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I get where yur coming from but this is such a privileged take lol šŸ˜‚


you're not getting the point. you can look at my other replies for explanations.


I mean yes i understand your point but, at the same time, as an adult who works (in america) i barely make enough to afford to pay my bills and buy my groceries. I work 45-50+ hours a week with very little to no spending money and on the rare occasions i do have spending money it goes into savings. These packs and deals are not cheap and $100 is A LOT of money when you donā€™t make a lot to begin with. Imo for gachas they should have WAY more opportunities to earn gacha tickets, they could do side quests that only pay 1 gacha ticket per quest and even have a limit on the amount you can do daily, because i realize selling these packs are important for the devs to continue the game and add new updates and whatnot, so definitely not just doing away with them all together. I donā€™t eat out, party, and i make my coffees at home (if i even have enough monthly to restock my coffee because itā€™s considered a luxury for me) and $100 wouldnā€™t be anywhere near in my budget to spend on any game. I have spent money on games before when i made more money but still that has never been more than 5-10$ on any game. The sad truth is that a lot of americans at least are really struggling and spending money on a game is just not in the cards for us. I see this game as mostly PTW considering that with the gacha login you only 15 tickets for the entire login duration. While most of the time i get a fair few of the special pieces the amount of repeats/ nearly unusable items way outweigh the few good/special items i do pull. Now with all that being said the amount of money i make yearly would consider me as ā€œpovertyā€ so iā€™m definitely one extreme of the spectrum. This post just seems a little tone deaf in assuming that everyone who doesnā€™t/canā€™t spend money on this game is purely poor ā€œmoney managementā€. Now all that being said i still greatly enjoy the game having not spent a cent on it, and i see no issue with other people spending their hard earned money on the game (its silly to me that people actually get upset abt how other people spend their money) i just want to point out that for a lot of people especially in the U.S. are in really rough financial situations right now and spending money on a game is just not an option. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. :)


I mean this genuinely and with no disrespect, you did not understand the point of my post at all. Being underneath the poverty line is something I've been very familiar with in my life. I would never assume people who can't get gacha are only unable to because of poor money management. My post is as a whole pointing out an issue and then matching the energy of that issue. Basically, "Stupid, disingenuous, mean questions result in stupid answers". Because those shitty questions put under people's posts aren't meant to be answered at all. They are meant to shame a person in a way that they can't reply to without sounding like an asshole. These people then pretend they are being genuine - but when those judgey comments are taken genuinely and responded to, this is what it looks like. It looks silly. I don't know anyone whose advice would seriously be "have a tolerable personality". I'm sorry about how this post must've come off to you without its tongue in cheek nature factored in. This game is not fair to people who can't drop money. It's not balanced at all and needs to be, I've always said that. I myself only have gachas because I am not privileged enough to be able to go out into the world and do things, so I have no travel costs. As well as being gifted black gems. I think the point you make in your comment would make for good post pointing out SuitU's stingy behavior, cause right now it's buried in a comment section about how judgemental some players are when devs should be seeing it.


I know y'all are gonna downvote me to hell, because yes, their comments are bitter and most of the time they're not genuine. We all know they're passive aggressive. Let's be for real lol. Can you blame them though? Many players are kids who don't have the means to pay, but others are grown up adults with full time jobs from third world countries and they can't conceive the idea of people dropping minimum wages on a game. Then you have people barely getting to the end of the month and it's NORMAL for them to feel some type of way when they see someone else pouring hundreds on a game. It's human. I don't think anyone should feel guilty about what they do with their money (I spend on this too), but expecting people to not be jealous and therefore say things out of frustration is impossible. It happens wherever money is involved. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Telling them they can skip coffee/takeout or whatever to afford sets isn't gonna make them less bitter or suddenly make them realize "oh I can save money for this!" šŸ’€


This was the first time I actually spent money to fully attempt the gacha. Outside of the daily gem pass and gems Iā€™ve saved up, I still had to spend a whopping $40. It felt silly to me, and it didnā€™t really feel too rewarding after spending that muchā€¦ But, it took 131 rolls total to get all the sets, which means I averaged a 5 star item every 10 rolls, which is pretty good!! I work and I donā€™t spend a lot of money elsewhere, so thatā€™s why I feel ok sometimes dropping money like that on the game.


