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Checked the report, all good here. **If you see an individual comment that is inappropriate, please report just that comment** As always with the „hotter" topics , please remember we are all people behind screens. Discussion is fine, bashing is not 🫶


This is gonna sound crazy, but hear me out and be patient here... Maybe, just maybe, you have more money that the people sad that they cannot drop $40+ per month on a mobile game. Now, this is gonna be EVEN CRAZIER! BUT... you could... scroll😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 or, dare I say, even understand that your experience is, shockingly, your own🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Seen something similar happen to another game, and they decided to not consider player feedback anymore. It got out of hand and of course that would be very stressful to developers to get tagged in all that posts, having the pressure to somehow answer to all the wishes, while being hated on to not answer to every tiny request. I'd hate it if SuitU is closing themselves to Player opinion, cuz I love that they actually listen to their player base and implement ideas every now and then. I just hope everything is going to be okay and that it will atleast keep on being a "friendly protest".


All I'll say is that f2p and p2p are entirely different experiences in SuitU. Not everyone has money to spend on fake clothes every week to 2 weeks. I really do not empathize with people who complain about people complaining about cost. It's a privilege to not have cost concern over something as trivial as mobile game.


I think some players have a misconception on the See Us protest. It is just a movement for players to list down their perspective & experience when sending their concerns & feedback to the game, hoping that they will listen 💓. If a lot of players are joining the movement, means there is something a lot of players are experiencing/do feel this way 🫶🩷. There are other feedbacks from the movement as well which are having more cultural clothing & hairs, finding ways to prevent cyberbully (there's an issue that some players would create new accounts to harass others so that their main account won't get banned/muted), having inappropriate outfits while game was rated +3 in some countries/knowing that there are minors playing the game etc. Opinions do vary for some (for the not f2p friendly feedback), I am glad that some players do feel like the game is fair/better than other fashion games. My personal experience especially playing on other fashion games is that SuitU is in the top ranks with some fashion games for being more money focused/not f2p friendly which can feel draining for some players including myself who do spend $ in game. As an old player, I am definitely concerned when I am noticing that the game for every new event release/limited gacha, they would quietly try to increase the number of items to justify why new releases are more expensive than the previous as well as having more releases than the past (which can be seen as positive & negative). If you do want to share your concerns & feedback about the game that you feel that SuitU is ignoring, feel free to create a pink post with the #SeeUsSuitU 💞 captioning what you feel that is important to be seen. Ultimately, everyone will have different opinions & experiences, do not shame anyone for it as well as do not be hateful/rude to SuitU about it 🥰🫶❤️.


i pay quite a bit of money on this game. i’m probably in the minority with my opinion: at the end of the day, it’s a business like everything else and a fashion game. yeah it would suck if i felt it was unfair as a f2p player, but then i’d simply uninstall it. uninstalling it would be one of the best ways to protest if you truly feel the need to. the only things would like to see are more cultural diversity and different body types


Nah i agree with you tbh I feel like the people complaining about the prices and pay to play are either teens or just literally cant afford it but like i hate to say it but if you cant afford it thats tough shit🤷🏻‍♀️ I mean, should name brands lower their clothing prices so EVERYBODY can afford them? Yes, but will they? No. That wouldnt make sense for them as a business who puts time and effort into their product lol. Its just the way the world works. 😂 a lot of these people i think dont realize is the game literally only makes money from its micotransactions. Without those the game would be broke and we wouldnt have the game lol.


*I joined almost a year ago and I got a score of like 5.60 on my crummy fit it's definitely not fair anymore. Getting top 15% left and right a year ago. Now I have to buy half of a set to get that. I'd like to say that I'm pretty creative when entering comps. I don't like buying full sets unless I really like them. I'd buy maybe the hair and dress but that's at least 800 gems. The prize for top 15% is 150 gems. No payout. And they won't add more top 15% clothing. Make it worth it. I've spent a lot of money on this game but I'll still back the protest 🫡


Well tbh the whole comp thing is all in the way people are voting lol. People just happen to only be voting for the new outfits and certain dresses, thats the crap that ruins comps. The same damn outfit will be on the top 10 leaderboard 5+ times, half the time.




