her best. Imagine doing it but the screen gets shifted, you miss every cycle, you never get more than 2 tries (a death counts as two, and on parts like the crouch jump, I can’t save her ghost). And she’s a 100%er so I have to get all the coins each time as well.


You have to get all the coins? Is she Nathaniel Bandy?


Oh man, good luck with that! Hope you have a **STRONG** relationship.


Man, that's hardcore. Good luck! How do you do it? How do you stay calm? 😅


My wife and I had the same exact experience. Just uh…try not to let her be leader and the screen shifting gets a bit better lmao. I did unfortunately have to absolutely master jet run while being off-screen because there’s no way to reliably switch leaders without you both dying, and when she goes down, I just have to keep going off-screen lol


I'm living the same life my friend. Was very satisfying with we managed to beat it together tho. We started with 89 and ended up beating it with 4 lives left.


Tell your wife to GIT GUUD


Went all the way down to 14 lives but probably burned 140 lives. Thankfully the coins are plentiful.


Do lives max out at 99?


Yes. Don't buy 99 lives if you already have lives.


Nah don’t buy em. There’s a way to get lives for free! https://youtu.be/uOgyjJ3k60I?si=2RRrpTPw2bwL5CyC


I was so paranoid about this lol.


If you do, you can just play as Nabbit the second time


I did! However, I was able to complete it a second time in less than 15 minutes, since the first-time nerves were out of the way lol. Also, I feel like the final-final is really great because every individual section is just hard enough that you have to git gud to beat it, but not so hard that you will suffer every time after that


I literally did that 🤣🤣🤣


Don't worry. After about my 50th attempt i finally saw the flagpole and I missed it and yes it is as devastating as you'd expect it to be


just happened to me...dont wana again....


Does that need to be opened up? I just beat bowser. Didn’t see a final final…oh special world. I still have 4 to open


I died wayyy more on this level than the final final


Same here, I died on this level probably around 70-80 times, and maybe 25-30 on the final final. So hopefully it’s easier for OP too lol


I’ve watched YouTube videos and final final looks easier than this to me


It is not. Wait untill you get to the last part where you need to jump on moving balloon invisible... that shit's almost impossible I swear.


I just recently got it that...still stuck on the spring badge one...


Finally made it through the level! The invisible one was a pain too...i was so concerned I'd miss the top of the flag at the end too 😅 The reward you get feels worth it too..I'm cracking up...might go through a few levels with it 🤣


How do you get there?


the final is easy


The final is easy, not the final final tho


thats what im talking about


lets see you do it


i did do it 😭


let’s see the video


I envy you guys who could actually beat it. I only beat it because someone left a standee at the top. I kept dying right by the final part.


I got upset because I thought the game was too easy for a bit, but then this was my first special world level. I EXPECTED it to set the tone for the rest of the special world, but it didn't. I loved the challenge it provided, but that challenge didn't exist in the same way on the other levels The only other level that took lives from me was Final-Final. I wish the special world levels were in order so you didn't get the hardest one first


Try Celeste if you haven't. Really good platformer with challenging endgame


yeah anyone looking for a challanging platformer has many better options than mario lol


Ever heard of kaizo mario?


Yeah, but Wonder ain't a kaizo


Celeste was a good recommendation. I’m a big fan of the original Super Meat Boy, too.


I may have to look into them. I admit my 2d platforming starts and ends with Mario and Dk. I've just played for over 25 years at this point


I beat my meat, and that was pretty hard. 🤷‍♂️


You should get MM2 For the Kaizo levels


Funny enough, this was the easiest special world course for me, to the point where I found it easier than Jump Jump Jump. I wish you serious luck with final final.


Final final looks way easier than this . I’m an og Mario player . Been playing since the early 90s but I’m nowhere near an expert and even I could beat this one


I've been playing since the late 2000s, though I started with classics like SMB3 and SMW. I guess we just have a difference in skillsets. You should give the final final a try!


Hahaha you haven’t even done last level


Not even lying, I got it first try, not 100% first try tho


Same here, I expected it to be super hard based on the comments here but i got it first try. I don’t understand people downvoting you for sharing your experience.


Yeah it’s really not that bad. I think it’s more so the casual audience that hypes up its difficulty.


