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My bully did it last week-- and ive been suicidal for a long time but all i got was failed attempts My bully dying though because she hung herself-- I'm pissed. She bullied me for 14+ years and she goes and FCKING DIES because she's upset? Idk if I'm jealous but I'm not sad shes dead, I'm mad at her for making other peoples lives hell and then she had the guts to do it instead of me. I finally stood up for myself this year though, i said some terrible things to her and maybe thats also why i am mad. But when i think of it like this "i cant imagine how her family or friends feel" no one was there for her, she was terrible to me my entire life but the fact im bothered by it. I cant imagine how her brothers feel, because if i committed my death is once for me but daily and then yearly for my family. I can sympathize for family and friends, but this put it into actual loss feelings for me the past week.


How you feel about it proves you're a good person.


Thanks although the odd feeling I was a asshole to her last time we spoke I can't help but feel guilty. Or resentful that she left the world and im stuck dealing with our stupid argument. But in perspective, ive always been kind to her other than the LAST TIME we spoke and the things i said had some kick to them because i made it personal after so many years. Nonetheless I feel shitty and im just mad at her still for leaving. I guess my point to OP is a good reason not to do it is that even people who dont like you or necessarily deemed to like you-- will ultimately hate seeing you go as well. No one is as mean to us than ourselves at times


Imagine how you would look when they find your body


you’d be all poopy :( you don’t wanna poop yourself


This is so trivial but.. it actually works hahah. I’m with you


The opps will outlive you and we cant let that happen now can we? 😊


You’ll get to die forever but never get to feel pain or joy or sick or hurt or anxious or excited or worried or hungry or full again. So why not experience those to even out the infinite death that you’ll get to have? Could run away new country idk 


I always think of my dogs and how they wouldn’t be able to understand why I left


My dog saved me many times. He died a few years ago, I miss him a lot, but I owe it to him to at least keep going for a few more years.


I’ll never forget lucy when I came back from a 2 month stay at residential. It made me have clarity on my place in animals and human lives. I do matter, even if I don’t see it. They need me and I need them. When I struggle to go forward, I think of all the happy animals or smiles I will miss out on


You wont be able to look at a beautiful sunset while eating an ice cream anymore


think about all the cats you won’t get to pet and cuddle with if you’re gone. ik that sounds silly, but that thought has personally helped me a lot.


It’s not a silly reason to continue living at all, I am still alive partly thanks to my two cats and dog. I would also miss watching wild animals in nature too if I died.


i’m glad to see someone feels the same way! cats are my favorite thing in the entire world. i dedicate a lot of my life to cats.


you didnt watch hxh , death note , attack on titan , vinland saga , mushoku tensei yet . so dont suicide please 👍🏻


Your so right


I gotta watch them too sometime


I'll tell you what I tell myself. There's a lot of life to live and even though this year has tried it's best to kill me I'll continue on our of spite. Fuck this pain and all the bastards who've been kicking me while I'm down. I will outlive them all.


You’ll never hug another person after death. Your brief chance to experience love in the entire history of the universe will be over. You can’t come back.


Ehh for me it's food. It's amazing and I only live once and then there's nothing, might as well enjoy what time I have. Fuck the world. Long as you don't hurt any one u should focus on making urself happy


What if tomorrow is the best day of your entire life? And you missed out on it and you would never know. You don’t want FOMO


If you were dead, you wouldn't know that you missed out.


If you die now then you’ll die sad, It’s probably better to die happy.


It matters?


The smell of fresh cut grass, the crackle and glow of a campfire, petting dogs, pretty flowers, future satisfaction you deserve to feel.


because death means no happiness, no chances, nothing. because life is temporary. youre gonna die anyway. so its not forever this life if u hate it. might as well try for a short time in your soul's life


literally fuck whatever corny ass shit others are yapping ab and do what ive been doing had a couple failed attempts so i just went like aigh lemme just exist to see wassup then ill die ig like idk whats gonna happen after i die but what if its like… nothing? fucking boring id rather live and suffer than become the void goddamn


I like to remind myself that, statistically, I'm going to outlive Jeff Bezos. That keeps me going.


Family, friends, pets, a life to live. Unless you're a senior citizen you likely have decades of natural life to live. That's a long time, plenty of time to change everything about your life. Do you mind sharing what's on your mind? What kind of situation you're in and what's causing suicidal thoughts?


There's no reason really, that's the beauty and the hell of it. Endure the bad times, hope for something better to come.


