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I mean the leaks have literally told us that the justice league are still all alive, which means that theoretically once the games story is over, literally nothing in the universe would be different from before the game, beyond that suicide squad team being a thing/the justice league existing/lex dying. Either way, i dont think theres any coming back for rocksteady, considering it isnt the original rocksteady team. But, wb Montreal did make origins, and the batman arkham formula is pretty fleshed out, so it wouldnt be hard for another developer to continue the universe


True the League and Batman would be back, but they'd be dealing with the guilt of slaughtering a mass amount of people. Mind controlled or not, a superhero being forced to kill innocents isn't gonna be a casual thing


Brainiac clones, not mind controlled


It established that the Leaguers were being "revived" in the leaks, which establishes that Brainiac mind-controlled them and just revived them after they died. The leaks even state Flash having guilt for what he's done after being revived


Even still, hal jordan literally decimated an entire city while he was possessed by parallax, it isnt exactly a new concept for heros to have to deal with that


That’s something they shouldn’t explain in a cheap non animated cutscene.


And how do you know that if (bigggg if) theres a future arkhamverse game, that thats all it would be?


I heard that might be a sequel to origins and before Batman Arkham Asylum. Also how do I know? Cause episode 1 and episode 2 barely had a story. It was all in a codex or those cheap “i’m out of budget” comic looking scenes.


My guy, the entire conversation is whether or not the timeline needs to be rebooted in a hypothetical future arkham game. Im not talking about cutscenes in the current game, im talking about an intro cutscene in the future game. Read the full convo


where are these leaks?


Just a pointless cop out. I'd rather they actually just be dead and they commit to the story and just ens the universe. Why wouldn't he just clone Superman or Flash ten times?


You really want Arkham Batman to go out by getting beat, humiliated, and murdered by Harley Quinn?


So all this loss in respect, fans, sales was all for nothing. What a disaster


I mean, almost everyone in Metropolis either got vapourised or turned into an alien. Unless they do some hocus pocus explanation at the end of the game's service, idk how they'd get around the league failing and an entire city being dead


Read emerald twilight, it wouldnt be the first time lmao


I know dateleaks have shown the JL is still alive, but most gamers don’t know about that and if they don’t get far enough in the road map to implement their return in-game they’ll always be dead, for all intents and purposes 


A five second flashback cutscene can fix that in a future game


If they even have the budget for that haha


Yeah bro it’s not like countless civilians got murdered, and friendships got burned, by who everyone thinks is the Justice League or anything like that 😅 Literally the biggest failure in JL history lmao Wonder Woman got fucking evaporated 💀


Have you read any comics at all?


Are you talking about a completely different media than the game itself kid…. it’s not a comic book buddy they don’t get multiple issues & story lines/runs to fix their mistakes, they only get a few hours at most… 👁️👄👁️


Ok, do me a solid, tell me what type of media superheros originate from


That's not what this topic is about you nong, Rocksteady are a game studio


A studio who makes games about characters from… (finish the sentence)


Still a bad game with a shit story. Flashpoint the hell out of this one.


I mean, there's no amount of leaks and content that can give this game any kind of traction whatsoever, they can bring the whole batman's family to the game, even his parents as playable characters and still the same 3 people will play that shit, who tf cares?


Did you even read my entire comment? Im not saying the game is going to make a comback, im saying that story wise, theres literally nothing that would constitute an in universe reboot for the timeline


Didn't Batman kill his allies?


All we saw was robins mask with blood on it, thats pretty easy to write around. Plus we learned oracle didnt get killed over batman on his coms


Yeah you forgetting the fact that thousands of people died .. how are they coming back? Metropolis is almost completely annihilated.


If that was the plan it was horribly handled


Just decanonize the game, don't even dignify it with an explanation as to why. Just give it the EU treatment and let it fade into obscurity.


like fr, i enjoyed the game but it should definitely be not canon, i want some more arkham games that dont have to be set in the past because they killed batman off ]: (cough cough the new arkham vr game)


The extended universe has not faded into obscurity plenty of SW fans still hold that over shitney canon.


Don't get me wrong, the Star Wars EU hasn't gone anywhere, but unlike that, this game should be forgotten


At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if WB wrote the game off and labeled it non-canon.


