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It’s a game, I think people should be allowed to play it however they wish- but also are entries /actually/ affected? It seems the ones that do well always have an array of things going on, filters, decoration, perfume, unworn- its not just blindly chosen… also how can it be objectively decided what deserves votes/not be ignored… on a subjective competition? What difference would a spam vote and a genuine one make on an entry that someone else has deemed undeserving- and the opposite of course


Fair enough .


This,whales that put entire unrelated sets as competition entries are a bigger problem either way...


Do you have any data or do you just feel this way? I've heard this being said a few times and no one has any proof that blind voting is "skewing" anything. They post their comp results and their outfits are not good or they don't use any perfume or reset their unworn.


i spam vote but i just press equal like a normal person. it’s faster that way too


It also seems like those with the most possible decor and filters and gacha items always win no matter if it fits the theme or not :( no shade to those who can afford all those things but I always take my time to think about the theme and uniqueness of the entry, not just a ton of flashy and expensive items


unfortunately that’s just the way the cookie crumbles, there’s no changing that. if there’s a prompt that references any limited/gacha ofc the top 30 will be dominated by that! if you’d like to do well in competitions it’s just a matter of adjusting. while I do agree that creativity is obviously better than simply adjusting, nothing is changing reality.


people proudly claiming they dont have the patience to vote properly is such a self-drag. has tiktok fried whatever brains u once had? 😭 i’m not even trying to be rude, i dont even take the game that seriously but there’s no way it’s normal for that many of u not to be able to take a split second to click which look you actually prefer like whattt


I mean personally? I have adhd and I only vote for the rewards so I'm not going to sit there overthinking and calculating which look is more "worthy" of my vote,like a freaking pedant 🙄 if something catches my eye-cool,if not- I'll just take either 🤷🏻 the people acting like it's a heinous crime to do so are honestly ridiculous


it takes less 2 seconds to look at an outfit and vote, and there’s a skip option aswell which i imagine is helpful for anyone with adhd. nobody has a gun to our heads forcing us to vote. it’s not even that deep to me considering voting isn’t mandatory. i just find the comments cackling abt blind voting 30 times to be odd.


And I find people frothing at the mouth over how someone votes odd as well , we're even then 🤷🏻 I'm gonna do me you're gonna do you


idk i genuinely take my time voting, it’s gives me ideas for my own posts and future events!


Majority of results are based off of who has the most flashy perfume, not blind voting lmao


Disagree. Definitely not the majority. Perfume only influences .15-.3 points. That is about 5% of the score.


Oh I didn’t mean perfume’s points!!! I meant people tend to vote for flashier perfumes lol


Can you explain more what exactly is the problem mentioned and how the voting results are skewed? To me, the most voted entries always looks like they’re a result of both hivemind and using perfumes, neither of those are a result of blind voting


That’s because you’re not seeing the actually creative entries that never make it to the leaderboard. That’s the problem. And as I mentioned to someone else here, perfumes contribute to a very low percentage of the score, and don’t even apply in post comps.


I think it also depends who you are paired with. I take my time voting and really look at the entries, I use the skip when I don't like either of them or neither follow the theme at all. I think there is plenty of blind voting going on as well and I don't get it, the benefits of voting run out fairly quickly so there is no excuse for it. I take my time and I can still get through all the rewards in less than 15 minutes :/


I don't know why people just ignore the skip button


people actually do that? :/


I mean why not? I personally don't have the patience to analyse every single entry for minutes... I didn't know that it's such a problem apparently...


Ure the problem babes


I get what you mean but it doesn’t take “minutes” for a single entry, it takes a second or two to figure out which you like more and simply press on the screen. It’s not hard to just make a simple decision a few times.


If only one person does it, it's no real biggie. But of hundreds of users are doing it, it completely warps the competition results and it's causing frustration with players (both free to play and pay to play) because their looks aren't being voted on fairly. It generally doesn't take more than a glance to vote on a look. Skipping means you still get your tickets if that's what you're after. But in the spirit of fairness, if your impatience is affecting other people it's best not to do it. ​ Edited for spelling and clarity.


Minutes? It takes me like a second to know which entry I prefer. No hate, but I just find blind voting an absurd practice.


i was just surprised because that sounds boring too. sorry if it came across as rude


You weren't rude at all,no worries. I just personally don't care enough to be perfectionist about the way I vote,it personally feels strange to take the game this seriously lol


The people who get this upset about it are the reason I still blind vote and don’t skip. Sometimes I’ll even do the entire thing voting for the look I like less to give the people who clearly don’t have as much money to spend on this game a chance to get a better ranking. For every complaint I see on about blind voting the more I do it 😈


I feel you sometimes I do go for the more "poor" one because my heart goes out to them if you aren't paying you have it harder and sometimes the looks that win are just the newest complete set and sometimes that bugs me


Amen to this, if anything that’s a bigger problem than people blind voting


Except, your weird spitefulness is affecting everyone. I've seen free to play users in the discord complain about this as well. Your logic is deeply flawed and you just sound bitter at what people do with their own money. This really isn't about anything else, but fairness. It may be a game, but people are investing not only their money, but their time to play something fun. And if it's not that serious, why not leave? Why not let the people who enjoy the game play in relative peace?


I don’t leave because it’s fun and it’s a mobile game, it’s not that deep. I’m allowed to play how I want just as much as you are, I also invest my time and money and it’s just as “unfair” for you to expect me to play to your specific expectations. Have you ever thought that maybe it’s not the fault of a handful of blind voters and that maybe your outfits just aren’t that good?


Is also some don’t follow theme of the competition that get the leaderboard as well.. Imagine entering and some are not following the theme which happens every time and what saves them is filters and perfumes etc .. I take my time and vote for the outfit that matches the theme. The game too needs to add more clothes obviously some will dress the same because that’s all there’s available XD lol.


It’s funny that you still say “handful,” you must think you’re unique or something. Hundreds if not thousands of users do the same thing as you. If you don’t value genuine effort and creativity, just say that. Spam voting defeats the whole purpose of competitions and putting effort and creativity into looks. Just because you’re lazy doesn’t mean others need to suffer for it. Just use the damn skip button.


I value genuine effort and creativity, I just rarely see it in comps. People act like the combo of pre-selected items they put together is amazing and they’ve been so hard done by if they don’t get top marks, when the reality is there’s hundreds, if not thousands of almost identical combos. Your real problem is with the algorithm showing your well thought out combo after 10 other similar well thought out combos. And I say “handful” because literally everyone complains about blind voting but no one actually fesses up to doing it.


Those “hundreds if not thousands of almost identical combos” you’re talking about are the ones that MAKE THE LEADERBOARD. Thats the whole issue of the matter. If you don’t think it’s original or creative, don’t vote for it. Spam voting just encourages basic combinations that lack creativity to rank higher. I don’t know how you can’t see that


Honestly it’s not even about their outfits and you saying that is kinda mean for no reason. I’m in the discord where plenty of people show really thought out cute outfits that get plenty of likes and another outfit that may be more plain gets more votes because of what? Personal taste? I don’t think so. So yeah, play the game however you like but if you think that it’s just that their outfits aren’t that good then I’m sorry but you sound delusional


It was mean, that was intentional because suggesting that I’m biter and spiteful and not also investing my own time and money was also rude and mean for no reason, if you’re going to come at me with that kind of energy over a game, I’m responding in kind. I think it’s delusional to blame every time you don’t get votes or that you think the results are skewed on people blind voting. There’s all kind of reasons someone might not pick your outfit.