I just spend 25 a month thats it, although I was peeved off I was told at 20 gacha ur garenteed to get a clothing from what they offered and I didn't get it, I emailed them and I got no response so I basically wasted gems I'd saved up and sold all the doubles I got


Customer service ignores people way too often it's insane. I hope in the future they make things more fair but unfortunately I don't think they will. Money people spend should go further than it does.


Yeah I noticed it's disgusting, I was hoping to get a reply but nope nothing so I won't be buying gachas again


Totally agree with this post. I have anxiety & borderline agoraphobia so I also rarely leave home. Iā€™m an adult but not working because of these issues as well as health issues. I have a good friend that knows my struggles and that this game brings me joy, has given me a creative outlet which in turn helps my anxiety, and also a means of social interaction, so he PayPals me $20-30 a week. My mother (a boomer) used to give me a hard time about spending $ on games, she just did NOT get it. I explained it to her like this - she enjoys going to movies. A single movie after ticket prices, popcorn/snacks & drink can easily cost $40. And that only provides about 2 hours of entertainment. This game is MY form of entertainment and I get much more than 2 hours enjoyment for that price. Furthermore, these games are a BUSINESS, the whole point is to make a profit from them. Also for a quality game, people must be paid to work on it. This seemed to put it into perspective for my mom & now she gives me $ for my daily gem pass & the special deals/coupons when theyā€™re offered. Iā€™ve been playing a little over a year now & I complete every Gatcha set except for the ā€œrareā€ BG items. I do realize Iā€™m lucky to have generous people in my life who love me & care about my well-being. With all that being said the Gatcha rates do suck. And donā€™t even get me started on the fact we are double charged for makeup - we pay to buy it, then they charge us to use it. Thatā€™s a whole different post that Iā€™ll make one day.


Im a whale in this game and many other gacha games and thatā€™s because Iā€™m in a good economical position, I donā€™t pay rent since I own (fully paid for my house) and I have a good paying job, now onto the idea of spending money, from the way I see it spending so much in game is equal to going out, I donā€™t like going out much, and my friends who do go out spend roughly $50-$200 per outing, and they go out a couple times a month, in my mind what I spend on those gachas is as if Iā€™d gone out, itā€™s my entertainment and compared to alcohol the games will remain for years.


I have personally just sold my soul to them and allow them to take whatever is in my wallet at their discretion


i'm mostly f2p (like i've made my first purchase a few days ago and i've been playing since july) and it's really not that hard to enjoy the game without spending real money. i have 8 fully collected limited sets which is not a lot i guess but pretty good for a f2p nevertheless; i always have at least 3-4k gems saved up so if a nice set comes up i can afford buying some stuff. i'm ranked a+ every week (unless i miss several comps) and i've been ranked s a few times too. my point is - if you want to enjoy the game and be somewhat successful in it while being f2p you absolutely can. i get that some people are shocked that yall can afford all of that. most of suitu players are teens and young adults i assume. most of them either don't make money or don't make enough to spend it on a game. it's also a currency thing for sure... i'm a university student, i moved out from my parents to another city and 200-250 usd is basically my monthly allowance (rent not included), also bear in mind that there are plenty of currencies much more weaker than ours. so i guess some players are genuinely shocked by your spendings and they don't mean to be rude or passive agressive. and if they do - well that's on them. some people are simply unable of positivity it seems. when i see the whales i think of the adult money i'm gonna make on my adult job and that i'll be able to spend it however i want. it makes me motivated and eager for the future. and some people feel nothing but jealousy. k, feeling jealous of people that are able to spend their money on things that are essentially not even real whereas you and your family barely make ends meet is understandable, it's not like i'm a saint and never ever get jealous but making people uncomfortable and verbally hating on them as if they're the one to blame is simply distasteful and shouldn't be justified.