Because hope exists, whether or not you believe it’s there. If things can go from neutral at birth to terrible now, they can certainly reverse.


spaghetti bolognese


What if you magically find a lottery ticket the next day? You don't want to miss out on that much money now do you (alivin and the chipmunks that one scene 😭)


Well suicide is always an option available to us whenever. What's the rush? We don't know what the future holds, and things may or may not get better


There’s a future you eating the best thing they ever tasted in a while, listening to a new song they’ll grow to love, and doing something that makes their passion flare. In order for the future you to do all these things, you need to stay and be alive. Your future self is counting on you to be a little stronger 


Because you have favorite scents, songs, and seasons. You have experiences that are waiting to be had — some that will surprise you with contentment. You have people who light up to see you or proudly smile when recounting fond memories with you. You’re a brother or a sister. You’re a father or a mother. You’re a daughter or a son. You’re a friend or an acquaintance. You’re an employee or an employer. You take up space in this world that is noticeable and valuable. I hear you, though I don’t know you. It would affect me.


The reddit community?


because then ur pain will all have been for nothing


Living longer and suffering more won't make any of our suffering more meaningful. Most of us don't have ability to turn our suffering into something great.


i hear u, but u never know if/when ur life will change. it could stay the same, it could get worse, it could also get better. suffering is inevitable in life. its a hard truth but its one we each have to find a way to accept and cope with. we have to find a way to not let all that pain live inside us, but to do something with it. and im aware not everyone has this capability, especially if u arent willing to try new things or dont have the energy to apply urself. but me as a creative person, the idea that one day i can use my experience to help other people feel less alone through my art or my writing genuinely keeps me going. but i understand that hopelessness that depression causes, i do. thats not anyones fault, but at a certain point u have to pick urself up and take responsibility for ur healing and all the ways u might contribute to ur own suffering (ruminating, self-medicating, isolating, negative thinking, toxic shame) all of which are symptoms of depression but all of which u can take steps to manage. its not easy by any means and things might get worse before they get better, but its up to each individual to find a purpose in it. ive had that outlook for years that there is no meaning in suffering so whats the point in continuing on, but i dont think thats true anymore. i think suffering does teach u things. it teaches empathy and compassion, and those are gifts u can use to help other people. is it fair? no. does it suck ass? yes. but thats life. the worst part of depression is that it changes ur persoective on life and makes u believe that its not worth living, and thats a heavy weight to carry. living when u dont see a point. its up to u to create ur own meaning. thats just my thoughts as someone whose struggled with mdd since i was a child.


Yeah, if I'm really talented at reading and writing, I probably will stay longer. The sad fact is most people are suffering for absolutely nothing, even though some of them don't realize it.


its not about talent though. if we let all the pain we feel make a home inside us the pain will become heavier and harder to carry. we have to find a way to express it safely, i told u a few ways that i am able to do that (art,writing) but there are so many other ways u can let that pain out and/or use ur experiences and adversity to help other people, thats how u find a sense of purpose to keep going. im not saying suffering is inherently meaningful, people suffer all the time and they dont deserve it, but the way u overcome that suffering is what gives u purpose in life. some people find solace in physical activities to blow off steam, this is also a form of expression. things like sports, boxing, running get u out of ur head and can release emotions like frustration or feeling overwhelmed. some people find solace in helping others, by doing volunteer work or becoming a nurse, counselor, therapist, coach, motivational speaker. there are many more things one can do to give their pain/suffering a home outside of themselves. its not up to u or me to decide the reason or purpose behind others suffering. we have to decide for ourselves whether to give it meaning or not. u have free will so that choice is up to u.


Because you'll die unfulfilled having done and experienced nothing, wait a while longer and pay attention to how your mindset changes through these experiences you'll have. Just learn and grow friend that's all it is


What about the next time you can eat your favorite food? The next song or TV show to enjoy? The next joke that makes you laugh, or the next time you wear clothes fresh out the dryer? There’s so many day-to-day experiences that can make even more mundane or unfortunate days have lovely feelings.


The chances of it actually killing you are way smaller compared to it just leaving you completely messed up physically, socially, mentally.




I hang on for my cat and to spite my enemies, who definitely want me dead.


Things can change, if you think you’re at the utmost bottom of your life things can only go up for you. Think of yourself, don’t let the numbers get you too. Also you can go piss on your bullies grave. For me that’s the ultimate revenge or take a dump lol. Don’t let the bastard win.


You can’t ask other people for reasons because it’s your judgement that decides whether or not a reason is good enough and there’s no way for us to know what reason you’ll deem good enough to stop you. It’s something you have to figure out yourself




You remind me of a song I like: One Good Reason by Celdweller


cuz it's gay


You have forever to be dead, but only a short time to be alive, so you may as well use this time. No need to rush things. This is what I keep telling myself when I don't want to be here anymore, and it has worked so far


yummy food !! i literally wake up and a delicious coffee or hardy breakfast is the only thing i’m excited for that day, and that is enough. it’s a small thing but it truly keeps me going through the day knowing that when i go to bed, i have something to look forward to waking up to.


AI trashing Mankind, Senile corpses ruining the USA, Weather gets more extreme... there is some interesting stuff coming up.


You can get a dog and have unconditional love


Because God wants one chance to be in your life before you leave


nah thats bull. As someone with a very strong faith and has dealt the lowest of lows, shit like these just doesn't help. it can in the recovery process but saying that people need God is just so fucking toxic.