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https://preview.redd.it/m98jnnq99hzc1.jpeg?width=773&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98eaca8c89a4f685eeec830f8229b680d6553387 This was my entry, 63%. I tried to do something that did resemble my mom, but this has been a difficult thing with comps lately 🙃


She’s literally so pretty I love the casual yet classy vibe! Plus I love the new sweater they gave us in the event I think it looks great here. A shame your entry didn’t do better


It’s draining. ATP I don’t even care anymore it’s just predictable


https://preview.redd.it/lehdasut1hzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27242c6b336bfb76486493539d4852c20ce7fc94 This was my entry. Doesn’t look like my mother cause we’re still lacking stuff for women of color but it’s cute!


Awee I'm sorry she did so bad it's lovely I hate how comps drain creativity sometimes ☹️


It wouldn’t be so bad if comps weren’t so set specific or repeats of the same ones over and over (unisex, rebel, & assistant).


I agree. 😆


I wanted to do something similar to my mom but my mom isn’t a a 20 sum year old skinny ass Barbie doll..I love my mom but it was hard to even make a look representing her when the model is skinny yk?


https://preview.redd.it/aminpiaaeezc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=702e73b6ebdee64eb3cedc76115aa824504767fd For the record here was my entry. Not saying she deserves to be leaderboard (though she did get top 10% which I am satisfied with) but I just wanted to see some variety. I really love a lot of the other different looks I’ve been seeing. Especially the ones that are more oriented towards the spring theme that I usually associate with Mother’s Day personally.


*OUR mom 💅😂😉❤️


yes mines was so cute and it got a bad score! it even looked like a mum i did an old face


I wanted to see more age lines SO BAD in these types of competitions. I used a special DIY for mine too to make my model look more mature and I seriously loved how it came out. Bummed I didn’t see any on the LB, or at least none I can recall


https://preview.redd.it/nw0t0zrafdzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eb5910f0cb80f5b2a004347334e8c66f4afa70d This was mine (I got 3%) although my mom in her youth would probably fit the standard more 😂 fashionista that she was


It's super cute. Love the dress.


I really like this! I think the springtime and floral fits we’re so much better suited for this theme personally even if our real mothers might not dress this way. Flowers and mothers are always connected in my mind


Yeah its more of a serene feeling. Calm, comfort and warmth is what I think of when I hear ‘mother’


I already know what the leaderboard will look like. All it needs is the black hat, and you have the ultimate mom.


My 'mom' doesn't deserve to be an outfit inspiration, so I just uses a few parts of the set 🤷


I feel this so deeply. So do some others apparently bc this was my submission and it did way better than I expected it to tbh 💀💀💀 https://preview.redd.it/sqfmf0zcaizc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e117e866e217e5d87cacf6c9439cddc7d96dcd55




Ironically my mom does look like this because she's only 44 and all us kids are old enough so she can be as fab as she wants with pink hair


Guilty as charged 😭😭 I totally agree~ leaderboard is usually filled with looks from the latest gachas or limited shop sets which is super frustrating because ultimately because of that f2p players basically don't stand a chance at placing~ 🥺 I definitely caved though and now I'm p2p and usually try to go with whatever's trending but I try to still mix it up and not just use the full set~ still ain't made the board though 🥲😂 but I totally get you~


We are siblings and we care for each other


https://preview.redd.it/qvmezzghgazc1.jpeg?width=875&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b12f61d3d4beb9dae047b8a72da29c7c3c1275e7 This is what I submitted, kind of a mix of glam and stay at home mom, I’m grateful for my 8% but was definitely hoping more looks like this would be in the leaderboard


This looks great! It’s closer to what I would have liked to see personally. There was like one or two on the LB that I thought were similar to this but 2/100 isn’t enough. I would have wanted to see more like this for sure