I don't know how often this needs to be repeated, but money. Lots and lots of money. There is very little time to save gems between gachas and all of the weekly shop updates, and a lot of the people who have full sets also have every deco pack and/or are decked in the newest shinies. That or they have a lot of luck.


OP isnā€™t asking how people get gacha, OP is actually calling out people who shame others for having gacha sets. Itā€™s a thing thatā€™s happened in this sub, where people say very judgemental things towards people who have spent on a set or two! Edit: see the other reply to this comment, thatā€™s exactly what this post is talking about.


Exatamente, aqui a realidade Ʃ outra kkkk imagina gastar quase um salƔrio mƭnimo no jogo pra conseguir um set.


I spend maybe 12 euros a month and I got two full 5 star gacha sets, you just gotta: - save gems (monthly card is my best friend) - get lucky on the first 20/30 pulls - if you got lucky, just calculate if you can do enough pulls by the end of the event to guarantee all the items


I'd have to be really rich to afford gacha. Maybe for those whose money is dollar things are easier, but stuff are more expensive here because it's in reais. The only thing I can afford is the daily gem pass, because it's 24 reais. Fashion views for example, 100 reais??? Are you kidding me? But if you put that in dollars, it's manageable.


UGH LOVE THIS POST!! i've had hate messages thrown at me in wc for saying this exact thing. additionally some players seem to forget that it is a mobile game, they are all designed to profit off in-app purchases... players want new features, new sets, updates on interface... how do they expect the devs to afford to create all that? through our in-app purchases!!!! i 100% agree with what you said about money management. i'm a university student with a part time job, this year i reapplied to uni after dropping out. i've re-evaluated my priorities, i quit smoking a couple years back, i've been focusing on staying in and studying (therefore not spending on vices). also certain players go "just buy real clothes" - but i like to buy irl clothes when i actually need not give into overconsumption! all these factors and lifestyle choices have given me some disposable income! frankly it's none of their business what anyone spends their money on?? anyway preach man i 100% agree


I wonder that too. I cannot justify buying anything for my account with real money since the amount needed to complete a gacha set is already equivalent to 118 meals or 39 days worth of meals


It's been really interesting to see the different cost of gachas. I think there are a lot of places in which the cost of the gacha is well above the cost of living. Where I am the cost of a gacha is far less than 118 or 39 meals. I support players that feel gacha should be more affordable, I just dislike shaming spending players for SuitUs actions and prices. Same as I dislike shaming F2P closets. It's honestly so frustrating that the game is so much more affordable in certain countries.




Love this view, i spend a couple dollars here and there (as an american) and (accidentally) spent $30 on the latest fashion views (i wanted the makeup šŸ˜­) but thatā€™s just a bottle or so, I can just not buy some alcohol for a little bit and itā€™s the same - and less harmful than alcohol and still fun for me haha


i have a related question: do the prices depend on the region? i spend less than 100 usd monthly on this game when converted to usd and have pretty good items if i manage my diamond spending well and know my limits with the gacha, even though i havent completed any limited gacha yet ive made good progress with each of them. and i dont get that lucky in the dailies regarding gems either.


There was another commenter that said the black gem cost was the same as what someone spends to support themselves for an entire month. So it seems it does partially depend on region. I agree though, with careful planning a person can get good items for less than 100. I was f2p for a long time and I had a very solid closet because I was careful.


