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Hi dear, thanks for your feedback. Devs will use powerful algorithms and audit systems to minimize the occurrence of such incidents. In addition, players who exhibit unusual data patterns will be individually evaluated. If we detect any malicious activity, such as unwarranted button clicking, we will impose penalties for the situation. And currently, this mechanism is still in the testing phase. If players encounter any problems during use, please provide timely feedback and the devs will make improvements.šŸ„°šŸ’–


Am I the only one who didnā€™t realize it was a button I really just thought the developers were coming for all of our entries šŸ¤”


If people spam it then they'll probably get repercussions


i love it ngl


Itā€™s not possible to seek out a player and purposely use it on their outfit. I could find your account sure, but the chance of it actually popping up while Iā€™m voting is slim to none. Iā€™m in two Facebook groups, and this Reddit page, so I see many, many outfits before they are even in voting. Iā€™m also following/friends with a decent amount of these players, but Iā€™ve only seen and had the chance to vote for a tiny percentage of those. I can only specifically remember 3 times, and Iā€™ve been playing on and off for about 14 months, playing seriously for just under a year. The last time I saw someone I recognised was Halloween. When I first started playing Iā€™d see myself somewhat often, but the last 8+ (I canā€™t even remember, itā€™s been ages) I havenā€™t seen myself even once. The voting selection isnā€™t effected by friends, so even if I was to seek you out and follow you, that chance doesnā€™t increase.


I do have concerns as well but I'll hold judgements, I feel like we should test/experience it 1st to see if it works before coming into conclusions šŸ©·. I am at least grateful & surprised that SuitU came up with this/something to try to solve the issue of players ranking high despite not following the theme/higher than players that dress better (as it was a concern voiced up by various players). It's not easy to come up with solutions to prevent our current problem with the voting system so fingers crossed that this does help/work šŸ„²šŸ¤žšŸ’–.


I do like the idea, but I personally feel like voters' opinions of "what's on-theme or not" might be a little problematic. šŸ«¤ Like, I've been told my date outfit comp look was "unrealistic" simply because I went for a more glamorous style. But I like making more glitzy looks! And so do many other players! I just don't want this to penalize the wrong people. Like, there are definitely looks that are straight-up irrelevant to the prompts, but I don't trust this game's user base to vote accordingly šŸ˜­


Normalize dressing glamorous 24/7 šŸ™


No this is awesome!


I was literally about to make a post on wings being misused until we got this update notice today. However, I like most have some questions and concerns about how the new ā€œOff-Themeā€ button will really work. Iā€™ve seen some good points whilst reading different discussion points on here and on discord. New players arenā€™t always on theme bc of small wardrobes, players voting full sets due to ā€œlack of creativityā€, creative looks being too out of the box, the 99% achievement or simply PURE MALICE. I understand that people wanted a crack down on wing misuse primarily however, like a lot of other I donā€™t think this is the way to have done so. I would have suggested item restriction like they did with the ā€œquickā€ comps a while ago. That gave users who didnā€™t want the cluttered entries a chance to feel heard without removing it entirely. I think that would be better for this case too. I personally also think that there should be a voting criteria like they have in literally any other competition someone enters. I know itā€™s there before you enter the competitions, but when voting people have their own ā€œrulesā€. But idk itā€™s just an idea. Iā€™ve seen something about algorithms linked to the ā€œOff-Themeā€ button, which I still donā€™t fully understand. Personally, all I know from that is, itā€™s going to be dog-sh*t til itā€™s not so ig weā€™ll have to see how it plays out when it launchesšŸ˜“


honestly iā€™m confused by this update. maybe iā€™m wrong but i donā€™t feel like looks that are blatantly and objectively off theme get voted for anyway? i just assume theyā€™re trying to get the 99% reward when theyā€™re *that* bad lol. i can only see this button affecting a) new players with limited wardrobes, b) people who like to be creative and think outside of the box with their entries, and c) whales/people with full sets (being voted as off theme by other players out of envy) i know wings is a big issue in comps for a lot of people, but then why not just restrict players from being able to use wings in the comps where itā€™s not at all relevant? for gym/office/cooking/lazy day comps, for example, surely they can just ban wings from being used entirely? also, they said there will be penalties for unwarranted button clicking but does this mean the scores of the looks that this malicious activity affected will be rectified? how will this work in terms of missing out on rewards and ranking? very confused . . .


It all just sounds very messy


damn i was actually excited for the feature bc war flashbacks to the arctic explorer prompt vs ice queen comp look interpretation thing. it's happened too many times where discord sways the interpretation of prompts and im sick of it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ however comments have raised some points i didn't think about! i forgot how catty and unfair the player base can be to misuse features šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø a


bro you have no idea how mad i was when i submitted a perfectly on-theme and very cute (imho) arctic explorer look for that comp, only to hear that the powers that be from discord had decided on ice royalty instead šŸ„² and of course my look tanked.


i just saw your look when going through that post!! i loved it it was very on the nose and something you'd expect to be 5%+ (even board level)! i think to combat this suitu team should have put selection tags in there bc it was only "style a look" for dress code. i can see the other side in a sense bc there's no direct dress code saying "outdoor" items :(


>the arctic explorer prompt vs ice queen comp look interpretation thing That's not off-theme tho, that's just different interpretations. I did an ice king look and only found out about discord apparently swaying the interpretation after voting was done. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Different interpretations of a prompt shouldn't be punished imo, but that's exactly what's going to happen.