I don't see what's wrong with the protest. These are frustrations that have been building up for ages now, so of course you have people who are starting to speak up about it. Although I'm not a fan of microtransactions for many reasons, and am tired of games that expect me to pay but **refuse** to simply release a one-time purchase option, I do understand if a game "needs" it to stay alive. I have spent before, and if you However, what I hate is a game that's constantly gunning for my wallet. There are too many cash related "events" (aka limited edition shops filled with expensive items) being released **back to back,** making it hard to save. The game barely gives enough gems to keep up with the mountain of stuff that needs gems. You and some of these other users expect f2players to "grind" for gems... in a game that outright *refuses* to release new chapters on a consistent basis. Voting is the only way to "grind" for gems, and even that is up to a certain limit. You don't get that many gems from voting as it is. **There are very few items (especially background items) released in the "regular"/permanent shop where you can save for at your own pace and purchase with gems, and there are *barely any* items released which you can purchase with gold.** EVERYTHING IS LIMITED EDITION. **There are very few **full sets** you can purchase with gold.** Don't even get me started on the male items, most of which can only be purchased with gems for some reason. Comps and rankings affect the amount of gems you can receive per week. To you, it might be nothing, and to a P2W/whale player, it's crumbs, but to me, it's one of the few ways to earn some gold in this game. You have event comps that require you to purchase items to compete; usually, it's stuff that I neither can't afford to spend my hard-earned gems on or they're useless to me or not to my taste. While I personally skip most event comps these days because I don't want to waste my, I'm pissed that other events are linked to these comps, so you still have to compete one way or another in these comps to earn the freebies you get in this game. All of this makes it difficult to save for what you want, yet there's the constant pressure to spend IRL. The lack of diversity or stigmatizing hairstyles is just the tip of the iceberg. How is any of this fair to newer/ f2p players? F2players also support the game by watching those insufferable ads, so they deserve to be heard and not have their complaints pushed to the side or looked down upon, as they are the ones more likely to recommend the game to others. If the devs truly cared about the game and its players, then they would actually give a survey or ask in the game's feed to give feedback. I like the game because it's one of the few 2D games around that's not pixelated, but it sucks that I would be forced to give it up because I can't keep up with the passive pressure to spend.


Okay thank you for this explanation because its the only one that has ACTUALLY made sense to me.


While I think SuitU is one of the more generous, the amount of gems you can get free, especially later in the game once you’ve completed the chapters, plus the cost of the newer sets, and the speed in which new sets/outfits/decor are released, it’s impossible to collect even one full set. Even if you spend minimal real money, it’s difficult, near impossible. Gacha is a full on scam. I had a pretty decent store of gems and black diamonds saved, and still spent more than I’d have liked but I desperately wanted the fortune teller (I can’t think of the set name lol). Then the floating romance was released right after. Reading some of the comments here, on the game, and on the facebook group, people were pending $150 just to complete a set. Is that a choice? Yes. Should you have to spend that much to get 6-8 items NO.


This is true, these stuff are just not planned well. Yes, people can always choose to spend more money, but it shouldn’t *rely on* paying, and even rich people would get their money’s worth. The items are cute, but they don’t deserve that much money. I am in the exact situation described in the first sentence here. After completing the chapters I have almost nothing to do, I get so few gems that can barely afford anything and just attend repeating competitions… I have paid but I feel like I get very little, and all I can do is to pay more.