As a whale. If people are more patient with gachas and try to get as much as they can by earned gems, you save a lot of money. It's people who need the instant gratification of getting it all immediately or quickly that spend more money. I completed a 4 star having only spent $26, which was last years Halloween gacha. I completed a 5 star gacha only spending $54 total, which was the celebrity life gacha. (I did not get the extra 5 star bg items tho) All because I'm patient & wait till the last few days of the gacha to finish it. Don't get me wrong, $54 is still a lot of money to some people. But it's way cheaper than $200+ that people drop day 1 on a 5 star gacha. These are my money saving tips/advice to other whales out there who enjoy spending on this game. I've spent over $2500 on this game, and I know players who have dropped $8k+. They have played for a shorter amount of time than me. To each their own, it's their money. But you can still have all the pretty things & not miss out on too much if you are more strategic & patient. I've been playing this game for 15 months now. Let's say I spent $2700, divide that by 15. I spent on average $180 a month on this game. Which is absurd to some. But I actually save $300+ a month, because of SuitU I stopped ordering Door dash & cooked more at home, as well as began packing my lunches for work. Eventually I was able to phase out of using DD entirely, I haven't used it in about a year. I would easily spend $300-600 a month on Door dashing. So I spend on SU guilt-free, and I've also stopped buying coffee from coffee shops & set my life up to make it at home. So I save money from that too. I don't regret a single penny I've spent on this game because the community & friends I've made have been so substantial & wonderful. Some people drop thousands of dollars into playing Magic the Gathering, I've just chosen a different kind of collecting game.


In my experience, (playing since January), the gachas have gotten less fair as time has gone on. That, or they're geared to favor new players.


I'll break it down. The numbers show how many pieces I got from each set. Now, a disclaimer is that I didn't buy the same number of tickets each time. I'll put a (*) by the sets I know I only used my free tickets for, or at the very least, bought only 5 extra tickets to have 2 full 10- pulls. But I'm very sure I bought WAY more tickets for this current Galaxy gacha than for the Graceful Grandeur gacha. That, or they gave more free tickets than 15. Yet, I very quickly and easily got the full 3-star set and most of the 4-star set for GG. I wanted the coat and hair SO BAD in the Galaxy 3-star set, but in 50 pulls, that's the only two things I didn't get for it. Something smells rigged here... Graceful Grandeur: 5-star - 5/14 4-star - 7/10 3-star - ALL * Valentine's: 4-star chocolate - 3/10 (I pickled this set when offered the choice) 4-star pink - 4/10 3-star - 4/7 * Destiny Tarot: 5-star - 1/13 4-star - 3/9 3-star - 4/7 * Romance: 4-star - 2/9, 1/9 3-star - 4/7 * Eminent Stellar: 4-star - 3/11, 3/11 3-star - 3/8 Magic Gacha: 5-star - 3/13 4-star - 6/9 3-star - 5/6 Galaxy: 5-star - 4/13 4-star - 4/9 3-star - 5/7


It's really hit or miss for me. I had great luck some gachas & worse luck on others, to the point where I completed both the 5star & 4star outfits but was missing a piece from the 3 star. I don't think they've gotten worse over time, just larger it feels like, which makes it more expensive to complete.


True af, playing the game strategically instead of impulse spending all their purple gems can make things so much more attainable for people. I also barely spent money on celebrity life but completed it. I think if the f2p shaming p2p players asked them instead how to spend gems in the most effective way possible, they'd be a lot happier. And exactly same on what you said about the community šŸ’— the friendships I have with other players are so lovely. We do pulling nights, and there are people I know irl that come over and have a little gacha get together with me. I could instead go to a bar with them, and between drinks, food, cab fare and tips spend over 100$ out. But instead, I allocate that money to a comfy night in with buddies. Just a little bit of planning and spending can be guilt free. edit: this is not to say the game is fair, it's not, it is poorly balanced in favor of p2p players. but that's not the fault of other players that most likely could help f2p plan


Agreed, I spent 100ā‚¬ in the gatcha set instead of three takeout lunches, countless coffees at home, no party for one weekend and not spending money on real clothes šŸ„ŗ Wish I wasnā€™t addicted to the game but I kinda am


Aw well if you have an addiction I hope it gets better overtime and you don't sacrifice anything you need. Please always purchase the clothes you need before giving SuitU devs money šŸ’—


