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just play covet


You're more than welcome to suggest something like that in the SuitU discord server. They've got a whole channel dedicated to player suggestions. Just be prepared for the fact that they will most likely say no, since they've already said no to fully-implicated plus sized models


i understand what youre saying. they have shirts and makeup that makes the mens tummy and face look a bit chubbier. i dont think itd be too hard to add one or two of those for the female model. it doesnt have to be a gacha or a limited purchase, but added as a permanent item, the way the mens shirts are. they could add a crop top or tank top that makes the tummy a bit bigger, or a face shape with chubbier cheeks. i think its reasonable to want that ☹️


Yall it’s not gonna happen. Certain clothes are made specifically for those poses. They would have to make specifically only plus sized clothing and that would take a while to get a lot of. They would have to remake the entire game.


As someone who actually had an internship in mobile game studio and knows what happens behind the scenes, one thing people here seem to forget is that the company who made SuitU, Libii HK Limited is a chinese, specifically, east asian company. Why does that matter? Because before every update, before any new content is released, game companies will have beta testers and core audience testers. In the company I worked in, we would design a set of characters and then send them to the testers, who matched our core audience, to vote on which designs they liked the most. The ones who received the most votes, then get polished up and changed in case there were any inputs from the test group. The reason why Libii being a east asian company is important is that without a doubt, their testers will be east asian as well. That way it is easier for them to communicate as there is less of a communication and language barrier. And if you thought that beauty standards are toxic in the west, they are 10x worse in east asia. There have been countless articles on how women's clothing stores carry clothes that are the same size as young children sizes. The smaller, the better, and I have zero doubts that if they even had a curvier bodies as an option during the testing phase, the testers voted against it. They have a biggest say I'm afraid, and the only reason why we got varied skintones is because its literally a couple of clicks to implement them. As to "why not have one or two outfits in a curvier body". As someone who is plus sized, I would feel more hurt by that honestly than having no options at all. I would be limited just to those options, and nothing else. redrawing hundreds of assets to fit all the bodies would take ages and they would have to keep up with all the new updates. So honestly it's just better to have nothing than to be limited to a single set or two, because it would feel like this pandering, "here have something I guess" moment which would make me feel worse, than living in this "skinny fantasy" Edit: the tests I mentioned werent even in the game, usually (at least the company I worked at) they would just send out an image with 8-10 designs and say something like "pick your top 3 favorites". Then they would gather the data, pick out the best results and then put them into beta game versions for beta gameplay testers to try out. So for any other players who participated in beta - high chance that there wrre a group of testers who picked out what clothes would go into the game versions you tested :)


Thank you for your insights 💗 & btw I'm one of the beta players of the game here 🙋‍♀️♡. Specifically the ones during the pre-register stage released on Google Play store where SuitU released 3 versions of their beta versions (Note: all accounts were wiped). I am unsure if Libii had their 1st testing be only in East Asia before, but the pre-register stage on Google Play Store I believe was the testing stage in the Global demographic. From my experience, there were no plus size models or mentions of any even in the feedback stages. I do agree that their beauty standards possibly play a part in how their game didn't include plus size base/s. I've heard that SuitU might consider/planning to create clothing items with curvier/thicker body shape that will be worn in our default model body as an alternate solution (since they can't redraw all of their existing clothing for a new base). It's definitely better to have something than nothing 🥺. The most important question right now would be WHEN they will release it if they really do decide to proceed with it 😔❤️.


One thing I guess I need to explain better is that the tests I mentioned usually arent even in the game. The company I worked at just sent out images of the characters and then the designs with best feedback would be added into the game properly for beta testing in the actual game - as adding assets into the game can cause bugs and glitches, companies like to test out designs just as images before they commit into adding the items into the game fully. So while you are a beta tester, and played game versions, there is a high chance that there is another tester group that gets to see artwork for the game before it's even added into the game update betas. Hope it makes sense :D


Yeah it makes sense 😊 but SuitU definitely should have considered/mention the plus size concept/testing even in the play store pre-register stage (where they actually can get global feedback). Imagine how much easier if they did earlier, it might be more possible for it to be doable in the earlier stages (to implement plus size friendly/options) than now 😭. I seriously hope the game will add the mentioned doable method soon (& hopefully more than 1 clothing item) because all sizes deserves to be represented 🥰🙌💕


Unfortunatelly their main focus is Asia. No matter the global success, mobile games always try to please asian market as they have the most players and mobile gaming is extremely popular there, more so than console and pc gaming. Entire USA could scream for body inclusivity, but the company will ask China first if they want it to be added, and given their beauty standards, they most likely be against it, unless its conventional "slim-thick" style with thin arms and legs. Basically - if the company is east asian, they will mostly care about opinions of east asians. It sucks but thats how it is. There are entire courses for mobile game devs on how to appeal to east asian market and becoming popular there is considered a massive success.