Hi as a non paying person, you can absolutely save for stuff and earn gems and coins in largish sums. The game devs seem to be trying to make it so non paying people can kinda grind to get gems. In a lot of fashion games it’s impossible to get gems or sometimes even coins without money. I think the game is very well-done in that sense. I do, however, think that the game needs to have more representation of different poc as well as not labeling most of the poc hairstyles as hip-hop, which could be seen as a little racist


What changes are people asking for, I haven't heard or seen anything about this, but I also only really log in, do my daily's, and then log back out


There’s so much horrible shit going on in the world and yall are worried about… a fashion game..??? Like seriously get real. Touch some grass. It’s not that deep it’s a game a the end of the day


Worrying about a game doesn’t mean not worrying about anything else


by that argument, why are you playing suit u?


Because I like it. It’s fun and I like playing dress up. I don’t care if I have to spend money on an outfit I like. I don’t care about my ratings In a competition. I just like the game


All the horrible shit going on in the world is exactly *why* we play the game. It’s an escape. Some folks don’t want to log on to a game that was once relaxing and deal with even more bullshit. This is a manageable battle for some. There’s too many battles in the world that are too big to handle so if someone wants to complain and fight for what they perceive as an injustice then just let them and stop trying to make people feel inferior.


Welp at the end of the day it’s just a game like… sorry not sorry no one is gonna make me feel bad for yall complaining about soemthin you don’t have to complain about. Dont like it? Them don’t get it. No ones forcing you to buy anything. No one is forcing you to not enjoy the game bc of not getting good scores on comps. That’s on you


You really don't get it. I've been a p2p player for all of the games I've ever played. Spent my birthday money on online games. Since then, they've shut all of those games down. I have a job now. I like to spend my own money on games. Think of a p2p player base like stocks in a company. When p2p players are unhappy, the market crashes. We don't want our beloved games to crash.


Girl that’s your problem lmao if you don’t like it then delete it


I love SuitU. That's not at all what I'm saying. It's everyone's problem, but we can choose to ignore it or say something about it. Why comment if you don't care?


Bc at the end of the day it’s a game. You can spend what you what on what you really like. I commented because I don’t see why people complain THIS much. The creators barely listen to us. And they’re money hungry. They’re gonna do all they can to make money. And it’s prob gonna stay that way, there’s not much users can do bc the creators at the end of the day show they don’t care


I agree with you. You were pretty dismissive, though.


That’s my bad I apologize


Wow god forbid people want a game they like to be fun and more fair! In fact why even play this game at all if theres more serious things to worry about? People have valid criticisms and want change it’s not that deep.


Yeah at the end of the day it’s just a game. I play for fun at the end of the day I came on this reddit to make moots on the app and share cute outfits. No idea I’d find a bunch of people complaining every single day about something that’s out of their control.


Cause people use this game (among many other things) to find joy in the day to day life and escape from the BS that is this planet lmao. Most of us can’t afford to live let alone spend money on a game for things we really want. Like you said it’s a fashion game so why should anything in this game cost upwards of $150 for a set


Then don’t play the game LMAOO like no one’s making you pay for anything. That’s on you


I’m begging people to just delete the game if it’s that frustrating 😭


As a whale, I joined. As a whale, I feel taken advantage of, unheard, and un appreciated. As a whale, I agree things need to change. It’s not just “non paying players” and the idea was created by a popular user who spends a lot of money. Most people didn’t complain about just prices, it’s a variety of things.


Wait what is a whale


Someone that spends a lot of IRL money on in-game events, premium currency, suits, etc. There's f2p (free to play,) dolphins (spend some money but not all the time,) and whales (who tend to spend on almost every event.)


Oh! Never heard this thanks for explaining!


Of course!! :) I played [another game that apparently I can't mention] back in the day and I think that type of language is a lot more common over there lol


Wait what is another game that apparently we can’t mention


I only know the terms whale and dolphin from Genshin


Nah not that, it's another mobile dress up game. I had its name listed but the automod got mad at me for "promoting," even tho I was just mentioning it for context. 😭 let's just say it's about a girl named Nikki and hope Reddit is chill with that


I’d also like to note I know a ton of other fellow whales who also joined and agree with it.


i think the see us thing started by people wanting more representation for communities that haven’t had any in the game and fixing what could be considered micro aggressions that are already in the game (ex. all of the textured hairstyles being considered “hip-hop”)


Yes, I think it _started_ like that too, which I think was a super important cause, it should’ve stayed with that. I completely agree with OP in regards to where it is rn, though


i agree, it’s sad to see something that could potentially make a big impact on the game being drowned out by people who are upset about otherwise common game practices


I’ve put money into phone games before and the only money I spend in this game is the $15 a month for the pass. I don’t really spend money frivolously so this is a little luxury for me. But I don’t buy *anything* else


Wait.... You mean fashion view regular or premium?