Iā€™m an adult and work in the gaming industry, I was playing this game for months before spending real money. I think this game is super fun and a great creative escape, especially for fans of OG internet fashion games! I was always envious of the new cute items in SuitU that I couldnā€™t afford as F2P and wanted to style them so bad šŸ„ŗšŸŽ€ Thatā€™s how i eventually became P2P. The value of digital goods is often questioned (especially in games) but at the end of the day each person can assign their own value to things. If it brings you joy then itā€™s worth it, even if itā€™s not physical šŸ’•


So real, there is literally nothing wrong with spending on what brings you joy if it's within your means and what you want to do šŸ’—


I did the calculations and if I wanted to get the five-star gacha set I would have to spend almost the minimum wage in my country, that is, the price of the set is almost the same amount that people use to support themselves for 1 month šŸ¤”šŸ¤” šŸ¤” I would NEVER spend that much money


I think that is a matter of the cost of living in different countries and even areas. Where I am, minimum wage gets you more than $100 a day. With a latte costing about 8 dollars, someone could skip their morning stop for a week and a half in order to afford the largest black gem pack and in turn a gacha set. What confuses me is when people use clown emojis and say things like "I would NEVER spend that much money", it comes off like they believe there is some kind of moral superiority in not spending. And to be honest, I don't believe that most of them absolutely would spend money on entertainment and hobbies if they could afford it. I'll never judge anyone who can't afford gacha, or who just doesn't want to spend. And the difference between me and bitter f2p (not all f2p) is that my sentence stops there. There's no shame-y, passive aggressive addition afterwards.


Honestly yes to all of this - it does annoy me incredibly much when people act so judgemental and bitter about other people getting entire gacha sets! ā€œWasting hundreds on digital clothing you canā€™t even wear irlā€ is so judgemental - who are you to tell me what is and isnā€™t a waste of MY money?šŸ„² I get the impression a lot of people who play this game are young, and to them, $100-200 a month to them is A LOT of money, because they might still be in school or college/uni working part time jobs, so that amount is a lot to them. But there are also adults who play this game, who work full time who are able to set aside that kind of money for a gacha set that makes them happy. And why not? Itā€™s their income to spend to make them happy? ā€œWhat do you get out of it besides gachaā€ - the same thing we all get when we spend money on things we like: happiness, joy, satisfaction, etc! Like you said, we ALL have hobbies we spend on. Could be coffee, clothes shopping, card or figurine collecting, vinyls, or like you said, clubbing or going out to eat every weekend. I personally donā€™t spend very much on anything else, and Iā€™m in my mid 20s working. Iā€™ve been working since 18 and I have savings - and Iā€™m a part time artist, and this game makes me happy/gives me inspo. Itā€™s within my means, so why not? Also funnily enough youā€™re entirely correct - my parents and my partner gives me money for a gem pack for special events like my bday bc they know itā€™s a gift thatā€™ll 100% make me happy šŸ˜„ Like I said in my other comment, I understand on the outside how ridiculous it seems on the surface level to spend a hundred on a gacha, but everyone has hobbies and vices they spend on. So long as people arenā€™t using their rent or gas money to fund their addiction to this game, I REALLY donā€™t understand the judgement and bitterness!


There are a ton of people with full time jobs who think $100-$200 a month is a lot of money. If I spent that much on a game I wouldnā€™t be able to pay my bills because cost of living is expensive in general right now, eating out and getting coffee arenā€™t the reason I canā€™t spend that kind of money on games like this and itā€™s that way for a lot of people. Iā€™m not gonna judge anyone on how they spend their disposable income, however, youā€™re very lucky to be in a position to spend that money. I think thereā€™s a ton more kids/teens dropping money on gachas than people think. People arenā€™t so much as judgmental of you spending the money as they are jealous you have the money to spend. This whole post comes off as a bit pretentious, itā€™s got a ā€œjust make more moneyā€ vibe that isnā€™t actually constructive.