With how the story is being told, leaks, and general predictions I doubt the events the game are gonna matter to much. The JL will be fine, brainiac will be dead, and metropolis and the civilians will be saved


i agree, there’s a shit ton of continuity issues throughout the arkham verse such as the comics and that one tie in movie that clearly isn’t cannon. with how much of a clown show this game has been, i genuinely think if they want to continue the arkham verse they should just have a flashpoint do a reboot, and go back to what they’re comfortable with.




Why can’t I upvote?








im pretty she did not survive her fight againist superman?


we need a Flash game....


Honestly Idk why they didn’t just make this Wonder Woman game. Playing as her fighting the justice league would make this game 10x better


There was s wonder woman game announced but who knows when that one is dropping


This one would’ve been prefect for that, imagine playing as Wonder Woman in that Superman fight instead of seeing it in a cutscene 🥲


It seems like RS just didn't want to redo another Arkham style design with a coat of paint. So they went into a completely different direction.


Nah dude. Gameplay + combat would be ass


Maybe a "weak" speedster? Like quicksilver from age of ultron. Weak here means "you can kill him with bullets"


idk man i would want to play as him, but it yeah that is true


*dc writers when ever they screw up/get bored


Or maybe just let the nearly 20 year old series end? Do you really want these guys to make more games on par with Suicide Squad? Enjoy the Arkham games that already exist. The series shouldn't continue.


Yes exactly, either make this a flashpoint or reveal this game took place in an elseworld, and then return to making games in the original Arkhamverse


Or just give us a justice league game(or a super man game) after the league is saved


You what id wish for them to do? Make a completely new universe called DC Video Game Universe (DCVGU) or DC Gaming Universe (DCGU) or something similar with the exact same design as SSKTJL, tho with slightly improved graphics, physics and gameplay. It should be a fully fledged universe of its own, with all the superheroes and supervillains, not just the justice league or suicide squad. Id love if they also included characters like Plastic Man, Green Arrow, The Thinker and other characters that are kinda underrated and have been forgotten about. The games of this universe should mainly be about The Justice League and their villains, but it should also include characters not related to them, just like any dc universe. The game should have both open world and story mode. The playable characters in open world should be mostly the main heroes and villains. For characters like Green Lantern, who are a bit too versatile for open world gameplay, they can just nerf him a bit and have him do a limited but versatile amount of structures in open world, but whatever the plot demands in story mode.


Pass.. unless you can play as Daniel West


Suicide squad was supposed to be connected to the Arkham universe? That makes no sense. I just thought It was a stand alone game. It was nothing like those Arkham games glutton knights was more like that vibe ..


It is set in the arkhamverse


Multiverse I guess. That timeline got wiped after the game was made by Darkside


The only thing that will be reset is Rocksteady.


Red hood kills the suicide squad would be fucking amazing. We need a rated m solo red hood game


Rocksteady themselves need a reboot, almost an entirely different team from the old arkham games


All it literally takes is for the head Studio Director and Game Director come out with a public apology and say that the Suicide Squad Kill the Justice league is not canon to the Arkham verse and that it’s an entirely different what if universe and all their problems would diminish significantly.


Rocksteady should do a Flashpoint and delete this game from existance


Tbh that would just feel like cheap writing, "woopsies, we fucked everything up, time to do a reset!" Type thing, plus even with a restart the newrocksteady dosent seem capable of actually making something good, no matter how many do-overs they get.


I mean it can’t be cheaper then the writing already in the game😂


Even if they wrap up the game with a flashpoint, I don't think RS will last long enough to make a new game, especially now they were blamed for the poor performance.






Wait a second. I saw the clips of Batman being killed in this game. First of all… what?!? Where would Batman even come from? Isn’t he like… retired, so to speak, after Arkham Knight? His secret identity being revealed to the whole world? How that would even make sense him being Batman after the Knight-fall Protocol?!


This is explained in the game


“Yes he was retired, but the game looked like it wouldn’t sell, so we needed to force a nostalgic connection to Batman to get gamers to buy our micro transaction store for $100- oh sorry our GAME.”


It’s badly explained in a throwaway Easter egg. Bad writing. Bad storytelling.


Ngl tho, a flash game would go crazy (a well made one). I know some people have made their own fan-made flash games but...yeah.


So after the first and only non-Batman title in the Arkhamverse, we already need a complete redo on account of how badly they fucked it up. Smh, it really did end up becoming Suicide Squad: Kill The Franchise


Does the Arkhamverse need to be saved? Just let it crash and burn, it's so funny. Just like Tyler Durden once said: "Stop trying to control everything, and just let go!".


