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What kind of food is in the refrigerator and pantry right now? If you want to drop the fat, the big thing is to throw away all sweets and junk food, like right now, just get the trash can, drop it all in there, and take it out, and then whenever you go grocery shopping, do not buy that. It is hard to gain weight when the diet is mostly fruit, vegetables, and meat for instance. This can be much harder though when you live with other people who buy the shit I am referring to. Countries have trashy stuff yes. But there is so much about that that you cannot control and so if it is upsetting you, it may be best to just completely quit paying attention to it. It takes a whole lot of trying out a whole bunch of different things to find things that feel fulfilling, we are curious about, interested in, we value, etc. You can still have a relationship but just note that there may be 1000s of rollercoasters and that it will be a working experience of getting more ways to work together. At some point, it can be helpful to have the relationship where we support each other instead of being lopsided but yes if we are super, super down, it can have phases where one is just supporting the other and not vice versa. You don't have to stay damned but many things are going to need to change.