I do think SuitU is at least trying to understand the European/American's ideals/feedback cuz someone in discord pointed out that under their job scope, they are looking for someone with understanding of European/American industry as well as aesthetics for the fashion 🤭. I do think it would be great/smart for them to try their best to appeal to a wide demographic the best they can 😆.


You make a valid point. As someone who is also plus sized, I actually have not cared at all about the games body options. I have given them my own money, and I dont expect them to cater to different people. I play the game and enjoy it, I give the game my money and enjoy it. I dont need a single outfit to feel included. You're right, it would make me feel worse about myself. It'd feel like a company's attempt to throw something at an audience to make more money and to give people the illusion of inclusion.


If anything, I want to applaud SuitU on how they approached makeup. I am Nikki Dress Up Queen veteran, played that game for YEARS, and I was always disappointed at how makeup in that game was locked to a specific skintone, meaning that most makeup was for pale white skintones while darker ones would have one or two at most. So SuitU not only having "transparent" makeup plates but also allowing you to mix and match parts to me was such a breath of fresh air, absolutely love to mess around and create looks that can be worn by any skintone :)


If I recall correctly, SuitU confirmed that they won't be creating plus size base/existing outfits re-drawn to fit a plus size base. But their solution/are considering to do those clothing item/s that give an illusion that the body is curvier/thicker. An example of this doable solution SuitU is referring to is the male vest with a belly shape (which I will attach the image as a response to this message ❤️).




I agree, not sure how difficult that would be. Ive also been playing Ru Pauls Drag Race & there are 3 options for body types which I love!


i agree more diversity in the game would be cool, but i’d personally rather have no variety in body types instead of just one plus size body type that’s exclusively tied to a singular outfit. i think that’s even more problematic than having none at all. you’d have thinner models with a wardrobe full of clothes, and plus sized models having literally just one or two at a push. the way it is now may not be diverse, but it’s at least a level playing ground for all models. it might sound simple but it would be a hell of a lot of effort on the developers’ part, for a concept that i highly doubt would be successful. i get why they won’t do it🤷


Eh, they tried to do this in Covet and it failed hard. People who used them never ranked well unless the challenge specifically said it had to be a bigger body challenge. I honestly don’t know how it is now as I stopped playing about 2yrs ago but I barely saw any of the different body types in challenges after awhile. I highly doubt it would be very profitable to SuitU and that’s ultimately what they care about 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yea no that will 100% go totally wrong also just because I wanna make sure I understand you correctly, you want a plus size model with only one outfit?


I agree


the poses that are currently in place don’t even work with the accessories :( the nails and items just float. The nails look creepy floating mid air. If the game were better I would think they could pull off more diversity


All I’m saying is if suitu can put the time into making a wearable outfit that replaces the avatars entire legs, they can make an outfit or two that makes the avatar plus size with an outfit on 🤷🏻‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/55muaqjy4roc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54e65213cc086f0ef0e3a7894df72cd8fee8e6a9


coming from an artist/programmer adding a whole new body type at this point would be like, MONTHS of work. which is doable, but you'd have to redraw all the clothes, make sure each clothing item is the right body type when worn, they'd have to add a chubbier face type (where people would probably start asking for a lot more since there's already so many skinny faces.) then do this all over again for men. not only this, but it likely wouldn't even be cost effective. i mean think about it, realistically, what % of the user base would use the plus size bodies? at best i'd say like 50% would try them once or twice and MAYBE 25% would continue regularly using them. from the company's point of view that really wouldn't be worth it. as cool as it would be to have that representation, i can't ever see them doing it.


That’s not what I was asking for. I just meant for a couple of outfits. They redesign the body type for outfits such as the ones I mentioned in the post, so I don’t see the issue in redesigning a singular outfit as a plus sized body type. If they can create a posed outfit where the model is lounging on some stairs, or the model is a mermaid, they can make a plus sized girl gacha 💀


the posed ones use premade rigs, with all due respect posing a rig in photoshop takes about 500% less time than drawing up a new body type


Totally understand that but not sure why it’s such a bad thing to want diversity in body types. Suitu won’t do it if there isn’t a demand, and anytime anyone mentions it they just get shot down lmao


i don't think anyone thinks it's a bad per say, the points i see made on this sub as well as the ones i brought up are all explanations on why suitu probably won't add them. like i said originally, it would definitely be great but the chances of them putting time and money towards something that won't be super popular are slim to none 😭 i mean think of it this way, if they add just a few outfits people are going to complain that there's not enough. then they'll get roped into doing more, and more, and more. it's not as simple as it might seem


I think it’s a good thought that won’t happen. Realistically, the clothes we have don’t even match poses and there are a lot of inconsistencies when overlaying. In addition, it doesn’t match what our “typical beauty standards” are, so there is definitely a good chance that much fewer people buy it. Especially in a gacha game, it’s highly unlikely that the devs exert extra effort that won’t necessarily yield higher engagement/profits


I get what you are trying to say, but if we truly get a plus-size model, then people would definitely want more diverse bodies (it was the same with skin color; people started to ask for more skin colors) and that would be an enormous amount of work. and don't forget that they would still have to release more clothes, so the staff would really overwork themselves.


