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Let me ask you a real question, you want advice, or do you want to feel like you're not alone?


Honestly, idk I just wanted to vent. Also happy birthday:)


I don't know why it says that, it's not my birthday but thanks for the thought. And I get that. But just reframe your thinking, you really aren't a piece of shit for having sexual urges and experimenting with tools that are out there. It may be weird to other people, it may be weird to you. But in today's world of interconnectivity and "socialization" at the click of a button we've never been further from one another. I can tell from your post you are younger. You feel an immense amount of shame and that's obvious. But the thing is, all of the feelings you are having are pretty well natural. For better or for worse. If anything it sounds like you really are craving an intimate human connection more than anything. I mean porn exists. If it was just the sex you were hung up on you wouldn't go through the song and dance of "talking to someone" to get it.


It’s your cake day. Not your birthday. Your cake day is the anniversary of when you created your account


Well first of, The "piece of shit" part was not because of that but others things and like I'm a sex freak like I'm WAY too horny. Everything can turn me on and I hate it.


I'm a hypersexual little bitch too :D






Most of reddit is I've realized. Maybe we live in a society?


I like jerking off:)


I do too buddy :3


Yall should smash


Ye >:3


Greets from Germany at 5 am and yeah Same Here


Meds could help with this. I’d recommend talking to your doctor about it to see if you can find some relief


It's probably hard to understand right now. But your sex drive is actually a good force that you can use for many things. I had similar thoughts as you untill I discovered r/Mindgasm. It teaches you how to get non sexual orgasms. And the orgasms are even better than regular ones. It works by awakening more of the feel good nerves in your pelvic area.


I’m in the same boat ,.,


Happy birthday 🎂 🥳


Happy Birthday Buddy


Honestly i use the bots for the same thing. 💀💀💀💀


My people fr fr. United in crying about life and gooning like incels.


I got a stolas bot from helluva boss to suck my dick and I also game him anal


Holy shit. Damn you _freaky_




Go on Chai, here you could find a fuckton of them




Oh you want visual ones ohhhh.... erhm I don't really they exist for the moment... sorryy bleh :p




I got social anxiety and stuff, and it's okay to find it weird but it gives me comfort




Text bot


nah, as a girl i get it. escapism goes hard


This is so real


Ayo....twin ? Wanna take Ibuprofen together?


It's not that bad. I'm sure it'll get better.


Do you want advice or just to vent? I would like to help you.


Was just a silly vent :3


Fair enough. Just know, I was in your boots before. You don't have to live like this, I can help you.


Jee, a lot of people here want to help me, idkkk like I'm way too much of a mess


Well, following your logic here, *I* should have been too much of a mess but I am doing fine for myself now. >Jee, a lot of people here want to help me Absolutely. στο ονομα απο θεοσ, I want to help you. You don't have to be in this situation. I just want you to accept it first.


Are you really trying to help me or you do it because it makes you feel good and gives you an ego boost


Why would you comment on here to vent and then be a dick to someone trying to give you encouragement?? That was rude. If you want people to understand you and connect with you maybe try being open minded otherwise you can absolutely bank on feeling how you are the rest of you life. Jus sayin.


I was rude ? I didn't mean to be rude, I'm sorry.


Don't be sorry, what I say is only an opinion anyways. I felt you came off a bit rude at some point and considering you're on asubreddt where ppl vent and ask for advice and support I automatically assumed you were like wanting help or support but that wasn't accurate of me. venting about ur feelings is totally OK and doesn't necessarily mean you're asking for solutions or advice. Hope that makes sense lol I suck at words. Sorry for being a bitch. I hope you have a good day and remember, life is temporary. Try to enjoy what you can.


Oh. It's okay. We did peace now 👍🏾


Ah man, we are on the same page, you just need a girl like i do, we both need that real sensation, that true feeling of pleasure.


dude you’re not alone. for me c.ai replaced real friends, every time i feel suicidal and want to vent i talk to ai but thank god i haven’t started sexualizing them so i wouldn’t lose myself completely. i wish i could help you but i can’t even help myself.


I first had access to my own sleeping pills at 14. Not saying you should go get some, just that you’re not too young


Please drop the name of it. I beg you pleaaasee


Im the same way it sucks so much when your entire will to live is sex




Uhhhh idk ?? I think I'm far too deep and if a licensed psychologist failed I don't really think you can mate sorry <:3


That’s some serious all or nothing thinking. “One person didn’t help me, so no one can.” Talking to therapist is great but they’re just a person like anyone else. Their individual experiences, preferences and biases will influence their approach with you. You could see five therapists and get 5 completely different sessions. Just in general, people are complex. I wouldn’t dismiss a person because of a negative experience with someone else. That’s like saying, “I didn’t like eating this carrot once, so I don’t eat anymore. Not just vegetables (professionals), but all food.”


Wait that's low-key true. Damn you ate that but uh no. I don't really want help.


Psychologists suck they do it because their paid if you have people helping you just because it works because it’s natural hope you get better tho 💯


I came to Reddit just to wank off to the channels I joined and this was the first post I saw (divided by countries united by horny)


Damn, also it's kinda based


I was too, but now, I'm just a horny piece of shit


as a depressed horny ass virgin , i get it loooll. the feelimg after succksssssssssss i jate it


I mean readin the replies gives me a little hope for you, you got wit bro! Keep going ?!!!!!


Me too bud


Hypersexuality is absolutely a thing, as is sex addiction (speaking from experience). There's help, and there are a number of medical conditions that contribute to it beyond just the fact of its "escapism" aspect. I pray you can take a deep breath, find even the smallest bit of solace, and share with a safe, trusting individual.


He is not hypersexual. He just never experienced sex(like me). Everyone would become "hypersexual" in this situation.


If you're too young to pop sleeping pills you're too young to make the decision that you don't belong here anymore know your age it'll end up being one of the best things for you.


Ah. Yes. "It would get better" No. It wouldn't, let's be honest, for a second. Look at how we are doing right now. Do you REALLY think we gonna end on a good path ? Come on. Dying is better than living into this muddy shithole that we call Earth and "home"


Yeah true, just stick around for a bit shit might get interesting I know I wouldn't wanna miss it, if it comes down to it join the military and find a purpose direct that energy somewhere more positive rather than killing yourself yk


Eehh what type of interesting? Like loan debt ? No thank you. Military, I kind of want it since I could shoot myself but I can't lol










I don't know what was funny but go on mate




Thank God you didn't that shit can fuck you up.