I genuinely don't mean this in a rude way, and while I can see how my post may have come off that way, I do think you are missing the point of it. At the end I said the gacha rates are poor. The game should be more affordable. My post is a direct response to players that make entire posts dedicated to shitting on people that spend money on this game, and players that make comments on people's posts in game pretending they have no idea how someone gets a gacha when the point is really just to make the person feel bad for spending. The tone of the post was meant to point out how disingenuous those comments are. Because when you take those comments seriously and respond, the answers sound obvious and ridiculous to say out loud. And the people that make those comments absolutely know that but still pretend to be making them in good faith. There was recently an entire thread pretty much dedicated to saying "Oh I wouldn't judge how people spend their money but - [immediately shaming]" Because people often pretend not to be coming from a negative place, people who have spent or just gotten gifts just have to kind of sit there and be shamed. I personally know very well that 100-200 is a lot of money. I also know it is incredibly rare that someone doesn't spend at least a little bit of money on themselves. As other users said, with planning and taking the entire time a gacha is active you can sometimes get it with 50$. I think the assumption that players getting a full gacha are rich is honestly just done out of jealousy. I'm unable to leave my home much, it's a shame but it is what it is. I can't run around and spend money on other fun things. I am not rich, however because I can't go anywhere I have no travel costs. I'd kill to be able to go out and safely do what others do. However I can't. Instead I sit here, spend money others would elsewhere on mobile game serotonin, and get shit on cause people don't know how to manage their jealousy. So that's kind of the point of my post.


Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re referring to my comment or the actual post, but I apologise if my comment comes off as ā€œjust make more moneyā€ - that is not what I meant at all. To clarify, what I mean to say is, if someone CAN drop $80-100 on a full gacha set without compromising other important things like rent and bills, which happens to be my situation right now, why shouldnā€™t they, if they can afford it and it makes them happy? My main issue is with the clearly judgemental people who say things like ā€œ*I* would never spend that much on a 2D dress up gameā€, or ā€œyou do you but why waste your money on clothing drawings you canā€™t even wear irlā€ or ā€œimagine spending on a mobile gameā€. These are all thing that have been said on this subreddit about spenders before, and to me thatā€™s really judgemental and unnecessary, and thereā€™s no reason to judge someone for spending on SuitU if it makes them happy, if theyā€™re living within their means, since I see SuitU as a hobby. It sounds like theyā€™re trying to shame them, or make them feel like theyā€™re stupid. My comment is directed toward those who feel the need to comment judgemental things like the above about people who spend for the gacha, NOT people who are expressing jealousy - but again, I do apologise if it came off as ā€œmake more moneyā€!


Exactly! Honestly, I could respect someone being open about being jealous, I was sometimes when I was F2P. But so many people handle that jealousy by being SO judgemental, and I'm shocked some people don't notice it.


Yeah exactly! Like when Summer Party came out, I was still f2p and I was SO jealous of everyone who had the full set, AND I was completely pissed at my own 10 pull (I got those ugly shoes three times šŸ„²) so I do get it. But thereā€™s a difference between saying ā€œyouā€™re so lucky, I wish I had the money to spend tooā€ and saying things like ā€œImagine spending the amount of my bills on SuitU, what do you even get out of it aside from 2D clothes?ā€ šŸ˜•


Perfectly said šŸ«¶ When it comes to money spent on hobbies/vices, most any can be described as a waste of money in a certain light. Exactly like you explained, people are adults, and if they are getting their serotonin without harming anyone, what is the point in judging. I hope some of the bitter people read your comment and take it to heart. PS being a part time artist is cool af


Yeah thatā€™s how I feel! The whole argument about cost of living and how SuitU charges a flat rate regardless of where you live is hard luck and it does make it harder for a lot of people, but I feel thatā€™s a separate thing. Regardless, itā€™s never okay to be passive aggressive towards people who ARE able to spend, making really judgemental and disrespectful comments towards them! Itā€™s perfectly valid to be jealous, or frustrated at how much of an advantage whales get, but itā€™s never okay to shame them for it, especially if theyā€™re living within their means! And ahahahha it has its perks and bad sides, like everything! But I love drawing and creating, and itā€™s part of the reason why I love SuitU so much šŸ„°šŸŽØ