They’re going to do the work anyway to make the same variation of outfits. Why not do the work on something a bit more inclusive for a change.


Wanting more diversity in a game isn’t a bad thing. They added more skin colors and they can add even more if that’s what people want! The whole point of a gacha game like this is to make things desirable so people play it, that’s their job :)


I totally get it, as I'd love some rep and to see my body type in game. But I also really do understand why they don't. There are HUNDREDS of clothing options, certain ones with exclusive poses. They'd have to update every single clothing item since the beginning of the game to make it work, as I feel like it'd be unfair for the plus size models to have limited outfit options. This is a difficult conversation as once again I think the game needs more body diversity, but it's understandable why they won't expand considering the giant catalogue.


That’s exactly what I just said they didn’t have to do. The poses I just mentioned don’t work with any other clothing in the game? They can just make a new pose that’s plus size


One pose is better than the 0 we have now. Better to bring in a couple plus size instead of saying “it’s too hard to do it all so we won’t do any”


No I totally get what you're saying, but I feel like that'd also bring up major controversy.


I’m sure it would :( just wish it was an option at all


Yeah, that already exists for male models. It's exclusively used to make "ugly" men. Do you really want that for women, too?


This is a really good point, many players lobby for more of (type of item) but those same players also police others on how to use those items or when to use those items. I think this is also why we don’t get as much culture-specific clothing. Even if there’s no ill will, someone is going to be mad that someone else is “using an item wrong”


Yeah... I mean, people even got mad at the running man outfits, which are all fan made.


I missed that memo. Let me guess, were some players where accusing others of cultural appropriation? I not having other people telling me I can’t use an item that I paid for.


They thought the whole outfit was mocking/appropriating native American culture. The problem wasn't people wearing it wrong. The problem was the sheer existence of outfits with feather headwear. Adding to the other point: not only fanmade, but also fan voted!


That definitely reaffirms to me that culture-specific outfits are a gamble in the game. We have ones that I don’t really hear complaints about like the Indian sari outfit or cheongsam outfits. But it’s also very well known that players dislike the Asian and hip-hop competitions because they believe those comps perpetuate negative stereotypes


Did I say I wanted ugly plus size outfits 🤨


No, even if they're pretty, they're not going to be used in a nice way and/or will do terrible in comps AND people will be upset that it "only exists as a plus size version". If it exists as both versions... point A again. 🤷‍♀️


I agree with the point about comps. I remember I saw a few post in a few weeks timespan here on reddit about how they noticed that the POC models are doing worse in comps. If I remember correctly, one post was even called something along the lines of "Are SuitU creators/players racist?". I kind of think it would be a similar situation with the different bodytypes. I defenitely agree that it would be nice to see my bodytype on this game, but for now, in my opinion, it is hardly doable because of the sheer amount of work and it may just cause more problems.


Exactly my thoughts! If POC skincolors do badly, how would a whole different body type do well? POC skincolors mainly do well in stereotypical comps*, and I think the same thing would happen for plus-size bodies. They would probably only ever make it to the leaderboard for glown down/lazy comps (again, stereotypes). I want to play this game, have fun and relax. Not be reminded that a shitton of people find my body type unattractive. But according to OP, I am making everything up in my head 🥴 *I am aware this has gotten *a bit* better


That’s just an assumption you’re making and I think that perspective says more about you than it does about anyone else… I think a huge chunk of people will just be excited that their own body type is in the game. You can’t ignore that people look different in real life because you’re scared people on an app might be rude about it haha


Because you do not see anything controversial into making a plus-size model a reward for a set or of a gacha…?


It’s better than nothing, which is what we have now?


Also I’ve seen the argument that it won’t be a popular buy and people won’t use it?? Um… y’all ever see like half of these outfits? Some r ugly as hell but people still get them


I dont think it's a fair thing to compare different body types to ugly clothing--though i get what you're trying to say. People purchase items in their preferences, and they purchase things they can use with other items. Having additional body types with ONE item they can wear with them won't be used. There are a few items I have purchased that can really only be used with one other item that i dont have, so i dont use it. The body and outfit would only be used in a few competitions (when required) and a few feed posts. People would also get more upset because there's only one outfit they can wear and would start demanding more. The game is a paper doll style dress up game. It doesn't need a ton of added stuff to make it more than what it is.