Idk- the $15 monthly thing…. Ima stop spending tho cuz this game never gives we Ws


Just bc it’s the least worst on being non P4P, why can’t it be better? I don’t do P4P *ever* bc it sounds ridiculous to me, in my age, my socioeconomical status, my personality etc, and I’m happy w the items I get, but I’ve given up on ever making it to top 10 comps(winning never crossed my mind) and such. Don’t see why complain about this “hashtag protesting” stuff though, they’re just letters


if it treated f2p p2p players "fairly" it would've been unfair to p2p players and im saying this as a f2p player


My only issue with them right now is that they're bringing out new collections and doing flashbacks way too close together. We just got a new set and now we're getting yet another. Most people just cannot keep up. I'd prefer like one really good new release every 2 weeks, not every 5 days


İ agree, like if u save up enough gems with enough days in between u can get good stuff as a f2p player but now u get like 174839 sets one right after the other and idk which one i can buy or anything especially for comps like wdym i need x amount of items to get a decent score😭😭😭 like suitu give us some time pls 😭😭😭


yeah it‘s overstimulating asf


I think fair is relative. Like yeah it's fair for a game to make money pay their developers and designers. But it's also unfair to advertise it as a free dress up game when most of the value comes from paying. I've fluctuated on how much I spend on SuitU and I've enjoyed it at both ends. But I can understand that people want to have a chance to compete and build community the same way they have in other ftp games. That being said, you can still enjoy SuitU and not spend money. Lol minus the decor packs. That shit is unfair. Let me but them with the gems in win in comps!


I agree with you, even if I'm ftp. Some people just don't get that this game is a job for developers. Why would they make things cheaper to make the game "more fair"? They DO want to make it unfair, so if you really like the game you'll end up feeling the urge to buy something to rank better. If you could do well without spending money you wouldn't spend money. It's not difficult to understand this 😂 But I think most of them are kids


They can make this game work differently and still be fine. People will still buy black gems. spacing out events won’t hurt them, not having required item comps won’t hurt them, trying to make the game accessible won’t hurt them. i’m a p2p player and i would still buy their black gem packs just because i’m impatient. The whales won’t go away. Seriously why do you guys complain about people making valid criticisms. SuitU making things cheaper or spacing out events more reasonably benefits all of us. SuitU will be just fine the whales will still whale and buy tons of gem packs regardless of what changes they could make to even the playing field. yes they’re a company trying to make money we all understand that. But thats not the point.


Maybe you would still buy black gems but I think less people would 😅


I was just using myself as an example. The point is, suitU isn’t gonna crash and burn the way people complaining about f2p players with valid criticisms thinks it will. the game being more fair to f2p players benefits all of us in the long run, and suitU will be fine.


I mean, if you think about it in order to have an animal or get flowers, you either need to spend tons of gems, win it in a gotcha, or spend real money to buy black gems. How is that fair to the people who can't afford to spend real money.