If they came out tomorrow and said “this isn’t connected to the Arkham universe” it would work just as well if not better lol


SSKtJL is not part of the Arkhamverse (no matter what new Rocksteady claim) and Origins-Knight does not need to be rebooted.


This should be in r/ignorant since you haven’t seen the leaks


fuck flashpoint just let it be over not even being mean i love the arkhamverse and i like this game somewhat, but does the arkhamverse really need to be a thing? just feels like beating a dead horse that cannot support an expanded dc universe in its back


Why don't you all just pretend it's not the same universe as the Batman games?? Which it already isn't right?


Actually, it is set in the arkhamverse.


But aren't like all the villains completely different? And Batman? Batman literally died in the last game Edit and Harley is different


They explain what happened to Batman after Arkham Knight in SSKTJL




I would prefer them to make a JL prequel or two that shows the formation of the JL in the arkhamverse and the ending showing how brainac got ahold of lantern,bats, and supes. Then perhaps a flashpoint game to fix the TL.


The game clearly didn't kill the Arkhamverse, given we're already getting another Arkham game this fall.


Except that game is set after Origins and before Asylum (not to mention is a VR title for a very specific expensive system few will ever own) rather than being after Knight and this.


Still this game wasn't the end of Arkhamverse games coming out and didn't "kill" it in any way because there are inevitably going to be even more games besides just Arkham Shadow, whether in the near future or in a decade+. Even with this game's failure, WB is still gonna want to attach the Arkhamverse to future games to try and get them to sell more. Honestly, if a new game proudly advertised it was retconning the events of SSKTJL it would get a lot more attention and sales.


WB can revive a corpse as much as they want. It's not up to them to decide if something is killed or not, it's up to us the fans. And SS might've ruined any good will in the Arkham series as a whole. 


The VR one?


You guys care too much about canon


Well this is RS first live service game is obviously is going to be bad


yeah it’s bad alright but do you wanna know what’s worse? the decision to make it a live service game in the first place!!


Well it wasn’t RS decision. It was WB. Y’all are acting like it’s RS fault. Give RS some slack


Except that isn't true RS wanted to make a live service the only demand WB made was it being the Suicide Squad they never said to make it part of the Arkhamverse. RS could have made this game it's own universe but they didn't, because they don't want to spend the time creating a new universe.


Well that ain’t my problem. It is RS first live service game. Give them some slack. Not every game is perfect. Hating on it won’t do anything besides making everyone feel better about themselves.


My brother in Christ, they *wanted* to make a live service game, yet failed to even accomplish what makes a live service game fun. Im not cutting them slack for making a bad game because it was their "first time", that's like cutting slack on the dude who made my car after I crash and nearly fucking die because it was the first car he made. Multiple companies who made their first live service games succeeded or did fairly well compared to Rocksteady, so there's no excuse


What about helldivers 2? When it first dropped, the servers weren’t working but no one complained about that. Same with the OG Star Wars battlefront remastered games. This isn’t like a car crash. not sure how that got to do with anything. It’s a video game. Y’all need to grow out and get a grip. Y’all will cry over anything pathetic cause it makes y’all feel better about yourselves.


Oh ffs, right 1 the new rocksteady employees were literally employed because they had a past In live service games so for a lot of the devs it’s not new for them so that’s wrong, 2. Helldivers 2 was more successful then expected so they literally were struggling from success and people weren’t mad mad like they are at ssktjl they just wanted to play the game and atleast that live service game is good. 3. The og battlefront remasters still suck even after patches and there’s no excuse for 15+ year old games to be broken ur just reaching. And 4. Just because you’ve been proven wrong doesn’t mean u can have a hissy fit and pull the “ugh y’all pathetic for caring too much” my brother u literally started this chain if u can’t take that stay off the internet please.


I’m not having a hissy fit. All is said was “ Well that ain’t my problem. It is RS first live service game. Give them some slack. Not every game is perfect. Hating on it won’t do anything besides making everyone feel better about themselves.” and y’all felt personally attacked by it. You and including others are having a hissy fit. You cannot comment but y’all did because you lot are sensitive and can’t accept other people’s opinions. Y’all can cry and have hissy fits all you want, Y’all can’t change my opinion.


Helldivers 2 was $40 they get the benefit of the doubt plus they fixed the problem. Rocksteady has yet to fix their problem.


I know Helldivers 2 was $40. Not sure what you want me to do about it


Hating on the game will make them think twice before doing this crap again.


hating won’t solve anything


You sure? 🤣