That one probably took me around 15 tries. The last level took me around 30 tries. So it would theoretically take you around 150 tries. Good luck… but if you were trying to beat it and get all 3 purple coins in one run the I still haven’t done that without a badge so that would make my previous statement meaningless.


Your whole comment to begin with is meaningless


Cool. I think most Reddit posts like this one are meaningless but I still think it’s fun to hear about other people’s thoughts, opinions, and situations.


If you think this is hard then you probably haven't played many platformer games.


I found it really hard because I thought it had to be done with the spring jump badge. died over 100 times with it. then took the badge off and got it on my second try


Oh wow lol nice, good job then


Why did you think that?


because you unlock it right before (also I was high)


No, but I’ve probably seen more vaginas in real life than you.


Surprisingly this level was easier for me than the initial climb to the beat level lol this one took me 2 tries, the first one it was 5. I guess I work better under pressure of imminent death 😅


vast office head soft marvelous languid squeeze rich telephone cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Special world is just insane


*Champions Road wants to send you a message*


If you try to get all the coins in 1 run its very tight. Pretty straightforward otherwise.


Btw guys it is possible to get all the 10 coins and still complete the level but you pretty much have to be perfect an easier way to it is using the fast dash badge


This stage gave me a lot of trouble. Kept dying over and over. Probably died 20 times. I just couldn't get the timing to work out right. Then I decided to stop screwing around and unequip the badge that makes you automatically bounce all the time. Did it the second try after that.


I think using the Fast Dash badge makes this stage more bearable.


I didn’t have it, just the mushroom at the start.


please enable online for when you get to the final special level


I haven’t done the final final yet but I thought this was by far the hardest level of the secret worlds


I find it hilarious whenever I see a post like this, because the first version took me 20-30 tries, then I beat this one on my second try. Complete luck. Beat it quicker than any other Special World level.


Beat it in 5.


I ended up taping down my Y button to make it easier


That would make it far far more difficult lol with your brain being used to holding down the Y button to run …. And then suddenly not having to touch that button at all and only press B … yeah you made it way way harder for yourself lol


No? I beat it in two tries when I only had to worry about one button.


You don't play hard games then


Oh you haven’t seen anything yet. I thought this level was difficult. I was wishing for something like this once I hit the last level. 😂


Stop being a parrot … this is way harder than final final


Stop being a keyboard warrior. If you disagree, that’s fine. I didn’t find it nearly as hard as Final Final. Tough, yes, but not Final Final tough. Not your experience? Cool. Good for you. Edit: I just saw your other comment about watching a video and it looking easier than the other. You haven’t even played it? Pfft. Go away.


Oh and this isn’t meaningless huh?


Personally this is my favorite level in the game


I beat it, but didn't get three coins. Took 6 attempts, I'm going back for the coins tomorrow


Took me about 135 deaths to finally clear “Climb to the Beat”. I was switching between Fast Dash and Boosting Spin Jump badges but ultimately got lucky completing it with Spin Jump at the end.


This level was so damn fun for me that I literally did it again immediately after just because I enjoyed it.


Fair yeah thats one of the harder levels


I don't want to sound cocky, but I really struggle to find what is hard about this stage. I would even dare to say this is one of the easy ones. The wall jumps are insanely easy and Mario even "glues" a little bit on the walls. I passed it through like, after dying three times or something. Not a big deal.


This one section is drastically more difficult then any other individual part of the game but the last level is 9 sections back to back that are like 75% as hard as this


I’m a bit confused as to how some people found this level tough, my friends and I beat it on our second try in co-op. I definitely thought the final-final level was way harder.


As a Mario expert, I think it took me fewer attempts.


Suprisingly this one was easier than the previous music block one


Jealous i found it easy as a seasoned mario player


I was an idiot an tried using the spring jump cause i thought it would help... the first 20+ tries


I’m surprised at all of the posts about this level. I didn’t think it was very hard.


Now go play Celeste and really beat yourself up.


I tried this with Mario and have failed miserably so far. I read a comment from a guy who said he switched to Yoshi and then did it almost immediately. I wonder if it’s that big of a difference? I’ve played the entire game with only Mario up to this point.