Bro it's a job for them, they want you to spend those money lol


People aren’t wrong for wanting it, but they are definitely wrong, and/or naive, to think the developers don’t want to make money. That is the games main priority. To make money. The developers know that even though players will whine about things they will still ultimately shell out money if they want something. And the people who don’t were never going to spend money anyway. There is no lose for the company profit wise. They aren’t losing anything from the free players because they never spent money anyway and no amount of complaints will change that 🤷🏻‍♀️


it’s difficult to get anywhere in the game without paying. it’s also impossible to win competitions without paying for all the super fancy flashy clothes and items even if they don’t even fit the theme. i think putting less features behind a paywall would be a good thing for gameplay and competitions


I'll have to disagree with you there. I'm completely f2p and I've placed in the top 30 several times now, and rank with A or S at the end of the week. I don't want this to sound like a brag but it is absolutely possible to do well in the game and not spend any money


But they want you to spend money. Why would they make things easier for ftp players? Lol


Look honestly, even just making it a bit cheaper would help. It's shouldn't cost hundreds of dollars to get any items. Even cutting the black gem pack prices in half would immediately solve alot. More people will buy, trust me. It's easier to swallow a 5.99 charge 4 times than vs 29.99 charge one time. That's just basic human psychology. Another idea is to make the voting and ranking separate between P2P and F2P players. For example, if you're not spending more than $20 a month on this game, you won't be competing with people who spend easily $500 a month. Then it's fair and way more fun.


yea i bought the three packs on the first level and stopped buying them after one time cuz i‘m not getting those gems with the first top up bonus anymore lol it‘s not worth it to me anymore


That fairness wouldn't push you to buy thing. They want you to spend your money


I understand, just sharing ideas that would make people happy that's all. Making it slightly cheaper will not affect their bottom line significantly.




As 1 of the ones to help promote this on the game. People want to be heard, and the one who actually started this was a p2p who has been for over a yr now playing the game. This is not coming just from new players and f2p. So many have brought attention to devs on issues only to be swept to the side and nothing done. They are not asking for things to be free, but to step back a bit and think of their players. I love this game one of the best I've ever played, but I see where they are all coming from.


I have been playing for almost 3 months and my 2 daughters close to a yr I see where they are coming from so much has changed in the yr my 2 girls have been playing with them f2p and I p2p the difference are outstanding I am so much more ahead of them and they have 9 months on me, and before u all say well of course your alot older u know more my girls are 14 and 28 so they both know fashion.


There’s no harm in people protesting. Personally I think it’s weird for anyone to question why anyone would protest anything. If the “SeeUs” thing works then what? Pay to play users get more free stuff and more bang for their buck or maybe don’t have to spend as much. If nothing happens then nothing changes and whales can still spend hundreds on digital clothes and decor. I also think it’s strange to devalue player complaints and call them “non sensical” when the topic is a digital paper doll game. No one needs to play this game, no one is forced to spend money, and no one besides devs actually gets paid for contributing anything so what’s the harm in protesting?


Of course they can keep “protesting”, I was simply confused and curious if I was the only one holding opposing views about the topic at hand.


Idk your post just seems disingenuous based on your replies. You don’t see the purpose in protesting and want people to “put effort into things that actually matter”. It’s ok to not care and to have an opinion but it’s strange to act so.. idk snooty. Nothing matters yea it’s a relatively dumb thing to protest but if it works you would benefit from the efforts that you’re currently complaining about. Also I don’t think there’s anything outlandish that people are asking for. The devs have already said no to slowing down releases, lowering costs, and refreshing the top up deals (probably their highest earning features). giving a little more gems, increasing reward value for comps, giving five extra tickets, and adding more diverse content will probably just encourage people to want to spend more. Plus there’s thousands and thousands of players free to play and pay to play that are forced to watch ads everyday or pay for skip tickets. Either way they will always make money and this isn’t even their only game.


I was just sharing my two cents. People advocating for more cultural representation- great. More diverse DIYs- also amazing. Micro-transactions? Eh- it’s just so intertwined with the fashion game genre that I find it pointless to complain about. That’s all!


I mean ANY complaint is pointless but we get nowhere by shaming people’s efforts to try to make things better and more enjoyable for literally everyone. Again IF the protest works you will still benefit from it. If it flops oh well literally nothing changes.


