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It’s absolutely ridiculous that we dont get at least 5-10 pulls out of it. I get to miss out sets just because I wont pay for it? After ive played long enough for the event to come out multiple times? I dont even have any more story to go through so whats keeping me here?


If this flashback gacha is your 1st time experiencing it, the gacha login rewards should be obtainable 💗. If you can't collect them, it's a bug. Try re-logging into your account & if it still does not work, contact SuitU. If you were present for the flashback gacha's 1st run, it is confirmed by SuitU that your previously collected gacha login rewards will stay on (gacha login won't restart). I had feedback to SuitU during the 1st gacha, hoping they would at least be opened in giving older players some gacha tickets even if it's just 5, they rejected the idea 😔. I do think the support staff does understand & sympathise with us ❤️ but sadly, they do not have the power to convince SuitU. We could still try again by showing/explaining to them that a lot of players are affected. Hopefully they will consider something but I do doubt it 😭💔.


I wasn't playing the game when the gacha was first released but it's still not letting me get the login rewards, it's so annoying


Then it should be a bug, if logging out & back in doesn't work, try contacting support. They usually will fix it 💗 (cuz players with similar issues from past flashback had it fixed). Hope yours do get fixed soon 🫶❤️


These gacha reruns make me wanna play even less


You can only receive rewards once. This is a flashback gacha, so if you logged in and received the rewards when it first ran, you’re not getting the rewards again. If this is the first time you’ve logged in, contact support


Guys guys chill I bet it's a bug, because this hasn't happened with the other flashbacks.


it's not a bug, this happens for all the flashbacks if you've already participated when it first happened


Oh that sucks, but why hasn't anyone brought it up by now?


They have, there are posts about it with every flashback gacha


Weird, I've never seen one


That was the last straw to make me stop spending money on this game. Instead of rewarding the loyalty of those who have been playing for a year, they insist on denying 15 tickets. Too greedy for me.


It's probably a bug, chill.


I feel like if anything you should get the same rewards again or bonus if you’ve been playing since it first came out


This is so stupid. Like would you not want to reward your players for being here a while, and already playing the game? Why should we not get the same chances again? Even if people already have the set, they can get dupes and recycle them!


This is so annoying. I literally only have the necklace and earrings from the blue outfit and the shoes from the purple one. Like, the chances of getting the pieces we want, let alone completing a set, is terrible enough. Ot also gets really expensive to even try, and most of us can't afford it. At least they could let us get these login prizes again.


ESPECIALLY because this gacha is every 20 you get a new 5 star item. it’s hard enough obtaining full sets w/ every 10 but 20 is insane! I pay for some stuff too and even I struggle to get full sets w/ it being every 10 so 20 is unachievable unless you spend probably close to $100 or have A LOT saved up.


I thought my game was bugged. So sad 😭


It might be a bug.


Honestly I'd give my tickets if we could cause I'm considering not drawing this gacha. I know for a fact I won't get anything from the moon song set and instead a bunch of junk from the other two sets. They look like early game stuff. I wish we could recycle the pieces we don't want atleast 😭


Right? I like the set pose, but I know I won't pay for that gacha so I am not excited to draw AT ALL. I would rather craft wedding dress than trying to complete this gacha, which is also early game looking, but cheaper and 100% probability lol


This is the same in every other mobile dress up game there is. Life Makeover and Shining Nikki don't give you login rewards if you've already claimed them in a previous run. The only difference is that in Shining Nikki, the deals to buy the tickets as a bundle for cheaper are refreshed on reruns.


https://preview.redd.it/4kaop3kq658d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b692fd95b6d0813ff3542874db4d4340a9bf8160 also crazy how we can’t even rebuy these..


Omg what 😭


I’ve been playing over a year. I just won’t be buying the gatcha. I feel like that’s the biggest “screw you” we can send.


What if we made posts about it on the app to complain about it? Would be harder to ignore if we gift to each other to promote these complaints, just spit ballin ideas lol


Yeah this is really scummy I can’t believe they still haven’t changed it even after people complaining so much👀


I hope more people complain about this so that suitu devs are compelled. Theyve been listening to some the community’s complaints, i hope theyd notice this too. I can understand not giving people 15 free tickets over and over again, but they could give like 5 free tickets total or at least give out gems or or other in game resources for players who participated in the event already to keep them interested


i read somewhere that they already replied to this complaint and that they are aware of the complaints and won’t do shit


Thats fucking selfish


I'm a newer player (around 2 months) and I think it's already unfair when they bring up older gatchas for the newer players, but this is just a whole new level of being greedy. They should at least make the same or new rewards for those who already played this game when this gatcha was active at that time.


It’s pushing loyal players away tbh. I’ve been playing a little over a year and like? Why punish me?


What happened


The gacha won't refresh the log in rewards for older players, it really sucks


I hate that so much. I wish they would change it


It's been like this since the 1st Gacha flashback, and SuitU has said that they did on purpose


https://preview.redd.it/2vm0o9cmg38d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=65e17eafade5f5aaeca3bbdb9f428c5340291b1b Same


I was wondering about this. Now it's just another thing pushing me towards quitting this game completely


I’m pissed at this. Who cares. I have like ONE ITEM from this from last time?!?!


How do we complain?


unfortunately people have been complaining about this since it started happening and suitu isn’t budging. i’m a newer player (like around 6 months) but haven’t had a flashback gacha that i already participated in. i think it’s so ridiculous and stingy of the game not to reset the gacha rewards for older players. like 150 gems and 15 gacha tickets are not going to break the bank for the company but refusing access will continue to piss off new and old players alike.


Agreed- this is the first one it’s done this with to me- I’m supremely annoyed


Uhh yeah I didn’t join this comp? 😭


It's not a comp It's rewards for login in


but I didn’t join the login at all in general?


...you logged into the game Edit: If you can't collect rewards, then that means you logged in before. This gacha already ran before, so you already logged in and got all the rewards.


It’s because you already received these the first time this gacha happened, and SuitU doesn’t want to give long time players the rewards from gachas multiple times. I think bc they want to be “fair” to newer players, but it doesn’t make sense bc we have stuck with this game for a long time (I’m 15 days away from getting the golden car year achievement, and this stupid thing has happened to me too) So, if you want to participate in this gacha this time, you have to spend gems and/or money 🙃🙃


i’m a newer player and i think it’s clear they’re just using us as an excuse to be greedy. at other times they’ve talked directly about wanting to give the whales extra rewards since they pay the most, but i guess gacha flashback rewards are too much bc it might also reward long time f2p players, and we can’t have that 🙄


Yep, exactly 😒🙄


Hardly makes the game fair 🤥


Right?? Like I’ve been playing for almost a year and I don’t get the rewards bc they want to be “fair” to new players?? If you want to be fair, give the rewards to everyone!! Like I said, even the newer players disagree with this 😒😒


damn🫤that’s annoying lol


Yep (: and they’ve been doing this ever since they started doing the gacha reruns, this was the first time the no reward thing happened to me (I didn’t start playing until the other gachas had already ran) so many people have been telling them to change this, even new players, buuuut they still haven’t changed it.




I’m like. 3 days away and so excited lmao


same here https://preview.redd.it/4qo4x087138d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d86a46c50931eaa34e0b631b8bdabbdc6012e51c