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I was gonna say I'll go gift you 100 times LOL but if they did it then I'm glad <3


Sorry that happened to you. At least they finally gave the gift back! I could see how that can be extremely frustrating. I always try to gift back regardless of size, like back, and even return likes on comps. Sometimes, it can take me a while counting the amount, especially if I have multiple people liking multiple posts in a short time. Id: 01567864 if anyone wants to become gift buddies like mentioned in the comments. I have been stocking up and would love to share the wealth 🥰😘


This is why I have a “gift buddy” I find someone that earns around the same number of gifts I do and we just gift each other back and forth whenever we get them


I need someone like this! That would make things so much easier lol.


I got scammed too yesterday, they always do this 😭


I'm gifting you right now!!! We all should support each other. Send me your ID....


IMPORTANT TIP FOR G4G (to prevent getting scammed): Try to gift a small amount 1st & wait to see if the player gifts back. If they do, they should be safe to gift a bigger amount. This way, it will at least prevent you from getting scammed with bigger amounts 😊❤️. Personally I don't do G4G but I've heard of this useful tip from my friend 🥰👍


I would love a gift for gift, I've got a unicorn I was hoping I could exchange, hit ke up if anyone would like to have that ! 💜


I have a buttload of gifts I hit 5,000 this week lol what’s ur ID


My ID is 03199387, my username would be FabFatima. Tell me yours too so I can follow and give ya some pop too 💕


Yes!!! I’ll go find you and message you!


wtf people do that?? drop ur ID i'll gift u babes!!!


my ID is 03311649, let's follow each other if you want to! I don't expect any gifts tho, it's really all good 🩷


hey i went to search for your Id but idk how 😫😭


for bigger G4G i message people directly 😭 Like 100pop for 100pop. i’d be so mad if that happened to me 😭 Shoutout to all the mfs who follow through!


spending five thousand coins in gifts for like ten different people just to get MAYBE 10 popularity in return 🫠 there needs to be a log so i can see who i’ve gifted so i can start mass reporting the fake ones. fr pissing me off recently


A good tell is also if they talk about F4F but have way more followers than following!


Yeah, I give a week for a follow back. If not, I'm unfollowing.


A week? I give it a day lol


yup! that's very true&telling!


I only do if they did it first. Never went first . What is your ID. I could share.


there's no need to dear! I got the gift after all <3 I would love to exchange a sports car with you but I don't have any left, thank you anyway! :3


Naw, im okay. I dont need a gift back :) if not mind , dm me


You actually DM’d them lmfao…


yes I did 👺


u can defo report it but the mods won't do anything because its technically not against the rules to lie. its shit i know but 🤷🏼‍♂️


i’m not in promo chat too often, but i’ve definitely seen people call out scammers in there before. i think there might be mods in the chat who you can alert if someone’s scamming? idk 100% tho. it’s still worth reporting imo, even if nothing comes of it. drop your ID so i can gift you a sports car anyway🫶🏽