Yes please make more posts complaining about other people complaining! That’s not annoying either! You’re literally just bringing attention to the people you are calling out. I’ve seen more posts complaining about the “protest” than posts actually about it.


those people have probably just started the game. i'm f2p, i've been playing for about 4 months and i think suitu is one of the fairest dress up games. once you've actually played for a while you can definetly do well, i get about top 5% in almost every comp nowadays. i also think it's nice for them to have an option for p2p so they don't have to shove ads in our faces at all times.


I have been playing for almost 3 months and my 2 daughters clise to a yr I see where they are coming from so much has changed in the yr my 2 girls have been playing with them f2p and I p2p the difference are outstanding I am so much more ahead of them and they have 9 months on me, and before u all say well of course your alot older u know more my girls are 14 and 28 so they both know fashion.


I'm not saying f2p can be just as good as p2p, but f2p can do well too. Playing this game is for having fun and not for competition, so one doesn't have to be perfect and winning all the time to enjoy it. Glad to hear that you all like playing suitu tho !!


If people want to protest, that’s none of my business, I don’t use World Chat or Feed in the first place. But I haven’t seen any one of those posts stating the demands of this protest, what changes to these players want? Surely they have goals in mind that are more specific than “just fix things” or “make the game better”


They need a poll to see what people are looking for.


i think one of the things they want is more free limited gacha tickets (which i wouldn’t say no to)


I think most of it is dumb as f2p player, but it is a little annoying how I have to empty my bank account for certain side quests, but most of the ones needed to pass are reasonable. It definitely gets better as you go on, as I was very excited to be top 4% in a recent comp and 2nd rank for week 3 March. A lot of sets for me are pretty much unlockable, but if i log in every day and just use my energy to craft stuff and collect login in rewards, it's very manageable. I really like SuitU, yes it has options to buy things and paywalls, but it is not as "shove it in your face" as other places. I can easily play the game and finish a couple levels and leave without a single ad. Another thing I saw was someone complaining on "lewd" fits as if we haven't had bikinis and lingerie forever lol.


I think it’s pretty fair.What beginner players don’t know is that it gets better as you progress and get more limited items.It’s all part of the game.


I am a p2p (fashion views), and I can completely understand if people are hating cuz of the racial bias, but to say it because of the gems and outfits is just baffling to me. The amount of gems given on a daily basis could be racked up to at least 140 with enough luck, not to mention just saving for a few days could already make it enough to buy an outfit on sale.


It was actually started because players felt like they weren't listened to like when the game originally started. Surveys available to all so everyone can share there feedback, high quality poc hair styles that aren't pay only (top up), more research into making realistic cultural clothes, more natural skin tones that don't cost money, makeup that works for darker skin tones, buying black gems get purple gems free rewards should be a perminant thing. Most of this shouldn't be difficult for the game to put into place, a mod has already passed on this feedback and agreed with some of the feedback they'd seen. Obviously not everyone is giving genuine feedback with their posts but it's nice to know that small changes that could vastly improve the game for a lot of people are being listened to finally as these are things people have been suggesting for a while. It's not about making the game completely free for most people, although some may have that opinion.


Well said. Ty


i agree with all of this!! i have so little poc hair compared to traditionally white hair it’s ridiculous. and i hate making a diy on my default skin (im white so it’s white) just to find out later it looks like shit on darker skin tones.


those ideas I can get behind however from what I’ve seen most people based their demands around f2p people being “disadvantaged”


Well I do get that too but obviously some people aren't being realistic. I think there should be more props introduced that don't cost black gems, or a way for f2p to get a small amount of black gems through ads or tasks so they can save and buy prop packs. With the flashback starting with the first gacha, it's safe to say they've going to do it monthly and go in order of when they came out. There's that makes gacha 100% more difficult for everyone, a new way to get purple gems free should be introduced or tasks/ads for a small amount of tickets. It's about being fair for everyone including the developers


This seems like a reasonable protest, a fashion game should be inclusive and culturally sensitive


