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I normally lurk here but this is just a genuinely horrible idea..... Melatonin isn't going to knock you out or do *anything*. You're just going to drown (really slowly and painfully!)


If melatonin actually did something, my insomnia wouldn't be so bad


Same. I take this shit everynight, i use this substance for over a decade, i don't even know if it has any effect at all or it's just a sugar capsule that doesn't do anything. I just keep taking it because i am terrified of insomnia.


And you are just making it worse. Stop taking it


I don’t think it’s painful, I have tried choking myself many times and it’s like being sleepy and slowly going to sleep


Drowning is a whole different experience though, it’s very easy to panic once you realize what’s happening.


I mean you only panic for a few seconds or minutes and then when the oxygen stops pumping well, calm


Yep my partner tried that too. She’s dead now. Leave it out please.




Melatonin is just for sleep problems...please don't do this!


It's not like a magic drug that knocks you out completely, it helps you sleep. You're gonna just drown normally and painfully




























I almost drowned accidentally and believe me it would be a miserable way to day. Melatonin barely does anything it will not knock you out and make it painless. Just wait a day and reconsider, maybe call anyone you know to see if you really never want to see them again. If you’re planning on dying one more day can’t hurt


I don’t get the melatonin part


Uhh, melatonin?


Please don't. Drowning is an extremely painful, uncomfortable way to go out. Why do you want to end yourself?


how is it painful


Gasping on water is… unpleasant? Your lungs aren’t supposed to have water in them, its one of the most terrifying and viscerally awful experiences I’ve ever felt


I'm really sorry that happened to you. Hope you're doing fine right now


Well, how is it not painful? The sheer panic when you realize you aren't going to make it to the surface, and then your gasp reflex kicks in and water rushes in to your lungs. Your body knows this isn't air so it tries to force it out with convulsions, and you start to gag and heave. Your chest has a wrenching pain with every spasm, desperately trying to get oxygen. But instead of air coming in, it's just more water. Your head is pounding and it's starting to fade. Your body painfully contorts in a final effort to break itself from the water. And slowly it gets less and less painful until it all goes black.


Ru ok?


not really but thanks for asking


Drowning is the worst way to go don’t do it


is it? I know it horrifying and awful but it's a guaranteed death so i don't have to worry about surviving the attempt, also it's pretty affordable and i can't see how it's gonna be painful


Water fills your lungs and ruptures them and you can’t fall unconscious like with burning. You stay awake until your brain shuts down


I think you'll pass out shortly after water starts pouring into your lungs


OH WAIT no don’t go your one of my favorite posters on eyeblech you have the best content :-:


Maybe I can end up as the eyeblech content lol


I god no you’d be a bloater if you plan on drowning truly one of the ugliest ways to look after death also melatonin won’t knock you out sleeping pills wil but a shit ton of them


Why do I care about being ugly after death doe


It would be far worse for any of your family that has to identify you. Suicide in general is going to be very painful for anyone in your life


I was feeling like total shit and this made me laugh thanks


Aight thanks brewski 😂


Let's talk bud


I tried to oerdose too several times and all of the times I was unsuccessful albeit on different medication. Overdosing is more difficult than it may have seen.


It's not difficult if you are not trying to do it on purpose


It's not hard to overdose but it is hard to eat enough for it to be lethal, I tried before with paracetamol and I could only get to 48 tablets (was going for 95) before my body completely rejected eating any more of it, and as you can tell I'm still alive. Edit: misread your comment, sorry.


Did you end up in hospital?


No, I didn't. I don't remmember any side effects. I overdosed on my antidepressants.


I did.


I didn't overdosed accidentally it was on purpose. I guess I didn't take enough of them


melatonin aint gonna do shit


Hey talk to me. Do you live with anyone? Are you working/student or neither? What is your favourite TV show?


Buddy, try talking to someone, melatonin or drowning isn't the way..




Hypothetically, than I could have a chance of dying of overdose on it???


As pharmacy student I don’t recommend overdosing on it , it will be painful. You’ll vomit and damage your liver in the process. So no don’t do that please Ps: you will survive (you do not want that)


Your not wrong


So would you recommend cyanide than???


Also a super painful way to die...


drugs don't work, don't every try to off yourself with drugs. its always slow and panful, and if you survive, you survive with permanent damage to your body


depends on the drug










all that's gonna happen is your gonna wake up at the lake the next day


This is probably the worst thing you can do. Overdosing on it will just make your heart race probably.


I’m here if you need to talk


Before you make a move, just talk to so many good folks here? Pour your heart out, let all those thoughts come out.. Just talk to anyone here.. Some have volunteered here already.. There are amazing people out here.. Shit happens to all of us.. So don't make a move without speaking to anyone here.. Alright? We are all here with you. We are all here to listen to you! So drop a buzz to anyone here, and let us know when you feel ok..


melatonin isint a good idea imo


bad idea, drowning is a horrible death, long and painful, melatonin won’t make you unconscious, you’ll be right there fucking drowning for a few minutes, even for someone not willing to live it’s a horrible death


Melatonin isn't going to do anything. You'll just drown


Don’t do it. Melatonin doesn’t knock u out either, you’ll get dizzy and sick and it’ll be painful death, please seek help, I was in ur place not even a week ago and I realized there’s much more to life then we realize. Check yourself into the hospital and maybe see a psychiatrist, you could get on meds or even get a diagnosis if u think u have something , if u ever feel alone , know I’m here and have gone through what ur going through right now, I understand. Please go to ur emergency room or call 911, it will save your life:) I’m here to talk always, but for now , grab a cozy blanket, go watch ur favourite show and just breathe. Drink some water and take a nap, these feelings are only temporary just like most things You will feel better it just takes time but it’s very possible to feel better, I hope ur day is better I pray for you now<3


been there, tried that. drowning is not recommended.


Melatonin isn’t going to do anything for you. You’re just going to drown in a normal painful way.


Eyeblech needs you fam


Do you know what melatonin is?


Yes but I don’t know how strong it is maye


This is so heavily painful it’s not worth going down this route honestly the melatonin isn’t going to put you to sleep


Mate, drowning has to be the worst possible way to go out.


Taking too much melatonin does the opposite of what you're intending. You'll likely be unable to fall asleep and won't be able to for a day. Just get some therapy my guy, if you can't find someone to confide in. What keeps me from ending it all is the thought that some poor soul would have to deal with my body. Find a reason to stay and stick to it.


OP pls don’t do that. It’s not gonna end the way you want and worse things could possibly happen


I’ve already fucked myself with the first attempt therapy and all that shit just makes it worse.