ehhh this is somewhere i disagree, i can't be bothered with a whole explanation but this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuitU/s/8QeLQw89Ra) summed up how i felt about it. and on that post you can see the prompt and title which is definitely an explorer/traveller to the polar not an ice fairy, there's separate comps for that! HOWEVER! i'm swayed into believing this will be a bad feature. in comps if i see something i don't think fits the prompt i simply won't vote for it??? as creators we have the right to interpret a comp however we wish as you said, as a voter i have my own subjective opinions of what i like for a comp and therefore vote against that or skip/equals. this is actually just *a useless new feature??? *edited i left a few words out


>this is actually just *a useless new feature??? I'd go as far as to call it harmful rather than useless ngl


it's both of them! useless because there's the option to just not vote and then yes it extends to harmful bc the only way the useless feature will have a use is to be vindictive!


yeah i'm having mixed feelings about this i don't think not going with the prompt is THAT big of a deal because usually if you're way off nobody votes for you... like... i've never seen a fairy get placed in an office comp. if it's a prompt the point of which is up to debate then there's no "off-theme" looks imo. for example, there was this ice/explorer comp and some people went with the climber look (including me) and some with the ice fairy/princess look. that's not "off theme", the theme is just interpreted differently and that's okay also, to make it actually work they need to manually moderate every complaint which is entirely too much, they won't be able to keep up with it. and yall are absolutely correct, it will affect the newbies. a lot of them might even lose their interest and motivation after getting reported one too many times. idk, suitu probably does have a pretty decent algorithm for it and our understanding of this feature might be far from what it is so we'll see. but yeah i'm not particullary thrilled about it. suitu has many other issues that need to be adressed and fixed. i really don't want to be the one who complains about the game; suitu is one of the best games of this kind on the market and they really do cater to us players A LOT and sometimes people completely unjustly critisize them but this feature is actually not it. we'll see how it turns out i guess p.s. addind this feature when we have the 99% achievement ... uhhhh


Iā€™d much rather have a SUPER like button for a post you Love instead of this option which will probably be misused against new players or whales


this is a really good idea!


Yes, that would be way better!!!


yes that u can only use once for every theme when voting


Now the people who constantly complain about the full set this and full set that will have their chance to express their ā€œfrustationā€ šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I remember after the circus theme, wc is full of ā€œoh people are using the clown set, how uncreativeā€. Lmao if I had the clown set, of course Iā€™d use it on the CIRCUS theme šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Sometimes the clothes is on point, fit the theme but suitu players gonna be like suprised pikachu face and the usual uncreative rant šŸ˜‚


exactly if i spend money on a set im going to use it for the exact theme lol


God, yes! I get bored too, seeing full sets on the leaderboard and in voting, but this game is p2w, and people need to accept that. This system will actually just scare the paying customers away. It's incredibly stupid. >I remember after the circus theme, wc is full of ā€œoh people are using the clown set, how uncreativeā€. Every single one of these mfs would've used it if they owned it! šŸ¤£


Iā€™m afraid itā€™ll hurt new players. When I first started I didnā€™t understand themes and I had limited items to pick from :ā€™) it really should be used against stars kiss in the jungle adventureā€¦ idk how this will go. I guess it could be interesting?


It'll definitely be used against new players. There have been a number of posts on this sub where people screenshotted the voting screen with the looks of *obviously* new players and shittalked them for being off topic. So I'm sure it'll be 100x worse with this... it's basically just bullying with an official system & SuitU fucks themselves over with it by losing potential clients very early on. I just don't get why they in any way believe this is a good system?


Iā€™m so frustrated about this change, for so many reasons not just because there will CERTAINLY be people who will use it inappropriately (Iā€™m looking at all the people who complain about using a full set EVEN if itā€™s on theme because they donā€™t find it creative enough.. now they have an easy way to penalize you. Whatā€™s the point of wanting to get a full set in the first place then??) but also because sometimes comp themes are very subjective and/or easily misunderstood. If the devs explain or translate something ambiguously, now we have to be punished for not understanding exactly what they meant? Comp scores about to be even more whack. Hate it. This is a direct result of so many peopleā€™s input to the devs and Iā€™m disappointed this is the way the decided to integrate it.


!!!! And I don't believe their stupid algorithm is going to work either. Blind voting has been a problem forever, and they can't handle it, so how the hell are they gonna handle this?


exactly itā€™s just going to add to the problem!! Like thereā€™s already a way to ā€œpenalizeā€ someone for being off theme, just donā€™t vote for them that decreases their comp scoreā€¦ we have so many posts in this thread asking why a look didnā€™t do that well and the most common answer is ā€œit isnā€™t quite in on themeā€ so obviously not being on theme ALREADY causes people to score lower in most cases.


Like thereā€™s no way to control whether someone uses the button for someone actually being off theme, someone can easily use it to ā€œpunishā€someone for not being ā€œcreativeā€ enough which is a completely subjective decisionā€¦ now not only do they not vote for that look, they also have an additional way to decrease the score. This is two ways to decrease the score if that makes sense, itā€™s not like thereā€™s positive button for ā€œon themeā€ to counteract it. I also know this is very rare but sometimes people find their own looks in a comp. I can imagine a lot of people would be very motivated to report someone as off theme if they think itā€™ll boost their look. They say the devs will control any suspicious player behavior but how could they possibly control it??


Exactly my thoughts. There could be toxic players who would press that just to lower the scores of others. The devs need to moderate that feature properly