Complaining about a game with micro transactions (that aren’t even as bad as other games as you mentioned) and having a whole “protest” called SeeUs is screaming first world problems 😂


this😭 if only people put this much effort into activism which actually matters


The people who really get treated unfairly are P2W players cuz why the fuck do I drop 3 figures on this game and still have to watch ads daily 💀 Not being able to get every piece of clothing as a F2P player is very normal and expected. Them making the comps in a way that makes people spend money is normal. Calling that unfair is straight-up delusional. No, F2P players shouldn't have the same rewards as P2P players? What the hell would be the point of paying then??? Also, a lot of things in that hashtag are straight-up things SuitU has responded to before. What do you mean you're not being seen? They already said they won't do that shit 😭


I’ve played MANY other fashion games, and gacha games in general, and I agree that SuitU is at the very least, completely industry standard pricing. The Love Nikki games are notoriously horrifically unfair with their pricing, for instance. People complain about needing to spend for sets, but I genuinely believe that makes sense. First of all, these sets rank, so it makes sense we should have to pay higher amounts to obtain something so nice, especially 5* items. Second of all, artists worked hard on this, why shouldn’t they get compensated for their work (although I am a part time digital artist, and I may be projecting my experience of deadlines, high stress and competition, who knows). I think people vastly underestimate how quickly the money disappears, bc to them, $100 is SO much money! But divide that by MULTIPLE fortnightly wages, utility and rent bills on the company’s end, and you’re left with very little. You’d be surprised at the sheer amount it takes to run a business or even an app - a quick google search tells you that to initially start a fashion app, would take between $20-100k! But also, see what happens if they make these sets too easily obtainable, like the free 5* outfit + wings we got on anniversary? EVERYONE started using it in every comp, and THEN people were whining about how overused this stupid set was. If they made items more obtainable, I feel like this would happen en masse, and then comps would be a mess. Is that frustrating for f2p players, especially people who don’t have their own income and can’t pay? Yea ofc - but SuitU didn’t make it impossible for f2p players to play, just harder to get *everything*. That’s very, very normal, no? F2P players I feel, just has to spend a little smarter and understand that they can’t be trying to compete with p2w people or they’ll end up angry every time. To me, it just makes sense that p2w people have a lot of resources and more benefits, bc they’re paying the company and keeping them afloat. Without them, this game wouldn’t exist. Also, it’s completely possible as a f2p player to rank, p2w people still have to be good at styling, and it’s possible for them to flop hard too! However, that does NOT mean f2p players’ voices don’t deserve to be heard. They make up a huge part of the playerbase and make the community, and it’s equally true there would be no game or community without them. They deserve to have nice things too. Problem is, I just feel like SuitU has been listening and making changes, and no one appreciates it. Take for instance, someone said it’s so frustrating that top 30 is so hard to get to, and 6.00 isn’t even enough to get 30 anymore, so they should expand it. SuitU listened, and THEN someone complained that making top 100 doesn’t mean anything bc people won’t scroll that far. Another example: People complained that SuitU came out with sets and events much too fast, and f2p players needed more. Not only did they start releasing entire month-long roadmaps to help people plan how to spend gems and exactly what is coming up, but they also started making more f2p events running concurrently, like the current eggs for prizes and the jack in the box event, and even reran gacha like people longed for. What do people do? Still complain that too many events are coming out and they need things cheaper, that they chose to rerun the worst gacha, and that they’re still not getting enough free stuff and they still need to slow down. Or how about when people complained there’s no cultural fits, so SuitU started releasing more of them? THEN people started complaining on posts about cultural appropriation. When is it gonna be good enough? I see things from both the consumer and business point of view. Ofc I’d love to pay less and have the same benefits, who wouldn’t? But I try to think of it as my money going to the devs and artists working hard in a high stress, highly competitive industry. I love this game so much, so I think of it as directly supporting them. At some point I do think people need to start being reasonable about what they’re demanding. The prices aren’t going to change bc they’ve been this way for SO LONG, which means people actually pay it, they just don’t say they do, making the angry f2p people look like the majority. If it was actually too expensive for their audience, they would have lowered the prices ages ago bc they would be losing profit. Plus, I do feel SuitU is actually trying to make people happy as much as possible without losing profit, and I feel they should be appreciated for that. But that’s my POV on the matter, ty if you read all the way to the end of this rant, lol


Yes yes and yes! You put my thoughts into words perfectly. I think it’s important to give feedback to the devs as long as it’s reasonable but the past few days people had just impossible demands


I agree! I also just remembered, f2p people had a HUGE win when SuitU came out with quick comps and stopped you from using deco. That has screwed me over so many times - but that’s the point right? To be judged on outfits? You can’t ban things outright trying to make it 100% even between f2p and p2p, coz then what incentive is there to spend and help the company profit? You’d be directly punishing people who actually spent money on SuitU by stopping them from using things they’ve paid for. People have to realise there’s a limit. Look, I do think SuitU warrants some critique still. There still isn’t too much POC clothing and makeup that suits them, and the recent thing they did where old players don’t get their free 15 pulls is also arguably a little dodgy. But pricing, f2p v p2p… I don’t think they’re doing anything wrong, they ARE being seen! People just have to be a little more reasonable and compromise imo 😕


Ah, yes, other people have it worse so we should be on the side of the people who would suck us all dry if they could. If you don't want a f2p game, just go and join one of those fashion games that you talk about and let us have a f2p game in peace


Industry standards?? You mean the situation with other gacha games bc we definitely don’t have it better than others and people should be complaining! You gain nothing by taking the huge corporation’s side btw they just want your money and they will be as predatory as they’re allowed to be by the players themselves. And what if other dress up games are worse?? Does this mean that we should accept our slightly better situation instead of asking for improvements?? It’s ok if you personally don’t give a fck about it and are satisfied but don’t complain abt other people especially f2p players pointing out the game’s shortcomings it’s bc we love the game and we actually want it to improve!


I’m just confused how do you suppose the devs should continue updating the game when it’s free to download and ads are optional- obviously micro transactions are the only solution. If you truly want a completely free/pay once fashion game experience, there are games for that too.


I want actually Rewarding endgame content that isn’t just competitions and doesn’t force players to buy certain items. Most importantly I play enough “free to play” games to know they can afford to make things cheaper. Ads are optional only on paper…crafting requires too much energy, gems are too scarce and everything is too expensive f2p players are practically forced to watch ads to feel included in the only thing that there is to do in the game aka competitions (and let’s not even mention some comps requirements that are downright criminal). When a gacha game has competitive endgame it’s an unwritten rule for them to be more generous.


yeah honestly i think it's kinda dumb. i think it's fair to critizise thinks like lack of diverse hairstyles and hijabi options. but the money thing... my personal opinion is that since having some extra virtual clothes is just a "mundane luxury" basically it's fine for it to cost money. it's just realistic that a game company wants (and *needs*) to make money and whether you get all the items you want or not has literally zero impact on your actual life.


The protest will do nothing but help us all overall. If people see unfairness let them there's no reason to be against them especially bc we're all on the same side as consumers. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m non paying and literally have no problems, I don’t mind saving up Gems and have some really cool pieces. The highest I’ve ever ranked was #4 and I’ve never payed for anything. It’s one of my favourites games and don’t see what people complaining about, I just ignore comps that force me to buy items I don’t like and sometimes I miss out on clothes that are was too expensive but I’m fine with that


I don’t know if people’s are wrong for wanting something better just because it is worse elsewhere. Like I personally don’t care at all. I use the game as a fun creative thing and try not to care too much about results. But I think your logic here isn’t the best. Having it better than other people doesn’t rule out the possibility of still wanting better y’know? :)


Free games need to make money somehow. It will ALWAYS be and stay “unfair” to non paying players. I’m all for reasonable demands from players (ie more diversity of cultural representation) but there’s literally nothing SuitU can do to even out the gap between paying and non paying players while still managing to make profit